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<br /> period�ihu l.ender rcquirci. The insurunce carrier providin�the insunnce ih�ll be cho�en by Bor�+owcr subject to Lendert
<br /> �pproval which�tl not be unnawnably withheld. If Bartower fdl�to msintdn coveraRe described above,I.ende�may.u
<br /> ' l.enderB aption.obtain covera�e to protect I.a�der i ri�hta in theF�peny in�cca�uwe wi�h paa�rnph%.
<br /> All inxw�nce policiec�nd rcnew�ls�hall be�abk w I.en�kr and�hsll include R sundud mortwQe clw�e. l.ender
<br /> �hall have the ri�ht to hold ibe policiec and�tnewals. f Ltnder roquires.Barawer�halt promptlY�ive to Lender a!I roceipts
<br /> • of paid premiums and renewal noticec. !n the event of loxs,Bor�+ower shall Qive prompt notfce ro the inwnnce carrler�nd
<br /> Leoder. l.en�fer mAy malce proof of laa if not m�de p[omptly by Barower.
<br /> Unless lendcr and 8arower otherwise agra in wrltin�.insunnce proceeds shdl be applied to rcaton�tian or iepair of
<br /> -� the I'roperty dama�ed. if the rcstoratlon or rcpair is economic�ily fea�ibk+uid Le�xler'x recwity is �wt les�ened. If the
<br /> -- restor�tion or repair i:not ecuaa�iically feasibk or Lender�security would be lessaied. the inYUr�u�a proceaic shrll be
<br /> �pplied to the sums secut+cd by this Security Instrumcnt,whether or not then due,with Any excess paid to Bocrower. If
<br /> ° Borrower abandona the Pnnperty, or does not answa within 30 daya a notice from L.endcr tfwt the inwrance curkr h�c
<br /> — offered to settle a claim.then L.ender may callect the insur�nce procads. Lender may use the proceeds to re r or rcuorc
<br /> the Propeay or to pay sums secured by this Security Insaument,whether or not then due. The 30-day period w II be�ln when
<br /> thc noticc is glvcn.
<br /> �y � Unless l.encler and Borrower otherwlse agree in wrlUng.any applicadon of procads to princlpal shall not extend a
<br /> postponc thc dnc dau of the monthly payments referred to in parngraphs 1 �nd 2 or changc the amount of the pnyments. If
<br /> under pa�agraph 21 the Prope�ty Is acqnired by i.ender, Borrower�s right to any tnsurance policies�nd procads asult�ng
<br /> from damage to the Property prior to the acqulsition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums cecurcd by this Socur�ty
<br /> Insuument lmmediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> - -- 6. Occupancy� PreservAtton, MrintenAncr and Protection ot the Property; Borrower's Loan Applk�tlon;
<br />--� I.easeholds. Borrower shall occupy,estsblish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal risidence within sixty dayr dter
<br /> � -- - - the exeeutiat of this 5ecurity Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Pmperty ar.Botrawerk principal ncidence for at _ _.
<br /> " .� ��: least one year after the date of occupancy, unless I.cnder otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not 6e
<br /> ,.
<br />- unreawnably withheld,or unless extenuating cirr.umstances exist which ar�e beyond Homower�conuol. Borrower shall not
<br /> destroy.dwnage or impair the Property.allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the PropeRy. Bocrower shall
<br /> be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civil o�criminal, is begun that in i.ender�s good faith judgment
<br /> , could result in forfeiture of the Prope�ty or otherwise mater�ally impair the lien created by this Security Insuument oc
<br /> '���`" Lender's secur�ty intercst. Borrower may cw�e such a defnult and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> or praeeding to be dismissed wIth a ruling that,in Lender�s gaod faith determination,precludes forfeiturc of the Borrower�s
<br /> = intenest in the Property or other material impairmcnt of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security
<br /> interest. Borrower shell also be in default If Borrower, dudng the loan application process, �ave materially false or
<br /> - � inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or fniled to provlde Lender with any material infortnation)in connection with
<br />- ' � the loan evidenced by the Note. including, but not limited to, representations concemi�g Borrower�s occupancy of the
<br /> Propeny ac a principal residence. If this Security Instrument fs on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply with all the provlsions
<br /> ''��'� .w4?^ , uf ihe lease. If 8urrc�wcr acyuircy i'cr tiile to it�e Pioperty,tik.ieaschaid and the fcc tiilc shai!aoi m�rgc unlrss Lendcr agrua •
<br /> .�,�;�;•,,� • ,.: to the merger fn writing.
<br /> �"�°.�,�'t;?xj�'..'••� 7. Protcction oP Lender's Rights in the Proptrty. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements
<br /> '�t�"'� �r �+•:•- contuined in this Security Instrument, or there is u legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender�rights in the -__
<br /> 'iAtl3r5�' IMJM�
<br /> ,s,.:r�.:�. •, �, Property(such as a proceedins in bankruptcy,probute,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulutlons),then =
<br /> �,b:�,���;; I.ender may do and pay for whutevcr is necessnry to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propecty.
<br /> �.,...�.;. --
<br /> �Q3;,„,,,a4,�•,�;;;:,;',!= ' Lender's uctions may include paying:my sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument,appeanng _
<br /> � ,..,�,;�;;�:. ., ,. :,;,;,:._ in court,paying rensonable nttorneys'fces and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may takc action --'
<br /> . � .... . under this paragraph 7,Lender doss not huve to do�o.
<br /> y`"�� - Any amounts disburscd by Lender under this puragraph 7 zhull become udditional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />_ `�.:�`�` '� : Security Inrtrument. Unless Borrower:►nd Lendcr ugree to other tcrms of payment,these amounts shall bcar interest from thc
<br /> ,� -::;y�r:�., . , .. dutc of disbursement at the Note rate and shall bc puyable,with interes4 upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting �
<br /> ,•�= pnyment.
<br /> , � 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender myuired mortgage insurunce us a condition of muking the Ioon secured by this --
<br /> .' � � Security Instrument, Borrower xhnll pay the premiums required to maintuin the mortgage insurance in effect. If.for any --�
<br /> �;��.`����••. : ��•-�• nason, the mortgngc insurnnce coverugc requimd by Lcndcr lapscs or ccases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the
<br /> prcmiums requimd to obtuin coverage substuntiaUy cyuivalent to the mongage insur.snce previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> .����::r,� , substuntiuUy eyuivalent to the cost to Bonowrr uf tl�e mc+rtgage insur�nce previouxly in effect,from un alternate mortgage =
<br /> ~��°•�h�. insurcr approved by Lender. If substantiully equivalent mortgage insurance coveruge is not available,Bormwer shull pay to _
<br /> "'"',:. Lender each month u sum cyual to one-twelfth��f the yearly mortgage in,urancc premium being paid by Borrower when the _
<br /> ���,•...., insurance coveruge lap�ed or ccased to he in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments us a loss rcserve in lieu
<br />~��_ �;�: 'y- , of mortgage insur.mce. Loss rcscrve payments may nn longer bc rcquimd,at thc option of Lcnder,if mortgage insurance --
<br /> _ ���-��• ''� coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender reyui�ex)provided by an intiurer approved by Lender aguin becomes _
<br /> -- ,._.�:;,1.,.,;.. avAtlable and is abtuined.Borrower shull pay the premiumx rcyuired to muintuin mortguge in,urance in effect,or to provide u �„;
<br />- ��- • ` � loss rcserve,until the reyuirement for mongage insurance ends in uccordance with any written ngreement between Borcower @u�-
<br /> `M''� `'a* � and Lcnder or applic•rble l�w. __
<br /> • 9, inspection. Lender or its ngent may make masonable cntrie.upon and in.pcxtion�of the Propeny. Lender shull -
<br /> :;����� ' '',y'`� '' give Borrower notice ut the time of or pdor to un inspection specifying rea+onaMle rau,c for the in�pection. --
<br /> " 10. Condemnation. The proceeds af uny uward or clnim for damages,dircct or conseyuential,in connection with:u�y
<br /> . ..•.....'. ..,. • -
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