.i ._.; .�1RF '�'C�1..`; ` .�..;_.. --�f�7°t S� `� ri �p `i�;. _ ��r. �:?r• � l . ' .'�h .-.� sr^,;x•
<br /> �;1 , y� � n� ���'c �tht�j�` a � � ���,`..il I I ,:, vt.t.rr' �
<br /> ,y, x�a�r
<br /> s . .�.. � i , . ..,... ��y;,
<br /> �. ,�. � . , . . , ... ...
<br /> _a5.t�..�...�..._.�__r.
<br /> �� ,�, . ,n -- . ._
<br /> .Pi .v. .. --
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<br /> }f _. - -'..__.. �,�:�[._-_ =
<br /> �, ''' � �nfaaMmnt ol iMt 8�owtty In�lrum�nl d4continu�d�t m tkn�prlor to Ih�MrMu oL q 6 d� �(a�uah olh�pMiad��• Iv I�w '�"`°`-
<br /> � � ���� �` y ( Y Pi� en,,�;�,�-��---_
<br /> m�y sp�city fa r�in�talwnml) b�lon aw ol Ih�P�op�ty punu�nl to�ny powK ol wN cont�InM In Ihl� SauHty In�Yum�nli w(b► �F+*��.u�_.-
<br /> , � .. ;�.�i�c�`x.�., � �npy p��judprn�nt�nfordnp thl�8�arM�ImkwronL Thoa oondMlom w�Ih�l Bartoww: (�)p�y�!.��M wm� whlah Ih�n wouW eiw:.`r����-�—
<br /> �,{� �.'"�`�";�L b�du�undr► thb S�curlty Intlrum�nt �nd Ih�NW�u fl no�cabratlan ocwR�d;N)aun�ny dd�uN ol �ny othw cov��nt a __- —
<br /> ' �prNnNntr, (�)P�1n���Np�n�n InouRM b onlordnp thb S�awiry In�trum�nt� Naludnp�bul not WdIM lo� rw�on�bfe �tlam�ys' _
<br /> 1�; �nd (�Udc�s suah�ellon�� Lmd�r m�y rM�on�bly nquk�lo usun Ih�l th�Wn ol thl�3�eurity Inslrum�nt, L�ndw'��Iphta In �'��---
<br /> � � Ih�PropKty�nd BonawK'�obYpolon lo p�y Ihe�umt f�ar�d by thls 8�wity InsUwn�nt �h�� conllnu� unah�ng�d. Upon -
<br /> --- _ � nNstatNmnl by BonowK,ihl�S�curity In�trumont�nd Ih�ob1lp�Uons �oatnd hK�by �h�A r�in tuly�flecUw ��11 np aaotla�lbn ---
<br /> � . �. Aad oewrt�d. Howww,Ihb ripht to r�lnttwt�sh�N nW�ppy In Ih�na ol�eeN�r�tian undK p�npnPh 17. `_,""�� � .-�����
<br /> , , ' .' � 19. SN� of Nob: Chanp�of Lan S�rvlo�►. rn•Not.a.�utw tm.r.0 �n �h• Not�(lapNhqr wNh ibt� saa�rity ___.
<br /> i } �� . G M�lrummQ m�y b�sotd on�or mon timn wqAaul pda nolb�to Borcow�r. A�m�y rnuN In�ah�nps In Ihe�nUry(kn4wn�w the �-
<br /> f '4wn 8�vlar')Ilud coY�cts monlhN paym�nls dw under Ih�Not��nd thls S�curNy Initrumant. Than �Iso m�y bs ona or mprv ��`'.-t,—,� j�� ,
<br /> ch�nyes ol lhe Lwn Senicer unrNaled lo• e�le ol ihr Nots. Il lh�n Is�ahrnpe ot Iha lo�n 3ervicu, BoROw�r wIM ba pivcn wiltlan � � :* `
<br /> Y.•.YR _
<br /> notie�ol th�eMnp�in aecord�no�wllh p�rapnph 1��bov��nd�pplkabN I�w. Th�nalla�wiq�Iwt�th�n�rtn�nd addrns ol iha naw �
<br /> � f,,,� __,f.._;.�.a..�llatG_.
<br /> � Losn 8�rvla��nd Ih��ddnss to whioh p�ymw►ts should M m�d�. TM nopo�vrW N�o oontaln �t►y othw blamMqan mWMM by _� --
<br /> . �ppllqbl�Itw. •' �` .:it ,.:''�`.��
<br /> .: " �0. HllsudOUS SubNsnQ�s. Barower shdl not c�ut�a pertMllhe prouna�,uee,dbpoed,stor�pa. o� rqle��� ol �ny :.,�'�"����-':��.
<br /> .� Hwrdou�Sub�t�nan on or In Ih� PropMty. Bonow�r sh�0�ot do,nor�qow�nyona atas ta do,�nything�tlaoting Ih�PrqpiMy th�t Is �� - .
<br /> , . . In vloi�tio�ol my Eovironm�nid l�w. TM pneedinp Iwo unhncn eh�p nat�pply to the pn�qnc�,ue�,or slampe on Ihe Prop�My o1 =----
<br /> < �II qwntllles of H�udou4 Subst�ncw thN�r�penenMy ncopnfs�d Iq M�ppropri�b to norm�l mldeMl�l uea�nd Io m�lntanuno� �,:--.. �;•��
<br /> �i �, . . of th�Pro !"---
<br /> P«M• a�:p��`;
<br /> r•, Barow�r�h�ll promplly yhv Lender w►itten noliae of�ny InvaiUqapon.a4kn,dem�nd,lawaull or ol„ar eallan by any qovemmanlal or t;;�',�ti��:�y�•+;�y;p��',.
<br /> nyuM�tory�penay or privata piuqr involvinp the Ropeny and�ny H�zardoua Subetana�or Envkonmanlal L�w ol wMah BoROwer luis � �
<br /> �atud knowledqe. 0 9ortower kame.or Is nolilled by�n�r yavemment�l or rapul�iory�uthodty.ihAt any�nnaval or other remed4tlon of { � ' ~ . .♦'�
<br /> ..� ` ,� ' " �. any Hwrdous 3ubslana��Neatlnp tha P�opary�1�n�asa�y. Bortowar�heM promplly lako rl neeaseuy remodbl�oUona b �aaord�nce � +►-; = "�
<br /> � : wllh Envkonmm�lal l�w. :�';�' „- -
<br /> � . � , �,. M un�d In Ihlp puapnph 20, 'hiazsrdcwe Subetance�'an that� wbdanaas deQnad et torlc or bexerdous subslances by , �
<br /> ' ' �'� Envkonmenlal Uw�nd Ihe ioibwinp aubalancaa:qesdhe,IfQf06M11, othar Mimmwble or t4rla qetroleum producta, iwdo p�slk�des h• -•
<br /> a
<br /> � �: �. �.:�
<br /> ,�.-
<br /> �, ;;;,?:, � , � �`�� �nd h�rbloldes,vot�11N eoirente.rtwterl�lo coMalnlnp a�baalo�or fomktdehyde.�nd radb�ctbv mwterlN�. As uead In Ihla p�npnph 20, �•�c`
<br /> ,"� „`'� .. � •Envkonment�l L�w•m�nne ledenl I�w��nd Nwt W tM Jwi�dloNw►wha� Iha Properry� le batad Ih�t rMtl�to haNh, aUty or �� •
<br /> �•� :��:;',;• , n
<br /> �',� •�:;`�,. '• ' •'. . �nvkonmenlal protaatlon. .`�'.�
<br /> " : .,{1},��p' �.,.;�;:,,.. �•UNIFORM COVENANT9. Bortowar�nd Lander IuAher cwwMnt�nd�pns��bpaws: � , .
<br /> � ;'':°-„�. ,._,� 31. Acaelesa�an: Hsr�edle�. L9!lC�Lf SI!!!II�IY4 11��0 !c��QrroMV4• prlor to aacd�ratlon following �_�°---�
<br /> ����;;�:�' • Borrow��'s br��ch of any covonant or asp►Nm�nt i� lhis S�curity Instrum�nt (6ut not prio► to • �.,� ,.. �__ -_
<br /> • ' accebratlon und�r para�aph 17 unl��s �pplicabl� Isw provid�s oth�nerlao). Th� notic� siudl +:,;f:•."..�.. �,"�-
<br /> ri::� .�..,n:: �_'�....c�:�-
<br /> i� • . �p�cHys (�) ih� d�fault; (b) th��ction r�qutr�d to our�th�dotault; (c) • daN� not I�ss tlwn 30 dsys •:,t,,;,?�-.•,�tig�.,,�_
<br /> � � hom th�dat�the notico Is �Iv�� to Borrowo►� by whtch tha dofault mu�t bs cu�od; and (d)that talluro ;�`. '�: •
<br /> • to curo thb d��ault on or boton the datq sp�cifi�d in ths noticv m�y nsult le accalaratlon of tho � `" .• �4'�?�;��;.
<br /> aum:a�attsQd !sy thia Soeurlty Instrumont�nd sd� of th�Prop�rty. Th� notie� shdl furtFwr Iniorm • � �`�:
<br /> Borrawvr of tho �IqM to rNnstAto �tter aacel�ration and th� right to bring � court actlon to assort tho ��� '- -���
<br /> non-�xistanco of• d�fautt or any othor d�fons� of Borrow�r to �ccNor�tion �nd sal�. If th� d�faul! is �
<br /> not cured on or botore tha datv spocified in tho notico� ��ndor at Its option msy require Immadi�to '
<br /> � p�ym�nt la 1u11 of all sums sacurod by this Sacurtty In�t�umont without fu�thK damand and may invoko -°
<br /> • tbe power of sale and any othor�emadl�s permitted by appU�abl� law. Lendar eh�ll ba antltlad to � � �-'•
<br /> , :;., ��. coll�ct all oxponaos i�curred in pursutngthe remodba p�ovidod in this par�praph 21� i�cludtnp� but � ..
<br /> � • not Ilmibd to. roa�onablo attorneys' f�s�nd costs oi titl� ovidonco. i • --=
<br /> ,,�. y�
<br /> � � If th� power oi ulo Is invoked, Trustaa sh�ll rocwd a notict+ oi detault In oach county in which any i • •, :,.
<br /> � •� ; :. part of the Proparty is locatad �nd ahNl mall coptas of wch notiw in th� m�nner pnscrib�d by � �
<br /> �ppllcabl� Isw to Barow�r �nd to th�otha� p�rsons proscrib�d by applicable law. Aitor tha tlm� • ; .
<br /> �� � ' requlred by appNcable law, TruMea shall piva pubiic notico of sab ta th� pereons and In tho mannor ,
<br /> {'� ;;�i , proscrib�d by �ppUcsblo law. Truatoa, without dvmand on Bo�rowor. �h�ll sall th� Proparty at public
<br /> . . auctlon to tho hlgFwst biddor �t tha timo�nd plac� and undar tho torms dosiQnstod in tho notico of .
<br /> . �alo In ono or moro parcols and ln any order Trusto� doterminos. Truatao may postpone sato oi all or
<br /> � �' " �ny parcvl oi tho Prope�ty by public announcomant at tho tiioo and placo ot any provbusly sctwdulod '
<br /> . � ssl�.Lendor or Ita dosipnae tnay purchaao !ha P�oporty at any sale. �
<br /> � ' Upon recoipt oi payment of tho prico bid,Trustoa shall dolivar to tho purchasar Tru�taa's d��d �
<br /> � convoying 1ha Property. Tha racitala In the Trustee's dood shall bv prima taclo ovidonce of the truth '
<br /> �' - of th� sdatemonta mado thoratn. Truatee shall apply tho procoeds of tho sala i�1he tollowing ordo�: (a)
<br /> ' to all coats pnd oxponsao oi ax�rcising ths powvr of apl�� and tha salo, Includi�g iho paymant of the
<br /> . � T�uatoe'a tees actually Incurred, not to exceed i 96 of tho principal amount of the note at
<br /> � ' � `� the time of tho daclaratlon of detault. end reasonable attorney's fees as pe�mitted by law; (b) to all
<br /> ' � aum�socu�od by this Socurity Instrumanf; and (o) any exooas to tho peroon or persons legally ontitlod •
<br /> � to It.
<br /> • 22. Reeonveya�ee. Upon paymanl ol all aum�aecured by thle Security Inalrumenl, Lender sheA requeal Trustee to
<br /> r�convy the Proporly and sheY aurrenda tMs Secwity InaUument end all notes evldencing dabl secured by Ihla Seewlly Inalrument to
<br /> � Trustee. Truatee aheU recanvey ihe Proporty without wattanty and without chuqe to the peraon or pereons teyaly enNlled to II. Such
<br /> ' peraon or peraona sheq pay any recadallon coata.
<br /> � . 1 23. SYb�titutY T�u=tiY. Lender,et its opNon, may Irom tMne lo Ilme remove Truatee end eppolnt a succeasor Irustee lo�ny
<br /> Trusta�appolnted hereundar by en inst�umenl recorded in Ihe counly In which thia Securily N►aliument la racorded. WNhoul conveyanee
<br /> ol ihe Properly,eucceasor Iruetee sh�ll eucceed to etl lhe tllle,power end dulles conlerced upon TruAlee hmeln�nd by epp�lable lew.
<br /> 24. R�qu�st for Noticas. Bonowe►requeata Ih�t coples ol ihe notices d delwfl and eale be sent to Bo►roweie add►ess
<br /> wh�h In Ihe Propeity Address.
<br />_ 25. Ridws to this Soeurity Inatrumont. II one or more ridera ere eKecutad by Borcower end recorded lopether with thls
<br /> � SecurNy Inalrument, the cowsnants end agreemenls ol each such dder shall be fncarporeted Into and shell emend and aupplement ihe -
<br /> cor•snonts and epreamenls ot thla Sacurity lnctrumrnt a� If Ihu dder(s)were a parl ol Ihis Seeurfty Instrument.
<br /> o.ae�a�s vo��,J07E 9N0
<br /> f10Z9.LM(6191) P�8/91� UlB/�Nt�
<br /> 1
<br /> , ,
<br />