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<br /> • (�� -__ r.
<br /> � .s__��..�.,.� i�9959
<br /> p�Ympw may no lon�er be requirod.u the option of I.ender,if mort�e insurarce covenge(!n Qf�iutwunt�nd for the periad
<br /> th�t Lender t+equira)Provlded by an inwru rpprovai by I.ender a�ain boa�mrs evallable and i�obt�ined. &xrower ah�tl p►Y
<br /> -_ _ __ --- the pr�emlumK nquircd to maitNain mcyt�aLo in�uMnce in effaa.ar ta Qmvide u Icn�rec�erve,wrll the roqulrement fa matgaEte _ _
<br /> inwr�rice endx in wawnlance with�r►y written�reement betwan Harrower and Lender or�pplicabie 1�w.
<br /> 9.In�pect{on. l.c�de�•ar iu aQent may m�ke rcawnnblc cntrics upon and inapecticxis af the Propercy. Lender Wull Qive _
<br /> __ -- __— Borrowar�x�tice�t tho time of or prior ta on inspoctian�pocifying reason�lilc cau�se far the Inapection.
<br /> - - 10.Coa�kmn�tion. The procoeds of uty awanl ar claim for ciamrgea. dircct or c:auequentirl. in cann�:ction with any
<br /> --�- corxicnuuttun or other takin�of any part uf the Property. ar for canveyance in licu of condemnadao. arc hereby assigned and
<br /> �twll be paid to Lender. __...
<br /> ��� . In the event of a tW�l taking af the Propeny,the pr000eds slwll be appliat to the sums secuced by this Security Irutrument,
<br /> _�;;� whether or not then due. with any excess pxid t��Borrawer. Io the event of a pnrti�l taking of the Pmperty in which the fi�ir
<br /> muket v�luc of the Property immodtately bcfore the tuking is eyuul to ar grepter th•rn thc amcwnt af the sums securcd by this
<br /> �'��� Socurity In.urument fmmodiately beforc the taking,unless Horrawer And Lender otherwise�grec io wdting. the sumr.sccured by
<br /> - thia Security Inctrument shull be roducod by tha sunount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fr�ction: (a> the total
<br />�- "- --'��'��Y amount of thc sumc securcd immadiately before the taking,divided by(b)the fuir murket v,ilue�►f dze Property inunodiutely -
<br /> beforc thc taking. Any balance shall be paid to&►rrower. In the event of a panial taking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> � murket vatue of the Property immediately before the tnking is less than the:�nwunt of thc Eums secured imtt�ediately before thc -.---
<br /> ""�`-_��'�'' taking. unless Borrower and Lender cxl�rwise ugrce in w�iting or unles5 upplics►blc luw othenvise pravides,the prucceds shall `''""
<br />"1�` � '����� � be appliod ta the s�ims secured by this Securiry instrument whether or not the sums are then due. `_
<br /> ':* If the Propecty is�bandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower thut the condemnor offers to muke an —
<br /> � award ur seule a claim for datnages. I3orrowcr fails to respnnd to[.ender within 30 days uftcr the ciate the natice is given,
<br /> -:"�"�"��``'`�'�� Lender is uuthotized to callect and apply the p+ncceds,at its option,either tu restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> � ,..�r:',:��j��;rr•,;
<br /> r{ ,,�yy�r„,- socurod by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> . '�""��''� . ':•a'.�a Unless Lender and Barrower otherwise agree in writing, uny application of procerds to principal shull not extend or
<br /> 7 �'c '� ° s ne the due date of tbe monthl ments refcrred to in ra ra h+1 and 2 or chan�e thc amount of such ments.
<br /> ,�t�i�{.z�'��•':.;.' .��s�, ' F�� Y{�Y P%� 6 A � b PaY
<br /> '„'=' �'�•�,:��.•,� 11.Borrowq�Not Reles�sed;Fotbearance By I.cndcr Not a Wuiver.Extension of the timc for paymcnt or modifiration �:_�
<br /> '����� of amortization of the sums secured b this Securit Initrument runted b Lender to an wccessor in interest of Bonower shall �'°`=
<br />- ��r'�}4"* '�,'��i��ii� Y Y b' Y Y •
<br /> -w .•,.,�.
<br /> �;r ����,. �•• . •.,� nat operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Botrowcr's succeswrs in interest. I.ender shall not bc rcquircd to =__
<br />: . a+4�•�1�f:: �j•t�,%.. ' i, �.
<br /> �.•�; � commence praccedings aguinst uny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise madify samortization --
<br /> 'y �4,{��.,:'(,. . �__
<br /> ,�:,4a .:.��}'4`X'�'�;y succhessorsr in in eret.bAn hifor�bearancelb�t Lender in exere sin f an Y ri h�remod s ha I�not�be a'w i e�r of orT reclude the
<br /> �,,•.,r �. .. Y Y 8 Y 8 Y P
<br /> . _
<br /> :��' ` ��.,'�3'�,.z��• exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> `� •�.� ` '�' ' 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;.loint and Several i.lability; Co-signers. The covenunts anJ ugreements ot thiF `-
<br /> � '�'��� `���� Securit Instrument shall bind and benefit the auccessors and �.ysigns of Lender nnd Bortower, subject to the provisionti ot
<br /> ,�~;- .,::., y
<br /> . ' ' paragraph 17. Bonower's covenants and ugreements shaU be joint and several. Any Bc�rrower who co-+ignti thi.r- Security ��_.
<br /> ' ' � . ' Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (af is co•.igning thi.Security In,trument only to monga€e,grant and comcy that P�•--
<br /> �+ Borrower's interest in the Propeny under the terms of thiti Security Tnstrument:(b) is nut personalh obligated to pay the,ums � � �
<br /> - »'�:�L��_±�%u�--� •�' secured by this Security Instrum�nr. and(c)ag�ec�that l.e�er an��nny�ther&�rr�wer ma�• agme t���xr�nd. m�xiit}•.fonc�ar or =__-
<br /> ....,.... �:::
<br /> ,: • •,i;::��' make an accommodations with rc .�rd to the term�of thi+Securit Instrument ur th�N��te withow that &�rrower's amscnt. s--
<br /> � r?, �• Y b'' Y --
<br />�_ • . ' 13.I.oan Char�es. If the loan tiecured by this Securiry Intitrumrnt i.+ubjcct tu a law which setti muximum I��an charge+, 1����=
<br /> litti .�rca.•:�,���•.::;,,..._, , � �-
<br />_�;�, , and that luw is finally intemreted.o that the intcrest ar i�ther luan chargeti collcrted ar to he c��llected in cemnection with the
<br /> - � � loAn exce�d the permitted limitti,thrn: (a)any wrh luan chargr tih•rll hc reduccd by th� amount necessary to reduce th�rhurge +�`
<br /> � , " to the permitted limit;atul (b)any wm+�dreaJy roliccted fr��m Burruwcr whirh rxrccdcJ permitted limitti will tx�rcfundcJ to .�''
<br /> �`''
<br /> � . , Borrowe�. I.ender may chixi+c tu makc this rcfund by� rcdurinr thc prinripul uw•rd u��dcr the Notc or by making a direct f,,-__
<br /> . � , ' � payment to &�rrower. If a rcfunJ rcJucc+ prinripul, the reducti��n will lx� trcuird as a� panial prepayment without any rL��
<br /> p���. �%•••• - prepayment charge undcr the Note. '
<br /> k-•�:
<br /> • • �.- 14.:vo:i��. Any�notic:te�Bi�rc�iw�rr pruviJ�ti!liir ift thi, Securit}� In�trumrnt,hall h� �iecn by drlieering it ur h��m�eling ir-.
<br /> . • . " it by fint cla.»mail unle+ti applir•rblc laa•rcyuirex uK uf anothcr meth�xl. Thc nutirc�hall lx Sirectcd to thc Pru�xny Addre,ti
<br /> 9 .. •�
<br /> or:my othcr addre�� &irrawer de.ignat�� hy notice to l.enJer. Any n�itice tu I.rrxlcr +hall hr given by tir.t rlas, mail to �•",
<br /> ;,".r.� , Lendcr's addre.+stated hercin or un uther addreti. LcnJcr dc�i natc� h• notic�tu Burruw•ec An n�nirc ravid�tii ti��in thi�
<br /> ' Y F > Y P �-_.
<br />_""�' E*�'��'•:����_a Security Instrumcnt.hall be dremai to havc becn given tu&�rroµ•cr or lxndcr when given as providcd in thi�paragraph. :=;M.
<br /> I5.Governing Luw; Severubilit��. Thi� Security in,trumrnt .hall tx gavcrne�l hy fcdcrul luw and thr luw of the �";---
<br /> �:�:
<br /> -��� �= jurisdiction in which the Property iti likated. In thc event that any pra�•isian or clauxc u(thi�Srruriry In,trunknt or the Nute f���
<br /> ���'1 ' � canilictti with Applicablc law•,tiuch conllict shall not uftcrt��ther provi�ion+of this Security imtrumcnt ur thc Nutc wbich can tk
<br /> �� -Y .� given effect without the conflirting pruvi�i�m. To thi�cnd the provi,iom of thi.Serurity Imtrununt und thr N��te am J��lared k.,,.
<br /> ��'" ' '�=�y• - to be severablc. S'�;.
<br /> �;,,., �`"."4:';.'4".'...'. 16.Borrower's Copy.Bonowrr tihall bc givcn unc runti,rnud cnpy of thc Notc und nf thi,Sccurity In+trunknt.
<br />'�__ ���r�'w, . Form3078 9190 y-
<br /> , .�.,_.�. _ N.i�o n m e
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