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� . . - . — <br /> ' � ° `- <br /> w. ��} �'�* <br /> � '�t�t ��� � " .� . _ _. ... <br /> -�o�_�� - —�...�+ 93-'a�.o�►�2 <br /> , paymeats msy no lon�er be rcquired,at thr c�tion of l.erxkr. if martQAyc in�urance cover�c(in tho attxtuq�,��for the period <br /> that Lendcr roquirer)providod by rn inwrer�pprovod by l.cnder�dn becumes avxilable wKl is c�btainod. &?rtawer shall p�Y <br /> the prcmiums required ta m�nt�in mort�e iruunr►ee i�effect,or ta provide a loxc rcr•erve,until the rdqui�tpaot for mort�trge <br /> iawnnce ends in wccordance with any wcitten a�rament between Barrower+u�d l.ender or applicaiblo law. <br /> 9. la�p�ctlon. L.ender ar itx�Yent truy make rw�nrble ent�ier upon and Inspectiong of tha Propetty..Lender ciull�ive <br /> Borrower notice at thc lime of or prior w�n inapectiun spxifyin�reaconable c+wse for the inspectian. <br /> t0. Condemnation, The pruceeds of any u::•ss�!t�s rlaim for dum•rge�.:. dfrxt or con.:equential. in sonnoctio�� wlth any <br /> _ - conderruwtian o�other takinQ of any pan ui the Propeny.�►r far comeyAncc in lieu of condemnrtian. are tx{eby Asci�nod iud <br /> �� ' rtwli bc paid to Lendcr. <br /> -� �A�il In the evenl of a tatyl taking of the Propeny.the proceods stwll be applied to the sums securai by thia Socurity Instrument, <br /> �,. <br /> -"�"'�'�-..� whether or not then due, with uny ezcess paid tu Bormwer. ln the event af a purtial taking uf the Pro�erty i,� which the fair <br /> -- --- market valuc of thc Propeny immeciiately befure the tuking is eqaal ta or greatcr than the a�nount of tha�um{;xcurod by thic <br /> — Serurity In,trument inui�ediately bcfore the tukiog,unless Horrower:u�d I.ender othsrwisc agroc in writinµ, tha wms securod by <br /> — this Security lnstrument shall be reducai by the wnount of the praceods multiplied by the follawittg fraetioll: (u) the totut <br /> �--�_=-"�—� amount of the sums secured imn�iiatcly beiore the tuking, divide�by (b)thc fair market valuc of tha PropFny immediately <br /> � beforc the tuking. Any balance �hall bc paid to Borrower. In the cvent af a pa�tial taking of tha Pr�perty ia which the fair <br />__ � market value of the Property immediately befare�he taking is than the umount of the sums secureci immodistely before the <br /> _` �•••• taking, unless Borrower and I.ender othcrwisc agrce in writing or unless applicublc law atherwice provjdas.tha procceds siwll <br /> _— be applied to the sums securrxi by this Socurity Instcument whether or not the sunu ure then due. <br /> _• If the Property is abandonad by Borcower,or if,after noticc by Lender tu Horrawer that tha condemm�r offers to makc sm <br /> award or settle a claim for dwnAge+, Borrower fAils to respond to I.ender within ;i0 days nfter thc dute thq,rwtice is given, <br /> Lender is autharized to cailect and apply the proceals,at its uptiun,either w rr�wrxtiun ur repair of ih�Propc,tty or to the wms <br /> �R � secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not�hen due. <br /> :r�;�.�_�•f�;; Unless Lender and Borrower otherwi!ce agree in writing, any upplication �f proceads to principal st�ll nat extend or <br /> � �'�' - -,�; •'" postoone the due datc of the nwnthty puymentx referrcd to in parugraphs I and 2 or cha�ige thc umount�f such puyments. <br /> .,, 1.•.,;�:•: 7�... 11.Borrower Not Released;Forl►earance By l.ender Not A Wpiver. Extension of the time for paymGnt or modification <br /> �'�'�'�'�' '�''�`��.: •�;� • of arnortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrunxnt granted by I.ender ta any suco:swr in interesr of Borrower shall <br /> � "• not operate to relea.tie the liabiliry of the original Barrower or Borrowe�s succcssors in intcrest. Lendcr shall not be rcquired to <br /> ��,. rnmmence proceedings against any successor in interest ar refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise nxxlify tunortizetion <br /> 3� '"''��s'�.��'� of thc suttu secureci by this Sccurity Instrumcnt by re:►son of any dema►nd made by the originai �or�raw•ex or Borcowcr's <br /> ,�V�C7�.. <br /> �„t �,' succcssors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exerci�ing ony right or remedy nhall nat be a wuv�r ot'or prcclude the <br /> eaercise of any right or remedy. <br /> --- � - i2. ��.,soi�s �rid Asfiig� Soand;,foini w�d �ekcr�i Li�Wisi , Co-signer. 'i'!�c coccs�ni�,,;;�:ccrszcats of this <br /> • ,r���±�.�=►�=� f' <br /> ; ''�,��;... _ <br /> � Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors und ussigns of Lender and Borrower, subjact tu the provisions of <br /> t °'" �'� ��� paragrnph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreement.r shall be jnint and severui. Any Barrower who c��-higns this Security <br /> .,�.lJti�;�ti ; <br /> .,,.�t,. . • •� In�trument but dces not execute tlx Nate: (a) i+co-tiignin& this Security Tnstnrmcnt only tu mattguge.grunt and comey that <br /> "`�"'��� • Bonower's intercst in the Pro rt unJer thc term�of this Sccurit Instrumi:nt:Ib)is not sonall obli tKa1 to a the sums <br /> �,.��„ . Pe Y Y I�• 9 � P Y <br /> ���+• sacured by this Security Instrument:and�r)agrces thrt Lsnder:uid any other Borrower muy agrce to ertcnd,modify,forbea�r or <br /> ""''��`�'� make any accommodations with reg•rrd ro the termti af thiti Security ln.rtrunxnt or the Note without that Burrawer's consent. <br /> ��`�`'��' �'��' �, � 13.Loan Cha es. If the loan+ecurcJ b thiti Scrurit (nstrument ia sub 4�t to a law which sets m•rximum ioun char es <br /> .:�.. : ...... , !'B Y Y 1" g . <br /> .:�-�--��:�;;r;� and that law is finully interpreteJ ui that the intem�t ur other loan charge�cull��cted or to be coUeeted in eonnection with the <br /> • �~/�4��°��^:�+:•�-� •' loan excced the permitted limits, then: la)any tiuch loan rhargr shrll lx reJuceJ by thr arrwunt necestiary w reduce che charge <br />,,��` . tii•,.y�.:g',,�q!;r�•., .. .: h <br /> �• � � '� � to the permitted limit;and(b)any sunn ulreudy collected from Borrower which exrceded pernii►tad timits will be refunded to <br /> . .-:...,..�.;;,(: <br /> �:°•i� .� •.. � x Bonower. L.endlr moy chcx�se to nu►ke thi+ rcfu�xl by reducing the principal owed under the Nutc: 4�r by muking a direct <br /> '�����'�� �' a ment to Horrower. If a ref'wxi reduce+ rinci el the redurtinn will Ix trerted us a artial rs a ment without ar� <br /> ,�„.. ,. .•. .y�. �•� P Y P p' . p' P P'Y Y <br /> ��,,,,, ,.. ;� • .. . , prepayment charge under the Notc. <br /> ,y:,�.��7..t ;.,,.,•f , <br /> .4 ��.,;;4,_ , .,, ..,_.-, 14.Nutices. Any noticc to Bono�t-cr prc:viJcd fnr is�thi�Securit, [nr.trununt st�all bc givcn by dcliccring it or bp mailing <br /> ' ,���y,.,�..,,;�_.:;., it by first class mail unless applirablc luw reyuire.u+e ol'anothcr muh�xl. The nutirc.hall ik dir�:cr� to the Propeny Address <br /> •-:F • • or any other addre�ti Borrowcr design•rtc, by notire to I.endcr. Any nutice tu l.rndcr �I�ull be givc�n by first clatis mail to <br /> ` "" Lcnder's address stutc�d hcrcin or any othcr address LcnJer dcsignatc� hy nuticc tu Bnrr��w•cr. A�ty notice provided for in this <br />'",�� �,._..;�. Security Instnunent shall be dcemai tei have bcen given to Borrawer or Lende�when givcn u�providai in this paragrrph, <br /> . ^`-;,,,;.;° 15.Governins Law; Severebility. Tl�is Sccurity Instrumcnt ,haU be guvcrncJ by fuierul luw and the law of the <br /> _ ,z�.._ <br /> _ ��,;•',��.:_,_ jurisdiction in which the Propeny i�I�xut�. In the rvent that any pn3vision or rlausc�>f thir. S�urity Instrument or the Note <br /> �„��o:.�.z:,r;, <br />---- -,,-�.,, conflirts with applicable law,such conflict�hull not affect nthcr pr<rvisium of thi�Securi�.y Inst rument ex the Note which can be <br /> :"� ,.� given effect withuut the conflicting provisian. Tu this end thc proviriun+uf thiy Securi�y l�:�trununt a�x1 the Note are declared <br /> `�� to be severable. <br /> -_ �� 16.Ibrrower's Copy. Burrowcr shall be given one conli�rnud cupy of thc Neitc:uxl ai thix Security Instrunxnt. <br /> '' .���� Fa�n 3028 9/90 <br />---,�� P�e 4 Of 8 <br /> t <br /> ._:Y� <br /> _��_'. :{'�'_.'.`.�:5?3'`3�!'t'��� ! '1�'Sd6?'S�If�CE4�f•_'�__. <br /> '� r�*f Z � .��1.}�i.�.t'�'�,.,. ._ . S..�.:.....� .. Ce.�•��'�.• `. .:..��• .�.. � . <br /> - --- 1 :/ - - .� ' lr:./�Y i w.'��'11 tii l�i' .'� ' ' . <br /> _..,,.a�.,�.,,._ _,.�,,,�„�,,�,:._ti..v ic;eak:�_r::t���r3xl�lt�ia 'tlCS�$zif��ii�:a�arc:id�k•L•'����_,. <br /> - -- � — <br /> - _.� <br /> — r� _- _._ _.._ - -- - _ _ •- <br /> �....�..r s9� .;�� r . �I-G ..-- : .f . ;�j ,+Yr -�,�`: ..��. r . <br /> R'�+qR�- ..��K" . . . . . . . ,Y,Wf.�er^Y+-.�iulkt Y{�,�ov'�era. . � . ' <br /> :Ly,.�y... .-.... � p.KV �.'��^ • <br /> _ � 'l: . .. `, •. '"�'£��i��{{�` -i��C` "-• �r . <br /> -•'�r'+.1�.''h1�!� _ . . �'� ' '. ...• , a <br /> �..:' ;, <br /> --- .a.'.;�::sR� >�'ie:..,:aipl�tt��� ir:,.ti-�..;.��..�, .4.6`. _ ,r. . <br /> ---- _ ��'" v .r...,.. ,..� . ._ . <br /> .....�,��`a�isv- ''tr ^l� :�-. :{c`�: ..^�.tti tiy�,�l .2 �''�• �• <br /> - - - -- .�..-�- �.!�� , `A-'z:,Y.--�y an} - ...��. :..�. .. <br /> - t �.r .• - .�� <br /> - -— -_ --- .1.� :... -`'_. .... '�-.�.�`'. ..... :�:�U�.._ .,. ._._. . ..u,_..•.o..:.c.:i+.-`- <br />