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<br /> appifcabk !aw m�y cpxify for ceinstatement>before�ate of the Property p�rsuant to u►y power of uik contdned in thic
<br /> Securiry Iastrumuit:or iby entry af a judgrt:c::t:afarrEn�tltiir�c:.arity lesstiu�crt. 'i'tasa co�xiitla�s�e itiat iforr�wcr: (a) �
<br /> -- • pays Lender nll sums which ttren waild be due under this Security Instcument and the Note�ta if no accelention h�d
<br /> occurned;(b)curcs any default of any other covenmtc or rgrcements;(c)pays�tl expenses incurred io enfarcin�thla Security
<br /> — Insuument,including, but not Iimited ta,ccasemable Attaneys'fees; and (d)takes such action as Lender mxy rex�onably
<br /> — — roquire to assure that the lien of this Secudty Instrument.Lendcrk rights in the Propeny and Bornowerl obligation to pYy thc
<br /> t� sums securod by this Security Instrument shail continur unchs�nged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Security
<br /> ".�� Instrument and the abligations secarcd htrcby shall remain fully effcctive as if no acceleratian had accuRed. However.this .
<br /> -�t� right to reinstate shall not apply i�the case of acceler�tion under puagraph 17.
<br /> � : 19. S�1e of Note;Ch�w�e of Lorn Servicer. The Note or a partial incercst in the Nde(together with this Security
<br /> lnspument)may be sold onc or more times without prior notice to Boaowcr. A sale may resutt in a change in the entity
<br /> � (known As the"Loan Servlcer')that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security insuument. Therc also
<br /> _' �;� �� may be one or more chan�es of the Loan Servicer unrelatM to a sale of the Note. If there is a ch�ng�of the l.oan Servicer,
<br /> �, .,,,,,.�,� , r Borrower will be given wdtten notice of the change in acco��a�ue wfih paragraph t4 above and appiicubie law. The notice
<br /> - =�-�'�=--`--=�--=�'=� will str�te the name�nd address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shoutd be made. The notice wlll
<br /> -<�'�'�""�"7i9' also contain eny other infamation required by applicable luw.
<br /> ����� ° x� ,i, . 20. HAZardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,dispos�tl,storage,or release af any
<br /> �;�5�:�:�= w.� Hazardaus Substu�ces on or in the Property. Borrower shalt not do.nor allaw anyone eisa to do.anything affecting the
<br /> '-''��—�i' , ;� Property tbat is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use.or
<br /> _=-.,��{��'�� stonRe on the Property of small quantitie�of Hazardous Subst�nces that are generally recognized to be apprapriate to oormal
<br /> • ,;c res i d en t�a l use s a r�d t o m a i n t e n a n c e o f t h e P r o p e r t y.
<br /> ,��'r�;;,•.._.- :;� Bcxrower shall promptly give I.ender written notice of any investig�tion,claim,demund,lawsuit or ather actian by any
<br /> .�lt�^:!.. gavemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving�he Prupeny��xi any Hazurdous Substance or Enviranment�l �
<br /> ' ''"�i:�:;�.=�;�-�• ' I.aw of which Borrower has actual knowlcd e. If Borrower le�rns. or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory -
<br />, •��"-�`i"�`-�'�k�',i authority.that any removal or ather remediatian of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Propeety is necessary,Borrower
<br /> .. shall promptly take ail necessary remediul actions in accordance wtth Envira�unental Law.
<br /> "`' ���,�:i�''M z"'' , As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those subst3noes defined as tozic or hazardous substances by _
<br /> �x�� �::�.�::��.
<br /> �' f• ' Environmental I.aw and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene.other flummable or toxic peuoleum products,toxic
<br /> ;; '� •, � ,;� pesticides and herblcides.volatile solvents, materiAls containing asbestos or fortnaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As -
<br /> � ��� `' � used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"meam federal laws and laws of the jurisdkeion where the Propeny is located
<br />. ��. ? �.
<br /> ; �,:�:,��' �;:,;•��;�•. that relate to health.safety orenviro�unental protection.
<br /> ' s�1��j�� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrower and[.ender further covenant:md ugree as follows:
<br /> ;�; ::.�.�::'*:�..t
<br />� .,:`•±;"' • `�'•� 21. Accekration; Remedies. I.eader shaU gtve notice M Borrower prlor to acceleration fofbwing Borrower's
<br /> .. �'�`'.,,,;•..::�.
<br /> _, y� brench ot any coveaAnt or agreement In this Security Instrument(but not prior to Acceleration u�de�p�rasraph 17 _
<br /> _ �:�''�`. a unless applicable law provWes otherwtse). The notioe shall specify: (a)the default;(b)the action required to cur�the
<br /> '��"`� "''s'�'' ' default;(c)a date,not less than 30 days from the date the natice is given to Borrnwer,by which the de[aWt must be
<br /> `�" •''�-� ' cured;and(d)that failurc to cure the default un or before the date specitled in the notice may result i�s�cceleraHon ot
<br /> ti`'`��'`�'� �"�'�� � the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument and s:ile of the Property. The notice shall further ioform Borrower of
<br /> ;:�, .. .: ;,
<br /> '''xt��p��i�!.�;,. the right to reinstats af�er accelerAtion and the right to bring a court action to assert the non•existeace of n deFxult or
<br /> ;j;�';.,;:�: ,�.; � any other detense ot Borrower to pccelerAtian and sale. If the defAUlt is not cured on or before the date specified in
<br /> , _ � . ..�v. , r the notice.I.ender at its option m�y require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security]nsirument
<br />"�` ' �t:4•�''< without frtrWrr drnixud aud m�,v juruke the puwer uP saie and any other remedies permitted by �ppiicable law -
<br /> ..il.�•,�,.':1:.� i.c..
<br /> -"""'t""'�"""'"'�' � Lendtr shAll be entitled to collect all expensec incurred in pursuinR the remedies provided in this paragraph 21,
<br /> � � inctuding,but not limited to.reasonvble�ttorneyc'fees ynd wsts of titte evidence. _
<br />�- •��Yy-�� <* � If the power of sAle is invoked.'I�ustee shall record a nutice of def�utt in each county in which any part of the -
<br />=A�� � - Property is located and shall mail copies of such noUce in the ms�nner prescribed by�ppiicable law to Horrower and to
<br /> k� F"� -•• ' •�''°•� the other persons prescribed by applicable law. After the time reyuired by aNplicable IAw.'I�ustee shs�li give public
<br /> ' � � notice of sale to the persons pnd in thc manner presrribed by applicable Iaw. 'Irustee.without demand on Borrower,
<br /> ' `'.�� � •� shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and pis�ce And under the termc degignAted in
<br /> " ,�����'� the notice of ssde in one or more parrels and in Any order'Il�ustee determines. 'I�ustee may postpone sak uf s�il or a�y _
<br /> ' ii'�'•"•"1"`.�"' parcel ot the Property by public announrement yt the time and place of an�•previously scheduled sale. l.ender o�its
<br /> � ;:
<br /> .; >'�r��'�="• ���� � desiQnee mAy purchuse the Property at any sale. _
<br /> ��'• • '�•� � Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.'It�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conce�ing the
<br /> - �`,c;�.;�::. ��Y:.:
<br /> �,�,,... .,. ,;,, � Property. The recitals in the 1lrustee's deed shali be prima facie e�•idrnre oP the truth oP the statements m�de therein.
<br /> '"' � �•.��S•,�`ti�� 1lrustee shaU a i the roceed�uP the sule in the followin order: tn)to all costs and ex nses otexercisin the wer
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