�i. d.. ;'.�' , . '::�.� u'��iSti�s�.�W--
<br /> i _
<br /> ��{�� d. �r.-2:° r,. t±'-�s.�,._
<br /> ,i�t. �: • •-•-..w �-
<br /> . I ' +i �F�'! . ':^/..ti�, ` -��T,,
<br /> I � �rt � � <
<br /> � '�.?'°. . . tjw . . .,. �
<br /> �
<br /> .�f:: �_ y.1,.�•i�;,_,y, _ .
<br /> - ^ -'--' ' ' �,.�._:-_�-•"_'
<br /> ,`� --�� 91--� i n87 28 -_
<br /> 1 • bold Funds b m�rtwunt not to�xowd the n�dn�um rmouM a NndR for�f�dralY ni�bd mortWO�kw�rrMY ���In lor 8arrvwl� - _
<br /> � MROw rC0oun1 undN Ih�f�d�1d FiNI Fafd�S�l11MnN1t Proo�durM Aol oi 1fl74 u�n1Mid�d kom IYn�to flnN�12 U.B.C. 2E01 �I! W9• o,,
<br /> .:i (•FiE9PA'��unMas�nothar I�w Ih�l y�pM�lo lla Fund� tM�a I�s��maunl, M ro�Lwid�►m�Y. N�ny dnt�,aolNol and haW funAt �
<br /> - N m�ma�nt eot W aad th�Iw�Mnowd. l�ndu rn�y�t�Ih���nl d Au�h dw on lM b� ot oumint doA� �nd
<br /> ; ns�awbN MtlrtMtM ot�ndNww of kidin Eutow q�a oth«wM�h�aoardmo�wNh�ppNabM ww.
<br /> � � "...'�:;� ,' . Th�Fund� �haM 6�hNd In�n Instlpitlon whos�dqa�w Inwnd bY�isd�al�pmay.In�bum�nlWly.a�ntity(inalucpn0 L�ndu.
<br /> •° :��': �:� M L�nd�r Is woh�n h�UWtlon)a In�ny F�al Ham Lan Bank. Lmd�►�h��pply th�Fun4s ta p�y th� Eaorow Item�. L�ndr --
<br /> � nMy opl alwp� 6anow�►/a holdnp�nd MpI�MO th�Fund�� �nnwy�InO th�werow �aoount, or r�Myk�p th� Eaarow ItMrM. —
<br /> ' unlMS Und�►pwys Qaroww int�t on the Funds�nd�ppAabM Mw pwmMs L�ndM to m�iw wch� ah�rg�, HowwK, L�nda rtMy e - -----_ -
<br /> +���•. -^. � ., �dr�Bonowa to p�y�onttlnN oh�lor�n Ytd�p�nMnt rMl�tqit�Wt nporlb0 swvla uNd by Under In oonn�oUon with thli —
<br /> =•;� .' : .. Io�n.unlas�ppNo�bM Mw provldn otAwvrU�. Unla��n apr�n�nt Is nwd�a�ppYaabN I�w n�quk�s Int�t to bo p�M, L�nd�r �h�M
<br /> _ :�;a. � . �1p1 b�r�quind to pay Barraw�r�ny Inb►at or�uninps on Ih�Fund�.Bonower md L�nd�r m�y�pn�b wtkhp. h�IWevOr� thllt IntNtYSt _� _
<br />�'' . -
<br /> • " ;, , �IW b�p�ld on tM Fundr. L�nd�r sh�N 9Iv�to Bortow�r,wflhaut eh�uy�,�n annu�l�caoun►inp a1 tha Fund�, �hawinp andlt� �nd
<br /> N ���'� d�bMs to ih�Funds�nd th�purpou fa whloh Mch d�bN k tht Fund�was m�d�. Th�FuncM�n pladpad n�dd�lon�l s�dty Idr s1 _
<br /> .�.
<br /> -- wm� ��w�d by thli S�urity Instrument. d--i—_�
<br /> � H th�Funds h�M by Und�r acNd ih�unou�is p�dtled to M hMd by�ppYo�bl�I�w.Lmde�sh�ll�aoount to Bortqwa for ths �"�x�'
<br /> � �oceas Fund�In �ccordanc�wilh ih�nquk�n�nu a��PP�M�. u th��mount of tha Funds heW by Lender �t +�ny tkna la nat '�
<br /> �`"" sulAolent to p�y th�Etaow R�ms wh�n dw,Lwidar m�y�o notNy 8orrowar in wridng,and�in wah a�so Bortower�h�ll p�y tu Under � - -
<br /> . th��mount mcuwy to m�k�up tha dNloMney. BarowK sh�1 mWn up th�d�ArJrnay in na man thlui hv�lr� maMhN p�ymtmt�� �1, !''�.���__
<br /> � 4 L«dw'�sol�dleadlon. ---
<br /> � . - Upon p�ym�nt in(uN of M sumf s�wu�d by thb 8«xwly inatrummt,l�nda�h�1 promptly rMund to BoROwer my Fund� h�Od by '' 'y�
<br /> �a� �
<br /> . �-�� h 21, l�ndw siul�oquk�a sal the Propwiy.Laidor,R1or ro tha�aquhltlon or eak of thn P�qpeily, sh�M '°''-'"•- �
<br /> ' ' ,,;�:�''�" . . L�der. H.unde►P�W�P _=_
<br /> .�t.." , �.;.�; �pply�ny Funds hMd by L�nd�r d Ih�tkn�ot�oqulaltlon ar s�te���cndit�WMiet the suma s�tcuntd by thb 3ecwity Instrument.
<br /> ��LS��' ., �� �
<br /> ,. . $,Applladion of Paym�nb. Unlsa��ppYoabN I�w provlde�othwwis���Q p�ymante roc�ivvd by L�nder urM�► Wiraqraph�
<br /> � , � ' . ., ', 1 md 2�haN b��PpY�d:fkst,to�nY pr�yment ah�upes dua unde►Ihe Notr, s�wnd,to amaunte pey�a under pan�aniph 2;third to o. �
<br /> � ° • qrt�nst dus;fourth,to pdndp�l
<br /> dus;�nd Md� to�ny We ah�rge�due undK th�Not�. �;.:�;,r-,.�„�
<br /> " �.__�
<br /> ` 4. CIfW�M: U�e�. BoROww sh�Y p�y�A tutea,�seasmanis�oharq�s,11nes and knqodtlona atbibuUble to th� PropeAy �. -.-�----
<br /> �E'�.':.1i��:::;'-
<br /> . ° Whbh m�y�tWn p�lartty OvK lhis SaoWUy In�tNmM�f,utd Ie�a�haW p11ym�As or y�'ound r�nis. N any. BoROWa �hsll pay thnt --
<br /> .. �;. obMQ�tlons In th�m�nnar provWed in pWapnPh 2, or q not p�ld In MM m�nna�, 6o�raw�r shaN pey than on iNne dkeotN to ths peraon �
<br /> � �..'�ti' "',s. �� ow�d p�ymmt. BorrowK sh�ll prompty hanl�h to l�nder�N natlain ol unounte to b�pdd under thls puaqraph. If 9orrow� m�ka �c��.mY
<br /> ` .���; ..� � theM p�ym�nts dU�atlY�Bo�'er ah�l prompty lumish ta L�nder�acdpts wldendnp ths p�ym�nts. W v -
<br /> .i S•'�1 ��.7'SY.. -.
<br /> .; ;�, ., � 6ortowa�h�p prompdy dbaMupe�ny�wbiah h�a pdaiy ovK thls 3ecurNy Usbumant unlae BoROwar (�)apna b wddny to —_
<br /> � -- ths p�i oi 9he abil�Ua�zaaned by iha l3ss:fa a mann�ecceptebk to Lender; (b)contNts In good futh the N�n by. a dd� �--- -- - -
<br /> .,':.. . .
<br /> � �p�(nat�nfara�nent ol the INn in,1�1 proceeclfo8a whloh in the Lendar's opinlon op�rate to prwent th�onforcemmt oi the Nw+; or(c) '�"�-.;:._
<br /> e �
<br /> .iy.'
<br /> • .� . �, seaura(rom the hoider of the Ua��n�pr�nent satbl�alory to Lender subordln�Unp the ibn to thia Security Instrum�nt. fl Und�r ,�;�;�'��
<br /> � determfn�a that anY P�rt of ths i�qpe�iy ta�ubJeat to�Nen whbh m�y�tUin prioiity ovar thla Sacuity Msbumant, Lende► may yhr� ,,r;�-��
<br /> � •'�i��� � ;�►_=—
<br /> , , �•,;;1' ,. Qortowe►�notiae IdwNHylnp the Nen. Boirow�rh�ll wdHy ihe M�n a Wa an�a mon oi the wcdons�el forlh above wllhin 10 d�ye of ti'..-_---
<br /> ' <;,�,,. Iha�Wing of�otiae. ►,�---�__
<br /> �_:-----
<br /> . ':'d--�"' ,
<br /> ���. ..�i'•� ' .
<br /> � 5. Hat��d ar Prop�M71 In�urancY. Bortowar ehd kQep the Nnprov�te now e�bdng or here�R�r erected on 1he ��:��,`=-?'-`'_
<br /> � , Property�inaurad epalnst baa by fln, h�zard�Inctuded wqhln 1he term'ezlended covea9e'and any other hazuds, Includiny flooda a ��''r''Tr ���
<br /> � ',��if•,!�, •
<br /> '���i�� qoodinp,tar whlah Lender requkea fnauranc�. Thia intunnce eh�A be m�lnl�h►ed in th� amounts and tor lha periods ihat Laider � 4.
<br /> � .��.; � . , .
<br /> nquk�s. Tha ineurena c�rtier providinp the Infuranca sha9 be chosan by 8orrower sub�ect to Lenda'a �pproval wh1aA shd not b�
<br /> ,� !• , utue�son�by wEthhMd. If Bortower taib 10 matnW� covar�pe deaalbad abova,Lendar rru�y.�t Londer's opUon, obWn oowrape ro '., . -
<br /> • i;.,. prot�ot L�nda's dphts in ihe PropMy h accord+mce wNh p�raprapA 7. _ :.��
<br /> ,. • qN Inewnne�poYdo��nd nnew�la ahMl be aeceptaWo to lendv�nd ahall Include�stand�rd mortyepe c4wse. Lender ahdl h�ve :� ,��.,
<br /> ' the dpht to hokl the poMcka md renewala. It Lender raqukea,Horrower shoN prompUy gMe to Lander aA roceipts ot paid pramiume luld . � .;�.K j. -'
<br /> , ��1;(:,.:.. • =' '.. .. ,
<br /> n��,.,, renewal nptlas. In ths event of baa,Borrower�hdl yhr�prompt notke to thQ Inaunnce eartler �nd Lender. L�nder tn�y m�k� proof ,
<br /> ;� � ,.., .,'},�•� of bss B nol made prompty by Borrower.
<br /> ��,� ,,� �;,;_..
<br /> ,;��, • Unle�e Lender�nd Borrower othenvisa�qroa in wr(tiny,inaurance proceeds ahW be�pplled to realoraUon or npak ot th� Properly
<br /> • �� '. •• d�mRyed,(1 the reatanfbn a repek la economlally 1a�albN�nd lender'a secu�ity la not lesaened. N the reatoraUon or repak Is not � .
<br /> � a• � econanbaly Ia�eibt�a Ur►drr'a aaurky woutd ba lessened, the Ineurance procoeda shaA M�ppNed to ttn sumt a�cuurad by thls �.�.•-
<br /> � � Securiry IneWment,whalher or not then due, wYh �ny exceas pald to Borrower. It Bortower abandana the Property,or doas not�nsw�r .
<br /> J' �,:> wlthin 30 d�ys a notlae 1rom Lender thst the inaxar►c�unkr h�s oflered to aetlle � claim, then lender m�y colled the inaunnce
<br /> � ,� .,.. �
<br /> � � , n,�`;��• prooaede. Undu m�y uts th�proceads to reprk a rostwe ihe Property ar to p�y sums sacurad by lhle S�ewity Inedwnent, whelhar �
<br /> � ��". u not then due. The 30•day period wAI bepn when the notice Is yNan. �
<br /> �
<br /> ' �� Unlese Lende►md Bortower othenviae ayree In w�itinq,any applicatlon ol proceeda to prMcipal ahetl not exlend or postpone tAe ;
<br /> due dste ol ihe monthy paymenta refe�red to In p�regrapha t md 2 or chenge the amount ol th�p�yments. If undw paragraph 21 the
<br /> ' PropaAy le�cqulr�d by lender, 8ortower'e rlght to eny ineurance pollcies and proceeds reauRing from d�rtwge to the Properly prlor to
<br /> ih�acqulaNbn shall pasa to Lender to the extent of Ihe eums securad by ihis Securily Inatrument Immedlatety prlor to the acqulsNbn.
<br /> B. Occu,pancy. Prssonration� 11Aalnt�nanco and Protectlon of tho Property; Borrowor'a Loan , ,
<br /> AppUc�tion; Lo�iYhOlda•Bortower ehatl occupy. eetabAsh,end uae the Roperty�n Borrower's prindpal reaidence wflhin alxly •
<br /> I �ya�11er the execuGon ol lnis Sacurfty Inehument and shell contlnue to occupy the Property as Barower's principal residence lor at ' .�
<br /> � le�et one ywr a11er the d�ta of accupincy,unleaa Lender othenvlae eyreea in writing,which cansent shell not be unreaaonaby wlthMld.
<br /> I ar unlas uctenwqnq dreumatancea exiat whieh are beyond Bortowe�'s conttol. Bortower ahaY not destroy, demage w Impak the :
<br /> � � prope�ly,�Yow ihe Properly to deterionte,a cammH waate on the PropeAy. Bonower ahall be in delauR H eny forleNurQ �ction or
<br /> J prpee�tYnp,whtlher civA or e�lmind, I�bepun Ih�t in Lender'a yood lath judqment could resuM in forleilure o�Ihe Propeity or olherwlae
<br /> rtwtaridly Mnp�ir th�Ii�n aeded by thb 3�wrily Instrument or Lender'a aecunry Intereat. Honowar rn�y cure auon � dei•ua •nd
<br /> nineht�,as provlded in p�npraph 16,by c�using the ecllon or proceediny to be diemissed weh a�ulinq thaL in Lender'a yood hith
<br /> � datwmimUon,practudes falellure ot the Borrowv'a Inte►eat in Ihe PropeAy or other material Nnpakment of the Iien ueated by this
<br /> � S�w�lly Inetrument or Lender's aecurily intereet. Bortow�shtll dao bo In defaull II Bortower.during the loan appNcetion procese, gae
<br /> • ' �(rrlpll�l I�Ibf a h►�cou►ate Inform�tlen or ntatementt to Lenckr(or ldled to provide Lender with any rtwterial Inform�pon) in connecUon
<br /> wqh ihe lan evldenoed by the Note,InGuding,but not WnNed to, represeMaUons conceming Bortowe►'a occupancy ot the Propeny as ■
<br /> prinolpN reeWencg. H thla 9eeurUy I�ehument Is on a leaeehold, Bortower ahall comply wllh aN the provislona of lhe lease. Ii
<br /> . • Psqe 2 01 S Form J02B 9/90
<br /> + F1029.1M(8N11
<br /> , , i
<br />