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<br /> S. Hmr�i or P�+�ty LwrMa. Hotrowror a1Wl lceep ihe impmvemanta rww eacbtin� cx h�raller�edd aa Ihr
<br /> PropenY iawred�in�t lo�by flre� i�and� includal within tbo tum 'c�►tamkd uoven�e"�nd Nny dha�i�aed�, includin�
<br /> - ------� !lc�ds r lloodlsr.. fm��4fi!!�!es ne�!1[s�i�ran�.'11da ifuuraaoe.hall ba rnriat�inod la the�axHUMr�qd tix the yari0d�
<br /> thu [.encler roquira. Tf�e inwrrnre�arrler provWin�the Inwranoe�tiall be ct�cna�by�nrn►wer wb�ect to l.ender's�pprov�l
<br /> . which�hail ad be unrr.wc�bly wilhheld. If Bortriwrx tails ta mdiwaln oovuaQe deectibed wbove. l.aidor rwy.� l.ender'�
<br /> option,i�dain rnve�e�o protect Le�xkr'�ri�hti in the Propeny In��o�nce wlth prn�rsph 7.
<br /> _— All inwanoe polkiat�nd r�enewalR �!1 tx soaptsbie w LerKkr�uK! �I►wll i�xtu�te +r rtat�w-d axxt��c rlwx. Lad�r
<br /> iiwll itavc the�i�ht to hotd thc poUcla and rcnew�l4.If l.ender requircx.Bc�n+nwer whall pranptly�ive ta Le�wfer'all rooeipu a!
<br /> pRid promiuna u�d rcnewd notjca�.in the event of locr.Homnwer sh�l1�Ive pt�at�t rwtko w tho inwnu�oe c�rrier Nad[.arler.
<br /> = l.ader m�y nWce proof of las if not m�de promptly by Barrower.
<br /> Unleu Lender au�d Barrower othenvise a�ra in writin�.inw�anoc procad�slu�ll be�pplied lo rectar�tian or rc�xir of the
<br /> Prnperty drun�ed.if the rcstontion or n�Qair is annamic�lly feadbie ud Lender'��ocurity i�not lesKned.if the r�awr+�tion or
<br /> cepair i: rat 000nomicaliy feasibk or l.ender'e�ocuriry would be leuened, tho inwnnoe prncae�sludl be Applie�d w the wtw
<br /> sacucrd by this Socurity inatrument. wt�etixi or not tha�due, wlth�ny excae pRid tu Barrawer. If Bcxrower ab��daa the
<br /> Prope�ty.or does not ancwer within 3p days a notia fram I.ender tlut the insunu�oe curfer has offerad ro setde a claim. tiKn
<br /> Lender �tuy coUcct the insurance proceeds. l,ender may use the procoeds tu repair or restorc the [�roperty or to p�y wm�
<br /> savrod by this Security Instrument.whethu or rat tha�duc.The 30-day pe�iad wili bcgin when the notia ia�iven.
<br /> Unleac l.ender ud Bortawer atherwise �roe in writing.any application of proceeds to princip�l �wil not extend or
<br /> _ poctpone the due due of the monthly paymaits rcferrod to in pv�nphs 1 nnd 2 or �Man�e the amount of the paymu�ts. If
<br /> unde�par�graph 2l the Property is acquirod by I.e�der.Bomnwer's dght to any inwrana policia and prooeeds rcwldn�ftom
<br /> -- d�nwge to the Propaty prMr w the aoquisidon�hall pisc to LaKla to the extmu of tho wms securod by thi�Socurity Inutumatt
<br /> imcnediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Qavp�ocy.Preoervatiat�Matatenance aod Protecdon ot We Property:liarnwer's Lu�n Appdcatton;I.eaebolds.
<br /> Borrower shall oocupy.establish.and use the Property as Borrower's principal residcixe within sixty days after the axecution of
<br />- this Security Instrument and stwll oontiooe to oocupy the Prnperty as Borrower's principrl recidence for at least one year after
<br />-`,���
<br /> , the date af occupancy. unless L.ender otherwjse agroes in writing,which mnscnt shAll not be unrexsonably withheld.or unless
<br /> extenuati�g circumstanocs exist which are beyond Borrower's oontrol. Borrower sh�ll not datray. dun�e or impait the
<br /> � Property. �Ilow tho Properry to deurioratc. or wmmit wastt on the Fr�operty &irrower shall be in dcfsult if any forFeiture
<br /> ��� action or procoeding. whether civfl or criminal, is begun that in[.ender's gaad faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> '`?� Property or otherwise materially impair the lieri crcatad by thiz Sauriry I�ment or Leoder's saurity iotercst. Horrower m�y
<br /> �'1` cure cuch a default and reinsuut,as provided in paregraph 18.by causing the xtfan ar proceeding to be dismissad with a ruling
<br />���r. _ +�� that, in Lender's good fxith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in thc Property or cutier mate�ial
<br /> �,� ,,;�, impaitment of the lien creatod by this Security Instrument or Lender's socurity interest. 8orrower shall also be in def�ult if
<br /> � �i � Borrower,durl�g the loan appliptian pmccss.gave meterially felse or inaccurate infornuUion ar slatements to Lender(or ft+3led
<br /> '�'•���'L''��l, to rovide Lender wlth an material infortr�tion)!n wnnection with tho loan evidenced by the Note.including.but not limited
<br /> ,
<br /> „�?�h,,, P Y
<br />_� �'�..'�'� �- � to,representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property es a principal residence.If this Securiry Instrument is on s
<br /> '•� :,;,,,;��...•f-�.:'
<br /> �;;`':;.�-•� .��`"' � ` lea.�ehold, Borrower sh�ll comply with all thc provisions of the lease. If Bnrrower aoqufres fte title to the Property. the
<br /> _'����;a� ,`��'�' leasehold and tlx fce title shall not merge unless Lender agrecs to the merger in wrlting.
<br /> ;��.-:r*°•�•^*�'�i`•'; 7.Protectlon ot I.ender's Rights in the Property.If Borcower fuils m perform the covenants and agrr,ements contained in
<br /> ��a:i�'.. ''"�;�r4�'� this Security Instn�ment,or there is a legal p�aceeding that mny significantly affext Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> ti': i
<br />- ,. „ "'�"''; � proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or farfeiture or to enforcc lows ar rcgulations),then L.ender may do and
<br />_ J Ri;�:... ,`:::;.
<br /> . ����p�� • ; • �° • ' � pay far wtwtevcr is necessary to protect the value of thc Property and I.endcr's rights in the Piuperty. L.ender's xtions n�ay
<br /> .__,�,,....,,�..:
<br /> � �� f,."-. include paying any sums secu�ed by a lien which has prtority over this Securiry Instrument, appeaang in court, paying
<br /> �.,e:�;,�,�, ;�,,�.-.•
<br /> -� � •- .- •,y reasonsble attomeys'fees and encering on the Property to make rcpairs. Atthough I.endcr nwy tuke action under this paragtaph
<br />' R •� r- "�+.* 7,i.ender does not have to do so.
<br /> '•'f�� IK:.. `' '' � Any amounts disbursed by Lcnder under this pamgraph 7 shall bocomc :xdditional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> �`' '' " • Securlty Inctrument. Unlcss Borrowcr:uid Lender agrce to othcr tcmis of paymen►,the.c anx►untz shaU t►ear interest from the _
<br /> :t.�.��;,-.��� • -
<br /> 11`,,,. .,, date af disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payuble. with interest, upon notice from Lcnder to Bottower requesting
<br /> :"'.,� �;. paymcnt.
<br /> `,.Y:ti,;�, :_..�= 8. Mortgpge insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition��f m:ilcing the loan secured by this Security
<br /> 1 x"'* .� - Instrument, Borrower shaU pay the prcmiums rcquircd to matatain the nx�rtg:�ge insurance in cffect. If, for any rc.ason,the
<br />=--- ';��e-:,�r. , nwrtgage insuiance cnverage requirod by Lender lupses or ccases to be in effcxt. &�rmwer shnll pay the pmmiums roquirod to -
<br /> �'���"'i''r^' ' oMain rnverage substuntiaUy equivalent to the mortgage insuranee prcviausly in effect,ut a cost subswntially equivalent to!he _
<br /> �� cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previousiy in effect, from an nitemate mortgagc insurer approved by L.ender. If
<br /> ' �� y� '!�:-��' substantially equivalent mortgagc in.r•urancc�vcragc is rn�t available,Borrower shall pay to Lcndcr each month u sum equal t�
<br /> '` '" ''"''`"•?'•�• one-twelfth of the yearly mongagc insurunce premium heing paiJ by B�rmwer whrn thc in�urance coverage lapsed ur ceased to
<br /> �+'wa.'-`Y' :�"°'`''•`'•�� be in effect. l.ender will accept,use and tetain these payments as a loss rcticrve in lieu of mortbage insurance. Loss reserve _
<br />' -;1.:•.,_ -w,:;, Fo�m 3028 8180 -
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