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<br /> p�ymeotr rru�y no IonQer be crquirod,u the option of i.enckr,if mortQ�e insurance covera�e(in tlx anwunt and for the perfod
<br /> tlut Lender requircx)provjdod by an insurr.r rppmved by L.ender�y�ln becomes wv�ilable rnd is obWned. Bormwer�twll pay
<br /> .—._...-. .---- - -� thc premiums ra{uired to maintxin mortgage insurwxe ln ef!'ect.or to prc►vide A t�►x�rercnre.unt�l the roquiteaaent for martQ�e
<br /> inwranoe ends in accoe�du�ce with Any wdtten agrament betwxn Borrower�nd Lender or applicabk law.
<br /> !.It�tpe¢tion.Leoder or itc agent may make rrasonable ontries upon and inspecUons of the Property. l,ender chall�ive
<br /> Bocrowa rwtice�t the timo of or pdor to xn inspoction speeifyln�reasonable esuse for the inxpection.
<br /> ` ° 10.Condaan�tbn.The prac�eeds of nny award or cltim for dan�ages. dic+�ct or cocuaquenti�l. in wnruxtian with any
<br /> oondemnation or other wkin�of any pert of the Propeny,or for rnnveyance In licu of condemnutton. ere hercby Assignod und
<br />_ - - - -- st�all be prid w Lender. -
<br />__ - In the event of a tota!taking of the Propeny.the proceod�siwll be appliad tu the sums securod by this Security Tnstrument,
<br /> — whether or�wt thcn due.wlth any ezcess pxid tu Borrawcr.in thc event of u purtiwl taking of thc Praperty in which[ho fdr
<br /> tnarket valu¢of thc Pn�perty immodiwtely bcforc the txkfnQ iR oquxl tu or Qrc�ter tlwn thc wtxwnt uf the wms�aurai by thi�
<br /> - Socu�lty Inatrumeet immaiioicly bcfore the t�lcing,unlcca&�rn►wer unJ I.rrrlrr�Nhcrwisc ugroc in writin�,thc�umR�aurat by
<br /> ° this Saurity Inxtrunxnt xhrli bc ralucal by tt�u�xwm uf ti�c pnxuaix multfptirJ hy thc fi►IluwinQ fr�tiun: Iw)thr t�N�l
<br /> wik�unt uf 1{�e sunw�rrural imowciirtcly F►cii�ra thc t�lciny. diviJai by Ih1 ttx f'++ir nwrket v�lur��f�hc Praperty imnKxliutcly
<br /> bcfnrc thc twkiny. Any brl�c�twli t+��wiJ to &►rn�wcr. In Ihr evcni of u �wnirl tukin���f ttk Pu�perty in which tha f�ir
<br /> markM v�lue uf thc F'n�pert�y intntixNwcly lxfim thc twkin� i�lesr thw��hr�nx►unt uf�the�w�w�uuruJ inunaliWCly hrfi►re thc
<br /> takioQ.unlcw liurc��wer�nd L.ernlrr aNhenvise x�roc in writin�{ ur unle►s�pplicublr I+�w�►therwiic pn+viJca. thc pnxoaic xlwll
<br /> -- be�ppUat to the�umw rerural by thi�S�xurity Inatrunxnt whethcr ur t�ut tite�unu Kre tikn Jue. _
<br /> If the Pmpeny i�Abw�xlonod by Bormwer.or if.�ftcr�xxire by l.c�xler to&�rn�wer ttwt the condemror affen to mAka An
<br />- rw�rd ur aNtle u claim for dnnwYes, Borrowcr fafls ta responcl tn Lerxier wfthin 30 days�after the dxte the notice ls yiven,
<br />= Lender is authorizod to colloct und apply the procads.�t its optian,either to rc�taration or rcpuir af the Property or to tho sums
<br /> `���"� �aured by this Securlty Instrument,whether or not thcn due.
<br /> � Uniess I.erder w�d Borrower otherwlse agree in writing. uny application of procceds to princlpal shall nc►t extend or
<br />-;i� poctpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in p�ragrnphs I and 2 or chunge the amount of such payments.
<br /> ��'�'�°`��� 11.Borrower Not ReleASed;Forbeacance By I.ender Not n W�iver.Extension of the time for payment or modifiration
<br /> of amortization of the sums socured by thts Security Instnrment granted by Lender to any successar in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> ,�r nut operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrowcr's succcssors in interest. Lender shall not t�e requircd to
<br /> � commence procadings ugainst any successor in intere.st ar refuse to extend time far payment ar othenvise modify amorti;r�tfnn
<br />";� af the sums socured by this Security Instniment by reason of any demand madc by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbearrnce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shsll not be a wuiver of or preclude the
<br />=;�� exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> ! � ;4,� ���' � ` 12. Successor�and Assigns Bound; Joint And Seveml Uability; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> �r Security Instrument shull bind and benefit the successors and assigns uf l.ender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br />�� ',1��`.f• paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and severul. Any Bonower who co-s9gns this Security
<br /> ,-- ,�.�;: Instrumcnt but dces not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgagc,grunt and convey that
<br /> a Y•'• Bonawer's lnterest in the Pro rt under the terms of this Securit Instrument;(b)i� not nonall abli ated to a the sums
<br /> � ± � r p� Y Y Pe� Y S P Y
<br /> . � � ;"�:;@'x.:
<br /> `�,.,"�„y,�,,t secured by thiti Security Instrument;ar�d(c)agrees that I.ender�nd ariy-other BoR�•wer m�y agree to extend. modify. forlwar or
<br /> �� � malce any accommodations with regard to thc terms uf this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> � 13.Loan Charges.[f the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which set, maximum loan charges,
<br /> .;=_; and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loun charges collected or to be collected in connection with the
<br /> " ' �� loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> �'� ax:�.,:,.�'e.:
<br /> .•n':;;:�!�r :•��; ro the permitted limit und(b)uny sums already collected fram Burrower which exceedeJ permittcd limits will be refundod to �
<br /> �'��H°"'"- Borrower. L.ender ma choose to make this refund b reducin the r�nci al owed under the Note or b makin a direct c
<br /> _,.;Y,q+'.�"•�.� ._�.� Y Y 8 P � P Y S
<br /> y,;,.,��,ti.�, ;,•., payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as n partial prepayment without�any
<br /> _ �.`�.
<br /> t {; �y. prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> _ •• •,r- 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provlded for in tlii,,ew�ity Instrumcnt shull bc given by delivering it or by mailing �
<br />. . �t�J�.y. ..I:..,. _.
<br /> ' h�' �:' ' . .• it by first class mail unless applicablc law requires use of unother method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> �;'°.• ��`ti� + �_ or any other uddress Born�wer designates by notice to Lender. Any notice ta L.ender shall lx given by fint cla.ss msil to
<br /> :.:-�� L.ender's address stated herein ur any other addreu Lender designatex by notice to&�rrower. Any notice pmvided for in chis
<br /> -=? '� `:�..1� Socurity instrument shall be deemed ro have hcen givcn to&�rcower or Lrnder when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> � ' '�.'M.;:.� I5.Governing I.aw; Severabllity. This Security Instrument shull be governcd by federal law and the law of the
<br /> ,;,;,��, jurisdicdon in which the Property is located. In the event th•rt any pmvision or clause of this Security Instrument or tho Note
<br /> --'--"� ,., conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect uther provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br />---i��,''�"� glven effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Inr•trument and the Note ure dexlered
<br /> .,� ;,. to be severable.
<br />";__��_:,:;Y�_.� 16.Borrower's Co�►y.Bonowcr shall be given onc cunformed ropy of the Note und of this Security Instrument.
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