•— .r -- .._. —
<br /> . _,. ,t;;
<br /> �...' + � =�.
<br /> .,.
<br /> ..-�--�
<br /> `- _ — — ,,,,rnl , �����.9 �
<br /> , .oarowr may ain sNOh a dkw�! �nd n�halw, �s parW�d h p�npnph 1�, bY aM+MnA tlN �o1on ar proac�q b br
<br /> . d�sW wkb a niM�p thM.h I.mdw'�puod NMh d�minaMon�PaoM�IodalMr�oi tIN BoAO�w�"�bhnst b fha Propury a
<br /> oM�r n�W ImpaMnwrtM d tM IM�arrM�d by Ws MawMy N�w��N ot l�ndr'r uarNy YN�t. �arowu�IW�Mo Iw fn
<br /> dMM�t M 8wro�wn�du�f�q th�lo�n�pproMfon P►ocw�,Y�w��M►I�N�a imoarw hlamMlon a a1M�nw�b L�(a
<br /> I�MId b prOVid� LM1du wkh�nY mMrW intorm�fbnj Yt 00111NOY0n WM11 tll� bm MkMllqd by tM NoN. Y�okbn0. bul not
<br /> �mM�d b� nPnw»alion� ao�o�ninp 8a�awK�� ax,u�wy d iiN Pii�p�w'il+ �ri � F�..�,:i :wi�:wwa. � G�i Ltw,�r.y -
<br /> Innn�nMM la on a Nwhotd� �artowK�IW aoepy wllh N tlw prorMions M tlM Iw�. N 1lartowu aoqutrM IN Ilw b th�
<br /> Ptop«iy�ai.Ma..�ww.nd aw N.aw.n.r na nw0.w�.t.rnda pr.«a th.nwrp�r b w�NYp.
<br /> - 7. Prohation d I�nd�e'� Rlphb le th�Prop�rly.N Bomowr hN� w pN1o��s aw oov�nta�nd apwn�nu
<br /> --- oo�M�N�d in Ws S�ourNy InstiunMM, a th�n N• M0� Pro��9� �Y �tiY eN�ol Undrr'� dphb b 1h� Prop«y
<br /> ; �■ (wch w�proa�ny b b�r�louplay.P►ab�t�� lor oand�tlon ar IorNNuro a b�nloro�laws a n�puhCons�,tbsa Undr m�y -
<br /> :'; do�nd pay for wtMt�vK k n�onwy to ptotut tM v�w d th�PropMty and Und�'t Mpbt� In Ih�Prop�rly. L�ndK's�olioei
<br /> m�y IndurM p�yiny any sunN ��ar�d by a wn whioh hu p�io�ity ov�r thi� 8�owAY In�M++m�t. �PP�O b cou�t, W1�0 -
<br /> n��awbM�pan�ys't�M�nd mtwM►p on 11N Roprty to m�k�np�Y�.AkhouOh L�bM m�y Wn aWo�wid�r thk pr�pr�ph
<br /> — 7.Lmdr doM 11ot haw W do w.
<br /> My rnainta dlshu�s�d by UndK un�pe�q�ph T shM b�eonwe addtionN dibt o/8artowa aaind by tl�ia B�arllY
<br />- —!��'':-�'�� knhwrwit Unt�ss Bor►owr► and Un�Mt�prw to Wbw twms d p�ynNnt. M�s�amountt thM b�IM�nst irom tIN d�U of
<br /> «_ �- -�,u��._� �biwsMnent at th�Nob r�U�nd sIW b�p�y�W�.wMA k►t�nst,uPa+nWia 1rw�L�nd�t to Barav�r n4watlnp P�Y�� -
<br /> _---- 8. Mortps� InwranC�. k Undv nqui�d mo�tp�p�bturmc� u a eo�eRio�a mrdny th� lo�n ��ar�d by thM
<br /> ���� '� 3�axiry Insfixn�nt,Bortaww shd p�y th�prwnium�nQuhrd to m�MitNn ih�n'�a1p�q inwnna in MNat M�tor�ny n�wn.tht
<br /> -�.� matpap�insunna oor«s0�nquY�d bY Undr I�pue a a�sa W M h Mhaf,Barow�r sh�N pwy thr p►+�nkims requkrd W
<br /> �. _.__..____ obt�h oovuay. aub.t�nury«�uw.Nnt w th•morcQ.y. inw�nc. pnviousy in.Iha ac. oo�c wb.t�nwry wuM�nt w nN
<br /> _°m-—�""•'`••�.'O�'� ca! to BorrowK oi the moAy�p� hsunnw pnviousy in Ml�ct, iram an �Il�tnat� rtw►tqap�Inwrw�pptov�d by I.�ndK. N
<br /> =-���",`=�-`==• what.ntWy «�ulv�+t maeg.g.ruu�.no.aovr.q.is na.v�r�bl.� BarawK shM anr a �.ndtt Nch montb� wm �qwl a
<br /> '� � a►ttwNrth of ths yMry mcxt�p�Inwnne�Pnr►�k+m beMW PNd bll 8onowK wh�n tM Inw�na oovKap�MP��d a aa��d W =
<br /> . a�` �` bY YI Y(IiC� LifidBr wW --
<br /> �4T�,�,..�.� �i:,��;� +�'.raW�ua and r�M►li��payirtiw�ta�s a toss rwrv�in Mu of matps�Inwanu. Loss ns�rv�
<br /> •� ���t;;.�,,:•. ::�.• .,` �Wl�u may no bnp�►b�nquk�d�at th�o�tion ol Und�r.N mortp��inwrano� cov� (In the amount and fa th�p�riod
<br /> fi
<br /> ,;,a,..,_�., .�r. .,. ifMt L�ndK n4ukw) Provid�d by�n(nwrr approv�d by lmd�r aq�h b�ean�av�MbM and M obWn�d. BoROw�r sh�M W9
<br /> ;, ' - tM pnmiums nquired to m�kit�h morty�y�inwrana h dl�ct.or to provld�a loss ns�v�, undl th�nquk«►wnt for matq�Y�
<br /> �i.,..�-.. .::,�`. : � inwrance�nds in acordma wtth any wdt��n wrs«nwN bMwNn 8or►owK�nd Unda or y�pUc�bU Mw.
<br /> . SS�'``,,.-.. b
<br /> ..;"" • �. "..,'�;� 9. (nsp�ctlOn.Lencl�►or bs�y�nt may m�{a nason�bN�nUi�s upon and IneMattan• of th� Propwty. Und�r sh�¢r�
<br />- , i:-.s� - . . ; Qatower noUc�at lha tkn�of or Qrtor to an inspwtion ip�c(yh0�sonable c�u�ta th�in�p�diot�.
<br />_ • '• 10. Cond�mnation.Th�proce�ds ot�r►y awrd a cwM tor d�nwq�s,din�t or conaqwntW.h conn�ction wMh any
<br /> ;•�• ,� . condw�rMliw�at other t�kki of an ot th�
<br />, . � Y P� P►cPw►Y.a tor convy�na b Iw d cond�rrwlk�f�an h�nby astipn�d md
<br /> � � • shM b�p�id to L�nd�r.
<br /> ;."- .:" � in ihe evene or a cow wan� or tn• ProP«ty, �ne �roa.ds snar e. a�t.a to tn• wms s�aKad Mr u�s s.cw�y
<br /> ..,
<br /> � instrym�nt, whtlher or oot thm du�,with any�xc�ss p�id to Borrow�r. In ih�a�nt at a partW WcLip of th�Propwty h whkh
<br /> -- ��,,.;,�;_w ..;,,, :, th�f�ir muket value of ths Propaty MrmacYttNy belon tM takinp la �quat to or pn�tK than th�anrount of th�wrtis s�ound
<br /> - -��_;: - --?-- -- by this Sa�xiry IntGummt Immadt�tNy beloro the takiny. untess 8orrow�►and L�nd�r oth�� apn� in wAtlnp, tM sum�
<br /> sawrod py this 9�curity Instnunent sh�N be�aduced by th�amount of th�procMds multipll�d by tht toMowinq iradlon: (�)tM
<br /> ;;�, toUl amout►t of the sums aeeur�d komadtatety beforo the Ulchp,dww.a by ro� tn.tar mutcK v.r�s or�n.�.rey rer,Ndr.tey
<br /> bafon the t�idnp.My bwk�nce sh�N be paid to BoROwx. In th�avent of a putid t�kinp of th�Prop�ty in wh�h th�fak nwkM
<br /> � : vaiu� of the Prop�rty knmadk�tery bNae the taWn� tt Uss than th��unount of th� suma s�cund lrrWn�di�tety b�fon th�takiny.
<br />. ' unNss Borroww �nd Lander othawlas ayros in wdtinq ar unisss appBc�bis I�w olh�nwiss provtdM, th� proc«ds sh�N b�
<br /> �� � �ppll�d to the sums s�cund by this 8scutity Irutrummt whNh�r or not ih�wms w th�n du�.
<br /> - . fl th� Prap�rty fs abendonsd by Bortower,ar H,�RK notic�by L�nd�t to Bortowrr that th� condwnnor otf�s to m�ke an
<br /> awud or aetlk a ctaYn tor danuiy�s, Borrowr falla to respond to Lender wFthln 30 days aRK th�dat� th� notlu i� ytven, �':;
<br /> �� ' Lenda is�uthoriz�d to coUect and appy the proceods, et fts opUan. «thK to ratonUon ar r� of th� Prop�rty ar to th� �
<br /> ='�� sumt secured by this 3acurity InaWment,Wf1�1hlf d h01 thM dU@.
<br /> � Unt�ss Lsnd�r and Bo►►ower othawlse �pr�a In v�niUny, any �ppUc�tbn ot procwdt to pNnc(pai shaN not �xtend or _
<br /> postporn the du�daU ot the monthy psyments referted to In puagrapha 1 and 2 or chanpa th��mount o1 such paymante. L=,
<br />• � 11.Borrow�r Not Rolouad; Forboa�anoe By L�ndor Not a Waiv�r.ExtM�lon ot th�tim�tor paym�nt or
<br /> ; modMation o1�mortizaUon of th�suma aecurod by thle 3ecurfty Infhument prant�d by L�ndx to�ny successor Y� intareat ot F-
<br /> � 8orrow�shd not opents to rNaee th�If�bilily of the oriyinal Borrower or Borrowe►'t succeaeors (�int�nst. L�ndK sh�N not �"'
<br /> �..�_�
<br /> ' 6e requlred to cornnence procadk�ps �y�inst any successor in htenst a retuae to extend Ume tor paymw�t or oth�s �_.
<br /> modHy amortiz�Uori of the sums s�cured by thla Searrity Instrument by re�son of any d�rtwnd rmd�by th�oriyk►�I BortowK a �"V
<br /> 8wrowK'a aucusson in interest. My forb�vanu by Undar in uc«ciafnp any riyht or nrn�dy ah�N not b� • w�iwr of a ��"
<br /> pradude the exxd�e ot any dght or remedy. _°_
<br /> � � 12. Succ�ssors �nd /►s�i�no Bound; Joint and Sovoral U�bility; Co-�ip��n.The covenants .nd f��;
<br /> ayreements ot this Secwity InaVumant ehall bind and benefit the aueceaaoro and�saiyna of Lend�r and Botrowa, wbjecl to the �"'
<br /> " ' ,� provietona ot puayraph 17. Bortower's covenonts md ayraaments shaY be Jotnt and ceveral. My 8orrower who w•signs this �
<br />-}��-- �;,F,�.':r. 3�curity Inatrum�nt but do�s not execute the Nota (�)la co•sipninp thia Securiry InaWment ony to morty�pe.prant and convey ��
<br /> ..-- ,
<br /> • :��- ' th�t 8ortowds int�wst h the Property under Iha tertns ot thts SQCUdry �nsWment; (b) la not p�rsonaAy obNyated to p�y th� `r_,
<br /> _ � auma sewred by this Secutity InstrumeM: �nd (c)apraes that Lender�nd any ather Bortower rruy agree to extsnd,modily.
<br /> -�-• '�'� forbear or m�k� any accommodaUOns wflh reyerd to the tenns of this Securfty inatniment or th�Not�wtthout th�t Bortowrr's
<br /> � . , consent. �°F
<br /> ;��C . .� 13. lAib Chsrge8. If the Ioan aecurod by this SacuMy Inatrumant Ia subject to n I�w which seta m�xlmum loan _,__
<br /> _ � chuyes,md that i�w la tfnaliy interpreted eo Ihat the hterest or other toan chuyea coNected or to bt coN�et�d In conneclion ;;:.
<br /> r wRh the bsn axceed the pertnitted Ymfta,then: (s)�ny such loan charye shall be reduced by tht amount neceawy to reduce :+ •
<br /> ' :�• ' , �� tha c
<br /> . , , ;,- hup� to the parmitted Wnit; and(b) �ny suma alroady coNected hom Barowx which �xeeeded psrmkt�d Wnits wiU be ,�,-
<br /> "'�'�-- • re(und�d to BoROwer. Lender msy ehooae ta m�ke this rdund by reduciny the prfndpal aw�d under th� Note or by m�kinp t "'-`
<br /> . . ,...,. ...
<br /> - '{*,." � dirrct p�y�rwnt to 8orrower. M a niund nduc�s pdndpd, tht :.,ductlon wiM M tro�tQd �t a p�AW pnpaymrnt without any ';�c,
<br /> � �. -,
<br /> - '�=';•::."�- pnpay�►Mnt chuye und�r the Note. r.
<br /> = ..;s�� :• 14. NotlC�i.M noUc�to Bortower rovldad for b this S�cu InsWment slxQ b� q y 9
<br /> Y P �Y OW�n by dNiv�Mt N or b m�Wn k �b'
<br /> __xa "� �`,� by lkst d�ss m�il unl�ss�ppYcal�I�w requires ua�of anothw mNhod. Th� nodce nhall b�dinet�d to th�Pro�ty Addr�s •
<br /> -- - - o►�ny othK addnss Borrower d�aipn�tas by notic� to �e„d.r. any �oc�. to �«,d.r•nar a�►v.n by lhst dtss mW to
<br /> L�n�Mr's addnss stat�i hrdn or any othK addnas Under d�alpnates by noUa to Bortowr. My notk,�provid�d tor tn thls -
<br /> - ,:� S�aiAly Instrument ahat be derned to have bMn 91ven to Borrower or Lwid�r wh�n qMen�s provW�d in this puapwph. "
<br /> �� II ' 15. Gowrninp Law; Sw�r�Wlity. Thit Secubly MsWmmt sh�N b� �ovsm�d by bd�nl Nw �nd th� t�w of the
<br /> ;;, Juri�dktlon in whk,h the PropKly Is loc*t�d. In th�sv�►t tMt�ny provisbn or daute of this S�u�ity Instrum�nt or th� Not� �`
<br /> '_ con�cis wNh�ppYrabl�Mw,sueh conflict shal not�fbct otMr provisions of tht�S�awiry�nstrum�nt or th�Nob which an b�
<br /> qlY�n �t wkhout th�oa►AlCtlny piovMbn.To thls�nd iM provislons of Wt S�cwUy In�hunwnt�nd th�Not�w d�d�r�d to =
<br /> b�s�vw�bN. °�`;=
<br /> 16.9oRawars Copy.Barowr�hdl b� Qiren an�contonn�d copy o1 th�Not��nd of tl�8�axity In�qunMnt ��
<br /> �n�u.uNO r,�a� v�.s a� / . v .1�_v �
<br /> f-�..
<br /> � a�a.u� �
<br />