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FROM : Omaha Neon Sign Co. FAX N0. : 402 341 7654 Oct. 08 1999 02:35PM P2 <br /> � � 99 111269 <br /> � � BUSINESS �'�ZO��RTY LE <br /> A�pROV'�D BX BUII.DxNG OWNEEiS AND,MANACEAS ASSOCI�►Ti ��� <br /> ON.OF .OMAHA�.INC. <br /> ����� �r <br /> ��1�iT�Q� �lade spd execnted 1 November 199 � ��A <br /> 'flie 1.�SSOA �RCO Investment Lsmited Fartnership, 10'�37 Fra3�ces Street <br /> omaba, ne 68124 <br /> .»d �be I.ESSEE Txi City Si�n Co. 363-365 North Vine 8treet, • <br /> Grand Isiand, NE 6 1 <br /> �tt1le�Bftfi'. That the i,esso� docs hercbq dca►ise snd laesa unlo the L.essee. ebe fallowing described pro��,� :lewted tu <br /> �ah�, Uou`tat Counlr. Nebrask., co_wtt: <br /> DESCitIY2'10N OF PROp�ATY <br /> 7 8 block 38 origina�, �vwn <br /> 7'$Mf ANp PUll4p$E <br /> 1• '1"6a Leme a�eer �o uae wd occupy the pteml�es for assembly and �nr�rehou�� s�ace <br /> and no oll�et puepese, For a terta of yeare, aRld lea;e lerm beQtnnia� o0 <br /> 19.�, �uod endtng oa 3D,.._, <br /> vnlea soeoer teem(n�tcd aa herelndter providcd. <br /> RENTAx, <br /> S. In cronslder�Uon o( Ihe forego{na demise, the L,esses heeebY eovcnnntt (o per{oein tlie agreeaneats hereby tmposec� and to pq <br /> t�e Lcssor ar rretd [or aatd prcmCsa !he au�n oi <br /> ---{i 2..---�—���•�'q�y�Y�bia as follows: <br /> ra m. �,iea t•e,�•_ Z Na'�' �999 , 1 November 2010 <br /> - • . ,19�.t �.ve..o� <br /> Tot iD�oerbA 1ree� �0 29.._.�-- _��•1e�d <br /> nld PeattJ!o be p�y�ble monthly to �dvanee�on the ._�ar ot each tueceaaive monel■, �t the oEfke of <br /> o�her pl�ce u tl�e Leuoe sh direet. os a! iuc6 <br /> AElV'l'A[.ADJU$'I'M�(�!T <br /> 2. �e) tt ia unckr�loocl nnd ARrecJ thal the n�nottnt nf rent statccl nbovc in rw�$,���h 2 oF tht� lense �hall be the bese renlql <br /> anel xha f he �dftt�tcd on the ff�st clpy o� thc sctam) yenr of Iht� lanso �nd E�ch ye��ly �nnlvetsery theteafter !n o�dct to reflect the <br /> chanitc In Tnuchnsinx �a�cr c,t lha dollnr. Such ndia�fmcnt,� nbnll bc mnda np�n !bc followlnK b�.�i�.of con,putstlon: The mo,t rcccnt <br /> l�. 5, DcpKrtmcnf of La1mr Comumcr Price lndcx: V. S. Ctty Avcragc. ALL URBAN Ct7NSUM�RS (CPl-U), �98T=IUO, All ltcmr, <br /> rc�+rt tot !he nMnth nE ehowloa the �mlcx n� ahall bo cornldered sa Ihe bR.a �nd the <br /> pr��r inde: M etf�ct for the correR�on�1MA rnonth tn ench auccos.ive yenr xhell bo eomp�red wtlh thb beae [ndes tt�uro. The �nnod <br /> t�nt�i �h�li be elthot f»croesod er Jeerce�ed by Ihe percentngo of incren�e e� eletKe�te !a !he prlce lnder. Such eompulptton sh�ll be <br /> mnde in �hc �ema monn�r �n rrtch enrlY onnlver�nry of lhl■ Ic�ae to datcrmino eny n81u�t�ant� !a the rent Eor �he subuquentyc ar. <br /> itawrover. et no thne w111 lhe tealq(�1�c Ics� Ibnn tha b�ao ronlnl Mnted nbnve In thta 7e�eo. 't'he �nnual Incre��e, IF any, sk■il no! <br /> l,e cmn�aunelcd. <br /> '������'� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> SF[iYACB <br /> 3. It b understood lh�t tu: Ihe reni mcnUonad� the Lcs�or shdl fumish�csvEce at tollow�• <br /> in Ihe mrnnes Cntt��An11ry If1 l}rE 6uilding, It fs hcrtby agrccJ lbat Iha Lessor shall ltave thC rlght lo dtseontloue �nr servlCe abovv <br /> me�itluned ��� On)` patt Ihescof ��hrne�'e� and during nn i�tfVd [vr whtd� Li11s for rent ot e�her aerv�ce tUC pbl promp fly p�id b• the <br /> f.a�scc. it is risv agrreJ th�i t1FO Ltseor .hnll uut tx; �a�,fe f<�r Jamngcs nor zhn11 �he rentel bctclrtbcfor4 sHruleled bc nb�lea inr <br /> F��lurc tu fmnish, ur delay tn t�►rnicl►Ing, any scrvicc elx���e menHnncd er any pnrt thcrcof o� afureiaiJ w�hcn such fetlurc tv lumish. <br /> or drley in f��rnf.lring� ix ncclzinned b� nccd(�il rep:tiry, rrnewnk or i�n��I)�'emCtits, or tn �vhok or In part �y qny sltike or Iwbo� oon- <br /> lru�e}�y, nr 1►r a�ry oceEdce,l or casuolty whataoever, ur by nr� uct u��vfaull +>( lhe l.esxee or othes p�etfaa, or by nny uosuthorir.ed kl <br /> or det�ult of �ny ccnploye4 ot thc Lesser, nor [ur any wl�cr cuusc or cnuscx I�cyond thc rcASOnabic cont�vl oi the I.easar. <br /> 1vATL�R,CkS,rL�CTIl1C.SEWE11 V5�FESS,ETC.�CF�IUtC$S <br /> �. Tbe Le�+ee fnMher �graea lo pay hom Ilme to l{me ai same may becen+e due dl w�ter! g�s, eleetNc(ty or vther ehu;es <br /> lr��ird nr �s�esved Agaii�ei, tnciirrcd nt ot chntqroUlo !o or lp cunneelton �vilh the �easea p[emise� tluT�n� l}f0 lCtal oI lhl� 1q7s aod to <br /> .e.•e ihc prcmises �nd Lc�c.�ur harmlcsa ti�crctron►. <br /> I.c�sce(nrlher �grees (o day �ny nnd el) sewet usC fcca whlch mny bC ersceaed ngnlnst the dtmiscd pramlees w�AelheT b�sed oe <br /> w min�m��m fce e percrainge c6p�gc, <�s .vhnlever bnel:� sald Icu �Bu1) be Ic��cJ. !n additlon l0 1he usu�11 moalhly ch�rge for w�tet. <br /> il�r 1.�•�.cc (ut1��c► �greos lo p�y nuy nnd �dl nddtllunnl ehqrgvr which tha �ietropuUtntt V!lIIUp Dlt4fcl m�y m1Jce ��a4�st tbe dw. <br /> mlfed prembC� te� Q+e t�se by !he Lessce uf ��alet fur uIr conJllEunfng vurposas. <br /> CONDtT1pN O� I'REM1SfiS <br /> 5. l.CSSre lfns e�t�mined teid prCmisee �t�o� lo hts acce}it�nee nnd Ihu esecutlun 6ereof and is sefla9cd wllh'!he pbysie�l wnditlon <br /> tH�ret�(, InrludilrR nil b��nl{�monl antl np�tirrtcnarnee, und I�ie lnktng �rossrsslpp 11iCteoi slu�ll I,►o concluslve evldCbcC of hts recelD! <br /> Ib�ron( in �ali.(�Nary• n�cict ehd tr�►�ir, excY•1+t nv ��11u•r�i�isa s�►ecffled I�rrcin, nnd I.essce �grea ond adintla thot no represehtatfoe <br /> m t� 1hC trttidlNon ��r rriiair herc�f hns I�ocn madr Iry 11�� l,�•�kt�t ��� bis n����d ��•h1C11 �� �01 hetClel axprc�secl m Sndorsed heteon; and <br /> Ilkewle� nRrrc� nnd edmils lhnt no ;iFr�em�•ttt n� �+rumixe� lv llaCn��tt�, nilc•q reppir, i�� (mprove r�ld premlc¢! Meluding tll eyulpmeet <br /> �nd �ppvrlcn�uoea. ellher bclora or a�ler lVfp CxCC��UOt1 I�eeeni,not eon4�tncci bereln, has beeo ts,u�de by Leesor ot hta aaent <br /> �it'i�'AIItS <br /> B. fo rnns1�1���U�n ef thc /orc�qnin�t dcrnrse nnd Ihc rntc eF .enln)1►rrcin�tipvleted,Ihe Lessc�egrccs dvring the lenn oI thlt fette <br /> at hit m��e1 cepcnxc. In (�rrp in pn��d nnd cuhx(en.t(n1 onirr nr�d nqmir nnd lo mnke nll nCCCSSary tepwt�s, renewo�s. rlDlfcemMb �n� <br /> �i�•analf��m upon or br r�rnnccUna ,rlth sni�l premisr.:, .1nc1uJ1„y� „!I wlndow< M�d doors and atsss, wher�vcv Iocalcd. and �t1 <br /> pfumlr�n�, h�nliau oc�nl�ma•nl, buficrQ, cicvel��rx, ��Ipcs; avir{ng, nni) �tos, atcmm �nd cicctrical 8xtvxes, connocltons �nd BulnRS ,u�d <br /> � <br />