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<br /> ' !7.Tran�ter of the Property ar w BeneAclal Ieterat Ie Horrower•If s�ll or rny ppw�t of ttie!'roperty or any interest in it
<br /> is sold or tr�nsfernxi(or if e bcneficia! Intercat in Borrowcr ic sold or tru��ferred and Bc�rruwcr ls twt�natur�l pen�a►)without
<br /> _ LenJer'y prl��r writtcn ran�ent, l.ender muy, at its option, rcquire imuxdiate puymcnt in full of all sums securod by this
<br /> " Sccurity Inetrument. Howcvcr,thia c�ption ahall nat be exercised by i.cnder if exercisc is prohibited by fedoral lew as of the date
<br /> __ o!iltis Q�.rctsriiy!n:lsurttrni.
<br /> If Lende�exercice�thfa option.I.ender shall glve Borrower notice of xceleratinn. 71x natice ahall provide a periai of mt
<br /> less thsmn 30 days from the datc thc notic� is delivcral ar mailed within which 8orrowcr must pay all sums serured by this
<br /> Security lnxtrument. If Bc�rrower fails to pay these sums prior to thc expiration af this period,l.crxicr may invoke uny remedies
<br /> __— permittod by thie Security lnstrument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> 18. YiotTOwer's Ri�ht to Rdn�tate. If Borrower mcets certain rnnditions, Borrawer shull huve the right to have
<br /> —_�=�_=T-��"'' cnfurccn�cnt of thls Sa:urity In�t�vn�c�it diecontinucd at any timc prior to thc caslicr at: (a) S days (or such othcr period as
<br /> applicable law rtwy speclfy for reinstatement) before sale af the Propecty pursuant to any puwer of sale conrrined in this
<br /> Security Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgmecu enfarcing this Socurity Instrument. Thuse conditiuns are tbat Annower:(a)pays
<br /> °�' Lender ull sum.ti which then would k:due under this Security Instrument �nd the Note ac it'no x�elers�tion h�d occurml; (b)
<br /> _ cures any default of any other covenants or agrcements; (c)pays�II expenses incurred in enfurcing this Security In�tiwnent,
<br /> " -- including. but nw limited to. reasonable nttorneys' fees: and(d)takes such action as Lcnder m:►y reascmabfy requim to assure
<br /> - — _ ' that tFK:lien af this Socurity Instn►ment, Lender's rish�, in the Property und Bomower's abligation to puy the sum,secured by
<br /> - •--u�-- this Security ]nurument sh;tl! continue unchunged. Upon reinstatement by Bonower. this Security Instrumcnt and the
<br /> _- obligntians secured bereby xhal!mmain fully effective as if no acceler�tion huci accurred. However, this right to reinstate�hall
<br /> not apply in th�case of arcc{cration undcr paragraph 17.
<br /> ..— 19. Sale of Notei Clwnae ot Loan Servicer. Thc Notc nr a partiul intcrcu in thc Notc (tugcthcr with this S�xurity
<br /> Instrumenq muy t►c ,oIJ one or more time�withnut prior noticc tu&�rrower. A sule muy rc.rult in a rhrnge in thc cntity(kix►wo
<br /> �.�thc"I.oan Scrvire�"►tbut rollectti nx�nthly payment�duc unclrr U�c Notc anci�hi,Sccurity Instronknt. Thcro ulu► nwy hc onc
<br />___ - - ar mc�rc chan�cs of thr L,�san Scn�irrr unrcl:itcd tc,u::ale uf the Nate. !f thrn is u rhun�r��f tlie I.w��Servicer.�xruwer will he
<br />___ givcn written nMicc of thc chungc in urc�►nla�xc with Mray�n�ph 14 ulx�vc und u{�+liruM�c luw.Thc ix�ticc wiU�tutc thc numc utxl
<br />_ uJJrc.rx ul'IiK �kw I.�w�� S�rviccr u�xl tik ucWrr�.to wt�id�payukt►l�► �Ii�wIJ l+r t�wdr. Ttk �Nritcc wlll a1M�tu�qwin ruy uUwr
<br /> lnfi�rnwtiun rryuir�til by uppliruhlc luw.
<br /> 20. N11i41t'diWrc St1lwlAtKer. pn�ruwcr shull �H►�cuutic or�xrnii� tl�e prcxncc. ux. Ji��x►.ul. +turugc.ur rcicaw uf�ny
<br />• tluiurJ�►us Suh.lu�k•e, on ar in thr 1'r��+eny. Ii��rruwer +I�uH not �lu, ip+r uUuw w►yune cl+c tu ifu. unythin�; ulTcrting the
<br /> Pn�xny tlwt i+.In viulatiun uf rny linvir��nnxntul l.uw. Tha prec�Yling twu �ntetx•r,rh►dl nnt upply to thc prcxncc. uk. or
<br /> . �:«:,,•., .toragc on thc pro�x.rty �il'.mull yuuntidc.i�f NuiLrJcwti Subtitu�uc�thot un gcikra�ty rcrugniicd t�i txr uppropri•rtc tn normul
<br /> .r � rc�idcntiul u.re.uix! ti�muintcnunrc uf thu Property.
<br /> ,.��-�,�; �• &�rruwer �hull promptly give Lender written notice of uny invetitigution,cluim, denwnd, luw�uit or��ther acti�x� by uny
<br /> ' , , govcrnmental ar rcguluMry ugoncy nr privutc p:my involving thc Propcny uixi any Hw.unl�►u�Sub�tuncc or Environr�xntut law
<br /> 1 of whirh Bc►rcower hac uetuul knowledge. If Bnrrower Ieurnc, or is nutiti��d hy uny guvernmentul��r regulutory •rutlx�rity,that -.
<br /> = n.; . any rerm�val or other remediution of any Ha•rardous Subtitance affccting the Property is nece.rsary, Borrnw�r shal l promptly t;�ke
<br /> ' �t. w •�"' '`� u1!neces�a remodiul actians in urwrdance with Environmentat Law.
<br /> �" A.r u�i in this parngruph 20, 'Hazardous Sub�tanccx" are thc�x:xubuunccs dcfinal ati toxic or hazardnus sub,iancc. by
<br /> : � �:��� -- Environmontui [.uw arxI thc foHowing aubstuncc+: gau�iinc, iccro.rnc, �xlu:r Oammabir ur wxic pr.�roicwn pnxiu�is, coxic
<br /> •4��"�� �•'•��r-'• pesticides and herbicidcs.volatile solvcnts, muterials cont�ining u+best��.ar formaldchyde,and cadioartivc material�. As u�eJ in
<br /> ' '� ' _ thiti paragr•rph 20, "Environmental Lnw" means fedcral laws and law.r•af the jurisdiction where the Propeny is I�xuted thut
<br /> i�,. -.;,pi•,:. .,: relate to hcalth,wfety or environmental pratectiun.
<br /> ••-;,• �•..� -�• .. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and I.endcr furthcr ruvcnant uiul ugrcc ati follows:
<br />- :r$:iM:�.=,���.�_��.►::;;: 21. Accelerntion;Remedies. I.ender shall Rive n��tice to&►rrower prior to acceleration foU��win�&►rroK•r�'s breach -
<br /> • � •''��r� •' � `'• of any covenant ar aRreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to accelerution under para�raph 17 unlc.ws
<br /> ' � �•4 '�� a licable I�w vides otherwi.se).'fhe nntice shull s Yif • (u)the defuult;
<br />: ,9:•�i;,:;';;,.;,�.,;...•
<br /> pp pro Ex y. (b)the uction reyufred tu cure the defuult;
<br /> ,s,;.:�. •. ;�a,4,• (c)A dute, not Iess t6un 30 duys from the dute the nntice iti�iven to liorrower,hy which the default must Ik curcKi;und
<br />'�" �;;�;��'�;"��'*��'.;:, (sec �eadt bA ithie 3eru it tlnc t ument undrsalc nf thc Proc�r iThc nott ce hall further infa�m B rro�tr uf thc ri ht to -
<br />� r � � �� ���� reinstatc aftrr accelemtion And thc ri ht to brin a c�i�rt ction to u+yert thc non-c�istence��T a dcfeult nr an ather
<br /> �� j , .. -. ' �•.1`:•:.,`:; R R y =:
<br /> , . ��'•;;; defense of Borrow•er to s►cceleration und sale. If the det'ault is not curcd on or before the clute specttied in the natice. _
<br /> ' ' ' � • ." Ixnder, at itti option. mav require immediate payment in full of vll sumx x�cured b��this Security Inrtrument w4thnut
<br /> y, • �� `�,. further demend und muy invuke the power of sale and anv uther rem��dlcw permitted by applicahle luµ•. l.ender shall bc
<br /> �,, ,.,,, .,;:;. entitled to collect all expen.sev incurred in pursuing the remedt�w provid��d in thix pura�ruph 21.includin�. but not Ilmited -
<br /> , " � to,reu�nable Attorncys'fees and costs of title evidcncc.
<br /> � : [f thepc►wer of sale is invoked. Trutitee shs�U record a notice of defuult in earh raunty ln w•hich an}� purt of the
<br /> � ,�,�:•t,.. Propert��is located and shall maH cnpics of tiuch nutke in the manner prercribed b��upplicable la�� to BorroKer and to
<br /> '�•;�"''i�.� the other per.u�ns pr�scribed by applirable law.After thc time rcyuired hy applirable 1►►w,Truxt��e shull givc publtc notfcc
<br /> �•*���?�S:' " of sale to the persnns and!n the manncr prescriFx�d by applirabte law.Tru+tec,�vlthout dcmAnd on Borr�nver,shull srll -
<br /> -_ - S..;•'.'�;:?;;.,��':``. •�' the Property at public aucdan to the hlqh��st biddcr ut thc time and plucc und undcr thc tcrms d��si�;nah�d in thc notice of
<br /> ��''�';�'��� ���% swle in one ur more purcels and in any order Trustm dMermin�w. Trutitea muy�x►tit{x►ne wle of all or an� ps�rcel of the
<br /> - � •_ -'F"`f`•.'•�i:�.:~ Property by public announcement vt the time and place of anv previoutily uh�duled salc. Lender ar its destgnce may
<br /> --�= ,i �_ �.':�'� purctutse the Property�t nny sate.
<br /> ��. vilt14�,�.�'��•.
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