;''�� � �' ,.. � � ._ _. - ..
<br /> =�=i- _. _ --�.....� . . 93- i�loo�s
<br /> ' 17.Tnmter ot the Propeitiy or� �a�eflcial i�ebrwt la Ibrtowa.[f dl or any�ut of the Property or an,r.inteiwt in it
<br /> ix�uld cx tra�u►ferrod(or if x benefici�l Irueroat In &►m�wer ir iold or t�ufemai ud Bc�cn�wer ix not a n�tunl penwn)withaut
<br /> Ix�ulrs's prlur writtnn amserW, I.enJer mry.u iu uption, rcquire immcdiatc poymcnt in full uf wll wnu secur+qd by �his
<br /> ` Sa:urity tnxtrurnent. Nowever.thi�optbn�hull not be ezerciwd by l.snder It exeni�e ia prohibited by fakral law r of�be dMs
<br /> - — nt thiK Sav�ily Itutrument.
<br /> If Lenckr ox�rciser ihi�option. l.en�ler alull Qivr Hom�wer rK►ti�Y uf�lentiun.71�notice ah�llp�t�vida�pqKk�d of na
<br /> la�thwi:W ci�y� frum thc date thc nai�r ix deliver�ai or rn�ilod within which &�rn�wer must pry dl wm� eec�ur�d by thir
<br /> Saurity lnatn�n�rnt. If Fk►rn�wcr f�ilr tu {wy the.�e wma prlu�to thc expirxtiun uf this peri�xl,l.enkr n�ry invulw WtK remodies
<br /> __-- - permitt�d by thiz Sau�it Instrument witiwut furthcr notire or de�t�1 on&xn�wa.
<br /> l�� Borrower'K i�M tu Rela�le. It Buttuwer tnect► c�en�in ��ndition►. Borrciwer ufwll Fuivc 1ha dQht tu have
<br /> - cnfw•ceek+u uT this Sccurity I�:.iruutia►1 Jia:aualiwc�d �u any tim�:p�ior to thc c:u�ticr of: (n) S d:rys lor such athn�prdcx3 m
<br /> __-_ - ypplic�ble !�w etwy xpecify fi�r roi�wrtenxnq beW�+c wle uf the Ps�F:rty pu�nt to wny �w�wer af wle c�nt�inad in thix
<br /> -_- Saurity lnstrument;��r Ib)entry uf a jud�mentonfoRing thi�Sc+�uriry I�utrunxnt.Tho�e cunditioiu wrc ttwt Born�wnr:(a)pryi
<br /> - Lender all sums which then w�wld be due unek� this Socurity lnstrunxnt w�d the Note as if nc�ac��eleratian hs�ci o��,�urral:(b)
<br /> curc. any�iefAUlt of any other cove�wnt�ar ayroenknts;(c){wyi�11 expences incurnal in rnfurcing thir Security In�trument.
<br /> including, but nw limital to, rry.cn�whle attorm�+a'fers;uKi(d) t�icea sucb urtiun as l.ender may rcysonably reyufnC tu axwrc
<br /> that the lien of this 5aurity lnun�ment, Ixn�lcr s rightc in the Prqxrty arnf Borrawer's obligatiun ta pay tha suma��curcd by
<br /> -- = --�---- this Sccurity Instrumcnt stwll cantinuc unclungud. Upon roinaatement by Borrower, thi� Sa:urity lnst��tt ond the
<br /> obligutions securai hercby rhall renwin f ally eff�Ytive as if no accelerytion h�d occurnd.However,this ri�ht to rcitu,wte clwll
<br /> �xx wpply in the rasc of xccicration undcr p�r-dgraph 17.
<br /> �9.Sale ot Note; CluinQe ot Lo�tn Servicer. The Nntc or a p:utial intcrcst in thc Nute (together with lhis Sccurity
<br /> fnstru�xnU may be wld ane or morc times witfaut priur iwti�Y tu Borrawer.A wlo may retiult in a ctwnge in ttw cntity(krx�wn
<br />-z- uy the "Loan Servicer")that collects monthly p�yments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument.Therc alw muy be onc
<br /> - -- - or more chs�nges of the L.oan Scrvicer unrclatvd to a xale of the Nae.it ther+e is a changc of slic Loan Sen•i�r.EARQL�CT 1+iI)bG
<br /> given written rotice nf the change in aaordu�awith paragraph 14 ebave and xpplicable law.The noticc wfll xtato thet t�atne and
<br /> oddress of the new L.oan Servicer urnl the yddrcs�w which p;�yn�enta a1wu1J i� uwl�;. 11�r i�wiil also coniain��y ottier
<br /> inforn�ation roquired by opplicable law.
<br /> 20.�rdous Substaoces. Bortower slull nat cau.r-e or permit the presence. use, dispudal, stor�go, or rciwse of any
<br /> :.•r� H:u;inious Substances on vr in the Propeny,Bom�w�cr shall rKH da, nor aU�w unyo�x: cise to do, anythin� offecting the
<br />_ Property that is in violatMn of any Environnxata!I.aw.The preceding two sentences siwU not apply to tha prcrence, use, or
<br /> storage on the Pmperty of smaQ quantities of H:�rdous Subuarxxs that�re generally rccagnixed to l�e appmp�ate ta nu►Ynal
<br /> residential uses und to maintenarice of the Property.
<br /> Bortower shall prumptly give Lender written notice uf any investigation, claim,Jem:►nd, lawsuit or ahrr actiun by any
<br />- governmental or regutatory agency or private puty involving the Propen�•wx!any H:v.�nkws Subst:uwe or Envirsmmental I.aw
<br /> ' �� of which Borrower has•actual knowledge. If Borrower Ieamr,or is nWified by any govemment�l or regulatanr authurity, that
<br />-:. ' �'' su►y removal or ather remediation of uny Ha�ardous Substancc affecting thc Praperty is necessary,Borruwer sht►11 yrwnptly twke
<br /> �',�� +� all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmernal Law.
<br /> � �'�: As used in this patagraph 20, 'Hazardc�us Substances"are tlx►�e wbstacke+defirk�d a.toxic ur haurdaufi substancxs by
<br /> --- �:�'r;S�;:{-•�o,F.����:,�,:•_ Environmencai i.aw and che ioiiowing subsaan�e+: gu.wline, kcrose�x, 1/i�1Cf ii;unrnubic .x tuxic �1ClNIGttU1 pnxiuct�, to�i�
<br /> :�- :'.�:' �� :; � pcwticide�und herbicides,valatite wlvents,maurials�wntaining a.�bestos or farnmldehyde,anJ r:ulicr,ktive m:ua�wl�. As used in
<br /> �� `���'�`� f���sts�� this paragraph 20, 'Environmental [.aw" meanc federal laues aixi laws of the jurisdiction wherc the 1'�►�crty is locatad th�t
<br /> �+=��ti%r i;'� `'`�� .` relate to health.�afety or environmental protectiun.
<br /> • '- :�, NON-UNlFORM COVENANTS.Bormuer anci Lender further cuven;►nt•rixi�gree us t'ulloW�:
<br /> ' 21.Ac��eleration;Remedirs. I�shall gir•e nutke to Bomower Prior to accelers�Uon fi►Unwinp Borrower's breach
<br /> . • :��;•' of any rnvenant or agreement in this Sccudty lnst�vment (but not prior to acceleratbn under pucs�t'aph 17 unl�s
<br /> �, . � . • � � s►pplicaWe law provides otl�erwise).The notke shyll sptrify: (a)the defAUlt: (bl the�ction recryired tu cure the defaulh,
<br /> (c)a date. not less thAn 30 days frnm the dAte the nutice is gi�•en to liorrowrr.by w�hich tlx default muht be cured:s�nd
<br /> �i_. .re�i1�.�-•��. (d)that failure to cure the defAUlt on or before the datr zpecified in the notke ml,v re.wlt in s►ccelerat�on of the wms
<br /> - _.,�, secured b�• t(us Security Instrument and�le of the Propert�•. The noticc shull further Infi,rm Burn►aer o[the right tu
<br />:,,,� • - - reinstate after peceleration and the ri�Ght �o bring a cv�urt actlon tu si.cticrt the nun�xi.ctruce of �dcl'pult or pny other
<br /> defense of borrow•er to acceleration and ssale. If the defs�ult is not cured un ��r before thc d�te �spa tti�ed in the notice.
<br /> .. I.ender,at its option. may require imrnediatc p��•rnent in full of ull cums xrund b� Ihiti ti�ruritr InStrument wlthout
<br /> ' 11�rther dempnd and may invoke the poacr n�salc �nd um Mhcr rcmedies pern�itted M upplirable law. Ixnder�Iwll be
<br /> " ' '��•� '• enNtted to collect ail expenses incurred in punuin�the mmedi�v pro�•ided In thi.µ�rugruph 21.including� but not limited
<br /> � ����`!��• �•,:�, to,reasonable attorneys'firs and ants of title evideace.
<br /> '`�!.�. •'.'`�.;" If the pow�er of.r•ale is lnvoked, Trustee shyll n+cnrd a �x►tice of default in euch cuunt� in �hi�h s►ny ps�rt oi the
<br /> ' . ` Propert�is located und shall m�il copies of such notice in the m�nner pn:xrifx•d b} »pplicp�►le law tu sorrower t�nd tu
<br /> ' � '''' the other persuas pre.uribed by applicable Ww. ARrr tlx time r��yuircvi bv upplicrable la�+,Tru.t�r shull�i�e public notice
<br /> , of saie to the persans�►nd in the manncr pr�cribed b�upplir:�ble laµ. Tnivtee, witFK►ut demend on Bor�owcr,slwll sell �
<br /> ��.���- R , the Property At public auction to the high�t biddcr at the timc s�nd plucc und undcr the tcrm�d�yi�;ns�hnl in the notice ut
<br /> 1''=" ' ' sale in ooe or more purcels and in s�i» u�dcr Trust�r determin��. Tni.tm mpy �►stp���c s:+le of all o�wny purcrl of the _
<br /> �� ��ti�,`�'��• : Propecty b�• public announrement nt tl�e t ime ynd plvre of um prc�i�wslc xcheduled +�le. Lrndcr or its dcsignec miy
<br /> , pu�+chase the Property�at any sale.
<br /> �" �,i;'+��
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