_ j ,_
<br /> . �: .. :R_ _ �:., ':��.,,.,..,
<br /> .. , � .ilL�L:raCluli�ikeru•.��Y�id::�n. ,..•.-��,%.w"r..�-'
<br /> . r_t'r:7i7 ' • .
<br /> - -'----:._.a�_._ .
<br /> lN -
<br /> r _-- ,� . 93;ii�o39
<br /> - TOG1E"THER WRH Y th�Yr�pownMnt�naw or h�nM�t�nctd an th�prcp«ty� md d Mwiw�ts� �ppurM�MnoN. �nd
<br /> ----- - '. �Ib�Mwsa n�wv a h�►�nit�a prt a th�proprty.AM npMo�n�nt��nd�ddlUon��M�I�No b�cownd by aiM s�ourNy Y�rwn4
<br /> AN of ttN lorpolnp M r�htnd b N thM S�airity In�trtwn�M w tIN'Propwly.•
<br /> -• -------- OOMOWER COYEN�1NT81f1q BOrtowR M kwklNy Nird of th� N11t�hKrby oonYy�d and IMt th� fIpFN b prrn �nd
<br /> ffoMl�/t11� Pfo�l/fl�/�fld IhM 1IN R+OpMIy I{ WIM101MIIbMM� �MC�I IOf�IIOWI�fYION W t�00fd. BOROWK M�RYIIt WW IA� °-
<br /> d�a an«�►�n.ur.a tM P�no.ry.q.inst dl oMN+w.nd d«nnmN.«�bl�ot w�ny.narnbnnor a►.00ra.
<br /> THIS aECUam �NSrntNrlENi aoman.. unaonn oov«wits ar MtlonY u.. +a,d nan�+nNonN car«w+a wlln UiN.a
<br /> -;:� , wrbMon�by pxNdatlon to ooMtiuA�a unMorm aaKMy In�tnrnwit oov�inp n�i praprly.
<br /> � UNIFOHM COVENANT8. 8ortow�r�nd l�ndu oo+r�nt�wtd aprM u faAowi:
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt of P�ino(pal and Int�nM; Pnp�ynNnt and t�t� Ch�ras.BoROww�h�l pompry py whr+
<br /> . �.�:.•.:�:,�.,...,,�:. a�,.tr,.pindpal ol and intMMt an ih�d�bt�vidmced by th�Not�and anY Pnpalm►N►t md Mt�cFwq�dw und�r th�Nou.
<br /> � �+�;;�'�'� Z. �und�ior Tax���nd lnwrano�.subj�a to�ppMo�bi.rw or to a wrxt.n w.hn►by l«id.r.8orrow�► .nw p.y � -
<br /> ��:1� to L�nd�r on th�d�y manthly pay�n�nts an du�undK th� NoU� unUl ilu NoN b prcl M iur,a wm I'Fund�'I 1or. (�)YwN -
<br /> •°' � ..'��':�i c�'� taxa �nd a�aa��m�nt� whbA nwy atWn pbriry owr tl�is 9�a�ity In�pwr�ant a a Me on tM Prop�rtY: (b)YwN Nu�hdd
<br /> �.��.�:_�_:: —
<br /> '��k,.: -� MY�U or prn�nd nntt on ih�Pr�wty. M�nY to)Yw1g hwrd a propwty b�w�na pr«nNxnt: (e�YwN fMwd fnwnno�
<br /> if''.: Pr�nkKn�,M any;(�)Y�arN mat�ina�nnc�P►�n�fume,M�ny;�nd M�ny sums P�Y'�bM bY Boaowv W L�ntMr in�ccord�nc�
<br /> - - + . ` � ww�► u,.�r.io�. o��.�r. e. �, N.�, o� tr� p.�t a o+o�w.a hw�.��.w«�+�.. rn... K.�,. .r. ar.a •e.«ow
<br /> ���..�r�; ftune." L�nd�t rrwy, �t�ny tlmt,coMwt md hold Fund� h�n �not�nt not to �xcMd th�nrxlnwm anw�x►t s Nnda lor a
<br /> __ t�d�aNy rM�l�d nwrtg��to�n rr�y nqulr�tor Barowar'i�saow account und�r th�t�dwal R�ri Estat�S�tWmcnt Proadures .--_
<br /> ��` r�� K"'�� Act of 197�/w an�dW irom tlrn�to tlm�, 12 U.S.C.�2601 �t �p, ('RESPA'), uni�s �notlw I�w th�l appihs to tM Funds
<br /> � 4 - s�b a Ipsr�mounl If so,l�nd� rrMy, �t any time, coN�ct and ho(d Funds h an�unount not to uccMd th� I�s�►�nax�t.
<br /> �, "" .,,,,`�,j,; L�ndK mty satirtx�te th�unant of Funda dua on th�b�ets of cumnt d�ta and tMSOnabt��stYmbs of ap�ndMuns d 1u0r�
<br /> .--- E�ow ft�rtu a othwwis�in�caord�nce wYh ap(�iaWe Mw.
<br /> — �-�'�.' '�': Th�Funds ah�M b� hdd h an Instkutton whosa dMwslts�n k�au�ai by�fadrral ayricy.hsWm�nhlity, a�ntlty pndudlny
<br /> __ :•:-.,ti •,;:1:W..., L�nd�r, it I.mdK b wch��htsUlulton)or h irry F�td Hortw Lo�r► WnS:. landa shatl appy the Funds to pay the EsaoYt -
<br /> � a ,,•.b�,� �•� .�•,. ft�ms. UndK rtMy aot chup�Barow�r for holdn �nd
<br /> �` : p �pplyk►p th�Funda. �mualy an�y�lnp th��tcrow�ceount,w rMMyM�p
<br /> ; th� Esaow It�u, unba� lhder paya Baroww htar�t an th� Funds and appYcabl� law pamfts landa to m�ke wch • —
<br /> } chupe. How�v�r. L�nd�m�y rsquts Barowor to pay a on♦tNn� ctwy�for an (nd�pendmt n�l atat� tax npathp s�rvtc�
<br /> }-•� , uad by L�nda h conti�cdon wNh thle lan� unles� �p�bM t�w provWa oth«wisr. UnfKf �n apr«nNnt Is m�d� or
<br /> ' ' �Mw nquk�e intK�st to b� pald, Undr shaN not b�nqulr�d to pay BonowK any Int�t w Mminys on th�Funds. _
<br /> ' � Bortowrr�nd t.�nd�r m�y ag� In wrltlnp� howrwr, th�t int�ntt eh�M b� pdd on th�Fund�. L�nd�►shrM qN�to BarowK.
<br /> . v`� wkhout charpe.an �nnual acoouotlnp ot th�Funda, showhp cndits and d�blts to th� Funds and th� purpos�for whkh rch
<br /> - � d�bk to th�Funds waa nrde. Th�Fundt w pkd9ed ae additlan�t s�airil�►1or a1 sums seax�d by th�3�cwily In�trunwnt
<br /> H tht Funda h�d by L�aw�d th�amounts p�mitt�d to bs hdd by appYdbl�kw,LYnd�r sh�N account to 8ortowK
<br /> for th��xcas Funda In �ccadance wlth tlu nqukwnents of�pplic�bN I�w. N the amount oT th�Funds hNd by Lend�r at my
<br /> tNne Is not �uffkdent to pay the E=aow tt�me wh�n due.I.�ndx m�y so notNy BorrowK tn w�ldnq,and,h sueh au BorrowK
<br /> . . - � stwM pay to L�nd�r th� �nount neaawy to m�ke up th� dNld�nq. 8orww�r sh�N m�k�up tb�d�Aat�ncy h no mon thm
<br /> '' .�� tw�tw monthN Wf�ts,at l�nsi�r'� sole discretlon.
<br /> ' ' Upon paynNnt b fuM of�1 sums a�aund by thls 3scurky InsUumxrt.L�shaM promptly w(und to Bortowa�ny Funds
<br /> __. ---__- - ---..= held►_+y l�rld!►. H.��M��ry�+ 91,L�ndu ah�ll�cquk�e a saY the PtoQaAy.Undar,pdor to th�acqulsltlon a�aM of th�
<br /> �. Prop�rty,sh�N apply any Fundc lield by L�nder at the tYne ot�oquBitlon or sai�ss a a�dk�p�tn�t tht sums s�cund by thls
<br /> S�aKity InsGument
<br /> • 3. Applic�tton Of P�yntYtltY. Unleas �ppWcable Mw provldes otheiwls�, aN p�ym�nts r�c�ived by Undr unde►
<br /> pwpraphs 1 �nd 2 shaN bt�ppWd: frat,to any prapaymant charyes due under tha Note;aacond,to amounts payRbM und�r
<br /> pvsynph 2;thkd,to htKSat due;tourth,to prindpa�due;�nd I�st, to any 4te charga dus undK ths Note. ____
<br /> , � 4. Ch�'�YY; Uine. Bortower eh�N pay �N ta�ces, ae:esunents, chuyes, Rn�a and knposltlons attribuUble to the �,-;-
<br /> � Prop�rty whlah may�ttafn pdaKy over thls Seaudty Inatrumant,uid le�aehotd p�ymants u yround rentt.N any. Bor►owx shdl -
<br /> pay th�ss obNy�tlons In the manner provlded in panyraph 2. or if not pntd In that manner, Borrower ahW pay thwn on tlme Y��•�
<br /> • dk�ctly to th� puson owed piymenL BoROwer shall promptly lumish to Lender all noUces ot amounts ta b�pdd under thls €��°
<br /> - ' pvayraph. It Bortow�r makn these payments dlreatly, Borrowe► shaY prompUy fumish to Lenda nc�tpta wld�ndny the �
<br /> •.. payments.
<br /> � Bortowx ahdl promptty dschuge any Ilen whlch has pdorit�r over thls SeCUrlty Instrument un�e:s Borrower. (�) ay�e�s In �f.' �
<br /> '� � wdtlnp to the paym�nt of the obllpatlan eecured by the Ilen In a rtwnner acceptable to Lender, (b) contests h qood Wth ths l'r.J,.
<br /> Ilen by, or datends �painst wdorcement of the Yer► In. Iegal proceedings whkh In the LendK's opMilon operat� to pnvent the '
<br /> enioroement of the Ilen; ar (c)seeures from the ho�der of the Ilen an agreoment saGafactory to Lender aubordlnatlny th�Qen to
<br /> . thls Searity Instrument. If landet detertnlnes that any part of the Property Is subJect to a Aen whlch rtwy attatn pdorily over thls
<br /> Securky Instrument, Lender rny glve 8arowar a noUce Ider►tlrylnp the Ibn.Sort+ow�r shall saUsly th�tlai or tak� on�or moro of ��"�
<br /> ths actbna set forlh�bove wllhln 10 daya of ths glviny of notice. �
<br /> ' S. HazRrd or Proporay In�urancQ.BoROwer ahdl keep the Improvtements now u�lsUnp or hereafter eroct�d on the ,
<br /> `� • Property Inaured ay�lnst tosa by flre, h�zards Inctuded wRhln the term 'extended coverage" and any other hazards, tncluding '
<br /> • Aoods a tloodlnp,tor whlah Lender requlrea tneuranee. This Insurance shaM be mah�talned In the amounts and fu the perloda "
<br /> � . ` ,;:..;% that L�ndar requkss. The inwrance cartler provldlny the inaunnce ahaN be choaen by Bortower aubject to Lend�r'a�pproval '
<br /> ' � ' whlch shall not b� unreason�bly withhad. If Borrower faus to malntah cov�rape desc�ibed abov�, Under mny,�t Under's
<br /> +�;;; apUon,obWn covenye to protect L�nder's dghta In ths Property In eccordance w8h paragraph 7.
<br /> ;; r;',��:�:�� AH Inaunnce poYclea and �enewala shaU be acceptable to Lender and sheM inalude a atandard mortyape d�uae. Lender '
<br />� �� • :�<•� ahall have th��Ipht to hold the pollclas and renewals. If Lendx requkes, Bortower shaN prompUy ylve to Lender aN recelpts ot
<br /> � pafd premluma �nd renawat nodcee. In the event ot loss,Bortowar ahall qbe prompt notke to the Insunnce c�rtNr�nd Lt�ndst.
<br /> ,' � Under may meke proof ot lose it not made prompUy by Borrower.
<br /> =�x � Unteas Lander md Bortower othervvlse agroe In wdting, Insurance proceeda shaY be applled to restoradon a repak of the
<br />� :`. ;� Ropaty damaqed, M the restaatlon or repalr ts economlcally teasible end Lender's seour4y Is not lessened. It the resta+�Uon or
<br /> ' r�Ir In not econwNcatl�r fe�slbte or Lender's security wou�d be Iessened,the insurmnne proceeds shall be applled to the suma
<br />..,,,,; ;, secund by thla Searity InnYument, whether or not then due, with any excess pafd to BoROwer. It Borrower abandons the
<br />_=� �� , ', Roperty, w doea not answer withln 30 days e noUce trom Lender that the Insurence cartier has olfered to sNde a claYn, then
<br />_'n ; � '•.•• • � Lender may coq�et the Inaumee proceeda. Lender may use the proceads to repak or restorQ th� Property or to p�y sums '
<br />- - aoeured by thfs Secudty Inahwient,whather or not then due. The 90-day pc�iod will begln whan the notfce is givan.
<br />- ��� , Unless Lender md Bortowa oth�nnrlse agree in writing, any applicatbn of proaeeds to princlp�t sh�M not exbnd or
<br /> _- "'`-' - poetpone the due dote ot the rnonthly payments referred to In psrapnphs 1 and 2 or chanye th��mount of the paym�nta. If
<br />_-- " ' � under pvapraph 21 the PropMty Is acquked by Lender. Bortower'a►iphl to�ny Insurance polld�s and proceeds n::ulUny from
<br />-_'°+��•� � �:�1:�:.._;,,,`._ d�mage to th� Prop«ty pHar to th� ocqutawon shall pasa to Lender to the uReM ot th� sums by thta 3�cu�ly teutrummt
<br /> ��� z" ' Yntf�liat�ly p�ior to th�acqultNlon,
<br /> � ^_......_.._._ n..r�...�f.... ���s..�_..►»�_ ��.� e....a�.�at�� .J �l.� 0..�..�.a.» e..�.......��r� i�
<br /> �.ti .• V� VMYY�iM�tY�• • ������w��V/t� w�M��a�t�M�Y� Mw � tva��a�N• V� ��� •tvr���y� vV�tvw�� • WMi• "
<br /> —`°��-•..-'''.-'= /1ppUcatton; l.�ss�hCldf. Borrowa ahaq occupy. estab8sh, and use the Property�a Bortowa's qhdpd nsldance with(n
<br /> ;. � ��, sbRy d�ys aR�r the �xecutton ot thta Security Inatrument �nd shd conthue to xcupy th� Prop«ty�s BoROwx'a g�rindpal
<br /> .,�*,� � +���- •�• �•� �Mid�nw for at IMn on� yMr ahK the d�te of occ�ip�ncy,unksa Lender othorwlse�yrces h wrltlnp,whlah conaent ehaN not
<br /> *���.
<br /> " � h•.y+,.�•,` b�un r w s o t M b l y w l t h h N d,o r u n t a��x b n w U n p c l r c u m s t a n c�s a x l s t w A k h e r e b�y o n d B o r r o w�r's e o n h�o l. B o r r o w K a h a p n o t ,
<br /> d�etroy,d�nay�or knp�lr th�Prnp�rty,�Now th�Properry to deteria�t�,or caixdt waste on the Rop�rty. Bortower ahaN be In
<br /> d�wk M�ny tott�Ihw aWon or procsetltnp, wh�thK dvil or e�hul, Is buyt�n that in Land�r'a qood taRh judpmtnt eould nsuk
<br /> In taf�Wrn of tM Prop�Ay u othMwb�nrt«i�y imp�k th�INn er«tW by thls S�curky InsWmmt or L�►dK's s�aufty ht�rat.
<br /> Fuu.uw tv+�� P.w s w s i • l� � ,��,J,!• ,�
<br /> - 4-
<br /> t:�.
<br /> - ._---:��.irR�
<br /> - ------- ,;� 93101.W1
<br />