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<br /> candemnation or other t�kin�{of ony part nf the F'�+operty.or fix ronvcywxc in li¢u of condrmnation.su�e hercby�u�ciYned uKl
<br /> �twll be pxid to I.cnder.
<br /> In the cvent oF a twal taking ot the i�ropeny, thc ccd� nhaii bc npplied to tix �um+ �ecured by thi� �tcutiry
<br /> insttument,whether cx nat then duc,with any cxccxx pai t��Bam�wcr. In the evcnt of u purtial t�kin�uf the Property in
<br /> which the fdr mwicet vxlue of�he Property immaiiutely before the tuking is cyual ro or grcater tl�un the wiwunt of the Rum�
<br /> securcd by Ihir�Security lntitrument immediately bcfurc thc taking,unle..6�orrower und l.ender atherwiu ugrcn in writing.
<br /> the sumY securcd by this Security Inxtn�ment shuU be rcduced by thr,umaunt uf the proceeds muttiplied by the following
<br /> �.��—� fraction: tal the tatal umount of the sum�KcureJ immedintcly heforc the tuking,divided by(b)the fuir market volua uf tlx:
<br /> Prapeny immediatcly 6eforc the taking. Any b•rlwue xhall bc puid to Barrower. In the event oi'a purtiul tuking uf'tiw
<br /> � Propeny in which the fair mniicct value uf the Property immcdiately before the mking is Icss th•rn tt�e umowu of the tium.ti
<br /> securcd immrdiately bcforc thc t:dcing, unlesx Borrowcr und Lendcr othcrwi.r•e ugrec in writing or untexs applicablc luw
<br /> othenviso provjdes,the proceeds sh�ll be cpplied ta the sums�ecured by thix Security Instrument whether or not the sum.�are
<br /> then duc.
<br /> — = If the Property is abandoned by Borrawer,or if,•rftcr notice by Lendcr to Borrowcr thut the candemnor offen to muke
<br /> _ _ � an awArd a settle a claim far damages,Bo�rower fails to respond to Lender within 30 duys after the date the naice is given.
<br /> �� -- -- Lender is authorized to collect and apply the procecds,nt Itti option,eithor ta mstorutfon oc rcpai�of the Property or to thc
<br /> -- sums securcd by this Security Instrument,whethcr or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and BaROwer otherwi,e ugree in writing,any upplicution of praceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> �� st the due date of the monthl a ments refened to in arn ra ti 1 und 2 ar chaa e the amount of such mcnts.
<br /> po pone Y P'Y P S Ph•' 8 �Y
<br /> _-- - 11. Borrower Not Relrnsed; Forbearance By I.ender Not a Waiver. Ertension of the timc for payment or
<br />- modiftc�tion of amortization of the sams secured by this Security Inttrument granted by Lender to uny successor in Mterest
<br /> � of Borrawer shall nat operate to releusc thc liability of thc originul Baruwer o�Borrower's�uccessorti in interest.l.endcr
<br /> shaQ not be cequered to commence proceedings agninst uny �ikce•scx� in interest or rcfuse to extend time for payment or _
<br /> ;ti�_� � ' othcrwise modify amortizntion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of uny demand madc by th�original
<br /> �� Borrower a Borrower's successors ln interest. Any forhearurrce by Lender in exerci.in�uny right or remedy shull not be a
<br /> ' �'...;;.'; waiver of or pmclude the exercisc of any right or mmedy. _
<br /> , L'����� � 12. Suceessors And AsciQns Bound;Joint and Several Liability;Co-signers. The covenancs and agreements of thi�
<br /> Security Instrument shnll bind and benefit the si�ccessors und assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provi.r•ionx of
<br /> � ��"" '•�': � � paragraph 17. Borrower's covenunts and agrcements shull be joint und tieveral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security -
<br /> , I Insuvment but dces not execute the Note: (A)is casigning this Security Instrument only to martguge,srant and c�nvey thut
<br /> Y�y:. ; Borrowert interest in the Property under the terms of this Security lnstrument: (b)is na personally obligated to pay tlut sum�
<br /> ' '� `"`'��-` ' secured by this 5ecurity Instrument;and(c)agrces that Lender and any other Born�wer may agree to extend,modify,forbeur
<br /> _ ,����r or make any accommodations with regurd to the terms af this Security Instrumenc or the Note without thut Borrowor'.s
<br />-. i consent.
<br /> '��' ' 13. Loan Cfwrger. If the loan secured by this Securiry Inslrument i�subject to a tuw which tiets maximum lonn
<br /> — , +,�; ° charges,and thac iaw is finuiiy inirrprcteei,u ti+ut tiro iute�e,t or aiher ioan charges ca0lcctcd ar ta bc co!lectcd in copncctiQn
<br /> '+t�r+!,,���-_•, with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (u)uny such lo•rn ch•rrge+hall be reduced by the amount necessaq•to reduc�
<br /> ��r�r•*
<br /> �', - ,•„r.._ �. . the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrowrr which exceeded permitted IimiG�will Ixt
<br /> ;`;�t';`°tk,,;;_;,;��,':' . ; c�efunded to Sorrower. Lender may choose to make thix refund by reducing the principal uwed under the Note or by making u
<br /> .i#p�i.5:rf+i�w'�r�..:+-• dircct payme�t to Borrower. If u rc:fund reduceti principal,the reduction will bc treuted�.s a pnrtial prepayment without any
<br /> :'���;-��:�t;� � �� I prepuyment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Barrowcr pmvidcd for in this Securiry lnxtrument xhaU be given by detivering it or by
<br /> ._;��;4i;L;;.!.�. ;� q;:.;:.• mailing it by f rst claxs mail unlcss upplicublr law reyuire.usc ot anothcr meth a d.'i'he natire s hu U i x di��te d t�t i�u Fr.�art}�
<br /> .,�„��;��.', ,t riK:y Address or nny other uddress Borrower detiignatc, b}•noticc ro L.endcr. AiTy notice to Lender shull be given by fint clu�t
<br /> mail to Lender's•uddrexs stated herein ar any other uddresr Lender de�ign:�tes by�ioticr to Borrowe�. Any notice providud for
<br />__ �_� ..
<br /> M this Security Instrument shall tx Jecmed to huvc tkcn given to BoROwcr or LenJcr when givcn us provided in•thfs
<br /> ;y �::c�.�.•`� paragraph.
<br /> ��!�'�,r�.�i�::. ' I5. Governing L�w; Severability. This Srcurity lnstrument .hull bc�ovemrd fiy federal luw and thu law of the
<br /> __ , juriscliction in which the Prupeny i,{a:uted. In the rvent thut uny provitiion ur cl•rusr of thi,Security(n+tniment or the Note
<br /> �.;:.�:;;:�� . . ,.�, conflicts with appliruble luw,such contlict shall not affert othcr provi�ions of this Security In,trument or the Note whieh ean
<br /> ,�� ir. .�y . I be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end thc provi.ium of thic Secu�ity Instrument and the Note are
<br /> ,�s'::�'�_'�,�' ; , declared to be sevcrablc.
<br /> ���y�,�,.,. ;��,;, ': 16. Bor�ower's Copy. Borrowcr.hall bc givcn unr confi�mird copy of thr Notc xnd of thi.Scrurity Instrument.
<br /> '�' 17. 7tansfer of the Property or u Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If all or any rart of the Property or any interest in
<br /> "`.�'`':'. �: .. .:- ( it is sold or transferred(or if a beneCcial interest in Borrowrr ix wld or tr:m.ferred and Borrower i+nat u natural person)
<br /> �`� " . without Lender's•prior written consent. I.endrr muy,at itx option, rcyuirr immrdiute puyment in fup of all sums secured by
<br /> °� '�' � L '" this Srcurity Instrument. However,this option shull not be exercised by Lender ii'rxercik is pmhibited by federal Inw ati of
<br /> �� ���•:m� the date of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ' +` 4i
<br /> - � � • • If Lender exercises this option.Lender shull give Bottowcr noticr of acccicration. Thc notice shall provide a perial of
<br /> °'��'�''"�;,�;�� not less than 30 duys from the dute the natice is ddivered or maileJ within whirh Borcuwrr mu,t pay all sum�secured by this
<br />°�� +'. • Securiry Tnstrument. lf Borrower fails to p•ry thcsc tium� prior to th� cxpiratiun of this period, Lender may invoke any
<br /> �,,,.
<br />_°� ������"��•�• remedies permitted by this Security Instrumcnt without furthcr notice or demanJ�m Borrowcr.
<br /> .�i�r_ :,..6!',:d�' ,:, ,
<br /> � 18. Borrower s Right to Reinstate. If Borr��wcr mect+certain conditions, Borrowrr .hall huve thc right to havc�
<br /> :-- i enforcement of this Security instrument discontinurd at any time prior to the earlicr oF: (a►S day�(or.uch othcr period as
<br /> ="^ Single Fumfly--Fi�nnk Mne4?riWfe 1Nac UNIFURN INtiTRUMEtiT-•Unitorm Covenants 9l9p (�xrga 4 oJn prg�sl
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