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<br /> appiicable Isw may Rpxlfy for reinstatement)beforo Rale of tho FropertY Punwot w any powa of�1e coru�ined In d►i:
<br /> - - — , xct�rIty Inatttu��rait;oi(t`,y�y a'f a judgtrs�t utfot+cing this 3scntftq lststsssrttat. '!lser_=Co��!lone�e thet No!n��+�r: (�) _
<br /> ' p�y: l�ender�1! wm� whkh tiw� waild be due under thit Security In�trumait aad the Nole u it ao �ooele�tion hd
<br /> oa�ur:ed;(b)cura�ny defwit of any otha coven�nu a�gnaements;(c1 WY�+�i expp�ir�cutred in aiforcin�thi�Secudry
<br /> In�uument,includin�,but not limited to,r+e�son�bk attomays'fea; uid(d)takes such�ctla�u Leeda mry res�aiably
<br /> require to auwe thu the lien of this Security lnstrument,l.enckrk ri8ht�in the Prnpaty and Bor[owerti obli:sdan w py the
<br /> wnu �ecurod by thit Security Inawment �hall co�tlnue unch�n�d. Upon reiiutaumau by Bamewer. thir S�ecwity
<br /> In�wment u�d the obii�tions�acurcd l�eoeby sFatl nmain fully etYective u it ro ueekradan h�d oaurred. Howeva.t6i�
<br /> _ __._�__..._ ri�t to rdnst�te ih�li nnc�pply in the c�o of�a:ele��cion undcr pmr:,�aph t7.
<br /> 1!. Sde d Notti Cl�s�e ot LoM fiuvioer. Tho Note oc�p�utid interat io the IVote(toRadbr wlth thi��ecuriry
<br /> Inurument)msy be w1d one ar rttia�e times withaut priar notico to Bon+ower. A�ale msy rowlt in a oh�n�e In tiw cntky
<br /> (known a the"Lo�n Sen+iar")that collacts monthlY WYment�due undar tho Nae uid tNi�Secudty Inurum�nt. 'il�a�e al�o
<br /> may be one or mooe chen�e�ot the I.o�n Servker unrel�tod to��ab of the Note. tf thece Is a ch�e of the L,ort Savloer.
<br /> Bo�s�nwer will be�iven wrfttrn notice of the chan�o In�ocordu�ce with p�n�apA 14�bove u�d�pplicabie law. The notke
<br /> will�uro the n�n�e u�d�ddt�e�s ot the new L.o�n Servicer�nd Ihe addre�s to wbich p�ymeM�diouW be m�de. Tbe notloe wUl
<br /> �lw conWn my otha�inloematfon eoquired�y appiic�blo Ixw.
<br /> 20. 11�rardow 5rb�t��w. Bormwer�hali not auie or pem�lt the pro�ena.uie.di�po�al,atar�e,or rcle�te of any
<br /> Huardous Sub�W�cet on or in the Propetty. Bormwar sh�lt not do.nor allow�nyone ebe to do.�ythin��xdng d�
<br /> property thu is in violWoo of my E+wlronmenud La►w. The P�acedin�two�entcnces�Full not apply to the preteoce,uu.or
<br /> storage on the Pmperty of emall quu�Utie�of Haz�rdou:Subttances that�ro�enerally reco�niud to bc appcopriau to nortna!
<br /> residential u�es and to maintansnce af the Property.
<br /> Bptuwer sh�l(prompty�ive Lender wdtten notice af any investtgadon,daim.demAnd,lawcuit or other ection by any
<br /> - --_---_�� governmental or rcgul�tocy agency a'pdvate putY involvi���ti�Prope� v and anv Haz�rdou� Substance or Environmental
<br /> Law of which Borrowa has actu�l knowledga If Bo�rower leams. or is notil►ed by any oovemmental or regutuory
<br /> authodty.that any rcmoval or dher remediadon of any HAZardous Subuance affxting the Propaty is necess�ry,Borrnwer
<br /> sh�U promptly take all necessary remedi�l act�ons in Acco�dance wlth Envlronmental L.aw.
<br /> As used in this puagraph 20."Hazudous Subuances"are those substances defirKd as toxic or hazardous substs�nces by
<br /> Environmental Lsw and the following subst�nces: gasoline.kerosene.other flammable or wxic petralwm products,toxic
<br /> pesticides�nd herbicides.volatile solvents.materials contalning asbestos or fortnaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20."EnvironmentAl Law"means fodeml laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is locak+�
<br /> th�t nlate ro health,saFety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrower and l.ender funher covenant and agrce as foilows:
<br /> 21. Accekration; Reroedies. Lender siwll�ive wtia to Borrower prior to accekration tdlowing�orrower's
<br /> breach ot any rnvenant or Agreement in t6(s Security Iastrument(but not prlor to accekration uader pnr�rAph 17
<br /> uaksa applicabk bvy provWes otherwhe). The notice shAll cpecify: (a)the defAUlt;(b)the Actlon rcquired to cure the
<br /> , . defanli;tc3 a 3:ir,a+a!!�!lstssst 30�sys l4nsYt 1!!e!a!t the ootice is gtven to Bo�rower,by which the default must be .
<br /> cured;and(d)tbAt tailure to cure the default on or betore the date speciBed ta the notice may result in accelerallon ot
<br /> — the sums secured by this Security Instrument And sale of the Property. The notice shAll turther inform Borrower of
<br /> ` � tl�e rlght to retnstate pf�er�ccelerallon And the ri�ht to bring a court Action to Assert the non-ezistence of a default or
<br /> �, � ' any other defense o[Borrower to Acceleratbn pnd snle. If the default is not cWred on or before the date specitled in
<br /> �+� � the notke�Lender At its option may require immediute payment in fuli ot All sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> without [urther demand and may invoke the power oP sale and any other remedies permitted by Applkable Inw
<br /> 3 l.ender shall be entitled to collect All expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provlded in this pars�rs�ph 21,
<br /> • ..,ti� , includtng.but not limited to.reasonable attornoys•tees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> ' : It the power of sAle is invoked.7tustee shall record a notice oP defAUlt in each county in which any part of the
<br /> Y��"' Property Is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Bor�ower and to
<br /> � . i:r,,.�,�_,� the other persuns prescribed by upplicable law After the time required by applicable law,Trustee shall$ive publk
<br /> notice of sale to the persons And in the manner prescribed by applicAble law. 'I�ustee,witbout demAnd on Burrower.
<br /> � = r�' shpll sell the P�operty at public Auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in
<br /> �,,,,y:,�,.,.:;;��,,, •� the notke oP sale in one or more pArcelc and in any arder 1Yustee determines. 'I�ustee may postpone sate of a!t or any
<br /> �.�� parcel of the Property by public announcement at the time and place of any previously sche�uled sale. Lender or its
<br /> ,��30��r��-:;; .. dcs{�nee�nsy p���chrse the Property At any w+la �
<br /> ! �'� U recei oi a ment of'the rice bld.'I�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser'[lrustee's deed conveying the
<br /> .�'��:!:,•',� P� M P Y P
<br /> ;t�3", ��.�;::,rts�:�:} Property. The recitals in the 1lrustee's deed shall be prlma facie evidence of the truth of the stAtements made therein.
<br /> _—����.;�,;:-,a:�;��-• 'Itustee shall apply tht proceeds of the�le in the fuilowing order: (a)tu s�ll costs and expe�ses of exercising the power
<br /> --- _ ,,;. _�.�.
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