_ , .�:
<br /> � „�"�R.1 ,..`^ .F.���_.
<br />� -- _ _ ' . 93• �1i�05i --- --.
<br /> paymerx�n�y m lun�er be requirod.�t the opticM ol l.eMke,if mort�µe inwrana oover�e(in the�aiouat�nd fa the period
<br /> d�t Le�der roquira)provided by an inwror �pprovad by I.ender aadn becnmaa�vdl�bls uxi i�abtalned.8ornnwer dradl pRy
<br /> the promium�roqulred to mJnuln mort�+�c inurance in eRact.or to provkk�lou raerve�until tha m�uin+nant l�nr moA�e
<br /> � - - lnwnr�oe ad�in�000rd�noe with�ny wriaa�a`reaneni bsiwoei�Surr�wa�-�d Le,�a:appDf�lc lssr.
<br /> — 9.Iu�p�etloa. Laxler or ils�ent m�y m�ka rra�ble a�tria upon and in�eaiau of the Prcperty. La�der�b�ll�ive
<br /> Borrower notia�t the time of or prioc to�ut irt�pec.tion spocifyin�reawn�ble c�uu for the In�paxian.
<br /> 10.C�d�tbs. The proceeds of Rny xwrd or cl�im for dam�a,direct or oon�equa�tial,in coni�on with any _
<br /> oordemrution or other takin�of any pre't of the Propeety,or for ax►veyuioa in Ifw of oondenuutb�,ue hereby auiWbd�nd
<br /> �_¢---�__-`-:_-�° shstl be p�id to Lnxler.
<br /> In the event of x toutt taking of the Property.the ptoceecic sh�ll be appliod to the wms Keura!by this Seeudty ln�mment,
<br /> whether or not then due. with any excesa p4id to Horrower.in the event of a partial taking of the Praperty in which the fair
<br /> marl�et v�luc of the Propeny imrnodiAtely before the talcing is oqual to or greAter tltian the unount of the wma securod by thls
<br /> Secudty Instn►ment immediately before the taking.unless Bomower and Lender otherwlse agnee in wridn�,the sumc secumd by
<br /> this Secudty Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the pracoeds multiptiod by the following fraiction: (a) the towt• ., .
<br /> -- -�- -� amount of the surtu sccurod iirunadi�tely before the taking,divided by(b) the fair muket vstlua of the Pto��etly im►nodlstteiy: `
<br /> beforc the txkiqg, Any balance shall be paid to Bortowcr. In the event of a purtial takiug of the Pmpercy in which iha�fui�t
<br /> � markct value of ti�c Property immediately 6efare the takin$ is less than thc anx+unt of the swns secured immedisucly befaro Wc
<br /> --�; taking. unler.s Borrower and I.endtr othenvise Agree in wriNng or unless applicable luw otherwise provlda,the procoodc�tuill
<br /> be applial to the surruti securod by thle Security Instnrtrent whether or nat the sums are then due.
<br /> -_•- _---_-°° If the Pn,perly�is,ri,a��io��d Gy&;rrawer,ar tf,aRcr twiicc by L.ender to Bomower that the cor�dt�nor offtre to mnlce rn
<br /> iwsud or settic a claim for damages,Borrower fails to respond to Lender wtthin 30 day�after the date the noti« is given,
<br /> ' Lender is authariud to collxt and apply the pmceads, at its option.either to cestor+Uian or reppir ot the praperty or ta tt�a�umc
<br /> �ocurod by this Securlty Inctrument, whether or nat Ihen duc.
<br /> -- Unlexs I.ender a�x1 8orrower �Nherwlr��gra in writing, wny ��lic��ion �iP pnkexd� tu princf{wal�twll nc�t exta�xl u�
<br /> powp���x Ihr duo Jutc uf the nxmthly pwymcnt.rofcmal w in puraYryph�: I y�x12 ur cFwn�c Ihc wnxwnt of r�uch prynx��t*.
<br /> /i.&�rmwrr Nul Rdei►radi M'�n'be+�r'unce Ky I.andrr Nut w WNlver. lixtcnxiun of thc�in�c fi�r pwymen►ur m�xiifiu�linn _
<br /> ' of'�nx�nfwtiiH�uf�ta:�unu+�ecural by thia kxurity ln+.�runkm�rwi�ud by L.r��lcr ta Yny�u�cr►s��r in I�Wc rc►t uf'Horrower stu�ll
<br /> — n�x�►perutc tu rcic��thc lirbility i�f thc oriyitwl &�rn.wcr�n Harrowcr'K xurcc►�in fn fntcrcat. Lcntl¢rKh�ll�xN be rcyuitrxt lu
<br /> cummcike pnkoalinyK a�{�inxt uny xuu:cxM�r in inurc�:t i�r rcl'urr to cxtc�wl tinx far pµynxnt ur otl�:nvi�c mudify wix�rtiiatinn
<br /> .- _ ot' thc xumic rocunxi by thi� Scrurity Mstrunxnt by rca.Km uf any dcmunJ nwdc by thc urjginul Burrower or &�m�wcr's
<br /> e wcce.c�urx in intereat. Any forbe�trance by L.endcr In exercising ony riy�ht ur rcmody �hull not be a w�ivor of or procludo tha
<br /> exercise of any right or remody.
<br /> - — 12. Succearo� and AsslQns Ibund;Jofnt and Severat 4iwblllty; e:oacigner�. 7'he covenonts and ngraments of�his `
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind und benefit the successors ancl assigns of L,ender and Borrower, subjxe to the provisians af
<br /> f' pungraph I7. Borrower's covenants and agreemems shull bc jaint und sevcral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Socurity
<br /> — ° 'F. "` �.�' instrument but does nc►t execute the Note: (u)is ca�ignin�this Securfty Instrument only to mortgage, grnnt and convey thAt
<br /> — r ..z��+:.±s�', Bonower's interest in the Property under thc ternns of this Sccurity Instrument; (b)is not persorwlly obligatod to pay the sums
<br /> — �.:�.,. •.....,^. ,•:,,...
<br /> ,j�.�r�. ;Y,..,;;;,,,x� secured by this Sccurity Instrument; und(c)agrces Ihat Lendcr and any uther Borrower may agrce to extend,madify,forbcu or
<br /> � :'�' •lti'� f ' muke any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Sccuriry Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> � .:s�l�t�•. •i: Yr`wMe t•�•,
<br /> =� '�'•''.•:�-�-.=. ,:c4.. 13.Loan Charges. If the loun sec:umd by this Security lnstrument is subject to a law which sets maximum laan chArgtn, -
<br /> .,,;..... .;
<br /> ; �' ' end that law is fint►Ily interpreted so that the interest or other lo•rn charges collected or to be rollected im m�noctian with the
<br /> =:i1•i,i'��`t�.:ik�;,.;:+t4`.'.; loan excecd the permitted limits, theu: (a)any surh lo:�n charge shall br reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> -- ��`�'��,�,'•'•:•.',..: •
<br /> • to the permitted limit;and(bi any sums alrcady callected from Borrowcr which cxcceded pern�itted limits will bc rcfunded to
<br /> '� ��',� '���`��� ' Borrower. Lcnder may chcx�sc to makc thix rcfund hy rcduring the principal owcJ undcr the Note or by making a direct
<br /> � ;^1��:•� •�.,, puyment to &�rrowcr. ]f u rcfund reduccs principal, the rcduction will be treutcd ns u purtiol prepayment without any
<br /> t.�.��� ,_ .ti;�y`;�• prepoyment charge undcr the Note.
<br /> . • 14.NoNces.Any notice to&�rruwcr pmvidcd for in this Security Instrument shall bc givcn by dclivering it or by mailing
<br /> �r;:' _ it by flnt class mait unlesti applicablc law reyuires use of anothcr mcthod. Thc nuticr tihull bc JirccteJ ro the Property Address
<br /> ,;:.�`.; ' nr any othcr address Borrowcr detiiguatc.r by nuti�r to Lcixlrr. Any n�nicc tc� Lcndcr �hull t�c givcn by first class mail to
<br /> �� �� t. • Lender's address titatcd herrin or any other i�dJre.+L.c��acr desi�natc. by n��tirr to Borrowcr. Any nntice provided for in this
<br /> .:.J'a. Securiry Instrumcnt shall hc dccmed to have lxen givcn to Borrower or I.endcr when givcn�s proviJed in thi�parngruph.
<br /> � i:.��• ' �'� I5.Governin$ Luw; Sever�bility. This Security Imtrumcnt �hall tx gi�vrrn��1 by fcJcrul I�w and the law of the
<br /> �.. �},:;;;".`''
<br /> .� :;,�,,;,.•;;•• jurisdicdon in which the Arapcny is locatrd. In the cvcnt that any pr��vision ur cluu�c af this Scrurity Instrumen[ or the Note
<br /> ""�.�t,. conflicts with applieable luw,such rcmtlict.hall nut aftcct odier pruvi�iun+��f thi.Scrurity Intitrununt nr the Note which can he
<br /> �:�S" � givcn cffect without thc conflicting pruvi.iun.To this en�i the provitiiom of this Serurity lnstrument und the Nate are declared
<br /> :;;:�,:' '
<br /> �- -:: .. � , to bc scverablc.
<br />-� �`•!" ' �� 16.Bormwer's Copy.&rrruwcr.hull bc�:iven one cunG►rnkd cupy ul'Uic Nutc und�if thi.r 5ecuriry Instrument.
<br /> -��t�;���,�;� Form 3028 8l90 :
<br /> ."��,•. -�,w . . . P�px 1 of 6
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