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<br /> . _ �pplic�ble law may:peciiy for rcinu�tement)befooe u�le of the Propeny pun�u�nt ta�ny power of�le conWned in thi�
<br /> Security Inuuument:or(b)entry of a Judgment rn�orcinQ this Security inrtrurt�nt. Ttwre cw�ti�ii��'r tiwt 8ixruwer: ia)
<br /> p�ys I.ender �Il sums which theo wrwld be due under this Seruflty Inuiuma�t uid the Note �s if no �ccelerndon h�d
<br /> • occuned;(b)cures�ny default of any other cavu!ants or a�+eerr�ent�;(c)Mys all expenres incumed in enforcin�thi:Socudty
<br /> In�uument, includfn�.but twt limiud to,reas�onabie attomeys'fees: anJ (Q) alcos such �ction �s Lender may re�connbly
<br /> requice to usure thu the lic�of this SecurEry Inurumeat.l.a�icrk dehts in the Property�nd Barowerti obli�tion to p�y the
<br /> _ _ __ � � sumr socurod by this Security [nstrument slull continue unch�ngod. Upon reiruutement by Bortower, this Security
<br /> —, — Instrument and the obl3gWons secund t�ereby shail rem�in fuUy effective a iF nv acxrokraiiwy iwd occurred. Howevra�.thir•
<br /> - ri�ht w rcinst�te sh�il na apply in the case of acceleratlon under puagraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sak ot Note;Chon�e of Loan Sa'r'ker. The Note or a pwti�l Intenst ln the Note(together wlth this Securiry
<br /> = Inatrument)m�y be soid onc or more times without pria notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in thc entity
<br /> - (known as the"Loan Scrvicer")that coUcets monthly payments due undcr the Nde nnd thi�Secudty[nstrument. There also
<br /> — may be one or mo�e changcs of the Laan Servicer unrelated to a ss(e of dx Note. lf thcc�e is�ch�nge of the Lwn Serviar,
<br /> ___r�__�� Borcower wlll be glven wrttten notice of the change in accordence with pruag�'aph 14 above and applicable law. Tt�e notice
<br /> wlll stxte the namc and eddress�f thc new Loan Serviccr nnd the addreas w which payme�ts should be made. 7't�e notice will
<br /> — �R�= also contain any�ther information rcquircd by appltcsble law.
<br /> 20. Naz�rdous Sub�taaces. Borrower shall not causc:or pe�mit the prcsence,n.5e,dispoeal,storage.or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Bocrower shal! na do,nor ailow anyorte etse to do.anything affxdng the
<br /> � Property that is in violatlon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentencos sha[I noc apply to the p�esence,use.or
<br /> �- --•- - — srorage on the PropeRy of small quantit�es of Haznrdous Subxtancec that arc gencnlly rocogne»ed tn he appmtxiAte to n+xmal
<br /> _-,.�F �ecidential uses and to maintenance of the Property
<br /> � , �� Bomower sh�ll prompdy give L.ender written notice of any investigation,cis;m,dernar�,tawsuit or other acUon by eny
<br /> govemrt�ental or regulatory agency or private pazty involving the Property ettd any Ha7arrbus Substance or Environmentel
<br /> - , Iaw of which Bomower has actual knowledge. [f Borrower leams, or is naified by any governmenwl or regulaurry
<br />- S � :�-•-. °' authority,that ao�y removal or other rcmediation of any I-Tazarcious Substanec affec�ing the Property is necessary,Bornnwer
<br />'� `�.3�"" `�! shnll promptly tale aU necessary remedial acdons In accordance with Environmentat Law.
<br />- � • As used ln this paragraph 20."Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardnus substances by
<br /> :,x;.;;• c,�e..,.':,: , �
<br /> , ��,,;�,4r..�Y'.�-, ."�.` Environmental Law and the following substances: �asoline,kerosene.other flummab(e or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> - � 1�� pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,materia[s containing asbestos or formaldehyde, nnd rxdioactive materials. As
<br /> - �i�����,..��^, used in this parngraph 20,"Environmental Law"means feAeral laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property fs located
<br /> - � ��'�"'� '� that relate to txalth,safery or environmentul protection.
<br /> ;
<br /> *�i'���`r' �� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonower and Lender funher covenant and agrce as follows:
<br /> - ts�!r1�� ' ,
<br /> --__ �t�,+�`.1�1 21. Ac��eleration; Remedies. I.ender siwll give nottce to Borrower pNor to acceleration following Burrower s
<br /> ` brcach of an coven�nt or agreement in this Securlty Instrument(but not prior to Accekratbn under parA¢raph 19
<br /> . �;�:.4- �h"�''`,:° uniess appii�bie ia�x providea vi6erwlse}. 'i'i-ic�aiice sha=1 spettiy: ts)ihe d�tsali,tb)thc�rtloa r�afrrd!a rurt!!sc _
<br /> � • • ���,•?`••� defAUlt;(c)u date,not lesc thnrt 30 days Prom the date the noticc is given to Borrower,by whlch the detault must be
<br /> -- .�`• �� �"��`' cured;and(d)thAt fAilure to cure the default on or before the date specitied in the notice may r�esult in Accelerallon ot
<br />� ��r : � , the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice sh�ll turther inform Borrower of
<br /> ':��;�.�r,,�:=,:� �' the�ight to reinstate aher Acceleration and the right to bring a court actbn to assert the nomexisteoce of a default or
<br /> ' any other defense of Borrower to accelerotion and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the dAte specit'ied in
<br /> •.� ; �': ' the notice�[.ender at its option may requfre fmmediate payment in fult of all sums secured by th[s Security Instrument
<br /> " , without further demand and may invakc the power of saie and any other remediec permitted by applkable law. _
<br />-- � •�•�+� Lender shall be entitled to collect all expences incurred in pursuing the remedies provided In this parag�aph 21.
<br /> �,.,i';...:,,,+,,.,.,,.:,,+ Including,but not timited to,reasonable attorney4'fees and wsts of title evidence.
<br /> g If the power of sale is im•oked,Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any part of the
<br /> • ;,:;,:,�;� � Property is located and shall mail rnpies of sucb natice in the manner prescribed by applicable IAw to Borrower and to
<br /> �;�' the other persons prescribed by applicable luw ARer the time required by�pplicable taw,'IYustee shall give publk
<br /> . notice of sale to the persons And in the manner prescribed by applicable law: Trustee,w(thout demand on Borrower.
<br /> -�• � � s6a�1 seil the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and piace and under the terms designated In —
<br />;- r• ,.,_�r�L� -� the�otice of sate in une or more parcels anc!in s�ny order 1'rustee determines. '['rustee may postpone s�le of alI or any
<br /> ' � , , _ parcel of the P�operty by public announcement vt the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br />� ` designee rtwy purchase the Property at Any�le.
<br /> '`' � ' Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.'Irustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveying the =
<br /> .a.�.-., -�;.- Property. The recit�ls in the 1Yustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence af the truth of the�tatements made therein. °
<br /> � ' '�'•` 7Yustee shall apply the proceeJs of thr wle in the fulluwing vrder: (al t�all costs And expenses of exercising the power �-
<br /> :.;�,:i;•�:
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