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<br /> 93- 109932
<br /> ot�k�And the�wk,includln�the p�yment ut the Tru�tee'�tee�nctu�ily inrurred,nut to exceed 3.00 96 of
<br /> -- the principxt�nwunt vt ti�r aae st thr tl�:te at thr dcclssrattas uf d�fautt�aisd scascsaablr alturt+eya'fies aa permFtted
<br /> by bwt tb1 to dl wm�wcured by thb 5ecurity I�utrumeatt and Ic)any ex��to the persun a'per�ons kWdly entitled
<br /> tu il.
<br /> 22. Iteconveyrnce. U�xm payment of'all �ums .ccurcd hy thix Sr.curity ln�trumcnt, l.cndcr shull ru�ucst'IYustec t��
<br /> nxanvcy ihc Pmpeny rnd +hall.urrcndcr thix Security Instrument und ull notos evidcncing debt ucureJ I�y thi+ Scrurity
<br /> In,irument tu 'Itur�tcr. 7tustcc zhuq rcronvcy thc Pn�perty without wuRanty und without churgc t�thc peraun or pcn�a�x -
<br /> —��__-"_--_� IeYyily cntillyd tu it. Sucl��xrswi ur perwii�+liull pay uny rc�urJatiun cu.td. �
<br /> - -- 23. SabKtitutr 7Yu�ler. Lcudrr.at it�option,may fram time ta time mmovc'[tu�tre nnd;�ppoint u succe�tior trustee to `
<br /> --- any Ttustee app�inted hereundcr by an in.rtrument rccarded in the rounry in which this Serurity Instrument is recorded.
<br /> — With�wt wmeycmre of the Property.the�ucc�swr tru�tee shall succeed to ull the tiUe,power und dutie+ conferred upon
<br /> _ Thtstec hcrrin und by applicublc luw.
<br /> =------- '—
<br /> 1A. Rec�uest tor Nottas. Bortnwcr rcyuc�ts ttwt copicr of thc nodcc�of'cki'ault und xuic bc sent u�Borrowcr ti uddress
<br /> _� . - -
<br /> which is the Property Addresr.
<br /> - 25. Riders to this Security Instrument. U un�ur murr ridcn ure executed by Sorrowcr nnd recurdeJ tagether w�th —
<br /> thiti Securily lnstrumcnt,thc cavenants and agrcemcnt,uf cach such rider�hull bc incorporuted into und �h•rli amend and
<br /> supplement the covenunty and agrecments of ihis Security Inctrument ati if the�ider(.)wrn u purt af this Security Instrument.
<br /> (Check applicabte boxles)�
<br /> ,�-� a� �Adjuxtable Ratc Rider �Ccxidominie+m Rider �1-4 Fumily kidcr �
<br /> ��'� �Ciraduutcd Puyn�rnt Rider �Ptanned Unit Deveinpment Ridcr �Biwcekly Puyment Rider _
<br />-. ;.�, �Balloon Rider �Rute Impmvcmcnt Rider �Second Hame Ridcr `
<br /> f .(C+ —'
<br /> i,.�., ' 'r +.:�_, �Other(s)�specifyJ ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RIDER
<br /> � �..
<br />� ..,��.. �, BY SIGNING BELOW,Bormwer acreptti :�nd ugrces to the tcr►nx und covenunts contained in this Security Instrument
<br /> • x r,. ..f .
<br /> ..z,i�?':�.r�� and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower und n�corded witb it. -
<br /> - ;�r`�'�'' Witnesses:
<br /> :,.,:�;.�',w�.
<br />_ a. .-�. � ,(� ��
<br /> —= y F� l!.,�k.� > \ � 1{�Slrj�_ (S�al? ,
<br /> -s�x�•.:=.�.!;.:'.�r`� -Borrowcr
<br /> .�.= . WILLIAM T FRY
<br /> ' "{"-. � .� .` 483-50-7786
<br /> . :;J,;
<br /> i:' •. ., Social Sccurity Number
<br /> .. �<. • �.y�
<br /> ,;�;:.v:i,�, s�,•.. �` �/y�i�ll /// �/LLL ��S��jSeal)
<br /> . "�,t�4r.,�,��:�'�"'.
<br /> �y� ,,,,Kr ,�•:. GRACE M FRY -BoRUxer
<br />�' , Social Srcu�ity Nutttbcr �0 7-�l0-��.�1 -
<br />- ���'�� STAfEO�NEBRASKA, HALL County ss:
<br />_ +e�Y➢lS1181tii'itr;,ri�ll/ -
<br />�� � , :... T..-�..,.. .
<br /> �'�' "•'�.''�`''�r���'�•":";'�',%�� On thiti STH day��f NOVEMBER 1993 ,txforc mc,thc undenigncd,u Notary Public
<br /> ,..h.•,.�.v,�.,�.::�
<br />- .�:�'..°:��;:'�: duly commissiuned and yuulified for suid county,penonally camc WILLIAM T FRY AND GRACE M FR �
<br /> ` � ' ;�'�"'';^'. . � HUSBAND AND WIFE ,ta mc known to bc the
<br /> - t,�.:..;..:�..
<br /> ,ti(:.wv�-,.t.•• _
<br /> ' ;���, .: .,,, ,�,, identical persons(s)whose nnme(s1 arc.ub.rritxJ to thr fi�regoin� instrumcnt and ucknowledged t execution thereof to
<br /> _ �,�„��;,�;c;�;'':. be THEIR voluntury act und dccd.
<br /> ' ���.�=� �• Wimetis my hand unJ notarial xal at GRAND ISLAND� NE S in suid county,Ihc
<br /> ' ��''�j`� , datc aforc�aid.
<br /> �k`�. .. �l NOTAItY�b d Nilnt�a `
<br /> ,,,.-- . , My Commission expires K{IiK G60DNIGti�--
<br /> '•' '� ��� Alr ODn11�.Ewp.Oet 16,1995 Naary Public
<br />__- �.•� ItECUN VEYANCE
<br /> � �' �5-� •� TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> .�`�������v� The undenigncd is the holder of thr nwe or nutc.ticcurcd by thi.Ihcd ot'"[i'u+t. Said nutc or neftcti,togethcr with ull
<br /> -.�-`r'-' �a �'��' ' other indebtedness secumd by this Dced of Trust,havc hecn p:�id in full. You arc hcrcby Jin�rt�J to canccl said notr or notes
<br />=,z,�: '` �.�r,s� and this Dccd of'fivst,which arc delivered herehy,and tu rcconvcy.with<�ut warranry,all thr r.tutc now hrld by you under
<br />� � �' this Deed of ltust to the penon or personti IeguUy entitled thereto.
<br /> �'� .�� Datc:
<br /> -�,� Form 302tt 9/90 qwR�e uf A��ge�� _-
<br /> �!c' A� —
<br /> ;:j"•�
<br /> �N.�
<br /> "•'_'� F
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