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<br /> condemnation or dher ttJun�of any part of dx E'ropcny,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation,tue hureby a�ci�ned u�d
<br /> a----- — �hall be paid to Lender. -
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property.the procteds shall be applied to the aums securcd by thi9 Secutity
<br /> Insaument,whether or not then duc,with any exass paid to Bomower. In the event of a pa�tial tuking of the I'ropecty io
<br /> which th�fair market vAlue of the Property immediately bcfore the t�Jcing is equal to or graater thun tha amount of the euma
<br /> _ ____ secured by thls Security lnsaument immediately before thR taking,unkss Borrower and Lender oth�nvise agree in wridng.
<br /> the sumII secured by this Secudry InSt�ument shall be reducod by the amount of the proceeds multipliad by the followln�
<br /> fraction: (a)the total amount of tht sums secured Immediately�efore the taking,divided by(b)tha fiir market value of tha
<br /> = Property immediately bc:fore thc tal:ing. Any b�►lancc sh�ll bc pnid to Rnrrower. [n thc cvc►tt af u parilal taking of the
<br /> _- Property in which the fair market vulue af thc Prupetty immodiately befarc the taking is less than ttw amount uf the sums
<br /> ._� secund immMiately befure the tal:ing,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise ugree in wr�ting or unlers applicAble Inw
<br />_ _ _ otherwise provides,the procads shall be applied to tha sum.v secured by this Security Instrument whethesr or not thc sums w�e
<br /> - -- then due.
<br /> = If the Property ts abandoned by BoROwer.or if.atter notice by l.ender to Barrower ihat tho candomnor offers ro mAlce
<br /> an award or settle a claim for dumages,Borrowcr fails to respond to Lender within 30 duyx after the dute thu rwtfce 1�given,
<br /> �` Lender is authoriud ta coliect und upply the pr.�ceeeis,at itx c,ptiun,�ither tu nsturrtiw�w repuir uf�tw Htispeny ur w thc
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not tl�en due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barowcr otherwisc ugrcc in�v�iting.any applirution af pnkcedx to princlpul xhull �wt extend nr
<br /> postpone the duc date of the monthly puymcntr rcfcrrcd ta in purug�uphs I und 2 or ch;uige the umount uf auch paymcnt�.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Rele�edt M�be�ra�ce Sy Lende� Not A Waiver. Exten.riun ot' 1hc dma fi�r payment ur
<br /> ---�-------�---- - modificAtian of wnoctization of thc sumx sccurcd by this Sccu�i�y in.trumcnc gruncrJ by Lcrxlcr«i uny sucrc►,c�r in imcrcst �
<br /> -_ of Bomnwer shAll nat operatc to rclew�c ttx liubiliry of the original Boaower or 8orrowcrl rucce*uirn in intcrcnt.I.enik:r
<br /> ° �hall not bc rcquircd to commenca pnxeediny�uyulmt uny succc+u►r M intcrest or refusr to cx�and timc fiir payment or
<br /> otherwise madify amortization of tht sums uerurcd by thfx Secudty instrumeot by c+eason of any ckmund mude by the originnl
<br /> Borrower or Borrower�s successarx in interc�t. Any forbear�nce by l.ender in exercising any ri�ht or rcmedy xhall not be a
<br /> wxiver of or prcciude the exercise of any dght or rcmedy.
<br /> �'` 12. Successors and AssiQns Baund;Joint And Several I.tability;Casigners. The covcnantx�nd ugreements of this -
<br /> � Security Instrument shnll bind and benefit the successors and u+slgns of Lender und Borrower,subject 10 th�provisions of
<br /> parngraph 17.Borrower�s covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security _
<br /> Instrume�t but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to moagnge,gcant and convey that
<br /> Borrower's interest in thc Property under the terms of this Sccurity Instrument; (b)is not personully oblig�ted ta puy the sums
<br />. secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender nnd any other Bonower may agrcc to extend,modify,forbear __
<br /> " or make any accommodationa with regard ro the terms of this Security Instn�ment or the Note without that Bortower?s -
<br />"�_� consent. -_._
<br /> ?� 13. LoAn Charges. If the loan secured by this Security ]nstmment is subJect to a luw which sets maximum loan -
<br /> '��.it r._ .
<br /> ChBPg!'a,en�i thAt law fa f qn�►y�ptemTPt4d�thet the interest�r other 1���charo�s cnllected or to hr.collected in connection ,
<br /> : „'�- wtth the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessury to reduce
<br /> ��y.'.,.��...�, , ,,.:�u.
<br /> .:+�•.�t�_.r�t,.;iv��� the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)uny xums already collected fram Borrower which exceedod Exrmitted limits will be _
<br /> ., ``�����-; �� •��M►r� refunded to Borrower. Lender may chaose to make this refund by reducing tiir priucipal owed under tha Note or by making a '
<br /> �'������'�•'`� �?1 direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principul,the reduction will he treuted ag u purtiAl prepuymant without any ��•;•
<br /> `"�`'^'�j�t'0,';;;;';���`' prepuyment charge under the Note. -
<br /> • . ; 14. Notices. r�ny notice to Borrower provided for in thi� Security Instrument shall be given by dcliveriug it ar by
<br /> , ' mailing it by first class mail unless applicublc law reyuires usc of another method.The noticc shall be directcd co the Property
<br /> ' ' Address or any other address Borrower designatec by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender tihuU bc given by first claxs e-
<br /> �', .�;;r;.r:;;;,�y� mail to Lender's•uddress stuted herein or uny other uddrex�Lender dexignatez by natice to Borrower. Any notice provided for �-
<br /> in this Security instrument shall bc deemed ta huve ixcn given to Bnnower ar Lender when �iven us pravided in this �;'-.
<br /> '[?'; ,,; • paragraph. �-
<br /> x ' . : 15. Governing LAw; Severability. This Sccurity In�trument �hall hr governed by fedetal luw und the luw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the PropeRy is locuted. In the event thut any provisian or clauze of thi�Security (nstrument or the Nate _
<br /> - conflicts with upplicable luw,such conflict shall not affect othrr provisions of this Sccurity Instrument ur tha Note which cun _...
<br /> � � � be given effect without the conflicting provision. To thix end the provisions of thi.Security Instrument und the Note are M...
<br /> ��+:�`� declared to be severable. �_
<br />- � - 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shull bc given onr rontom�ed cnpy nf'the Note anJ of thi:,Securiry Intitrument.
<br /> ,., ;, , 17. '[lransfer of the Property or a Bene�iciul interest in Borrower. If ull or uny part of thc Prc�perty or uny interest in
<br /> it is sold or transferred(or if u bcncficial int�rc.t in Borrowcr�s sold ar trun,fcrcrd und Borr��wcr i,not u nutural pcnon)
<br /> �' ' � � without Lenderti priar written canxnt,Lendcr may,ut itti uptiun,reyuire immediatr p:►ymrnt in full of all sums secured by -
<br /> ' this Security Instrument However,thix option shall nat he exercised by Lender iF exerci�e ix prohibited by federal law as of `--_
<br /> ' '�'��=:�._, '�` '' the date of this Security Instrument.
<br /> �K�• If Lender exercises this option.Lendcr xhalt givc Bonowrr noticc of iircelci:uion. Thr notire shull providc a period of _
<br />--__��MF+:,,��;. not less thun 30 days from the dute thc notice ix dclivemd or mailed within which Borro��cr mu�t pi�y ull sumx securrd by this
<br /> •--= r-i•- Securlty Instrument. if BoROwer fails to pay thcsr xums priar t�� thc expirirtiun ot'thi. �xriuci, Lcnder may invoke any
<br /> ��' �°' '� ��i.;,;! remedies permltted by this Securiry[nstrumrnt without 1'urthrr noticr or demand on Burruwcr.
<br /> � • _ t• � ..
<br />-._�� ?�.: . 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reinstute. If Burrowrr �rnet+ceriuin ronditiom. Borruwrr tihull huvc thr right to huve °
<br /> �— '� �' '° � enforcement of this Security Instrument ditirontinued at un}�time prior to thr carlirr ot': (u)5�iry,tcrr such othcr period aa � �
<br />-,_-� ..'. r, ... ; `_;
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