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<br /> - - 9�,.' �0000
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<br /> �_ . �••M�1,tn�t l,+nder,�qu�e�.. �►uo i�ur�s c�n�v�+ain�d,e i�r.ao.�a�be ct�o�a�6y sorruwer wbject ta La�d�ti
<br /> . approv�l whkh�hall rwt be unroaia�biy withhald. If Bamwer fdl�w maintain covera�e dacdbed above.L.ender ouy.�t
<br /> L,aideri�optinn,obt�i�t covera�c w protect L,atdarb d�hu in Ihe Property In accardwice with para�ph 7.
<br /> Ali inauru�ce policiea and renewvs sh�ll t�c�ccepubk to LerWer and rh�11 Include a etandud mixt��e clawie. I.endcr
<br /> :h�ll h�t�c tha ri$ht to hold the policies�nd ranaw�l�. Tf Lender nquitra,Bortower ahall promptly give to Lender dl receipts
<br /> of p�id pnemluma uK!nnew�l noticea. In tha avent of toss.Iiorrower�nail�ive prompt notice co the Lnurmce carcier and
<br /> I.eeder. LeMar may m�1ce pcnof of loss if not mwde promptly by Barower.
<br /> --- _—� Unlcs4 tr_ndcr and Bornwver�+therwiAe egree in wdting,insurance proceeda shdl be�pplied W restoratlon or npair af
<br /> the Property dumaged, if the restorxtion or�pair is economleally feuible and Lender's cecurity is not lessened. If the
<br /> restaation ar rcpair ie not economic�lly feutcible ar L.enderb securfty would be lesbenod,the insurance proceeds ahall be
<br /> applied w tlia auma secured by tht�Security In�uument, wh�ther or not then duc,with�ny excess p�ld to Borrower. If
<br /> BoROwer abandona the Property.or does qat an�wer within 30 days a notice from l�er�le�1Fwt the incurance cariier h�s
<br /> of&red to settle a claim,then Lender may colleat the lnsurance proceate. Lender may�ue the proceeds to rep�ir or restore
<br /> ---: th�pro�ecty or to pay sums secured by this Sxurity Insdument,whether or not then due. 'Ilie 30-day period wiQ begin when
<br /> �--...�--�° _--- ° thc natisc iG given.
<br /> ------ Unlesa Lcndcr and Bomowcr otherwi�a agrec in writing.any application of r,roceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> �— poslpona the dua date of the monthly paymante mfemcd ta in paragcaphs 1 and 2 or change the unount of the payments. If
<br /> u�ndar pangnph 21 the Prope�ty Is acqutrad by Lender,Borrowerh r�ght to any insurance polictea and prnceeds r+taulting
<br /> � fram•damage to the f'�q�crty prior to thn aaquiaition sh�ll p�ss to Lender to the eztent of the�ums xcured by thi:5ecurity
<br /> incuu�nant i�miiadiatcly priar to thc acquisitian.
<br /> 6. ()ccupwacy. Preiervatlon, Mpintenpnce and Protection ot the Property; Borrower•� Loan Appikation;
<br /> l.eaefioldx. Bormwer st►ai!accupy.estabHch,and ure the Prqxrty ax 8arrawerk ptincipal rcridence whhin sixty drye wfler
<br /> - `°°°--'�� the oxar:ution of thix Security in�uument and ri�w0 cu�ulnue to occupy the Properiy as Barrowcrk princi�wt rcsidenec for at
<br /> lrru cme year �fler the dutc af occupancy, unless Lendcr utherwixe �yncca in writin�. which conscnt rhwil not be
<br /> unreW�x�nF►ly withheld,nr unksx axtenu�ting oircumKtancer exixt whirh�re beyond Bamwerk control. Bcxrower xiiwtl not
<br /> duwn►y,d��mn�c nr lmp+�ir tlx Propcny.ullnw the{'mpcAy to dcterlorwte,or commit wa�tc an the Praperty. 8orrowe�.h�ll
<br /> t�r irt�Wfault{f�ny farfeiwre action or pmceadiny�,whe�har civil vr criminal,iK be�un thwt in l.ender��ood faith Jud�ment
<br />. a��tld rccult in forfeiturc af thc Property or athcnvle�e matedolly impair the lien cre�ted by this Secu�ity In�uument or
<br />- Lendurb,�ecurity Interext. Borrc►wer may cum such a default and rclnatate,as provided in puagraph 18,by cpusin�the+�ction
<br />- -- ar prc�cceding ca be dixmisxed wi�h a ruting thet.in Lender?�good faith dctertninAtion.prccludes forFeitucc of the Bonower's
<br /> Mtorc�:t in the E'�o�xrcy or other mau�ial impairment of tbe Hen created by this Security Insuument or L.enderk security
<br /> - � intcrcet. Bomower stwll also be in dofault if Borrowcr. during the loan application prceess. gave materlally false or
<br /> � tnuccurate infonnution or stutements to Londer(or failed to provide Lender with any materisl information)in connection wIth
<br /> ---- the loan evidcnced by the Note, includt»g, but not limited ta, representations conceming BorroW�er�s occupancy of the
<br /> `,___ __ ,� Fhnperty as a pr�ncipal residenca If this Saauriry In�trument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply wIth all the provlsions
<br /> of thc Inase. If Borrower uquires fee titlo to tha Aroperty,thc leasehotd and the fee tide shaii not merge uniess Lender agrees `
<br /> _ to tho mergcr in writing.
<br /> 7. Protectbn of I.ender's Righte in tl�e Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agraments
<br /> contutned in this Security Instrument, or there is a Iegal procceding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the
<br />• Prope�ty(such as a prceeeding in bankntptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or roguladons),then
<br /> 't Lendesr may do and pay for whatcver!s necossary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> L.ender's acticxts muy include paying any sums secumd by a lien wbich has priority over this Security Instrument,appearing _
<br /> in cou�t,paying reusonable attorneys'fee�and entering on the Property to make repuirs.Although I.ender may tnke action
<br /> ' r`w� undar this puragraph 7,Lender does not hmm to do xo. _
<br />-- ,, '` Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrnph 7 shull hecome additianal debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> °� ; � ;;t;Y: Security 6�strument. Unless Horrowe�and Londer agrce to other tertns of puyment,these amounGS shnll bear intemst from the
<br /> �� �:,?"'' dutc of dixbursemcnt at thc Nate rate and shall be payable, with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower rcquesting
<br />.. payment.
<br /> " � 8. Mortgage lnsurance. If Lender requimd mortgage insurunce as a condition of making the losui secured by this
<br /> � �� :7� '�: Security Inst►ument. Borrower shall pay the premiums reqmmd to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. [f, for any
<br /> `� '`:"'°�� reuson, the mortgnge insurance coverage required by Lender lupses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> �,°�'��'��"�'`�'•`° �"�� pmmiums �equired to obtatn coveruge substanualiy equivaicnt ro the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> ' •"�� �f .:�.,:� . substnntiully equivalent to the cost to Borrowar of the monguge insurance previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage
<br /> %� �"� T inxuoer approved by i�ender. 1f substantinlly equiv:►lent mortgage insurance coveragc is not available,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> �;»`,��..',-, .
<br /> + �`:':;.�'•• •°�- Lendcr euch month a sum e ual to one-twalllh of thc earl mnrt a c insurancc rcmium bein aid b Bo�rower when the
<br /> k . ,..-:� 9 Y Y 8 S P B P Y
<br /> � insumnee coverage lapved or ceased to be in offeet. Lender will accept,u,e and retuin these payments as a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> -_ � � of mortsuge insurance. Loss reserve payments mey no longer bc requimd,ut the option of Lender, if mortgage insurance
<br /> �:��.~: � covcrage(in the amount and for the period that Lcnder requlres)providcd by un insumr•rpproved by Lender again becomes
<br /> - �>r•�z,;''�'� availuble and is obtai�ed.Borrower shall pap the pmmiumt reyuircd t�muintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a
<br />? a-ik�`3��:�j Inss reserve,until the requirement for mort�age insurance ends in uccordance with;uiy written agrcement between Borrower
<br /> �±���-��''�: ._ and Lender or upplic:►blc lu�v.
<br /> '-`��'-:� ' 9. Inspecdon. Lender or its agent may mukc masonabic cntries upon and inspectiuns af the Property. Lender shall
<br /> ..a�ad.n.-,..
<br />-.;��r-�'�fy;�'�,�, Sivc Bnrrowcr notice at the time of or prior tn an intipertiun specifying rcason•rblc c:wse for the inspection.
<br /> —= 10, Condemnution. The proceed+of any award or claim for dumuges,direct ar conseyuential,in connection with any
<br /> �,� }�� Singlo Family--Fannk M�elFhddk Mpc UNA�ORM INSTRUh1ENT-•Un�form Covenant. 9/90 I/xrAr 3��jo pupesl
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