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<br /> ��lf.--
<br /> .',f" ,�p` , , „ THIS OEED OF 7RUST("s�axity Instrum�nt'�b mad� on December 26 . 1Q91 4�X�
<br /> . '%-'.�!%. nn �_
<br /> • Th�W�tor b '
<br /> ...;�`:t "o. ���-•_
<br />_ . ,t..�. . . (.�BoRO►y���. �9.'..
<br /> ` ' TM pu�tN Iw c�CTi�.�:—Si1Y3W} 8�^�'�.�FFSB ���'�i_�
<br /> - " :•a: ('TantN'�. --
<br /> . ��; Th�b�ndoMry Is .Whbh ��;�,��:.
<br /> . 1�or0��d and�tldNiO unda ih�Uw� � �nd whos��ddm�1�
<br /> � 11808 West Center Road, 4t►�aha. Nebraska 68144 �.,�.nder,� .' '�- ,.
<br /> ,;;hf.
<br /> �' � .i� ' Borto+vK owa Londe►Ihs prindp�l�um of —"—°'
<br /> • . �� . .. Oo�an,(U. ._ �9,�v!�}Q 1. Thh dobt Is�videnaed by Barower's note �°`'`
<br />. ' ��--"�� drlsd Ihe su�me date�s thh Saau�ty Innlrument('NWa"�,whbh provWea lor manlhly p�yments.with Ihe ful dd�l, If nol p�W MrUer,dus --- =
<br /> �� ",,.;i� �nd p�y�ble on ��,:':-.��f.`'-
<br /> -...;.• � ' Thi�Secudty Inslrument aecavs to Lender, (u)the rep�yment ol the debt wkienaed by Ihe Note, wilh inunsl, and aN ranew�ls, �
<br /> . `r��;:?:� � �octanslons�nd moditiatla�a oi the Nota; (b)tho payment ot aW othe►auma,w(Ih Interest,advancQd under pmapraph 7 to protect Ihe .�,-
<br /> � ' saaurfly ol thu 3ecurity IneUument; �nd(c)the perlamiance ol Bortower's coven�nla and �praemenla. Fa thb purpoae, 8artower
<br /> .W}�a v.:� :."•:'-� �x;1,,r;:.
<br /> :�.. - ��-----.�::,' '.' k�e+ccabiy pr.�nis and wnvc�a to T�ustac.i�trust,with power of sale,the tolbwlnp doacribed prape►ty lacdod in �....:.,- `
<br /> �„ , Hall County, Nebt�tk�: �''��`�:;•"`�
<br />: . EG����;�,--
<br /> ...,. �m -
<br /> :�. ,�.. .
<br /> � .. '; ;• •,.. . Lot Ck�e (1). Schwieger Subdivision, in the City o£ Grand Island• Hall County, ,.a.'*a°��'��,�;-
<br /> � , ' Ne2a�askd. ,i. , �,_.
<br /> . . `;': .
<br /> ' , ,- . �hk4���, T
<br /> \ ��. „ `I'�z_
<br /> �4a-
<br /> �- .� r' . • .• � ' . .... -•`'��-_
<br /> .. ....- . , . ���i::.
<br />` :.. �• ' wh�ch h..th•addr..s ot 1902 West Stol lev Park Road _ Grand Island -
<br /> �� • sven cKY �=:^�,
<br /> �� " .. N�br��ka_(�("Propaty Add►�ts"�; ,�u„
<br />, �• W Coo� i... .i;'ti.
<br /> ' "'" , TO(�ETHER WITH �H rowments now or heredtw encted on Ihe ro , ��d�tl e�aemenle, � udenencaa �nd Nxtuws � ' �
<br /> . � .. �+P p PedY PP .
<br /> ' � ' now or he�esrier a paA o1 1he properly. AA replacemenls �nd edditlon� sh�Y ba covend by thb 8acurlty ImUUmant. M ol th� r; �� �
<br /> ' • tonpolnp b rof�rted to in this S�cu�ity Insl�ument a�the"Property." -�
<br /> � BORROWER COVENAM3 Ihet Bortower Is I�wlully seiaed ol lhe esute hereby conveyed and hes the►Ipht to yr�nl�nd eonvay tha '
<br /> . Proparty�nd that 1he Propa�ty la unencumbe►ed,except lor encumbrancea of record. Bortowx w�rt�nis and wW defend yenerally tM Ullo ;
<br /> to Iha Proparly apahet�Y c�kns�nd demmds, subJecl to�ny ancumbnnces of racord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTAUMENT combMes unilorm covenante lor naUonal usQ�nd non•uniform covananta wlth YmNed wrlaUom by '
<br /> Jurindlctlon to consqtute� uNlorm sacuMty Inslrument cova�lnq nd propaly. �
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orrowK and Lander covanont and ayree�e toNow�:
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt of Princlpal and lot�roat;Propaymont and I.oto Choryas. eonower .lu�c prompuy pay when '
<br /> du�th�princip�l ol and interaat on the debt avidenced by Ih�Nota nnd�ny prepayment �nd late ehuqet dua under th�NoN.
<br /> �'. � Z. Funds for Taxo� and Insuranco. Subjecl fo applic�ble law a to• written walver by Lender, 8orrower shop p�y lo
<br /> L�nda on lhe day monthty poyments�ro due under Ihe Nole, untll the Note Is pald in tuU,�eum('Funds') for: (a) yearty taxat �nd
<br /> �ttessmenle whlch rtay�ttNn prlority over Ihls Secudty Inatrumenl as a Iien on ihe PropaAyr; (b)yearly lea�ahold p�ymenls or yround
<br /> rente on the F�opcYty,II any;(a)ye�rly hezard or praperty Inaurance premlums: (d)ye�ry aood M►sura�ce premlum�, II any;(e)yearly
<br /> :__ ; ,___ morlgayr+k�eurancw nremiums.If eny;end (q eny aums pay�bte by Borcower lo icr.d�:,;:,sccordancc�rith Ihe provlslons ot peragnph 9,
<br /> .. In Ileu ol the peyment ol murlysye Insurenae premiums. These Items are caQed 'Eeaaw Items.' lender rtwy. �t any time, coAect �nd
<br /> ` NEBMSIN•SUqle F�mY�Fem�e Moe(Freddle Msc UNIFORM INSTRUMENt P�qo t of S Form 30:E 9yp
<br /> F10�.1M(B,�Yt) P(8/911 Ul&U9t)
<br /> � ' �
<br /> f f
<br />