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<br /> ca�demna�ian or other t�kin=of�ny put of the H+openy.ar tar canveyuice in lieu olco„deouatian,aro hereby swip�ed�nd
<br /> dalt be pald to l.ee�der.
<br /> In the evmt af� tou►1 tx{cin� af the P�openy. theptucee� xh�ll be �pplied w tt�c wmr sorurcd by thir Socu�ity
<br /> Instcument,whether ar twt tlxn duc.wlth�ny ox��e�p�l �d a Bortower. In thc avent af�putiai takiny of the H+upcny in
<br /> which the frir muket vxluc nf the Pmpchy innnediwicly brt'are thc takin�ic�ti�url tu or Qrcater�han ihe ernount of the aums
<br /> cxurod by this Socurity lnxtcument immedi�tely t+efw�e the t�{cinQ,unksx Borrower�nd l.errk�ahervvise asrec in wdting,
<br /> the:umc�ecurcd by this Securily Instmnxnt s�hail be redured by ttx�mcwnt uf thc�xacrad�muNipliod by tha falbwing
<br /> _- ----`�-_`�_�' frxtkHi: (�)the tdal�nxwnt uf tix:•un�+.wcured imnwdi+tciy Fxfur.:tlH:I�S;ing.diviaxi by(b)�Jx:f�ir n�+rkct vriw:of thc
<br /> I'rope�ty immodi�tely lufc�nc thc talcina. Any lu�lrnue xhatl bc p�id�o Bnn+�iwer. In the eveot of�p�rtial taking oP the
<br /> Prapeqy in which tho f�i�m�tket value of thc Pmperty imnxdi�tely beEw�e thc tuking is less th�n the wnount af the wm+c
<br /> _. �ocured immodiatcly t�afae ihc t�kin�. unle�y Bu�mwc�wid l.ender�Kherwixa A�tee io writing ar unless applicaWc law
<br /> otherwiee provides.tho procaals rhall be applir,�l ta tlu wms sxurcd by thiK Security Instniment whetiKr or not the sums arc
<br /> tf�rn due.
<br /> lf the PropeRy i�:Abandoned hy Bc�rrower,or if,after notice by Ler�der to Borrower that the condemncN affers to make
<br /> — — an�wud cx settie a clkim for Jamwges,Bcxtivwer failti to respand to Lencier within 3U J�y�aftrr q�e J�te ti�nutice ix given.
<br /> _ Lcnder is authoriz�d to catlect and upply thc pnxards,at its optian.efther to rcuoration ar rcpair of thc Pr�openy or to the
<br /> �uma sa:urcd by this Securlty Iasirument,wheiher or oot thcn due.
<br /> Unless l.endrr and Bwrower othervvise agrce in wniting, uny uppliration of proceeds to princlp�i shall not extend or
<br /> ipostpono the duc datc of thc monthly payments rofcmcd to in par.►gr,�phs t and 2 a change the amount of such psymcnt��
<br /> _ 11. Rorrower Not Rdes.ged; Farbearance By Lender Nat a Waiver. Ezeension of the time for paymcnt a �_
<br /> � modification of amartirration of thc sumz securcd by this Security Instwnent granted by Lendcr ta any succ�sa in imerast
<br /> of Borrower shall not operate to rclea�c thc tiability of the aciginol �orrower or Bormwcrk succeswrs in intercxt.l.ender
<br />,,:= ahAll not be�equimd ta commence proceedings against uny xucceswr in interc�t or refuse ro eztend time for payt►xnt or
<br />°'��� otherwise modify amortiu►tian of the sums securcd by this Securiry Instrument by rca+on of any demand m:uk by the original
<br /> ;,- Bortower or Borrower's succeswrs in intere�t. Any forbearance by Lenckr in exerci►ing uny right or rcmedy shall not be a
<br /> ' � waiver of or pneclude the exercise of any right or cemcdy.
<br />- 12. Successors�tnd AasiQns Bound;Jdnt and Several Liability:Casignerr. The covenants and agrecments of this
<br /> Socurity In.urument shall bind and benefit the successon and asxignx of Lender and Bomower.subject ta the provisianc of
<br />- :- paragrnph 17. Barowerl covenants and agrcements shAll be joint and severnl.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> _ � Instnmxnt but does not execute the Note: (n)is casigning this Security instn►ment oniy to mongage.grant and convey that
<br /> i..,;;�;,
<br /> :��U; Borcower's intercst in the Prop�rty under the terms of this Security(nstrumenr. (b)is nat per.�onally obligated to pay the sums
<br />.=:,�: secur�d by this Security lnsuument;and(c)agnees that l.ender and any other Borruwrr may agrce to extend,rtsodify,fatxar
<br /> or make any accommodations with regurd to tf�c tertns of this Security Instroment or the Notc without that Bomower's
<br /> r;� , concent.
<br /> - !3. LQan Cl���ts. If the loan s•�cur+cd by this Security lnstn:mrnt ':s subjtct to n !ew wh4ch+srtc�ax;mum loan
<br /> � {.����,..'�. ` charges,und that law�is finolly inte�preted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection
<br /> � .,,�.�5).L..,'s4 with the loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan churge shull be n�uced by the umount neceswry to reduce
<br /> "� -�°'�(�'',', � the char e to the rmitted limit:nnd lb)an sums alre�d collected from Borrower which exceeded rtnitted limits will be
<br /> � �����`��'��d1 rcfunded to Bo wer. Lender may chooxe ta make thix nefund by mducing the principul owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> ',��'�'�'-�'="�b•�''���',." direct paymtnt to Borrower. !f a rcfund reduces principal,the redurtion will be treuted as�pttrtiul prepuyment without any
<br />- ����.�:.�.,:.:+!�.:•a.
<br /> _ ��<�,-• prcpayment char6e under the Note.
<br /> 14. Notiees. Any ootice to Botrower provided for in thi.Srcurity Instrument .haii tx� givcn 8y dcii�n�ing it uc Gy -
<br />"Y , `'F''•h+.`"''°•'-• ""�' mailing it by first cluss mail unless applicable law reyuircs u.e�f another mrthod.The notire shall be directed to the Property
<br /> ?'��"'=`;` ' '`"'• I Addrcss or any other address Borrowcr de+ignates by notice t��Lendcc Any notire to Lender shall be given by first closs
<br /> ' C�''•�ti""w"''`� mail to Leader's udJress st�ted herein or any o[her address Lender detiignates h�•notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> ' �,±�,r.�..,, .
<br /> �' � , in this Security Instrument shalt be dremed to h•rvc heen given tci Bortower or Lcnder when given a+ provided in this
<br /> �`� �+." ` Ss L.,.:�,. puragraph.
<br /> ��'�r.s.;�f�`::'"� 1S. Governing Law; Severability. Thi. Securiry Instrument +haQ lx govemrd hy federal law and the law• of the
<br /> '� . ' � ���''' %;;'`•''''��� jurisdiction in which the Propert} is laated. In the event that any provi�ion or clauu�of this Security Inxtrument or the Note
<br /> � .''F`����}������'"' conflicts with applicablc luw,tiuch conflict�hull n��t affrrt othcr pravitiion.of this Sccurity Imtrumcnt or ttu Notc which can
<br />- ' � be g9ven effect without the contlicting pmvision. To this end the provixion+of this Security Instrument and the Note are
<br /> ' �;c��'•�:�,�I''"n;�Tt declarect ro be severable. -
<br />_ r,,'�`�"�"`_ .'�`-'�;.
<br /> ,.-",r•�'� 16. Bor�ower's Copy. Bonawer sha�l tx civcn one conformcd coNy of thc Note und of this Sccurity lnstrument.
<br /> t '''�`�'�'�' ' ' 17. 1�ansPer ot the Pro rlv or a Beneticial Interest I�Borrax•er. If alt or an �rt of the Pro n or un interest in
<br /> ..��.,:;::'»�;4:;.';"� Pe )'P� p� Y Y
<br /> � �--•-,�_�.:: it is sold or tramfermd tor if a txnrficial intere.t in Borm��er i.�old or tran+ferred uud 8orrower iti not a natural person)
<br /> ,•,. " ' without Lender's prior written consent,Lendrr may,ut it�opti��n,reyuirc immediutc puymem in full of uU sums secured by
<br /> ,,;� ���' � "��' this Security lostrument. Hnwever,thi.option shall not be exercized by l.rnctrr if exercise is prohibited by federal law cu of
<br /> � the date of this Srcurity In.trument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this option,l.ender shull give Ba;rowcr noticr of acreleration. The noticr xhull pro+ide a period of
<br /> -���'�����; • not less than 30 dsys fram thc date the noticc iti delivemd or mailed within which Borro�ticr muxt pay ap sums,er.ured by this
<br /> ., h� .�.�..
<br /> '�` ;:'�p•�:o„•.i Securiry Instrument. If Bocrower fAils to pay the,r sum. pr;,rr t�� thr expirution of' thi� period.Lenckr may invoke any
<br /> i°;,.�-..
<br /> i) r���W!w remedics permitted by this Sccuriq•lnstrument with�wt funher n�xire urdemand on Borrowrr.
<br /> •1.1 �l ,[�?�iS`r11r: -
<br /> .9_�;��;,�-.;_;,.�.�,_ 1& Borrower's Right to Retastate. If Borrowcr meet� ccrtain ronditionx, Borrowcr sh;�ll hive the right to have
<br />—._ ��•--'�' � enfot+cement of this Security Instrument discontinurd at:m�•dmr prior tu thc e�rlicr af: (u�S day,(or such other period w
<br /> � � m .•
<br /> °.*_ ' �o,';.;(. �� Single iamil}..fannk Mae/Freddir�fac U�UFURM IM1S7'RUMF:\'f•-i niform Covrn�ncc 919Y I/mRt4�f 6 pugesl
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