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<br /> -., � ".� .
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<br /> 7'OdL�THER WITH dl thc impmvement:naw or herotfter erocted on thc prnpaty,and dl�s.�,�nd
<br /> fizturor now w hercafter � pat of the {xoperty. All replacsrn�nu �r�d additio� �h�ll �I�o be oovered by thf� Seairky
<br /> Itwrument. Ail of the torc�oin�ic rcferred to in thir Secu�ity Irutrun�ent�the'Propeny.'
<br /> _- , BORkBWER CBVEt�1AidTS tfwt 8u�io�vW is tawfutly�cisai aE ttw:cct�ta tic;rcisy w�veyod atsd t�tlsc ri�t+t w Qt�t a�t�d --
<br /> convey thc Properiy and thu the Pn�peRy i� unencumbened, exapt for encumbnnoes of reoord. Borrower wart+ints md will
<br /> defad�rne�xlly the tiNe to the Pmperty a�afnst�11 claims nnd demwrKis,sub,�ect t�ony mcumbranceu of rccocd.
<br /> - THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT mmbines unifonn covcnunts for natiawl use and non•unifom►cove,nant�with limited
<br /> vsrlstinns by juricdiction to conuitute�uniform security instrument cover�ng real propeny.
<br /> - - UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Bc�rruwcr s�nd Lendcr covenant ard agrx ns follows:
<br /> �� � 1. Paymeat ot Princip�tl�nd Intera�t; Prep�ymeat w�d I.�te Cbaraa. Borrower shall promptlY puY when due the � --
<br /> pcincipyl of uid intercst on the debt evidcncod by the Nac and any preQaymenl ud late charges duc undcr the Notc.
<br /> --,--� 2. �undt for 7azes and Ipsurat�ce. Subjcct M applicablc!aw or to� written wuiver by Lendcr,Borrowcr sh�ll pay to
<br /> �,�Y Ixnder an the day monthly pAyments orc duc under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(A)ywrly tuec
<br /> _— wnd assessnxnts which rtwy attain priarity over this Securlty Instrument as n lien on the Property:(b)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> or gcound rents on the Property,lf any;(c)yeurly hazard or propeny insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insw�ncc premiums,
<br /> ' if Yny; (e) ywrly mortgage insunnee pren�iumc, if any;and(�any sums p:tyable by Borrower to Lender,in accordw�ce with
<br /> the pmvisians af paragrnph 8. in licu of the payment of mortguge insurunce pnmiums.These items nre called "Escrow Items.'
<br />-�� I.ender may,at any time. collxt und hold Funds in an amaunt not to exceed the maximum unxwnt a lender for A federaily
<br /> _ rclatod mongage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federni keal Estate Settletnent Prceaiures Act of
<br /> �''-`"`-�'� 1974 as amended fram timc to timc. 12 II.S.C. Section 2601 e�s�. ("RFSPA").unless another law that applies ta the Funds _
<br /> �''` setr a le�ser amount. If sa, L.ender may, at any time, callect and fiold Funds in an s�mmount not ta exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> Lender may estimate the s►mount of Funds due un the basis of current dau►und reasonable esdmates of expenditurcs of futuro __._
<br /> ,, Escrow Items or otherv�ise in accordance with applicable law.
<br />. �` . .ti; The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity
<br /> �_' .,�,':;, (including Lcnder,if I.ender is such an institution)or in nny Fe:deral Hame I..oan Bank.Lender shull apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> � '� Escrow ltems. L.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,sinnually analyzing the e.scrow account.or
<br /> .•,. . �°. �,.
<br /> � r t,�::.:,,-:�F. verifying tiu Eccrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds w�d applicuble luw pennits l.ender to make such
<br /> '-.,11"'1„'i=.'' r._.•S.r —
<br /> , ��,+� ,:�r'•.ti,• � a charge. However.I.tnder may rcquire Borrower to pAy a one-time cfwrge far an independent real estate wx rcporting service
<br /> .��w��{�+''" �� useci by L.ender in connection with this loan, unless applieable law provides otherwise. Unless an Agreement is made or
<br /> '".}>.�.F,.,:•.:'y4:,�:�•;.'��''
<br />_ "ur f:;� applicablc law requires interest to be pald, Lender shaU not be required to pay Bonowcr any intcrest or carnings on the Funcis.
<br /> �� '.:���"
<br /> � � ' �'t`.,.• '-~`� Borrowcr end Lender may agrcc in writing, however. that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lendcr shall give to Borrower,
<br />�_ .. .• ,�•.:
<br /> ���'��:�';,��.;�•��•: ` without charge, an unnual accaunting of the Funds, showiog credita und debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> ___ �" � debit to the Funds wa�rtiade. The Funds are ptedgeci as additianal security for all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> �'�� � ' , ' ' If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pern�itted to be held by applicable Iaw, L.ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> •�y . for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable 1aw. If the nmount of the Funds held by L.ender at any
<br /> '. . " • titne is not sufftcient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so nntify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Bonower
<br /> : . ' shall pay to�.ender the amount necetiwry to make up the deficicncy. Borrawer shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> ' ` twelve monthly payments,at Lender's xile dixmtion. _
<br /> .:�,rw:�-_:�,-.,���.
<br /> �" � , . . � i3pun puywcut i�i fuil of all sums sccured by this Sccurity Insirument, L.endc�shall prompdp rethnd to Sorcor:er any =
<br /> . �' , Funds held by Lendcr.If.undcr p:tragraph 21,l.c�ulcr�hull acquire or scll ihc PropeRy,LenJcr,prior to thc acquisition or sale
<br /> �,. of thc Property,shall apply any Fwxis held by Lei�der at the time of acquisition ar sale as•r credit aguinst thc sums secured by --
<br /> -.. :""#'•`''."'.-""'"'. this Security Inttrument. �
<br /> `�" ; ,, .. 3.Application of Paymenty.Unlc+ti applicablc fuw providcs othcrwi+c, all paymcnt�rcccivcd by I.cndcr undcr paragraphs � ;_-
<br /> I atxl 2 shall be appliccl: first,to•rny preprynknt ch.irges due under the Note;,crond,tu amount,puyable under paragraph 2; �-�-
<br /> �., ..• third,to intcrc,t Juc;founh,t��principul duc:and last,to any latc char�;r.Juc unJcr thc Nutc. �:-=:
<br /> , , '++� 4.Ctwt�es: l.iens. Borrowcr shull pay all tuxc�,astie+•nknts, �hargc+, finc�und im}xitiitions attrihutahlc t<�the P�aperty �
<br /> • ••� � ' which m:t attain riorit ovcr thiti Securit Instrument. :ind leaseh��ld .►�n�ent� or round rents, if an &�rr�iwcr shall a ��x�
<br /> Y ' P Y Y P'3 F Y• P'Y �:
<br /> ti� , these ob�ig•rtions in thc nwnncr providai in purug�aph 2,u� il'not paid in that manncr. Aurrawrr.hall pay thcn�un timc.1ii��dy
<br /> to the non owcd a nu;nt. &�rrciac� shall rom tl I'urni.h to IAndcr all notircc uf amc�unt�ta tx aid unJrr thi, ara ra h. `-=�'`
<br /> P�•� P'Y P P Y P' P' F P
<br /> - If Borrower mnketi the+e paymcnt+dirccdy.Borr��wer tihall promptly furnixh tu[.crxlcr mccipts evidencing th�payments. ��
<br /> ., _ �'; Borcowcr shall prompdy ditichargc•rny licn whirh h•r�priurity avcr tlii,Sc�urity lntitrument unlr.,&irrnwrr. �a)a�*rcc�in K':��
<br /> �--•_;. ` writing to the puyment of th�abligatiun,erured by thr licn in u manner uccepwble tu Ixndcr: thl r�mtr�t. in g<xid fuith the lien �:':�-
<br /> '�'� by. or dctcnds aguinst enfoncmcnt of thc lien in. Iegal pnxeedings which in thc I.cndcr'� upinion i�peratc to prevent thc ,
<br /> 'D" enforcement of thc licn;or(c1 krurc.fr�im thc holdrr of thc licn•rn a�rrcmcnt,ati�fartcin•tu l.rnder�uNardi�wting thr lien to s- �-
<br /> ;'� • � this Security Insttvment. If I.cndcr determinc>that any pan��f the Pruprny iy.uhjrct t��a lirn w•hich muy attain prioriry��ver �
<br /> . this Security lnstrument. Lxndcr muy gi��c Rorrower u notire identifyin� thc lien. B��rrower shall .ati�Ty the licn��r tukc one or
<br /> 1 � , more of lhe uctions set forth above within IU d�y.of tiie giving uf noticc. gs :�
<br /> � � _i� Fam 3028 8/�0 - -
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