<br /> 93��09sez
<br /> T'OOBTHBR W[Tt�afil 11oe improvanetM�now ot he�e�ltet atected od d�o pt�o�erty,and dl a�etoent�.+�pputk+yt�ca�.yd
<br /> iixtura now or he�+after � p�ut of the prape�ty. All ropl�oemars �nd rddiliaes riwll �bw b� coverod hY Ibi� �iui�Y
<br /> In�trument.All ot 1he for+er�in�i�refurod to fn thi�Sea��ily Intiuna�t r thn'h+opoHY."
<br /> St3RROWi'R CQV�AN'f�tt�t Sasrowar i:frwluity�riwi„i�w w�t�us�y rarm:y�cd a�!lts:tlst rtiths ta�t x�d
<br /> ooevey 1he Propetty�nd thM the PrnpeAy i�uneneumbead. exo�pt tar encvmilrtnc�o�rx�ot�d. Bomiwe� M�mntr Mn1 wW
<br /> defend jenerally�he ti�k a tha Pru�pertY+iiaiiw�II claia�md denwxtr,wbjeot tu�ny eix,��of r000�d�
<br /> THIS S6CURITY INSTAUMENT cumbin�uniWcen covenrMr f�u nrNGtnul wic nn�1 nun-w�ifutm mva�ttt�with limiled
<br /> v�riatiorn►ay ju�idiction to ca�titule�uniform�ecurity in�lrumatt eoveting nNl propeMy. -
<br /> UNIP(MM COV�NANTS.B��m�wer�nd I.cnder awenMM an�l a�troe�a fdfuws: _
<br /> l. P�yme�t o�Madpd and Iqteraiti Prep�ya�eM a�i Lte CYqRa. B�xnawer ahri! pn►n�►tl� {�y whcn�Nro 1he
<br /> principd of and intercst on the debt evidp�red by thc Note�nd�nY prepw�+nwnt an�i Iwc chrryes due w�ier t1�a N�wn.
<br /> 2.b�rnd� �ot Taxa�d la�un�ce. Subjacl ta appikabla I�w nr tu r writtcn waiver by Le�xkr. p�>m►w�cr�ludt pny w
<br /> I.er�der on the day monthly pryments ur due uode�the N+xe. until thc N�Kr ih paid in full, a sum("Fundx"1 fix:(r1 ye�uly taxa
<br /> and aasessments which may att�in p�io�ity over thia Savdty InstrumenL�w a lien�the 1'ropercy:lbl Ye�riy ltzu�FaW p�yment�
<br /> or ground rcntx�x►the Pr+npeny.if��y:(c)Yearly MarYni a properey;nwnnce prcmluau: (d)yearly ftood insunutoe prrmiunu,
<br /> if any:(e)Yeuty m�ctga�c insura�cc premium►. if any; and lil any st►mi pwyeblc by Born�wer to l.encier. ims�.ti�ni�uxx with
<br /> the proviciau of p�ragraph S. in lieu uf the payment of mat�age inwtance prcmiums.These icemc�ue callal'Escmw Itema.'
<br /> Lender may. at any time, collxt and hatd Fu�xis in an a�nount �xN tu aaceed the maximum anwunt �Ictxldr fiir u (aie�lly
<br /> rclated mott��ge Icwn may roquirc for Borrowcr's cscrow ac�rounG undar tha fi�nl Rea! Fstvte Settk+rknl Proradures Act of
<br /> l974 es amntded from tjme tu t�me. 13 U.S.C. Scction 260!rr srp, l"R.�SP!1"?. unlr��r��r i�w 11pN t1�►lir�����he Fur�ls .
<br /> sets a lesur unount. IP w. Lender rt�y, at any time,oollect ud hald Furdx irt u►artiount �wt to ez..bed the lascr amount.
<br /> Lender m�y estimat�the amaunt of Funds duc on the basls of wnent dutu and c�x�ablr estimstn of axpemliturcw of tuturc —
<br /> Fscrow It�ms or otherwise in acroord�nce with applicabie law.
<br /> 'i1�e Funds shall be held in an i�utitution wlwse deposits ane insurod by � fedcral agen�y, irutruttt�ntWlity. or entity
<br /> (ineluding Itnder.if Lender is such sn institution)or in uny Fc�dctml Homa Loan Bcu�3c. L.en�i►Y shall a�ly ttw Funds to pa�•the
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender mAy not charge Borrower for holding anJ t�pplying tha Fw�ds.�uw:+lly�wlyxing tho escrow�ccount.ur
<br /> verifying the Escrow Ite�c,unless Lender p�ys Bom�wer intercst on tho Funds and applirable law•pemiit�l.andcr to nwl;e such
<br /> s charge. Hawever. Lender may requirc Barrower to pay W ane-tfine rhnrge for an indcpe�rcal estwo tKx�porting service
<br /> • used by Letder in connection wtth this loan, unless applicabl� luw provides othenvttic. Udess an �roomcnt is irwcic or
<br /> applicable law roquires intercst to be paid.Lender shall not be nryuired tc�pay Borrower an�itNrrest or exmings on the Funcfs.
<br /> Homower and l.ender rnay agree ln writing, however,that int�s�i shull be paid on the Funds. Lender Studl give to Borrower, _
<br /> wtttiout charga. an annual accounting of thc Funds, showing credfts and debits ta the Funds and ttic putposo for which exh
<br /> debit so tht Fussds Was s�seslt.Tht Funsls ere p!!�dge�!as e�lditiogt�l'�'nrity for aQ cum.c cecund by this Sectirity Instrumrnt. ,
<br /> If the Funds held by l.ender excaod the mnounts permitted w be hold by applicable law�,Lender stuill aca►unt to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with the requir:ments of applicahl�luw. If the aniount of the Fund�hald by I.xnJec ylt any
<br />- time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, l.ender mAy r+o ncuify Borrower in writing,arni,in�:uch c�e Bu+ruwer
<br /> shall pay to L.ender the:uncwnt necessary to make up the defieiency. Bomnwer stulf malce up the deficien�.�y in nc►mon than
<br /> twelvc monthly payments,at Lendcr's sole dircretion.
<br /> Upon payment in Poll of all sums secured by this Scrurity Instrument. [.erxicrr shall pnunptly mfurxi to &irniwer ;u�y
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall:�cquirc or sep the Property.L.ender,prior to tho acquisition or sale
<br /> of the Propeny,shaU apply uny Funds hetd by Lender ut thc time i�f acquisition or sale as a credjt against the sums secured by
<br /> • this Security Instmment.
<br /> 3.Applicallon of Plnyments.Unless applicablc law providux uth�nviu:.all pa�•ment.reccived by Lender mxler�aragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 sfia11 be applicd: first, to any prepaynxnt churges duu und�r tho Note;second,to:u��,,unts psys�blo under paragraph 2:
<br /> third.to inteTest due;fourth,to principal dac:and lust,to any�Intc rh;►rgcs du¢undcr thc NiNe.
<br /> 4.Clwrges; Ltenc. Borrower shnll pay all taxes,utiticssmentti,rhurgc�, finc�and impositiom attributable to thc Properry
<br /> which may attain priority over this Security Instrument. and Icu,ehold payments or gmund rent,, if any. Bntrower sh:►II pay
<br /> these obfigations in the manner provided in puragrnph 2,or it�not paict in thut m;►nncr. Borrowcr�haii pay�hem on timc dinecciy
<br /> to the person owad payment. Bonower sball promptly fl►rnir�h to Lender all ncuicev of anxwnt�to be paid undcr this�r�,vr,iph.
<br /> If Borrower makec these paymentc direcdy,Bnrniwer shall pnomptly furnish to Lender rcrript�evidencing the}uymet�t�.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which hu�p�iarity �wer thix Security Instrununt unle��Barrawer:i:t){�it�es in
<br /> writing to the payment of the obli�ation securcd by the licmin a munn�r ucceptabte ai LenJrr:lb)rontests in�ocx!fuith the lien
<br /> by. or dcfends against cnforcetnent af the licn in, Icgnl�p�n�:cedin�ts which in thc i.endcr's upinion o}k� to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of thc lien: or(c)secures fmm thc holdcr of tha Ifun an ugreement satisfuctory tu Lcnder.utxirdin•rting thc licn to
<br /> this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part af thc Propnn}•i�subjcct to a 1i,�ahich ma�� attuin priurity over
<br /> this Security Inswment. I.cndcr muy�ivc&nmwcr a notice identifying thc licn. Burrower�liali wti�fy the lien ar wG,�w�e or
<br /> morc of the xt�ons set forth above within {0 days of the giving�if nntice.
<br /> Fotm 3i028 9190
<br /> P�p�ot 8
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