•••c^�r- �- -t= - 'j :.il71DY�M 1°.
<br /> ,-'��:� � , � rSit,Y; ' �b .. - -
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<br /> -- � --�- � "4�-�o9e�i
<br /> 17.TrancRr of t6e Prapaty or s Beneflcid Interat tu Borrower.If�ll or any{w�rt of thc Property or�ny interest in it
<br /> (s sald or uansferrcd(or if a beneficial intcrcst in Borrower i��ald or tn�nrfcrraf Ynd Bc�rrow¢r is not a�wturri pen�n)without
<br /> - _ - L�ender'R priar wdtten oontent, Lender may. at ite option. roq ulrc Immedinte pryment in full of all wmc socurod by d�i�
<br /> Se�udry Instrument.However. this optfon slull not be exerciied by L.ender ii exere�se is proUibiteJ by f�xlr►y1(�w�s of the daic -
<br /> of this Security Instrumrnt.
<br /> . If Lender exc�cises thic option,l.ctxler slwll givc Borr�wcr nMice of yrceler�tion. The txuice�twll pn�vide a pe�k�d af nc�t
<br /> _ lexs th�n 30 days from the d�tc tha notice is dcliverod ar moilcd within which &m��wcr muxt puy all sunt� �ecurod hy thir
<br /> 5ocuriry lnstrument. If Harrower fails to pay these�sums priur ta�Uw cxpir�Uun��f this periuJ, Le�xirr m�y invoke any renxdier
<br /> _ , permittod by thic Sccudty Instrument without furthcr rxulce��r demwrxl�m Aurmw�r.
<br /> -:s�— -- 1B. 8orrower'9 Ri�ht to Rdn�t�te. If fi�►rn�wcr Il1tlClA L'L•�IYID �rnxlitiunx, &ttn�wer ahult havc the right tu huve �
<br /> � enfareement of this Seeurity Inotrunxnt discantinuod wt uny tinx priur ta Utie c�+rlicr�►f: lul 3 d+►yx lor auch atlur peri�d us
<br /> �pplicrblc I�w m�y specify fnr rcin�twement) t+cfi�rr �Ic uf �hc 1'ropchy purw�nt tu uny �x►wer of wle cunwinai in thi�
<br /> -== Saurity I�vtrumenr,ur(b)entry of a jud�ment enfiming �hia�YUrity in.trunxmt.'1'h��.r�Y�ixlitium urr ttwt&�rrower: (u)puy+
<br /> I.enJer all�um► whirh then would be duc ut�ler thi�S�rurity In�runknt wixf tl�r Nute�� if�x►Wccclerution Iwd cxcurral;lb►
<br /> cures�ny def�ult of�ny dhc�coveiwnl�ur�greementti: (c)puy�all�xpenxs iikurn�l in enforcing th�x Sc�curlty Instrument,
<br /> �, including,lwt n�x limited to, reaKmuble attomeys' fee�; �id W)tuke►+urh urtiun u�l.cnder nwy reauirwbly requiru to a.�surc
<br /> �- -------�— thut the lien of thiti Security Inxtrument,l.ender'x right�in the f'n�xny und &�rruwer'x��liguticm to{wy the sumx xcurod by !
<br /> - this Secudty Instrunxnt shall continue unchangod. Up�m rrin�isatement hy &irrower, this Saurlty Instrument end thc
<br /> obligatianv secured hereby sh�ll remain fully effective:4c iP no accelcrytiun haci cx:currwi. However, this right to reimt�+te 9hall
<br /> not apPly in the cx.+e c�f xceleration under parugn+ph 17•
<br /> 19. Sale oi Note; ClwnQe ot I.oan Servicer. 'fhe Note iN a purtial intcrest in the Nate (together with this Security
<br /> �� instrumenq mAy be xold��ne or nx�rc tinxx without prior txxicc to&�rn�wcr. A wle may result in a rhangc in thc entity(known
<br /> as the"I..o�n Servicer")that collects monthly payments due undcr the Note unci this Serurity Instrument. There ulso enay be urx�
<br /> `�°" or more changes of the L,o�n Servicer unrelated to u wle af the Nae. If therc is u change of the Loan Servtcer, Borrower will be
<br /> given written noticc of the change in uccondunce with pxrugraph IA uhnve and applica6lc Iaw.The notice wiU state the natne and -
<br /> address of the new Laa►► Servicer and the address to which payments should be mude.The nutice will alsc�contain any other
<br /> � infarn�ation requfred by applicable luw.
<br /> :y a.:..... ': 20. Hxwrdous Substances. Borrower shall not causc or pemiit thc prescnce, usc, disposat, storagc, or rele:ise of any M
<br /> " �� �- �� ��r�`�� Hazardous Substences an or in the Propeny. Bonower shall nnt do, nor allow anyone else to Jo, anything affccting the __
<br /> n. Property that is in vialasiun of any Environmental Law. The praaiing two sentences shall nat apply to the pn.�sence, use, or
<br /> :� r. � ., .�,..�
<br /> `'� �" .,� storage on the Property of small quuntitie�af Hawr+dous Substanceti that are gener,►tly recognized to be appropriate to narnial
<br /> .,,'.i w • .. •. 6. "��
<br /> ��` �l';::i:�� residential uses und to maiatenance of the Property.
<br /> .�,°��'� �',;��' Bc�nower shall promptly give Lender wrttten notice of ony investigation,cleim, demand. lawsuit or other action by any _
<br /> �:'::' 8 C r5' S Y P P Y 8 Pe Y Y
<br /> .,;�` .�;�„ �,�w overnmental ar rc ulato a crn: or rivate art imolvin ihc Pro rt und an Hazardous Substance or Environmental I.aw =_
<br /> � '.S+`, of which Barrowcr has actual knowledge. If Borcower Ieams, or is catifial b� any governmental or regulutary authority.that _
<br /> `;;� any removal or other iemediation of any Hazardous Substanrc uffccting the Property is necessury.Bonower shull promptly take _
<br /> . , ' ' � All necessary remedial actions in accardance wtth Environmental Lnw. -
<br /> �, 4���,„.�;.��;,_; = As uvcd i� ihis patagraph 2O, 'Ha;�ardous Su6stances"ar�thn��t�hct.a.n�r.define�i ac toxic o�ha�ardous substances by .
<br /> •,?t�-, . . • Enviromnental L,aw and the folluwin� +ubstances: gasaline, kerotiene, aher tlammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic __
<br /> ��s"' t ` sticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials cnntainin� asbestas or forn�aldehyde,aixi radiouctive n�ateriuls. As used in -
<br /> ' `L�::�t;,.::': Pc.
<br /> ...„,,�, P
<br /> �: • this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal tnws and law� of thc juriuiiction where the Property is located that
<br /> � � �''��`��% relate to health,safet or environmental rotcction.
<br />_ ;�:� �,. . Y P
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CQVENANTS.Bonower und[.endcr fur►hcr covenunt und usrcc as tollow,:
<br /> �:.�:�..• 2!. Acceleration;RPmPCtie�. I.ender shall Rive notice to 8orr ower prior to Acccter�tion following Borrow•er's breach --
<br /> ' "� of any covenant or aRreement in thi4 Security Instrument (but not prlor to acceleration under parygraph 17 uni�s -
<br /> r `'�'�`'''S." " `' " Applicable law•provides ntherwise). The notice shall specity: (a) the defAUlt; (b)tha actinn required to cure the defaWt; -
<br /> ' " �' ����� (c)u date,not less t6sn 30 days frnrn the dAte the notice {s �;t��en tu &►rn�wer.by K•hich the default must be cured;and =
<br /> - � ~+ . (d) th�t failurc to cure the defuult on or i►efore the date specif��d in the noticc may result in acreleration of the sums '-'
<br /> "=� . ''�'���.: secured by this Securit�• Instrumcnt and rale of the hrc►perty.The notice shall furthcr infurm &�rrower of the riRht tn -
<br /> �,?"�' :;,;,;';;.,.��•,. .:�.� reinststte atter acceleratiun and the rl�ht to brin� a court actfon to uc.cert the non•ezistence of a default or any other _
<br /> •s�. :. : dePen�e of Borrower to accelerAtlon and wle. If the dcfault t� nut rured ��n or betore the date spccificd in the notice,
<br /> � '',r aa' Lender. at its option.may reyuire immediAte payment in full of all sumc xrured b� this Security(nstrument without _,-
<br /> � '�''���A . [urther dems�nd and may invukr the powcr�►f sale and anv other mm��dics permitt��d b��npp8cable law�. Lender shvll bc ;�;::
<br /> ���.. �
<br /> ' "`��"�r�°' entiNed to collect all expenscs incurred in punuinR thc rernedics pro�ided in this puru�ruph 21.includin�.but not limited
<br />_�,,t +'�"'`''"' " to,rna�onable attorneys'fe��s and coste uf tiNe evidence. _
<br /> „ �;,;;;�„ ;; , If the power oi sale is invuked.Trustee shull r�YOrd a nuticc of drt�ult in es►ch count�� in Kfiirh an�• p�rt of the __
<br /> . � Property is located and shall mail copic�of wch notice in t6e mmnner prexrilxd b� rpplicable luK•to&►rrower and to _
<br /> � the other persons prescribed b�•applicaMc lu��•.After t�e tiine myuired b��applir�ble Ivw,Trurt��c shall�ive public notice ��
<br /> ��.."•\ .� '^ of sale to the pers�ns and in the minner pn�xribed b� upplicuble lu�c.Trust��e. �cithout demand on BnrrnK�er.xhall sell �;,
<br />__-t-�� . .��?, i� the Property at pubUe Auction to the hi�hest btdder at thc timc and placc ynd undcr the term+dexi�nated in the notice of �*
<br /> .. sale in one or more pnrccls s►nd in�ny order 1'ntstee determincti.Trust�ti ma�� poztpom xule of all or am•purcel of the ;_
<br /> Property by public announcement ut the time vnd pls�ce of um pn�•tou,l� xheduled wle. Lend�r or its d��ign�r m�y ■':'
<br /> .. .*�'•-_�. purch�sc the Property at any s�le. i
<br /> •�J' ,.w .
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