,` .� �k1;'3'��'+`�t'���r'SY'[tW ;fij�fl!'��j''�'< `.�f;�l:;�t`t�;:' �;: �f�,�" '��� , , ,�; 'r�'�� .�s�!��+ �" ��f�i��:+s�i�'��
<br /> �. } i �� -�•:b�' Ti,�:��=.v 1 �- �1� r i"•'•:'�-- - .� }. L,�:.•.:.r�.��;' — .
<br /> � '� ����'.�a0�avffi��'
<br /> I� � _ .�t�rt,, . ,.. {�� r�uW:{*�^ ��t n.. .wq+Y1`��r��:.� .
<br /> .Rn•.� ..�0 ..!"►R _��:s+rtilsMr+MMJ� �
<br /> 11��... i' .—� . . . . . ` ' � rn''r��.�.,.
<br /> . I . -- � ��•��
<br /> 1,.� � ' - — - _- -°.,..tr.. :�
<br /> �. _..rM .. . -- �-... .�C.�....�i�s.�-__
<br /> �r_��..�..
<br /> � 1 .
<br /> ' � , a 8ortoww�cquka fw 1111�to th�Prop�rty,Ih�N���hold�nd Ih�Iw qU��h�A not mKp�unM�� Undir �pr�n to IhR mapw In wtNM�p. _-_--
<br /> � I`".:.: ''' '`�"' r 7.P�d�atlon of I.�nd�r's RIpM� M th�P�op�rty. U eortow.r t�s to pMorm ih. cov.n�m. .nd �pr�.m.at.
<br /> � oonwnw h�n�.s�curiryr�n.trum«,1,a�h.n�..Mql wooMdino�hN m.y.Ipnlao.nu�r.n.o�I..nau•. �qM.In�n. Prop.ny(.uon .•
<br /> f j "Y �.
<br /> . � ,�, ,r.�.� �prooMdk�p in bmlwptay,P►ob�N�fa condarm�tlon a taf�Uw�a to�nfaa�I�w�w ipuWion�),Ih�n l�ndK m�y do �nd ay �« �-.c}.q-
<br /> ''��'' °`�� wh�t�vo I�n�cnary to prot�ct Ih�wW�ol lb�Rop�ty�nd Und�r'�dqhb In th�RopKty. L�ndw's �cllon�m�y Includu p�ylnp any ��s�e_�=_-
<br /> � '� ' � ra��on�bl� �Itam • loa �nd �``* ---
<br /> . wm��teurtd by�pen whbh h�a prlority over Ihls S�urity Insttum�t, �ppe�►Mip In eourt. P�yinp �Y�
<br /> .� , . .. �ntwk�p on th�PropMy to m�k�rapNrs. Allhouph L�m�y uk��cllon undrr Ihb p�mpr�ph 7,Und�don not h�r�lo do so. - --.-- __
<br /> "`� .; k.�::.,• � My�mouMs dlsbw�ad by L�nd�r undK Ihis parapnph 7�h�Y baom� �d�Wlotuil d�bt ol BortowK �eeurM by Ihl� 8aauriry p��:�.wyy=. -
<br /> . � In�irum�nt. Unlaa 8ortower and Londor aprve lo other terma of peymenl, these �mount+ eh�N bau InterNl hom th� dal� ol _. "'`°_�_`_-_
<br /> i�- .,......-- -
<br /> � �' dtfbunwn�nt el th�Not��aU md sha�E�pay�bl�,wNh tntK�sl,upon notlu irom lmdw to Bartaww��qu�nlinp P�Ymm�• �"`�- .- ..
<br /> � � 8. Mortp�q� In�uranc�. II Undw raqukad morly�y�In�unnc��s a condluon ol mNcMip�h� lan �acured by thu 8�w�ity �,'�.p�,;,:,,,;,���, ____,
<br /> . - , �(�;•'h:p cw. 7� '
<br /> .;;`•°' 0 In�lrum�nt.Borrow�r shN p�y Ih�pranluma r�quk�d to m�lnuln Ihe morty�p�Inwnnca In �N�cL II. tor �ny rawn, Ih� mady�pe _-o. -
<br />- � r� Ineuranc�eowrage nqulr�d by lende►lapsa a eMSn to b�In ell�ct.BortowK thW p�y th�premlums rtquk�d to obtpin eov�ps n�-�---
<br /> l..._ ,, ..��._�.�_
<br /> � , wbaunliaNy equtvateM lo Iha mortysya Ineuruiee pevlously�n eMect,�I� eost aubstu�tl�ly aquiv�lent to Ihe cost to Bonower ol Ihe ti=,.���.- ��--
<br /> b' � morty�pa In�unnct prevlousy In ell�cl, Irom m�ItKn�t�mortyspa Innunr �pprowd by L�nd�r. 11 sub�IwnllWy equhalent mortp�Qe r,.'", ::.�� ;,
<br /> l� p..� In�uruice cover�pe Ia not av�N�bls,Banow�►sh�W pay to Lendu wch moMh � aum puM to o��n�ann of the yeariy moAp�pe , . ..! '' �:::
<br /> , � � beuruies pnmlum belnp pald by Borrower wh�n Ihe Inwrance coreraqe I�psed or cwsed lo be In efleal. Lander wlq �ccepl, ut��nd � N
<br /> f � , rtl�In thsat paymente as a loss reserve In Gau ol mortq�ye Insunnee. Loss raserve paymente may no lonper be requked,�t Iha opqan �p�:!;, +��-
<br /> � ol Lender,II morty�ge I�aurence covenge(in th��max�t and la Iho pwbd Ihat Lender requkos)provlded by en Inaurer �ppruvad by ' .;,����..:�
<br /> ?-', ,. Lmd�r�paln b�eomes awUable md Is obtafned. Bartower shAp p�y th�premlums requked to malnleln mortgaye Inaunnea In ofleet, a ' 'k �r
<br /> ',;;�'•;: , to provld�a bss resene.unUl th�raquuemenl ta matpags Inauma�ends In axordana�wllh any wdtt�n�yroement helw�en 8orrawx :---°' • .
<br /> :,,,:, . ..+•.`�, md Lender ar�ppNca6b law. ; -,��_
<br /> ...,�'k. .'':..'r. _ -
<br /> �.: :•,:'{;`i!. 8. Inspscllon. Lender or fla spmt mey meke reaeonebk enlrlea upon �nd Inapectlana of Ihe Prope►1y. Lander shW pNs I�
<br /> . k :w�,�„".
<br /> : ,�•� • �•� ��.. Borrower oolke at the 11me ol or prlor to an Inapectlon epecllylnp reanon�bb cause lor the Inapecqon. . •�••�
<br /> � , ,,�Sh;
<br /> 'it v�•.'�t;+ , 10. Cond�11�11�t101t. Th�proekd�ol�ny�wud a cl�lm for d�pa�. dlnat w contpuonN�l. In conneollon wlth �ny ' , -
<br /> ' �� ' eondamwtlon w other teklnp ol�ny paA ol the Prope�ty, or for eonvoy�naa In Iku ol condem�uitbn,�x� har�by��slyned �nd sh�M bs
<br /> ;. "' :; �,S sW to Lander. ..;��' ---
<br /> i; '.�,.,.�..s. ' P , . —
<br /> �, �.�,;i In Ihe event af�lotd I�klnp ot tha Proparty, the proce�ds ah�N be �pplled to Ihs wme aeurM by Ihb 9�cudly InatNmant, �'• -.
<br /> p Ing In whlch the falr m�rket � ��
<br /> , � � � wMth�r ar not then dua,wllh�ny exceaa p�ld to Bortowe►. In the evenl ol e �At�l tak ol Ihe Property �, : •*,�
<br /> � � vd ue o l t he P rope rt y ImmedNt e l y before Ihe lekinp la e qual to a y rater th�n Ihe amou�l ol the aums seoured by Ihle Securlty �.�:•:'; �ti•-:
<br /> InsUument Immedl�tely belare the laking,unleaa Bonower�nd Lender olherwlae aprea M writlnp, Ihe eums secured by thls Securlty ��,:;� :,�?��; .,
<br /> ' ' . tn�Uument sh�p bs reduced by Ihe�mount ol the proceeda mu111pAed by the lolbwlnp freollon:(a)the totol amount Ihe ot suma s�cured (t;�.•'''i.::
<br /> � Mnmedl�tely bafore the taWng,dNlded by(b1 Ihe lak m��lcet value ol the Property NnmedlNely be(ore Ihe taking.My balance sh�ll be pald ����`�' '.,^�._ '
<br /> to Bortower. In the aveM ol�p��tlal taking o1 Ihe Properry In whtoh the lolr ma�kal vtlue ol the Properly Immedldey baloro lhe IaWng '�.
<br /> b kss Ih�n th�Mnounl ol lhe aums eecured Irtunedlalely before the taklnp,unlaes 8wrowsr md Lenda� othervvlae apree In wrlting a �� �'�� � • �;���s_
<br /> ` unleet�ppGc�ble I�w olherwlse provldaa,Ih�proaeda efi�p bs�ppAed to Ihe sums eecund by Ihis SeaNily lnsttuman whelhar or not� _ -.-: �- �a�.�.ws�y
<br /> a
<br /> . • th�sums ar�than due. ��"'
<br /> i II the Properly le�bmdoned by 8ortower, or II, �fler notla�by l�nder lo Barrower lh�t Iha aonderniwr oflers ro rn�ko�n�w�rd or �; -
<br /> • s�dle�cklm(or d�m�pes, 8orrower falls lo rsspond to Lender wllhln 30 d�ys aNer the d�te Ihe�otice h ylvtn, lender Is�ulhorized to ,_
<br /> �'�•',��' cdlect�nd epply the proceed�, �t Ita optbn, elther lo re�torallon or rep�4 ot Ihe Property o�to tha auma �acurod by thla Secu�l l y i ,
<br /> . • Inslrument,whether w not Ihen due. '
<br /> UnM�s Lende►and Barower othe�wlee apree In wrlling, �ny�pppptian ol prqaeed�to pdnolpa{ ahatl nol exlend or postpone th� � .
<br /> dus dete ol the monlhy peymenls relerted to In paragrapha 1 and 2 or chmpe Ihe amauM ol euoh paymenta. � -
<br /> 11. Bor�owor Not R41�asod: Forbsarance By Lvnd�r Not a Wotvor. Exlenalon d 1he nme kr p�ymeM or f ��.
<br /> ,,,;_� •,. modlBcAtion cf�morll�etlon ol the euma eecurQd by IMs 3ecudty Inalrumenl granled by Lendn to eny aucceeeor M Intensl ot Borrowe► �'
<br /> � t. �'. sh�ll not ope�le lo releaaa Ihe Ilabpily ot Ihe orlpintl Bonowq�or 8ottqwer's wcceseora In Intereal. lender shall nat be nquked to .
<br /> � ' commenc�proaeadlnya�qalnat any succeeaor In Interast or retuee to�xtAnA tlme lor p�ymenl or othawles modlty �morllrallon of ths
<br /> , sums e�cured by Ihls Secudly Inalwmenl by reaeon ol any dem�nd mfde by the orlqln�l Bortower or Barower'a sueceaors In Inler�al. � •
<br /> � ' My lorb�srance by Lendct In exerclsing eny rtghl o►ram�dy ehM nol be a wAfvor of or preclude Ihe axerclae ol�ny Nphl or remedy. : � _
<br /> 1 12. Succosaor� and Asai�yne 8ound; Jolnt artd S�voral Uability; Co-algnor9. The covenants�nd ■yreements '
<br /> ol thle Securlty Inelrument eh�tl bl�d�nd benafit tha euoceasorn end aaalgne of lender md Borrower. nubJecl to ths provlalons of ' . �"
<br /> • pen�ph 17.8ortowar's covenanle and aqreements eh�tl be�alnl and sevc+al.My Bortower who co•aigna thls Securily Instrument bul � � '
<br /> doea not execute Ihe Nole:(a)Is co•slqNng thls Secu�lty Instrument only to matgage, qnnt,md convey Ihat BoROwar'e Intereat In Ihe ; . • ,
<br /> Property under the tertna ol Ihb Securiry Instrumenl;(h) la nat peraonapy obllgaled to pay the suma eecured by Ihle 8ecudty
<br /> Inntrument;�nd(c)ayreea Ihat Lender�nd eny other Bo►rower m�y�grue to exlend,modity.torbeu a m�ko�ny pccommodallons wllh
<br /> r�rd to terma of thla Securfly Inslrument a Ihe NWe wlthaul Ih�t Bonower'a eonaent. _ _
<br /> � 13. Loan Chargo�. It the lown eecurad by Ihls Secudly IneNument le aub�ect lo a law whkh sote maxlmum loan charqee,�nd - �
<br /> thal kw Is Ilnally Inlerprelad so th�t the inlereat or olher loan chuqea eollecled a to bo collected In coruiecllon wllh Ihs tan exceed
<br /> • ths pwmNted Ilmp�,then; (a)any auch lan charyes eh�ll be reduced by the�mounl necesa�ry to reduce tha eherge to Ihe pannllled
<br /> Iknll:�nd(b)�ny suma alre�dy collected Irom Borro�ver whlch exceeded permllted Ilmlls wlll be refunded to Borrower. Londer m�y
<br /> '' ohoos�to m�ke thls relund by reduclny Ihe princlpal owed under Ihe Note or by meking e direct payment to Borrowar. II � relund
<br /> nduoea princlpel,IhQ reduallon wlll be Ireated aa a p�hfal prepeyment wlthout any prepaymeM char9e under Ihe Nole.
<br /> 14. NOtICYS. My notice to 8onower provlded lur In lhls Secudty Instrument ahsN be given by dellvering Il or by mallk�g N by
<br /> ; Ilret ctass mell un�asa applluble lew requlree use ol anolher melhod. The notice ahall be dlrected lo the Property Addreen or�ny other
<br /> ' eddreea 8or►ower deelgnetea by notico to lender.Any�ollce to Lender aheM be glven by liral close maU to lender'e eddreas aleted
<br /> y i hereln a eny olher addreaa Lender deslynates by �olke lo florcower. Any notice provlded br In thls SecuiNy Inatrument ahaq be ,
<br /> dewned to heve 6ee�glven lo Bortower or Lender when glven as provlded In Ihla pareg�eph.
<br /> 1b. C30v9�ni11g Lew: SYVO�ebllity. Thia Secwlly In�lrument shell be governed by federel law and Ihe law d the Jurlsdlcllon
<br /> I In whlch the Property I�loceled. In the event that any provlsbn or cleuae ol Ihls Secudty Inslrumanl or Ihe NWe eonlllcls wllh
<br /> eppllceble law, auch contllct ahall not alloct olher provlsfons ol lhls Secu�Ily Inetrument or the Nole which can be glven eflect wlthoul
<br /> • the conMeUnq provlslon. To thla end the provislons d thls Securlly Inalrument and Iho Nole ere declered lo bo aeverable.
<br /> ' 16. Bor�ower's Copy. Borrower shell be gNem one eonlormed copy ol the Nate end ol thls Sacurlty Instrument.
<br /> ' 17. Tranator of th� Pr000►Iv or a Bonoticlat Intoreot in Bor�owor. 11�N or�ny pert ol �he Propo�ty or �ny
<br /> tnlersat In R Is sold or translerted (or It e benef�clol Intereat M Borrowei is sold or transleired end Borrower la nol e nalural person)
<br /> wllhout Lender'e prlor wrltten conaent, Lender msy,et Ns optlon,requlre inxnediate peyment In lull ol e11 suma necured by thls Secudly
<br /> } (neUumenl.Howwar, thls optlon sh�A not be axarclsed by Lendar II exerclse Is prohlbltad by ledanl I�w�s ol the d�l�ol thls 3ecurity
<br /> j N►etniment.
<br /> ; If Lendtx QxMClaes thls optlon, Lendar ehaN glve Borrower notice ol ecceleratlon. The nol�e shall provldo e paiod ol nol leas Ihen
<br /> I 30 days hom Ihe date lhe nollce la dellvered or malted wlthln whkh Ihe Barowcr must pay eq sums secured by Ihls Secu►fty Instrument.
<br /> � II Borcower Iella to pay these eums ptlor lo lhe eKpkatlon ol thls prsrlod, Lender nmy Invoke eny remedles pormftled by Ihls SecuNly
<br /> � InsUumenl wllhoul turlher notice or demand on Bnrcower.
<br /> 18. Borrowor's Riqht to Relnstate. 11 Bonower meH� cerlafn eonditlons. Bonower ehaA hove Ihe riphl lo harv
<br /> paqe)of 5 Fcrn�J079 9/90
<br /> F1019.LM(BA1)
<br /> : t
<br />