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<br /> a. N�..r+ �r rr�ty Ywn.et. eamowor sbd� ioeop �,e uaprovaa�enu row e�i.tia� or hr�.nr ana�a o. th.
<br /> pro�peny iirurod�pint loa by firo.twp�rdu inctuch�d within tba tenn "exladed a,van�e' aad aay a�brr hvardi� facJudi�
<br /> iiaxls�,i ttor,3ir,�,t.yi wt�h t.endar ragu{rac inwii�n.c.Thtc itwu~�-�+:Iwil be m�int�ined in tlie w�ou�s md for tbe perbda
<br /> dut [.a�der roquitea. The inwl'�noe curier providing tbe'smuranoe sh�ll be cho�eo by Borrower wbjoct tu�Lender'�approv�l
<br /> which �II not be urue�uonpt�lY withl�eW. If&umwer frilc to m�intaln coveraRe dac�ibed above. I.wder m�y. �t t.ander's
<br /> aptian,obWn oove�e tn protect[.ender'�ri�hts in�tha Propaty in acmn4nce wfth panYraph 7.
<br /> All inwranoc policia��nd renew�lt�Fu11 bo�poepbbk to Latder tnd s1�11 include a wuxiard m�t�e clwae. [.ender
<br /> -- ehall h�ve the�ight to hakf the policia and renew�lK.If L�ender roquit+es.8orrowe�slwll promptly�iv�e co Ixnder�II reoeipts of
<br /> - pri�i preni�wns incl rpxwat notices.la tbe event of lass.Borrower ehdl�ive prompt notioe w the inwnarx c�rjd'�nd Le�da.
<br /> Lxnder may m�ke proof of 1oa if not rtwde promptly by Bormwcr.
<br /> Unkss L,ender and Borrowu otl�erwise a�cee In wr�ting,irourarKx pocxeods s1u11 be Applied to reatoration or rq�ir of the
<br /> Prop�erty darn�god,if the restontion or rbp�ir i�eoonamjcally feasible and[.ender's aecurity is not leuened. If the ratorstioo or
<br /> rcpoir is not ecoiwmic�lly feuibk or Leoder's iacunity wnuld be lessmed, the i�auranx prooeals�Iw11 be appliad to tho sums
<br /> �ocurod by this Sacurity L�strumrnt. whdher or nM�then due. with any cxoa�s p�id to Borrower. If Borrowu abuidc►nt the
<br /> Property, or does not answcr within 3Q diys a nntiaa from l.er�der tlat the inwranoe arrfe�fu�s offered to setUe a claim,then
<br /> L.a�kr may ooUxt thc insurrnce pracaeds. Letxwr may ute the proortds to repair or nstore the Property or to pqy wms
<br /> �ocurod by this Security Instrument.whether or not.thBn due.The 30�ty period will begia when the notice is given.
<br /> Unleac I.endcr ud Bornower wltiernise ogroe in wdRing. any applipuion of prooeeds to priacipal �lWI not extend or
<br /> poysFnm the dse date of the monthlY paYments refcmd ta in paragrephs l aed 2 or cha�►ge the nroowu of the p�yments. If
<br /> under puagraph 21 the F'ropeny is acquired by I.end�r,Bortnwer's dght to any Insura�x policies and procads n�ultin8 from
<br /> - -._---------- dAmagc to the Eh�operty priar to the acqwsidon shall pass w l:ender to the extent of the sutars secw�ed by thic Security LutrwnaK
<br /> im�t�odiately prior to thc xquisition.
<br /> 6.Oavpaocy,Pe+e�ervatlon.Malnten�ncr nNd Protedbn o[tbe ProlkrtY:Borrower's I.a�n Applicadooi I.aeehold�.
<br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Propany as Borrower's principsl residence within sixry days after the exxution of
<br /> this Socurity[nstrument ud sf�ll oa�tinue to occupy tt►c Pr��perty as Bonowor's principwt rasidence for at least oue year aftcr
<br /> --- the djue of occu�mncy.unless Letder otherwlue agt+ees in writing, which consent shall uot be unt+easonably wiWweW,or unitss
<br /> extenuating circumstanexs exict which ue beyand Horrov►+�r's control. Borrower studl not destroy. dams�e os impair tlwe
<br /> Property. allow tde Propeny w dct¢tfoate. or commit waste on the Property. Borcower shall be ia default if any forfeituxe
<br /> action or proceoding,whether civit or cdminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could re,wlt in forfeiture of the
<br /> Pro�crty or otherwise materially impair the licn crcateci by this Socurity Instrument or I.cnder's socudty 9nterest. Borrower may
<br /> — curc euch a default and reinst�te,aa pravided in paragraph IS,by cuusing the actiaa or pcoceeding to be dismissad wit3�•a ruling
<br /> - , shai. ia Ltndar's gQOd faith detrrn!ine�ic�n, �'1!t� f�rfsiture nf the &►rmwer's intemst in the Ptoperty or other material
<br /> --------- impairn�ent of the lien crcated by this Securiry Tn�trument ar l.ender's security inter�st. Barrower shall alao be in default if
<br /> Borrower,during the loan application process,gpve nwteriully fulse or inaoc.,urate in�atmation or statements to Lender(or feiled
<br /> to provide I.ender with any materiul inforn�ation)ir�con�xction with the loan evidawad by the Note,including.bui not limited
<br /> �<: to, rcpresentutions concerning Sornawer's occupancy of the Praperty as a principal residence. If this Securlty Instcument is on a
<br /> °f`5�`�� leasehold. Borrower shull comply with all tha provisions of the lease. [f Borrow•er acyuires fce title to the Property, the
<br /> teasehotd and the fee title shull not merge unlcss L.endcr agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7.Pratection ot I.ender's Rigl�ts in the Property.If Barrower fails to perforni the covenants and agreements contained in
<br /> e'� � this Securiry Instrument, or thero is u Icgal pra:ceding that mny significontlp affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> �;�t • proa�eding in bunkruptcy,probate, for condemnati�m or forfeitnre or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whutcver is necessary to pr�xect the value of the Propeny and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> "°,`` include paying any sums xcurcd by a lien wNich has priority over this Security [nstrument. appearing in court, µ.ying
<br /> '�. Fr,`�.`'�'�-, rcasonable attornoys'fees and entering on the Pcnperty to nu►ke repairs. Although Lender may take xtion under this paragraph
<br /> � '°����'°�' 7,Lcndcr dces ncx huvc to do so.
<br /> : ,:�"'�":��°E`'` Any amounts disbursed by Lencier under thi� p•rragraph 7 sh•rll become additional debt of Barrower �ecured by this
<br /> ...�n�";�,-,�:
<br /> �<r�•�. ,j,., , Security lnstniment. Uniess Isorrowcr ai�d t.endor agrec[o other tcrms nf paymcnt, these:unounts shall bear interest from t he
<br /> �"" date of disbutsement at the Notc� rate and shall be payable, with interest. upon nu[ice from Lender to Borcower mquesting
<br /> _r•.;•�:.
<br /> __�:.:����.���•�.: i paYment.
<br /> _=��� S.Mortgage Insurance.If LtnJer reyuirai mortg•rge insurance a�a cundition of making the loan secured by this Secarity
<br /> --_'�_:���----� Inslrument, Borrower shull pay the premiums rcquireci to maintain the nwctgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason. the
<br /> �� '�"'� mortgage insurrnce covcrage requirod by L.e�xler lupses ar ceases to he in effeci, Borruwer shall p:+y the premiwns required to
<br /> �.r:.;:��
<br /> �,�;� :_—• . abtain coverage subsutnti�lly equivulent to the martguge insurance previcwsly in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> '�°� cost to Borrowec of the mortgn�e inrur•rnce pn:viausty in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurcr approved by Lender. If
<br /> �Y �as,-.
<br /> substantiully cquivalent m�rtguge inwr•rnce coverugc is not avuilub(c,Borcower�h�ll pay to Lender e:ich month a sum equal to
<br /> �_�,.;,o�,„-�;y:�:� one-twelfth of tlx:yeuly monguge insut�nce prr:mium being paid by Surcower wlx:n the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> "�"' be in effect.l.ender will xcept,use mxf retain thuee payment.c as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgaFte inwc�nce. Loss rcyerve
<br /> �`� � Form 3028 8190
<br /> -- - � �p�3 of 8
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