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<br /> ' 17.Transter of the Property or�t Benetkial Intereat in Borrower.if all or any pnrt af thc Propeny or�ny intercst in it
<br /> ic�wld or trytufercod(or if a be�xficial interest in Bc�rrowcr ir soiJ or tra��sfenaf and Borrower is nat a ruuurxl person)withcwt
<br /> � Ixndcr'r priur written cwnunt. Lcixlcr nu►y. ut its optfan. require immaii�tc �yn�ent In full c�f yll �ums �sec:urod hy thi�
<br /> - - --- � Sc.cu�ity 6atrun�eiU.Huwever,lhir optivn sliutl�x►t Ira exr��c�s:�i by Lrrs�r if cxcrc{cc is pmhibitat by feelcra!!ow m of the dale
<br /> of this Socurity Instrument.
<br /> If I.enclor ex¢rcises thix option, l.ender stwll give&�rrower notic+e of accelerwtion.The natice shull pruvide�period of not
<br /> leu than 30 days from the �iate the notice is cteliverai or mKilal within which Qorrower must pay all sums socurai by ehis
<br /> Security Instnintcnt. if Barcuwer fails to�uy these sumx prior tu che expin+tion of'thi�periad, l.cnder nuty invoke Lny retnodier
<br /> permittod by this Security Instrument without funixr�wtice or demw►d an Aorrower.
<br /> I8. Aorrower's Ri�ht to Rdr�rtata If Bcirrowcr tneets ccrtain conJitiuns, f�rrower shall huvc the right to h+vc
<br /> =-�= --__-=� rnfurcen�eot uf thi� S�:urity I�istrumeot Jixuutinuu�t ut s+ny tinx� pric►r tu the carlier uf: fa) 5 days tor such other�x:ricxi :u
<br /> applicable law may specify for relnstutement) before sule of the Property purswuu to :+ny Puwer of �le rontaiiwd in this
<br /> _— Security Inatrument:or(b)entry of a judRment enforcing this Securlty Instrun�ent.Tho�e conditions ure that Borrowcr: (a)puys
<br /> Le►xfer all wms which then wcwld be due under this Secudty Instrument und the Note ati if no aceeier:►tion h;Kl occurrvci; (b)
<br /> cures any default of any other covenant� or s�greements;(c)pays all expenses incumed in enfarcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> including,but not limitecl to,reawnublc au��rncys' fce5:a�xi(d►takes wch action as I.ender muy rcasonably reyuire to ussurc
<br /> that the lien af this Security Instn►ment. Leixier's rights in the Ptopecty end Borcower'�oblig;►tion t��pay the sum�wcua�d by
<br /> � this Security [nstrunxnt shall continue unehangc.�d. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument arxl the
<br /> — obligations+ecurcd hereby shall remuin fully effective:u if no acceleration h�d occurred. However,thi�; �ight to rcinxtwte rJwll
<br /> — not apply in th�casc of acccleration ur�icr parrgraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sule ot Note; Ch�nge ot I.oan Servicer. The Note or a partiul intereu in thc Notc (tugether with this S��curity
<br /> Instrumentj muy be sold c►ne ar more times withcxit prior n�uice to Borrower. A sate may result in u ch•rnge in the entity(k►x�wn
<br />-- --_-- as the"Laan Servicer"1 that calleccs monthly payments due urxier the i�iotc u�xt thi�Sea:urity testrumcnt. Thcrc also may bc anc -
<br />-- -�� or more changes of the I.oan Servicer unrelatcd to u sale af tbe Note.If there is�ch�nge aP the l.oun Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> g�ven wrltten notice of the change in accordxnce with puragraph 14 Above und applic�ble law.The notice will state the name anJ
<br /> - �°--� ,Rs; adJress of the new Loan Servicer ancl the address to which payments should be m�.le.Tt►e�wti�:e wlll al.w contain any other
<br /> inforniatian required by Applicablc law,
<br /> 20. Haznrdous Subrtances. Borrowcr shall not cnuse or permtt the presencr, use, disposat, storage, or releusc af uny
<br /> � �� • • Ha•rardous Substances an ar in the Propeny. Borrower shall nat do, nor allow any�me clse co do, anything afFecting the
<br /> Propeny that is in violqtian of uny Enviranmemal Law. The preccJing two sentences sh:�il not upply t��the presenre, usc. or
<br /> �. .�� stornge on the Property of snwll quantities of H•r�ardous Subuanres that are generally rccogoized to tx:appropriute to norn�al
<br /> ' ^' � ' residentiul uses and to maintanance of the Property.
<br /> • ,, . : �,' � Borrower shall promptly give Lcrxicr written notice oT any investigation,claim, demar►d, luwsuit or other action by sury
<br /> �4 govcmmental or regulatory agency ar private party inv��lving the Property and uny Hu•r.urdaus Substancc or Envir�mmcntal Law
<br /> af which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by an��governmrntal or regulatory authority, that
<br /> uny rcmovnl or other remediation ef any Hazardous Substance affecting the Propeny ir neceswry. Borrawer shali prompdy tuke
<br /> .;t�� �z.�;�r , all necessary remodial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> '� � `��;; As uwd in this pacagruph 20, "Haxardous Sub�tances" arc thosc substances dcrncd as toxir ur hazurdous sub+tances by
<br /> - �. �r:�.:,.-- �nvironmenta� Luw and the taliowing substunccs: ga�iine, kerosene, other iiumnwbir. or iu�ic pet�uleu�i� �i.niu�t,, tvxic
<br /> •��'�'`'� ���`�'•. � pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,materinls cantaining usbestcn or formaldehyde.and radioactivr m:+terials.As use.ci in
<br /> '� "�'� •" � ' ' � this ara ra h 20, "Environmental [.aw" meam fedcral luws •rnJ luws of the urisdicnon where thc Pro n ix laated that
<br /> f,_�.•� :�_• , ;�>:.. p' S P 1 Pe >'
<br /> t„�.�!•�,,;• ��_+i•; -. .r relate to health,safcry or envfronmental protection.
<br />. ,if,,.,�. ,;.,�..;:_;;�,� NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrowcr und L.ender funher crnenant und agree ati follows:
<br /> . - '=;�,• 21.Accclerattont Remedics.lxnder shall Rivc notice tn Sorrower prior to accelerutinn following&►rmwer's bres�ch
<br /> .�7��A;�.•.,� ,; ,'���;;' of any covenant or aRreement in this Security Iastrument (but not prior to accelerution under paraRryph 17 unless
<br /> .-�,.�;,.�,,,_}:.�;,;,:,,f applicable law pruvtdes otherwi�e). The notice shall Specify: (a)the default; (b)the action required tu cure the defaulh.
<br /> ;�r.�h 1 ,��^' (e)A date�not less than 30 days from the date the notice i�g(ven to Borrower.by K�hich the default must be cured;and
<br /> "_ :.�..�,• �,.
<br /> ��„.��„„ '`',R,S (d)ttwt fAilure to cure the default un or before the date xp�riiied in the notice mny r�sult in accelerntion af the sums
<br />__ :��.,:;�,�.,, ,,, secured by this Scrurity lnstrument u�nd sale nf the Property. 'The noticc shall further infonn Borrower of the right to
<br /> . ��':�e:.':�,,,:`.:c:�, refnstate after accelerntion And the ri�ht to br[ng u court action lu u�.sert the non-extvtence of a deCault or uny other
<br /> •� �u - �� defenve of Bormwer to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cumd on or befare t6e date tipecified In the notice,
<br /> ?�'�"`�'•`�r• • Lender, at its o Ion, ma uirc immediatc ment in full of all sums scrured b this Sccurit Tnstrument K(thout
<br /> .z,;... .__ . a y � �r y y
<br /> ,-��;,, furthcr demand and may invukc the powcr uf sale xnd uny othcr rcmedies permitted b}� appli��blc laK•.l.endcr shAll be
<br /> �� `'� �� � � entitled to collect all expenses incurrcd in pursuing the remedic.w provided in this parnuraph 21.including,but nnt limited
<br /> '���°'���� to,rrasattablc attorneys•te�s ar+d caats ot titlr c�•idcncc.
<br /> �i._...—
<br /> ' �;';��:}�. ' � � It the power of sale is invoked, Trustee sh�ll record a notice of default in cach count� in which uny part oP the
<br /> . ?',-�:}'. •y'• Pmperty is located aud shall mail cupi�of such notice in the munner prescribed bv upplira�le luw•to Borruwer vnd to
<br /> ,�.,�.. .. `•�','''�l
<br /> •.���=�:.�� the other pereons preRCrlhed by applicable law.After the time required by applicuble Isns,Trustcw shall give public noticc
<br />" � � ot swle to ihe persons And in the munner prescrilxd by applicable la«•.Trustee, wifhout d�mand��n Burn►wer,stwll sell
<br /> "iQ"4i� �' the Pro rt ut blic auctim�to the hi hest bldder at the time und Iace and under the terms desi�nated in the notice ut
<br />_�:�. ..�.:�ia. . _ :° Pe Y pu R p
<br /> --� .�_..... . = salo in one or more parcels and in any nrder Trustee determin�.w.Truxti�r muy�postpone sale af�II or any parcel of the
<br />• - Property by public announcement yt the time And place��f Any previoush� �cheduled kulr. I.ender or ils desiKaee m�y _
<br /> .�`"�—.._ _.;,�"'�"' Purct�se the Property at uny sale.
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