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^s+-' � .. I _ <br /> � ,� ..� _ _. <br /> -"! ' `� <br /> .,--- -- - --�T .10�� - <br /> 5. HwM or Pt+ope�ty /wuraoce. Hort+nw�r ctu�ll koep the improvenoems now axiuln�� or lunailter a+ected oa the <br /> PropertY incurod a�eiturt lors by fire, tw�ards lncludod within tha term"exterde+d covcr�c" u�d any other hazruds.includinQ <br /> - tloods or tloodingti for which Lcndcr requiros insurwncb. Thia inr.urance shali be mrintt�neJ iu ii�c iuixwnts sud for the puioda <br /> that Le�der reqqit+ea. Tha lnsurance car�ier providing ttw insuriutice ah�ll be chosen by 8orrowe�iubjxt to L.cnder'a approv�l <br /> — whtch shall not be unr+easonably withheld. If Bomawor fiils to milntain c�verage describod above.[.e�der msy. �t I.ender's <br /> option,obwin covenge to protect Lender's rights in tho Aroperty in accordance with puagraph 7. <br /> All insurance policics Arid renewAls shall bc acocptable ta Lender tu�d shall include a standard mortgage clause. Lender <br /> shall have the right to hoid the policies and r+encwals. if L'.ender rcqufres,Borrower shill promptly glve to I.encier all reoeipts of <br /> - � ---- — pi►iid premiuma and reacwa! notices.l��the event of Iou.Horcowar rJwll�Ive�cou�t notice to the inwranoe c�rrier�d Ladu• �'="' <br /> Le,qder may maka proof of loss if not made pramptly by Borrower. `- <br /> Unlesa L�ende�and Batrower ott► agree in writing, tnsurance praceeds shall be applfod to restocati�n or repnir af the =__ <br /> Pr�perty dpcnuged. if the restoration or repair fs cconomically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened.If thc r�staration ar <br /> repair!s not economically feasible or I..ender's security�v�uld be lessened. the insurance pracoeds bitall be appliod to the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or nat th�:n due,with any excess paid to Borrower. If Horcower abandon�the <br /> �u �� Property,or daes nat answer within 30 dnys a nodco from Lender that the insurance canicr has offered to scttle a cl�im,then - <br /> Lender may collect the insurance procads. Lcnder may use thc prc�cads to repair or restore thc Property or to pay eums <br /> securod by thiN Sccurity Instrument,whether or ncit thon due.The 30�day period wfll bcgin when the oatice is given. <br /> Unlass T.endur su�d Borrowor othenvise a�ree in wdtinB, s�ny application of proceeds to principal slwll not extend or <br /> ---- postpone tha due date of tha ttxsnthly pnymcnts rcferrcd ta in pungraphs 1 sarid 2 0�chunge the amount of the pnyments. If <br /> under para�rr�ph 2 t tha Prnp�erty is ecquircd by I.ender, Rarmw�c's rtght to�ny inwrrnce poltele:and pracoods resultin�from <br /> -- _ d�nrgc to thn Aropcny prior to the acquixition stwll pasc ta I.�ndcr to thc extcnt of thc cum�rocurod by thir Securlty instrument � <br /> inunediately prinr ta thQ�:quisition. <br /> �'� 6.Oocupwncy,Prerervatbn�M�IntenAnce And PmtocNon of the Prnpertyt Borrower•�I.own Application;I.easeholde. <br /> �rrow�r shall cxcupy,etituhlish,�nd u.r•c thc Pmperty nF Borrower's principal residcncc within sixty dnys aRer the cxocution of <br /> this Security inctrumant and sh�ll continue to occupy the Property as Barrawer's principal residence for at least one year after <br />� the dyt�nP occupancy, unless I.ender otherwise agreec in writing, which consent shall not be unrrasonably withheld,or unless <br />=• ti e+ctenuating circumctances exist which are bcyond Bnrrower's control. Borrower shall not dcstray, damage or impair the <br /> Propetty, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit wasta an the Property. Barrawcr shall be in default if any forfeiture <br /> ection or procceding, whether civil or criminal, is twgun that in Lender's good faith judgment ccwld result in forfeiture of the <br /> • Property or uthorwire materially impair the Ilen creatod by this Secudty instrument or Lender's secu�iry Interest. Borrower may <br /> ,.,.. cut�e suoh a dafuult und rcinstute,as provided in paragraph cnusing the actian or proceedi�g to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> -= that. in Lender s gaod.fatth determinution, precludes forfeiturc of the EioROwcr's interest in the Property or other material C.�:;_ <br /> impairment of the licn created by this Security Instmment or Lc:nder's security interest. Borrowcr shall alsa be in default if =`�� <br /> . y�.. .r� �� _... <br /> ;�.���� Barrowor,during the loan application process,gave materiaUy falseor in•rccurate information or statements t��L,ender(or failed <br /> �``�>^ to provida Lender with any materiAl infomiation)in connection with the loun evidenced by the Note,including, but not limited <br /> � � `�" y to, nepresontntions conceming Bocrower's occapancy of tt�e Property as u principal residcnce. If this Security Instrument is on a <br /> ;�:�w�b:`.'�>r.;=r-�•... °- <br />_` ' �"�=�"� �"``'''�'`' ' Icur,ehold, Barrower shall comply with aU the provi�;iom of the Icasc. If Borrower ucquires fce title to the Property, the .��;, <br /> _i�.,;.,..�.,c.w�. ,.. ��,: <br /> ,:��,:c:.�.:•��a •;. �. leuschold und tha tee t�dc shal�not merge untess l.encler ugrces to thc mcrgcr m wrmng. �.� <br /> ,n :_;::.�:;.::,�:-� �� 7.Protection of I.ender's Rights in the Property.If Bormwcr fails to perform thc covenants And agrecments contained in = <br /> �-�:;-,-.+�• ;�,;, this 9ecutiry Inatrument,or there is a legul proceedina thut muy significaatly affect I.ender'�rights in the Property (such as a <br />— 's"°�'""`._yy,#"�',,';;;�� proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiture ar to rnforce Inws or reFulations),then l.ender may do and ��w' <br />-'.7°.R ��b`� pay for w ha tever is necesutry to pr o tcc t t he va lue o f t he Prope rty and[.rt�der's righ ts in the Pro p crt y. Lender's actions ma y <br />_'�'fi .;:r:•'; include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priuriry mer thix Security Intitrument, appearing ln court, paying �" <br /> , ..,... ."'.� . reasonable uttameys'fecs anJ entering on the Property to make repair,.Although l.ender muy take acdon under this para�raph �`=�, <br /> , � 7,Lendcr daes not havc tn dn sn. . <br /> ?'�:r � •• � •�' Any umounts disburzed by Lender urxier thit paraFraph 7 �hull become additionut deM of Horrower secured by this — <br /> ;���-•>:'"fi""' "'� ' Security Insttument. Unless&�rrower und I.ender ugnce to othcr tcrms of paynxnt, thctic umaunts sh•rll txrr intcrest from the � <br /> • �,. � <br /> *'ti.1';� datQ of diFbunsemcnt ut the Note rate and shall bc payablc, with interest, upon noticc from Lendcr to Borrower requesting <br />- „�a;,,�„y�.,r,:;:.,. . . payment. <br /> :».,.,...:.:. .. ---- <br /> , 8. MoMgage Insurynee.If Lender required mortguge insurunce us a rundition uf making the I��an secured hy this Security — <br />_�,��� ., ,. '� lnstruntont, Borrower shull pay the premiumti required to maintain the mortgage intiurunce in effect. If, for uny reason, the �`-�' <br />-- �''"� � mortgaga insurance coverage reyuired by I.e�xicr Inpse+or rcases to tk in efFcrt, Borrowcr shult pay thc premiums required to �''°` <br /> - -'��o i4'�-.1'. : <br />---— .-:.;.w obtnin covomge substantiully cquivulent to the m�m�s�ge insurunce previnusly in rffcct, ut u rost substantially eyuivalcnt to the f,T�_� <br /> _ �'������ .�, cast to Banower of the mortguge insurance pnviou�ly in cffect, fmm un altrmate mortgugc insurer approved by Lender. If _ <br /> -•.,�...�..:,. ,. sttbstantiully equivulent mortguge insurance coverage i�,not uvail�ble, Bnrrower shall puy tu Lender cach munth�sum equal to � <br /> -` ' one-tweslf'th of tha earl mnn a �insurancc remium hein� aid b Bnrruwcr a•hen thr in,uranre r�wera e lu sed or ces�sed to �,�� <br /> � . ,�,�,;. Y ' Y B F' P b{�' Y F P' �.. <br /> w:_� °*�• �° bo in effesct. Lendar will Accept, use und rotuin these payments ax u lo�s rcservc in licu ��f mortgoge insm•unce. Loss reserve ;=" <br />_ .���;g��i. �._,, <br /> _ ^���` �y. Fam 3028 9/90 •i <br /> �� t;� Pp�3of6 � .� <br /> � � ' —_ <br /> ''.-� • � � � �"''�. <br /> ,�W -.h,".��. -�-�---____.___-. ._.-...�. ..--....�-�..�.� � -�.,. . .T ._' '� ' -'H^. <br /> —__— . _,�T�� �...� .- _ . . _. ... h•�� ..1�„�� "" 'ry':4., . . _ ' . . <br /> �.A`C_lyt .�it� ' :0..:T.•4ri��2t^.fia_.. <br /> . e' - �vr.. �._ <br /> r11Ail�a�►�.nb: .:?v:n�{^�.._,i.�s .!- .�r,.�:5::a.r�_�.��1�,`-- - — —' ..�I�ti+��6Wbl�ri➢�6ir:_.; <br />- ---- - - -- <br /> . _ <br /> = uss�.fi t�' ., .- .._ . .,------ _---�----- - �,m�'�"���"� �� .�—� ». Q• ;d',—;;i`�i�'. . <br /> ....�; / • ' .�4�::Yy�.'uy;4'' ' - , <br /> : , �, �,,. ��� <br /> :rf' '' . �:;� . . -a� '�.. � ~4, :aF, $�i'��+::t' , ' . , .. . . , . <br /> ._�'LLy� - f� -.l�l� . - .�. .� r. 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