<br /> ! -•+ �Y..,!�:e���`"�° f?�i� . � ___'
<br /> ,.. -
<br /> . -- -
<br /> 93-' ��
<br /> - ....--.__._...:..�...�� '. 17. Tran� d iF�Prop�rty or d d�t�dlclal It�t�►Nt i��——r:1rN a�ny p�rt d th� Prop�ry a
<br /> ---- - '. any bt�st k► k Is soid a p�hrtrd ta M a Mn�oNt Inbn�t N 8a►ow�r k sold a tr�Nrnd�nd SarowK M nol a nMurv
<br /> P�no�)wilhout��rid�r's pkx�wMNn ooeant,Lm�n�Y,�t Mt opMon, nquir� Yirn�dq�p�K In�ul of d�u� Mawd by
<br /> _ _---- 1hy g�qxily Inatnx�M. How�wr.Ws opMo� th�N nat b�wuaM�d by Lmdu M�ols�N pWibN�d b�r Ndr�l Yw d of 11M
<br /> � _ da.a ur.s.au�y r�.�
<br /> _ - _ - --- M L�ndK ru►dsM 1hb apNon� L��hM�Iv�Oa►ow�r nolio�of�oo�Mbn. TM n�lla�hM poMd��P«iod d rwt. -
<br /> Ma tlw� �0 dey� k�an th� d�D�th� tlWio� M drvr�d or nrMd wk1An whbA denowa mwt P�f► �M wnM ���d Oy M�i�
<br /> 9;![`�, • s.awk�r In.trun�n� It eoirow�r Mr. /o pny tn«.wM. pla w th. «�N.tlon a a�i.pNbd, t+ma�nMr MwoM..rnr nn�«w.
<br /> . �i'I � PnmNbd bY thM S�o��ky InsLUmMit wNhoul 1Yuthr natlo�ot d�nwid at� Laroww.
<br /> ��� �e. eor►ow�r's Rlpiit to RNMhN. K e«��►.►m..a �r+��. d«►�•.nM n�.�.�,w n�.
<br /> . ,�,�'.�'y"` �ntarunw��t of tf�is S�cwky NaLwn�ni d{sconthwd at any dm� p�br to th� a�l�ot: W 6 �MYe (a wch dl+r prbd a� �_
<br /> �+�.-��• ap�Ncable 1�►m.�►.woMr 1«nin�ut«rNnq a�lon..�.a nk Prapwt�r o�•�a •�n►po�n►a..i.contaln.d N a�l.s.owity
<br /> �_ �4`� Imtn�mn� a(b)�ntry d� judpnMrK�r►kxckp lhis 3�ity In�tru��Thow oondltlorN w th�t Bonawr:(�)WYs l�al
<br /> _ �.:�_�; .— wms whieh u�«�wa�la a aw una.r urs s�ry InaUwn.nc.nd ih. Noc.�us If no�eoM�tiar h�d oaumd; (b) «u.��ny
<br /> iii".'.'� d�At of�rry otMr covwnt or �prwn�►ts� (e)WYs aM�oipmsM inaurt�ld M �nbt�iny Wa S�uMiIY In��.Noiudnp�but
<br />- .. not MNt�d to.�sa�abl��ttany�'IMS:and(d►Wut wch acUon ss Lr�d�nry n�sa+�t+N n4uk�to Rswr�thrt tM Ilw�af
<br /> --'�' :: ., ��y . thl� S�qxity ins4irn�nt. Undr's tipht� in th� Pro�rty and Bonow�r'a oblp�tlon W WY� wm� s�cund by thf�S�arity
<br /> _ - -- -' ��"`, ��"'�' uuwm.nt sndl conunw w,ch�np�d. upon n�na.t«rMnt by 9o�rowr. u�N s�auMty inau�r�t and u�. oWiy.uor+s s.arra
<br /> �, -
<br /> ,•, ' •' h�nby shaM r�n�k�tWy�c1iv�a M no �cc�atlon tuid ocaxnd. HowwK. iN� dpht to nkwtd�shN nol�pply Nt ih�as�
<br /> ���' '' ot�ccNr�Yon und�r puaqr�ph 17.
<br /> � A�`4^� 19. Sal� of Not�• Chan o�f Loan S�rviC�t.The Not�or a a pa�1Ml int�nst(n t1M Not�(top�th�r wkh thU
<br /> a..��:�:M+,.�.t.;,,�ea� � N
<br /> .�ti, y ,�y�,.,•�. �cxrity instrum�ny rwy br sdd au a mor�tinNS wqhout pbr noUc�to Barrow�r.A ad�may nwlt in• clwp�in th��ntqy
<br /> :�".` .._";y�::i�. (known ss th�'Loan Swvl�w')th�t colbeb monihlY WYrt�nls dw undrr th�Not�and thG1 SkurllY Mstrt�eM. Thero�Mn�y =- -
<br /> �'�- ��•:�;.:;�;:'=;�,��5? b� one or mon ch�npa oi the Loan Srrviar urr�t�d to � aai� of th�Noh. H th�n b a ch�ny�ot th� Lo�n Swio�r,
<br /> � ::y;�;,;i;:,r�.� Bortow�r wM b�pN�n wrNhn notla of ih�ch�ny� h accordmc�with pua¢aph 14�bwe�nd Npp1ow1� i�w. Tho nottc�w/ -
<br /> F'�•::,;�, •,. '`�.�:�-,: sqto th�nrn�and�ddn�s ot th�o�rv I.o�n S«vicer and th�addn�s to wribt� p�ym�nts should b�nad�. Th�nollw wi�Yso
<br /> �f';,-',`,:�r ' ' . t�nWn any oth�r Iniann�tlon nQuird by+WPYc',abM Mw.
<br /> 20. H�zardous Sub�tanCas. Bortower sh�M not auss a pwmit th�pnsmc�.us�, dtspotal,staag�,or nlMS�of
<br /> < � �ny FMianlous 3ubstmc� an or b th�P►op�ry. HarowR sh� not tio� no► �low anyon� Mss to do.�nYU�lnO aM�inp th�
<br /> Propsrty ttwt is h vioi�tfon ai�ny Envta�m�ntai Law. The pecednq two Wntmc�s shaM nW�pply to th�pr�nc�,usM, a �
<br /> � stoage on th� Propedy d stnM quantkla of H�rardan Subt�nc�s that an �n�ty+��d to b�appropW�to oomMl
<br /> rMWsntlN uws�nd to rrWnt�nu�c�ot th�Prop�ty.
<br /> + 8ortowK sh�N prornptly yN� L�ndr wrRtun notka ot any invi►st(p�Hon. cYM. d�nd. VwwR a othar allor► by �ny
<br /> � , r' yownwrNnW or rsyuYtory ay�ncy or ptN�U p�rty krvoNinp the P►opwty and�ny Har�rdous Subahnce or EnvM+awn�nW I.�w of
<br /> . � whioh Borroww hais actwl knovrbdp�. H Barowar M�m�, or is notNled by�ny qovrnmmql a r�gul�torY authakY,that any
<br /> � �;�;• . .� r�naval or oth�► rwrndtaUon ot any Hazardous Subatenca affaodnq Propaty N necsssary, Hortawer �hat prompUy Wce aM
<br /> - -'-,--.��:----
<br /> - - _-—•--• •- n�o�swY nm�dMt�Giont in tceord�na with Ernkotrn�ntai Law. .
<br /> . As us�d M►thit prayraph 20.'Hazudous Subatan�es' �n thoss subst�nca d�Aned at twdc w huardous wbsWws by
<br /> Envlronmenhl Law md the foqowY�y substancas: q�soW�e, kerossn�, othw AammaWs a toxlc petrW�um produGS, toxb
<br /> pestic+das and h�rb�idss,vol�tll�soNents.meteri�►s conWniny asbeatos ar tortrWid�hydt, �nd rndioaWve rtWeri�k. As used in
<br />, powpraph 20. 'Envkonmentat I.�w' mMns t�dwal kws and laws of th� JWi�d�Uon wh�n the Pirap�rly 4{aat�d tNat nif►t�to
<br /> hwMh,taf�ty w�nvkenmmtal prot�ctbn.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.BoROwer�nd lendor luAher covenant and a�ns as tollowa�
<br /> 21. Acc�loratton; Romadt�s. l.�ndor chaD �iva odica to Borrowvr prlor to accolar�tlon °::-
<br /> r' totbwlnq Borrowor's br�ach of ��y covonant or Aynomont in this Socurlty Ustrum�nt (but nat �'''�
<br /> +.:� p�iw to �ccal�rallon und�r paraqraph 17 unl�ss sppltc�bl� law provid�s othervuia�j. Th� notic�
<br /> � s shsll 4p�cffy: (a) th� d�fauk; (b) tha actian r�quir�d to cun th� defautt; (a) a d�to, not I�ss than -_
<br /> 30 dsys hom th� dttQ th� notic� is givon to Borrowor, by which the dofault muat bo cur�d; snd
<br /> ' (d) thst failuro to curo tho d�fault on or bator� tbe d�tf speoifled in the notioe msy ruutt tn
<br /> ;' � acc�l�ration of the wms s�curad by this Socurity In�trumant and sals of the Proporiy.Th� noNc� "'W-
<br /> ;:
<br /> d�all furth�r inform Barowor of tho right to ��lasht� �ttor accoleration and the riyht to brinq s ��
<br /> ' cou�t actton to aswrt the non-oxistenca of a dvtauft or any other dofanaa oE Borrowar to =___
<br /> ` '� acc�i�ration and sai�. 1! tho dof�ult is not cured on or before the date spocified tn th� ooNc�,
<br /> � • .._._
<br /> . L.�red�� st its option m�y r�quiro immedlato paymont in futl of all sume saeur�d by thls Sacurity =_-
<br /> � ,��,;. �_.��
<br /> � Instrum�nt without furthor dem�nd and may invok� th� pow�r of salo �nd aoy othor r�m�di�s c,_:.:�
<br /> ' p��mitt�d by applia�bl� law. L.ondor shall bQ �ntittod to colloat all oxponso� tncurr�d in pu�uln� �=°=
<br /> S�. "
<br /> , . , �...r� tfw ram�dia� providad in this parapraph 21� Inctudinp. but not limit�d to� r�a�on�blo �ttaMys'
<br /> E '� � ����`' fNS �nd cost�of titio ovidoncv. �,'�'�
<br /> � 4M,, •
<br /> : � ' :�� It th� pow�r of sal� is invokod, Trustoo �hall rocord a notica ot dofault in �ach county in ,
<br /> '.� which any ptrt of tha Proporty is locatod and shall mtil copiea of such notico in tha msnn�r �
<br /> ;;� ., . prascribad by appilcabla taw to Borrowor and to tha otfwr por�ona prascribed by appitcaW� taw. -
<br /> � - . � �� „ ABer thQ tima roqulrad by applicablo taw, Trustae shall qtvo public notice of qle to th� p�rsons �••;°�
<br /> �':,'. and in tho m��nvr protc�ibed by applicablo law. Trusto�, wRhout damand on Borrow�r, shall sdl
<br /> ._-�� , � tho Proparty at puWic �uatlon to tha htqhast biddor at th� time and placo and und�r tha tvnns
<br /> ���"" � d�si�nst�d tn tho notico ot sale in ono or mwo pa�cots and in any ordor TrualN d�t�rmin�s.
<br /> ��`' � Trust�� may poatpono �ale of all o� any parcol of tho Propariy by public announcam�nt at ttN
<br /> :;''. �� • . .'�' . ''
<br /> • timo �nd pl�ca of �ny previously schedulod sada. l.ond�r or It� doal�noo m�y purchss� th�
<br /> �»;f.�;� '' '��,.: . • ' Prop�rtll�t sny salv.
<br /> --_:_::;.� `. r j' . .
<br /> �^"„!tiP'1'11� � - Upon r�coipt of paymant of tho pricQ bid. Trustee �hall deliv�r to tho purcfias�r TrusiN's
<br /> ��'._�``�-_'_�:'' �L-`" " ' d�od conwyinp tho Proparty. Tha rocits�is In tha Trust��'s daad �hait bo prim�fact� wid�� of .
<br /> ,<<::— - - - - �- stM sntiit vr iiw sisivm��s m�wi� ib��in. Trusi�� snaii appiy mn prua�ias 6i inv "saii in mo -
<br /> "^� . �r;�f?��•�,�- followlnp ord�r. (a� to all costs and oxpons�s of �x�rctsinp the pow�r of sslo, wnd th� sal�, .
<br /> � `� �""`'''" " ' tncludl�p th� paymmt of tho T�ud��'s fNS actwlly iecur��d.not to ozcwd thna
<br /> .":� :��•.:`• % of th� princlp�!amou�t af ttw
<br /> �.:,�;,_.,�r,-,,`: nob d th� tim� of th�d�cluation of d�fault� �nd nua�abl� �ttomoy's f��s as ponnkt�d by law;
<br /> (b) to all wms a�cur�d by thls S�curlty Inshum�n�and(a) any uccoa to th� p�rzat or p�raons .
<br /> � ° I�palh►�Mitbd to it
<br /> ,:
<br /> F/316.tAKi(tt�p7) Paq�4 of 3 ,���!
<br /> r� , .
<br /> .— a4 .�, '�.: �
<br /> --�.:�_:x:A,; !]10E.Ur1
<br />- --� r.."
<br /> _.�_".���"��� - - -- - �� _.�,.-._.__.�.._..
<br />