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FR�M : Omaha Neon Sign Co. FAX N�. : 402 341 7654 Oct. 08 1999 02:38PM P4 <br /> - � �9 � 11269 �. <br /> � <br /> ; . _ . . . . <br /> � q �II ulhr► Pr��drmcnt, H�Iurhs nnd �ppiirll'nnnoCS� :�u11 caeapling nnlywl�lC CxlC�inl ol`!h� -.,�_-.•`—;•—^ ----- _ . _ ... _... , <br /> ; nnl lnel�rll� ��•(nd���.•c, el�mre o� n�y Ri�..). 11�,�vc,•er. il i.e qot Ihe intehtie>it ��f tlre O�cmlvcs (cxtcrlp�.ol the prtmisef ihal�' ••I <br /> ,� n�•.��nle, rc�lnermrnle, �mlinr circor�lions <i�nll hr mnel�� hy tb� Lcxs��r ���hr.n sueh re�nirx, p I' <br /> pn►ties hcreto that the foregoing repafr�, rc• <br /> 1� �t� �M����ned by firc, ��•intictartn ��t athrt uno�•uitl�lfic en,vu�Ily, r.�ci�pl IG�t It�c Lc�sce chsl� t►tnkc s11 ] <br /> E rcncwnls, r� (accments Rnd/o� dreor.tJom <br /> s�ry fram •ny en�icc olh��l tM��� firc, �yintlslnnn nm3 rinici��rrtl cicficicnc nf !h � <br /> Y � b�iildieg_ R�� repfaecmenb m�de acwei � <br /> �, ASSiCNIN(:, SUeL�TTiNC, 1NSVI{ANCF,, At,TCIiATJONS, AIN CONbITIONtNG, COOLINC � <br /> �I T, 11 It prevtded thnt !he Leaae shnll not nr�ian Q+Is le,sc r,o► Icl or eu t anfd t <br /> I� "^► Pcrtffi! IhC ��me lo � pc�d Fnr dn �„ b�� p cmise7 ot any prttt thcreo{ nOf vi� lf�e SUe10 <br /> �, w•hich will fncrease th� c�10 of in��ir�ncc on�the bi Idin�� nor E����� �esrtibe�i, nor kee�► ot slere fn or nbovl the ptemis�t �ny�h��g ,I <br /> ! � pern,it nny changc f» occupancy �r transfcr of Wi� 1ca,ye by ap���U�4 II <br /> ; �«lr^!�'orn^�hp�+ccc•�11u or�li rlay lntnny�mnnncr dniti�R°nr InperninCCli�on vnthvm�ld premiscs�n�y�°for r�nl.�dls (a !E <br /> sigrt �r c���•ice without the �vrillen conscnt of the Lcssor fir�t abt�incd, end l,essce wlll nni lnvalidate an g �� � �d <br /> �� nr he►reftcr made on se1J bntldln�, ar,d l,cs�ce u•tll �,ay n!f cx�rs tur�,rnncc g � t' °� ■dvetUsln` �J <br /> Y pO�fC(Ef 0 Ilfsllltncr nOw E <br /> y ol ��lra riak e�uscd by tbe Leesces usc of the dcmiaed p►cmiecs, nnd �t is hu(bcrf��irovldedith�tbatl a�J' � u'�• Rqu�red on account � <br /> ��h�ch m�y � maJe by the Lcssee Ie s�Itl premis�s, exccp� mv�-��)e oQfec furnih�re and trkde Bxh,ros, =l�a11'� ��de hnly after the <br /> l; � P iUons� or improvemenLt <br /> l.cssor has i��cn wrlt�ce ronscnt and sbal{ !>ceome lhc vr�vc�ly af 1)i� Lcaw�, and shaU tcm�tn �ea � suttendered 1a good condiuoo <br /> �i a��lh the prem(�es es a put thereof at ll�e lcrminntlon �f lhis lcrtse, by I�pse o! ttrns or otherwl�e. <br /> I:'•, lt f� undersloor) and a�reed, ho�vevcr, thrt Lessce sball m�intnln nn lnsura6le (nterest tn satd ■dditlons, &tures and 1rt,p�ovemenb <br /> during tlie term of this Icase xnd Ih�t ;n the c�•cnt of nny ca>unity (oss to caid addi�ioos, 6uitures �d i�prove�eob the L,essee �hall i� <br /> �f be enlifled to lhe p�occed� (rom any ;nsur■nce tf�e �,essce may I�ave carricd o� l}�e same, <br /> i; Lcsaee ,g�ee�, upon the termination hcrcol, to remove ell Lesscc's {' <br /> d �eue i� to rem�,o as put 0� Ijfe qrom(ses. D�opc�ty e,ccept tuch as ■ceoiding 1e tl�a woditfow ot tbls ( <br /> I. <br /> ' CVASPLUNCE W[T[3 LAWS—KELP Pit¢M15ES SAFE AND Cx,EAI� � <br /> � e. 7he Les.cee sh�11 kcc�� s:iicl prcmise� �nJ opernte liis busl»ees llicreEn in n manner whlch �hall be In compliROCe wlth a11 4vvf •� <br /> h�ICi ana rcgul�lidn3, order� �nc1 ocdinances o! the ci�p, crou„ty, �I,uv nnd federrtl �ovemm�nt and any dep��taient o( elther, and wSI� <br /> not ouQer o� permtt �he p.arntses te bc useJ (ar nny u�,tawtul purpo.a, nnd he �vllt � <br /> ' premi�e: h�leaa (rom nny nne! el) Anes nnd pcnap�ex �hat m;�y rt�:ult from or bc due�to�iny latroctl n� of orVnon c�ompIl.nce wiUa, �� <br /> Ihe �aid f�w�, n�1es. reg��la�i„n., urJe�a nnJ ordinnnrc.. I.r+r+ce n�;rrr< to kcep Ihe tafd premlie� u�d �1! �idaw�lk� ancy �ppio�ehe! � <br /> � lhe�eb la a sde condiUoa and free and ctear o( ke nnJ �nuw and ull vQ�cr mA�tcr whtCh m�y be danQerous to t}�e yubllc �od !rce <br /> ' o! ■11 obslrotUonf, <br /> � 1.esspe wl11 hold L,e��or exempt end hnrmless (o? ond on nccount of nny dmm��el or (n�ury !o Rnr penon, or to the goed�, wue� f <br /> � ■7�rjrs►e' ,nandl�e o( any person, erlsln6 trum tl�c usc ut ll�c prumfsc� by lcs,ec, or �rlsln� lrom 16o t�tlure of i,et�ee to keep the <br /> D �aod condillon N hcrcin p�orfdcd, <br /> ' DMiACE gY Flf1� OR OTItER CASUAI,'�7 ,� <br /> T�AAlINATiON rnrvu,EC�s � <br /> I 9, ll l� provtded th�t in usc the.ssid premiac�, vr nny yart U�crcui, shnEl ot any lfene be deatroycd br d.��ged by tire or vthe� � <br /> :i' �m�eoidable cteu�ity, se ll�n{ thc s:une �hall b�: tmAl [��r occuppltmi ur��sc,lhen tl�e rcnt heieby t�served, or�foir and)uFt propo�ttoe <br /> th�►eof, Atrerdln6 !a thc nntu�c phd e�lcnl oE Ihc cl.�mng� au>Ininpd !�► Ipss o( oeCU �tEon of the � <br /> ,: lo be pap�ble and :o cu�,tim�c oniil sni�) prcnd�es :i�:�ll bc reb��ilt u� �»nde flt tur occpt�paUon �nd �ie o'rEi� such d0111�geetoethe.Jd <br /> �� dctnlscJ picmbea or !u Ih� bidlding b� �v)�I�(i Ilw clrt�alxed t+�cttiits�y nw silunleil !t to lfie Cxlent uf SpS�or awre,then thls lea�e m�y be � <br /> terminatcd st �he dectio� uf thc �cssor, nolice u( �.-6ir1� ciccli„n, if �•seni.ed, sh�11 be glven in .vr111ng wilhln 25 dayi lram Jule of <br /> �� ca�ueflY. prorfdad �Ixo Il�at in cnse the bullJin� co,�f;�inin�; xn�e! pre�ntisex is toleily duslroyeJ o� work lo put the p�emises 4n leoant�ble I <br /> � condlUoe ts hot CofnmcnceJ .vithin ouc mun�R rum lLc Iin�c ot ,aid dmm�ge nud epttp�ved lheretfter, wlth re■son�ble dillqonce, Umn <br /> �; thls lesse m.y bc terminetal ■! thc dcctlu�ti vl th�• Linsc��, r�oii�w a( ���hicli c[ectlon if e=e►elscd, maa! be `tven In wrllinR �vllhin �,5 � <br /> ; o(tt�iti reperty n�ured�mder�vnlc�i�ne td'cotllecllbtc�bi�uranc�. p{iIlNi�t'�I�(I1C C,ticnt Vl�ie,v reeo ary colteec lbie uncYler�n,e6 Insur�wee��br � <br /> i <br /> �I (ec! to e IfoStattons th�t this w�iver �hall �pplY v��ly ��•hcn vun��iucd by the rpplle�ble poller of tn�vranee, <br /> �� PEASONAL pROPER7Y AT R1SK OF LE.SS�6 <br /> '. !0. Afl yetnonxl prope�ly in the Iensed premfsee xl��il �c nt tlie rlek oE 1he Lessee onty and the Lessor sh�ll not ba o� bceome <br /> '� Ir,�h1c for anr �em�gC {b saW persoaal rrover��-, tu sniJ prrmi,cy ,►r to �ald Lcssce or to nn� ot���rr yeroons or proporl� cnusrd by <br /> � ����er k�k�=e, iteam, �eN�aregr, g�s or odors ur fvr nn?• d;�i„ngc ���Ii;u,ocve� dune or occe�rinne b ur fron. �n Fxrilcr. umbin I <br /> ' WMer, �tesm or nther pipm ��r nny 6xtu�a�. �•����ii�u,�„t nr n���nn4�•�,,,nce� wZ�nl.�x�•er, or fur AnY �1�mn,�e occnsluncd Ly weler, sno►v�or I <br /> fce, beln� upon tir com�n� llrrm,qI� !hc moF .L,.I��;hl, i�;�p d,N,r, „e ��1lier��•Ise, c�r for nny damn�e Nrfsin� [rum �ny oet or negleet <�t � <br /> i other tceent�. occupanta, or emptoyrc� o( 1{�c Lu11eI1��g tn ��•hlrh ;hc itnxed prcntf,r� �ra slh�ntecl or arisl�g by renaon oI Ihe ase of, <br /> tlt �ny Je(eet In, ll�c eotd b�fldr„g ot nny ol lhu A�lnr�z, ����dpmcn! ur npputlen�ne�t U�Cteln, ur br the �ct oi 11Eglect Of u7y olher <br /> penvn or eaurad In a,�y othet tnanner whetsoevcr. <br /> RICi�'1' O� LESSOit TU �NTER FOI1 nE�AlhS, ALTSRA2'IONS� E1'G <br /> 1 L T'he Leilor, Ifl1 1lgenb ot teprC3ent�llvc�, �I�ol) ha��c Uw cntcr aoW prcmi�cf 4t stt reuan�ble tler�es, to efuNne or <br /> �.hEb!! Ihe, or to .sr►eke suc1� rr1+alra, nJd�Uuas ��r nit��rntluus ns Lc�so�mny sec 91►o mekn for the�alcly Impro.•ement o.pre�c�. <br /> �-tlion 1�Iettal, or uf the buIIJlnR �if ��•lift;� t�tc �ens«1 ptou�ixs arc n�mrt m {or n��y o�hcr renionable vurpo�e. �T�1E Leuor m�y dlspLy <br /> �� "(or rmt" sl�ns o„ or ■bout !he aalJ pretnises nnd Ip Iho wludowc thrrcof Fo� sI�ly dsyf prlos lo !he terniln�tfoo oE thlt �ease. <br /> UEFAVLT, BANKFIUPTCY, CTt7. <br /> � !f. 5hauld Jelnul!be tr�ede by the x.ea.eea ln Ih�� pa�•menl of thc ren�nl or nny nlhcr mm u1reJ te be yNd by L,ei�ee heteundcr, <br /> � or e�,y pnri �hercof, wh�n end ns hercln pmvtdeel; or sh�n�l�l I,assec� dcfmdt In tho perfermenee�ultlllment or obacc.�nee of �ny of the <br /> ;;'a Mher em•�nnnls, cnncllliu»., e. n�;�ccmeMc hemlo cenlnEnecl; ne ahrndd any decree or nrdcr fn� rcllef be enlered by s cvu►t <br /> �� hn+3�R �aii�Nefi�n +�d�adRtnR lhc I.essec n bnnkrupl or tnsalveut, �r npprovinR � petlifen atekinR lhc rcorginfentlo�, anan�cmcnl, <br /> �, ndi���lmcnl nt cmmpoelUon In rcapcct uf LcxSCC, whcll�er ��olanter{ly �r tnvolanla�fly,uncler thc Eedcr�l benk�,ptcy hws, �a new er herc- <br /> � dtrr crn�tNntcd, �r nny nther n�►plicohle feder��l ur st��le bnn{crnpley) (nxolveney or Stmllar ie�v, or rppolMing a reeelver, lk��ddnlor, <br /> "I a�■ie���, ruatrnllnn, trna�ee er timllar afflcl;,) �f the Lrx+er., er rti�y saDt�pbIIRI pnr! of'x propertY or orderinR lhe wh�dlnR up ot <br /> ;� Il��nld�llo� t�l s e((nlf�; nr xh�„Qci ihc ilcml!�Gd pr�•ml�CN beveme vncnnl pr�bnntlnnetl:er shoald�tbls Lee�e be ttnn�lcrrecl.vulnn- 1 <br /> ; I�ri1�• <n 9�1�'nI11A111r1Iy, to nnp pr►rou qlhcr Ilma I�xr Iw•�c�•�: nr sh����i� 1�ie iensehuld Intctext cre�led by thla Lerac l�c 1cvkJ on �m�l�r <br /> !• r��Cnfinn;lh�n, and tn r�•�r�• ���ch cnse, tl�r I.c�zc�r rnny, nt the I�es�er's nplion, wllhout demend e( eny kfnd er noHee Cc► I,easee. or eny II <br /> �� ��il,+•r �rWm, wt n��c �t.crl:rrr-th�� Lcncc tcrmMetrd nn�l 1,C«��r may rrenfer tho prcrnlsc�,wlthaat furm�l notice er demnnd �nd hnld <br /> and en�ny f}�C FA:NC.tMOtttt�i�rlh, r.s If lbls l�i�x hn�i noa 'ucom m�dc, �viinot:t prej�uiit��npwever, to ■ny rtRht oF nc.ton or remeciy of �he �� <br /> i; la•e..�r 1+�•rno.c of nny brcevh by Pbe LcxseC ��f n�ly covc�nnt, cond(tlnn, pt�wlYfnn oi egttemenl here(n amMlned. In c��e L.c�sor cl�c+ t <br /> . �,nt �•lccf 1�� tnko ndvnnlnRc �r( 1h� riaht lu Icrmim�lc 11�in Lcnsc cou(crrecl br �he foreRnlnK pmvtslons o! tbla »nMaf�ph, the shall � <br /> . nr��c•r11h•lr�� h1�•�, nntS I.t�«nr I:; hYri-��?• c�prer:s�p {�ivcn, Ihe rIR�1! to rc�ntcr !hC �n�tl�premlae., Wqh ut ��11}►eut �egnl preces�, �ho��1�} � <br /> an+ „( Ih� ��enl• hrrrinlxtar�• •�•��cifird t��ke >>En�c or uc�cur, nnet to remuva Ihe Le�eee a algm�and nll properir a�d e(tect. of the l.exece ,! <br /> m n16�r �n•c-��rnnt� at �niil prrmis��, nnd i( 11�c I.c�.wir xn d�sires, tv rcict lhc sald premiset, oc any pnrt Iharce(, upvn auch lcrm�, �nd ta <br /> �nch �cn„n nr prnnns �nd (or such pertod of perlt+ds ns mny xcern (I! !n lbe L.e�tor, end In c�se �f n�ch rclelUn�t, Ihe L.c�sce shnl) <br /> , i��� li,l�lr t<� �l�e I,c�.nr fin tl�� JIltrtencc I�ct�vccn Ihe rentc nn�l pnymcnt�hereln re�erved �nd pRrccd u�n fnr �he re�idue et�ho e»��►c I <br /> �Hp�dnlc�) I�rm �f Ihla l,en.c an�l lhe »et tet�t for each renldue n( the eerm renllsed by euch rclelUnR, f�ut nct rent to be dclrrmfncd by <br /> dreh�i-Ilt�p h��m Iho rr�llro �i•nt r�relvCd by I.c�snr (rom �iecl� tClctting Ihc c:pcneea or rCCOVCt1nR pd��e�l�lon. re1e11InQ nE1Cr1nA nnt� �� <br /> ' t��,alrt�� iald rtemkos nnd ca11�c11��� rcnl lhe�e�eoitl; 11�1d Ihc I.assae herel�y RgreCS to plty ����h det���encr CtKh mnnt�+ 11t Ihe �nme �. <br /> ma� n«•ri�c. Ihr l.<�.a�r 1� poy tn Ih�• I.o���ir .�•Ilhln fl��n (5) linyx q(ic� thC Crplrntion ot ench mo�lh �1�aInR a„ch reelduc of tl�p lrrm. Ihp ! <br /> i� �III(��rcnce 1r•►a�pr�� Ihc scnt mxl �+�ymcnl. fur mId mnnth a� tlacJ by lhls i,on�e an� tho nee �mount renllred br Ihe I.exaor irom Ihc � <br /> preml.�cs dntlnR aeltl mt�nlh. �� <br /> ,� �I <br /> VACA'C{ON AF YRF,MISES AY LESSE� � <br /> SECURI'S'Y INT�REST 1N TERSONAL PAOPEATY i <br /> IJ. lf I.rss�c �I�nll nnt ���omplly romnvc nl1 hls pr�emrty Irum U.c prcmiecs �vhcncver !hC�er ehnll }�ccomc cnUtic�) �xns�salon I'� <br /> �h�r�„( �� Itrr�ln n�rcrd, Il�o I.rssnr mc+y, �viU�<uil naltcc, r�mcrvc Ihc xnmc,er eny oE the snmc,in eny mnnnct �h;�t f.c«nr m1v chrxr�c, 'j <br /> y��d��•r ��•ill p�y L��sor. opnn �li•mn4d nny nnd �dl ctpCncce fne��ttrd In xnch rcmovnl, tof[Cthcr with sloraac an sn�11 Clf�tlr fa� nny . <br /> 1rnt;th uf Ilh�r dnr(n� a'hlth Ihr snmc �halt be 1n [.c:stnr s pns.csclqtl n� Ct)nlro1; ot If 1,,C3�CC shn�� pl nny lfmc vrtcatc nr nhanclnn snid �, <br /> �,n•mixpc, pnd IcAVC rtny �+tt+un��1 proptrly i�r (Ith�tca (u or nbout llie prcmlxCS �o� n pCtiod of (IvC (5� tlilye nflcr such vncnil�n or I� <br /> �I+aml�imm�nt or nfl�r fl+� 1�ttnianii��n �it 1ldc l.,cq,rc for any rcnson whnlsacvct, tl+cn thc Lcasor shnl hnvC thC rlahl tn �ell 0!1 or �r <br /> nn�• �,nrl �+[ s�sch prnprrty nt pnhHC Pt t�ti�nte �nlr +vill�nut ��vin{; �ny npHCC !o lba Le�SCa, or nay nndce af sale; nll nOtfcc! t��p�i�c�� � <br /> b� c1�NHi� nr nlh�t�ri�� h�l��{� lsr����y ��prc�.iy w�lvctl, nnci Io npply iha proccCt�s of �uCh enle (irst, Ic� IhC p:tym�nt n[ nll pnl.� nnd ' <br /> ry�.�n+�� „f cnnducHn� tl�c e�lc• tntl cnrl��u F<,r nn�) storin� l�1C yiropctty; nnd,sccond, thc balencr, IF nny lo any (ndcbfCClnct�� tiuC <<��m �' <br /> Lra��•r ��� Id•%!Pf: nn�l Urlr�l. l�. dcllver nny retstnlntnu �um, on ifrmAnd fn wrlllnR. iv lho Lessee. Lcs�co hcrrby Rrnnte Lcssnr n >ccuriiy ;' <br /> fnl��rt�I in nll ItCrn. nf pCrsrnr.+l `,rup�rty �nd flvhvc< o[ Lcszcc now or nt nny tlrqC F1C�CQ�Icr a(fl�[C� flf,Allnchctl lo pinccd In or ur��r, •I <br /> fh•- drmi.�•cl rr�micc� �r �ccnrtfy (��r din ��aytncnl n( a�l rcnt nnd nthcr �ums �1uC �Y le bccamC l�t�o hcrCnn(IC� 11M�1 l�c per�ormnnCC hy <br /> L��.•�.�• uf nll �d Ihc Ictm�. ccirniiNc»,s pnd rruvlsimi.c o( thf� (,crtrc ln bC par�vrmca by L.c�iCa Tlil� Lcnsc I� Inlcndcd lo hc n fin,ncln� <br /> �t�lrm�•nl ��•Il��in Ibr nurvlrw u� 6f)-402 e�f fhh U��it<,rn� Cnmm�...:�I n,..t.. �t/... ...1.1..... ..t .�- �----_ r�-_-----' «--•--. _.. r .� . _ ' <br /> � <br />