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<br /> Upw roaipt o[ p�y�oeat ot tLe prke 61d, TnMtee�11 ddlver to tbe purc6wr Ttrat�e'r d�ed ooersyl�t4 _
<br /> lnpaty.'11�e recM�M is tbe Trv�tse's deed�II be p'law bic{e evidw�te of t6e trttlli of tlNt�ttlbeneds�le tYeM�.
<br /> _- ---- --- Te�l��s!!a�ly tlee ptbceea�e!tl�e%ek+!e!he fe1M�+v!�ae+�Mrs(�)to dl coM�a�acpei�s o!.ac�e+�i�tie p�wr o�
<br /> sale.wd tue sak�iududln�the p�ymait ot the Tru�tiae's tee�actu�lly ta�vrred,pat to ezceed '16
<br /> of'tbe prfndpd amouat of tbc aote s�t tl�e time ot the deelrratba ot dehWt,uvd rew�auible�W►r�'s'tea s�per�nitted
<br /> by laN;(b)to dl wms recured by thls Security Idtrumeuti�pd(c)�W'exca�W tl�e per�on or pnr�oo�Iep11Y editkd to
<br /> �� it.
<br /> 22. Reoonveywce. Upon payment of all wms socured by this Secu�ity I►�trument. Lendar shrll roque�t Tnuita W
<br /> �- - - _ ----'�" roconvey the lfiopeny md sF�ail surrrnkr Q�is Security Inurun�ent �x1 ail notec evidenaing d4bt•sccur�:d by this Security
<br /> Instruroent to Trustee.Tnistee stwll reoonvey the Pmpeny without warranty ad withaut cfur�o to t1►�pe�son a'perso�u te�l1Y
<br /> entftled to it.Such persa►or persons sl�tl l pay any c+xordation costa.
<br /> 13. Subditute T�vetee.L�erder. �t its option. may from time to timc renmvo Tm�ua �nd�ppolnt�sucoex�or truxtee to
<br /> �ny Trusta�ppointed herouider by u�instrument rocorded in the county in whiah thip Socurlty lnurument ii rxo�ded.Wittiout
<br /> oonveyuue of tha Propaty.the wcc�uor trusta sh�ll woczed to�!I tho titlo,pc�wer and duties vonforrod upon Tnutx hemle
<br /> ard by�ppIicxble law.
<br /> ?A: i�quat tar Notka. 8o�mwex royue�thrt �xipiv�of the nafoes of defwuti ww�ude bo wnt w 8orrower'�ad�ea
<br /> whic,h ie the Propetty Addc+as.
<br /> 1S. Rtders to tWs Securlty Iarte�uaent. If ono ar morc ridcn�rc cxocutai by Borrowcr�uxi rornniai tcq{c�her wl�h thir
<br /> Sacudry Inurument,the mvenmtc�nd�rocmcnts of each wch rider rlu�ll lx inrnrpohtod intn and shall anend ud wpplemetM
<br /> tlte oovenuK�and�roe�nent�of thi�Senirity Inutuma�t u it Ihe rkkrls)werc�put of thb 5ecudty ItwrumerM.
<br /> __-__— [checkspptk�bte boz(all
<br />- - - — .Adjusu�ble Rue Rjder Condomin(um Rider 1-4 Funily Rider
<br /> - -- Orduued Payment Rider Pl�nncd Unit Developnx:nt Ridar �iweekiy P�yment Rider
<br /> �� Bdloon Rider Ruc Improvement Rider 8eoond Home Rider
<br /> - — V.A. Rider �Kt)[BP�jfY)
<br /> :
<br /> :
<br />;� BY SIOMNO BEIAW.Borrower accepts and agras to thc tertns and coven�nte oantainod in this Security Instn�ment and
<br /> -- in any riduts)eaecuted by Borrower ud reoorded wlth it.
<br /> _ �
<br /> �� Witnectes: '
<br /> ��i • v� QJ1�� !, �-� (Seal)
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<br /> N E 8ENE8 � -��►
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<br /> �� '}`" °�;� JULI A BENES -����
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<br /> _'�._:� •Borrower •Bortovv�r
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<br /> ��ir� r•..:�+.',
<br /> ,�`"�?�'•��'�w STAIEOFNEBRASKA, Cuuntyss: HALL -
<br /> :;`7►'��a"'�"�` The foregoins instrument was acknowlaiged before me this 19TH day of NOVEMBER • 1993 .
<br /> , �,: .` bY VERNON E 6ENES AND JULI A BENES��r�! �Mt�� �Gvr.,► Ba•,,pd � P.O.f�
<br /> ��• :�E��� Witnesc my hand and notadal seal at in s�id County,the date Aforesnid.
<br /> �:_ • �'� ORAND ISLAND� ��R� F ��'�,
<br /> � ���.. '
<br /> .s°'' �: . My Commission Expires: `�'
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<br /> ` >>. ��' ; , aAMO R 00lMAlM Notary Publk
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