� �.. __
<br /> _' _ ` _ .J1 ��� �� � r � ._
<br /> �yry�p�{�p1�► np�Op�OT 6E��OqY�l�r at t�10 Op[�OU O�LOAdCI'.�010�1MY�M100 OPVOryE(Ifi 1�10�010N���f`0��
<br /> thwt Ladot t�oquira)Ixw'itjed by a liwueer�ppcoved by L.a��,�in k�eooaie�avdl�ble�ed f�olNaiu�d.�er�o�r�er�II�qr
<br /> the pranivaa nqulred to m�i�wln�i�wunoe in�Kact.or to provide a Iw�raerve,uut11 Ih:�nqni�wrM bt Na�
<br /> __ _ irw�nnoe aris in�x�»�iw�ivia'!�r�y a�ttti.�s rgtama�t batween sonow�at�nd L�ender or appiicib Iwv.
<br /> �.Ia�fioa.Lankr or ita�ait a'aw ead�e rea�otible eatcies upoa aod ia�pectioir�t of die Prope�ty.l�tlu�hdl eiw
<br /> e�mwr.�na�«�t it�e c�me ot'or pr�oe a�n t,+.pea�co.pe�ry��a,.t►�e cwu toe�e�ecdon.
<br /> 10. CaNdMaMtlo�.The pr000eds of wy�ward a c4im for d�m�a.dlrxt a oomequeotial�in ooane�,�tioa whh my
<br /> oondemnstian ar oUKr takirK o[mq�prt of the Property.or tor ooawsyaaoe ia lku of con�em�lae.�ee lertiby+i.:i�::'+a� -
<br /> stwll bc paid to Lcnder.
<br /> Tn ihe evau af a Wai takic�af tlse Property.the proceed�slWl be�pp8ed w the sums sax�red by diis Secucky int�wl.
<br /> — whether ar not tha�due.with any exau pdd ta 8orrowu. In tbe eveat of a putW Wda��f drc Pro�petty in widc6 the hir
<br /> tr�rket value of the Property immediatdy befone the Wcing is eqwl to a�ater than tt��nwunt af tbe wmt�ecurad by t�
<br /> Socurity Insuument immodiucly befoa the Wcit�.unle�Bortower and LRader otherw�e a�ree ia wriW�.tl�wa��avrod by
<br /> thic Security Listrumu�t :hall be raduoed by the amount of the prooeeds awltiplied by tbe foUowia� fi�ction: (a) the tahl
<br /> amaunt of the suma secured immedlatdy before the taicing. divided by (b) the fair m�ricet valne of the Pro�ty faunediMdy
<br /> bcfora the t�{cin�. My blanoe slwll be paid to Bortower. L►the event of a puti�l ukio�of t6e Propaty in whkh the filr
<br /> nwrket value of thc Property immodiately before the uking is less than the amount of the�sxured irrunedi�tdy befae t6e
<br /> — t�king, unlas Borrowu and Lender otherwise agroe in writing ar unlas ipplicabk law od�awite pe+nvidp.ibe pcuooeds�MIt
<br /> be applied w the sums cecurat by this Socuriry Inurument whetlur or not the cums are ttirn duc.
<br /> - If the Propcccy is abancl�!by Bor:o�vtr.a if.after notice by I.erder to Botrower th�t the co�detrmor oHers w m�ke m
<br /> �ward or settle a cl�m for d�mages. Borrowor f�ils to respond to Lender within 30 days dter the d�te the notke is�ivea.
<br /> " -".-�." I,ender is authorizod to collect�r�d appiy the prooeeds,�t its optiw�,eitbu to rawration or n�ir of the Propecty or to tbe wi►tic
<br /> oop�rcd by this Security Instniment,whetfxr or not then due.
<br /> Unless I.ender�nd Borrower otherwise agroe in writing. any applicatioa of procaeds to princip�l st�ll not exte�d or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments rcfccred to in puagrnplu 1 and 2 or change the amount o(�a:h payments.
<br /> Il.llorrower Not Rela�d;Forbeannce By La�der Not a Waiva.Extrnsion of the time for���snent or modification
<br /> of amo�tilation of the sums secured by this Socu�iry lnstn�ment gr�ted by I.er�ier to an�s,ueoesso�in i,a�r�est of Borro�wer stwlf
<br /> not apet�►te to nlca�e the liability of the original Borrower or eorrower's surccssors in iaterest. Ld�dex s�ll not be rc�u�rod w
<br /> commence proceedings a��inst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for p�ynxat ar dherwi��uodify amartiz�tion
<br /> pf t�1� gil�pt SOCUt+Od by tI1iS SOCU[�[y IIIS[Nt11tM by r�ason of any demar�d made by the origuwl 9o�xrowu or Borrower'a
<br /> __ succe.ccors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or nmedy rhali aot:be a w�iver of or pmclude the
<br /> --_=_-- cxcrcise of any right or amedy.
<br /> - _- 12. �Y�i�ui��if As�'s P.�und; So3isi�td °.,c�.'crsl I.t�btlfiy, �a-stgu�t��.::k.c.zt.�tatois�ud aBrc�rsis of ttsi: �
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors und assigns of Lender u�d Borrower,sub,joct to the provisions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agretments shall be joint and several. Any Borrower wfio a�signs this Securiry
<br /> _ ___�� Instiutnent but does not exocute the Note: (u) is casigning this Security Instn�ment rnRy to trwngage, g:ant and coavcy that
<br /> -- Borrower's intemst in the Propeny unde�the terms of this Sccurity Instrumenh(b)is nae�r3on�lly abligated to p�ay tl�r xur►ss
<br /> socurcd by this Security Instrument;and(c)aF�ces that Lender rand any other Borrower ma��agree to extend.modify,fi�xar or
<br /> ma1:e any accommodationc with regard to the teRn�af this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's co�sent.
<br /> 13. Lonn Charges.If the loan cecured by this 5ecurity lnstrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that�he interrst or ather loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the
<br /> Icwn ex000d ihc permitted limits, then:(a)uny such loan charge shull be reduced by thc am�wnt►�ecessary to roduce the charge
<br /> ta the permitted limit;and(b)a�iy tium�already collected fmm Borrower which exceec��deci pertnitted limits will be refundod to
<br /> Bormwer. l.ender may chcxice to make tbis refund by reducing the principal owecl urxier the Note or by making a dircet
<br /> � � �� "`� � paymcnt to Horrower. if u rcfund reduces princ�pal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> •�• �a� prepuyment churge unJer the Notc. -
<br /> �'��,.� -,,, 14. Noticcs. Any notice to Burrower provid�d for in thix Security Instrument tihall!�e given b�� delivering it or by mailing
<br /> ,�„�,,:;;--�£'' it by first cius�m•ail unlesx upplicable law requires use of an�xhcr method.The notice.h.rll be direrted to the Property Addness
<br /> �,���=.�=• �•.4. or any rnher uddrcss Borro�a�er de�i�natcs by nutice t�� I.end.r. Any notice to l.en3er ahall tx given by tirst class mail to
<br /> =``�-?�•:•: .::.
<br /> _—- - .- [.ender 5 addrest statod hercin or any nther acidn�s I.c:nJer designates by notice to B�urua�er. Any noti�pmvided for in this
<br /> ° " .�� Se¢urity Ins�rumcnt shall t�e dcemed to huvc hecn given to Borrower or L.rrxicr wtkn�i�cn a�provided in this parrgraph.
<br /> --_ ,_�":;�+` I5. Goveming l.aw; Severnbifity. This Scrurity In,trumrnt shall be go�crn��t by fedcral law and the law of the
<br /> �::,;-., jurisdi�tion in which the Property i. lix•rt..�d. In the e��rnt that uny� pro�•i.iim ar rlaua�of thi� Sccurity Inurunxnt or tlx Note
<br /> �`-�:r.W.:� ranflicts with applicable law,such conflirt�hall�wt affi�ct othrr provi.iom of this S��uriq•Invtrunknt or the N�HC which�an be
<br /> •'�1 ;,�•,` �,. given effect without the mnflicting provision. To this end the provitiiom��f thi. S�xurity In�trun�ent�►nd the Note ure declured
<br /> �r��` lo be severablc.
<br /> �LricY..,J"'". .
<br /> ��iilF`1L`�r.i_1_.
<br /> �__ = 16.Sw�rower's Copy. Borronrr ahull be given one ronfornxd copy of the I�ut�ani of this Security Instrument.
<br /> — _ `rt:^�cr�.� fotm 3028 �180
<br /> �° ``�� v,�,4 a�e
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