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<br /> pai�,a.tiue r..enaer roquiro.. rne�n.ur�noe carrier provtdin�the tn.ur�nce sFW�be ci+o.a�ty 9onoMr,er wejsct a twna.rY
<br /> -- �pp�o�►�i whicb�.ti�wt be wir��isiy wtts:s��d. tr s.►�-��.s�.�fa ta�ssln Laees�s;e�-eri�!�i!.�■+•y,•�
<br /> ` l,aid�ar�option,obtain cover�e w prc�tec�t l.enderti ri�Ms in tha�tty in�ccocdanoe with pa�raph 7.
<br /> AQ imurance pdicies and e�enewals�iul1 be�cceplabk ta ud iltall include�standard mextQa�e ciw�e. L,a�der
<br /> �q have the ci�k to hold the policks�nd renewal�. Df L.ender rcquirc�.NomaNe��hall promptly�ive to Lender dl rocefpti
<br /> ' of p�id prmiw�u and rcnewd notice�. I�the event of bw.Harrower ihall�ive poomq ootice to tho iaw�ance c�n�er ard
<br /> I.aider. l,mder mRy m�ke prooi of lou if not m�de pramptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unk:si Lusdcr�r►d Boaower atherwise u�res In wrtllnr.Insur.urce pmeeeds shaU bc applied to rrsteration c►r rcpeir c�f
<br /> the P�v�etty d�maged,if the ralaulon or repair is au�x�n�k�lly feasiWc and Lendcrh recurity is not lesaened. !f the
<br /> rataratan a repatr is not economically fearibk or Lender�s socurity w�uld be kssened.the fnwrance prooee�dr ah�ll be
<br /> �pQlied W the:wns aecurod by th[a Security Inurument,whether ar not thtn due.wlth any exceu paid to Hotmwer. If
<br /> Bo�sower rbandons the PcoQerty.or does not answer within 30 daya a notice fmm Lender th�t the inwr�nce c�rtier h�
<br /> offuad to settle a claim,th�n Lerder may collat the insuranre procceds. Lender mAy use the procads to npair or reua�e
<br /> the Propecty ar to pay sums secured by this Security Luwmer►t,whether or not then due. 71�e 30-day period wlll be�in when
<br /> thc aoticc�S glven.
<br /> Unkss Lender and Bamwer othcrwise agra in writing,uny applicatia�of prococds to principal shall not extend a
<br /> ppstpone the due date of the monthly p�yments rcferted to in paruscaphs 1 and 2 or change the artxwnt of the payments. if
<br /> under puagraph 21 the P�vpeRy is acquircd by Lender.Borrawert right to ar►y insurance palicfes and pracccds rcsulting
<br /> — from d�mage to the Property prior to the acquisitian siwll pats to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Socurity
<br /> -----.. _ I�uduirroot immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Occupw�c�y Praserv�tlon. Mainteo�nce aod Proteetiou o� the Prape�ty; Borrower'A I.oan Applicativa; -
<br /> I,entUoWa Bomower shall occupy.establish,and use the f'ropetty�s Borrower's principal residence within sixty days afur
<br /> the execution af this Socurity Inswment and shal�continue to occupy the Property as Bcirmwer`s principal msidence for at
<br /> least ane year After the date of occupancy, unless I.ender otherwise agras in wr�ting, which consent shall not be
<br /> uiueasonably withheld,or untess extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower�contml. BoROwer shall not
<br /> destroy,dannage or impair the Propercy,allow the Propeny to deteriorate,or commit wastc on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> be in default tf any forfeituro action or proceeding,whether civil or crimin�l. is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment
<br /> could nsult In forfeiture of the Properry or dherwise materiully impai�the lien crented by this Secudty Insuument ar
<br /> Lenderk socurity interest. Bortnwer may curc such a default and reinstate.as provided'en paragraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> or procading to be dismissed with a culing that,in Lendcr's gaod faith dctcmnination,p�+ecludcs forfeiture of the Bortower�s
<br /> intercst in the Praperry or other materiai impaimient ul'the lien created by this Security lnsuumeo[ ar Lender's securiry
<br /> interest Borrower shap :tlso be in default if 8orrower, during the loan application process, gave materialty false or
<br /> inaccunte information or statements to Leiu2er tor failed to provide L.ender with any material information)in connection with
<br /> -- tE�e loan evideneed by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations conceming Borrower!c occupaney of the
<br /> Praperty as a QrinciQal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold.Borrowe�shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> of the lease. If 8orro�er ucquires fee tide to the Pcoperty,the leaschold and the fee tide shaU not nxrge unless l.ender agrcrs
<br />;:f to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7. Protectbn of I.ender•s Rights in the Property. If Barrowe�fails to perform the covenants and agreements
<br />�_' contained in thls Securiry Iavuument,or there is a Iegal procecding that may signiticantly affect L.ender� right� in the
<br /> Properry(sueh as a proceeding in b;inkruptcy,p�o6ate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws ar rcgulations),tben
<br />- — Lepder may do and pay for whutcver is necc.rsary to protect the vulue of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> Lender�actIans may include payinF any sun�securcd by a lien which has priority over this Securi!y lmtrument,appraring
<br /> in courl,paying teasonuble attomeyti'feeti and entcring on thc Pmperty to makc repairs Although L.ender may take xtion
<br /> ' under this paragraph 7,Lender daes not havc to do�o.
<br /> ;�� Any amounts disbursed by Lcnder tmder ihis paragraph 7 xhall beromc adJitional debt of Bomower secured by this
<br /> Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrowcr and Lender agrcc to othcr tcrms of paymcnt.thesc umountti�hnll bear intcrest from the
<br /> date of disbursement ot the Note rate and tihall bc payuhle,with interru,upcm noticc fmm Lender ro Borrower requesting __
<br /> payment.
<br /> 8. Mortgage lnsurance. If Lender requircd mortgugc in,urance as a condition of msking the loan xecured by this
<br /> Securiry Instrument, Borrower tihall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurancc in effect. [f,for uny
<br /> �;:•�. _, neason,the mortgage insurance coverage reyuimd by Lender lupse+ oc cea.es to be in effect, 8orrower tihall pay the
<br /> ,��'- � � prcmiums rcquired to obtain coverage subrtuntiall�• eyuivalent to Ihr mc�rtgagc imurance previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> t�•�`.� substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of tt�mortgage imuruncr previouzly in effect,from an alternate mongage
<br /> Y �eeta�7sw�:��• insurer approvcd by Lender. if substanti�ll}•equ9vulcnt mortgagc in,un�nre coveragr i�not available,Bormwer shall pay to
<br /> � ry-�.,�{;� Lender each month a sum equnl to onc•twclfth of thr yrarl�•mortgagr in�uranrc prcmium bcing paid hv Sarrower when the
<br /> insurance coverage lupsed or cea.ed tu be in effect. LenJer w•il�arcept,u�e and retain the,c payment.ac a lass reserve in lieu
<br />°�'.�� of modgage inzurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer t+c reyuir�J,at thr option of Lender,if mortgage insurance
<br /> '`����'° � � coverage(in the amcwnt und Por the periai that Lrnder rcyuire+)p�ovided by :m in.urcr approved t►y Lender uguin hecomes
<br /> ''dt; ._':
<br /> ��� uvailable and is obt�ined.Borrawer xhall puy thc prcmium.reyuinJ ro maintuin mortgage inwrance in rffert,ur to provide a
<br /> loss reurve,until the rcquirement for mortg•rge inwrrnce endti in accurdancr K•ith any written ug2Yment between Borrowrr
<br /> -r�•` ','"•,�V and Lender or applicablc law. '
<br /> ,��is++t-•�ri:-t:� r
<br /> _, ... ., , 9. Inspeetlon. Lender or its agent may m:d.r rca�anable entrir.up�m and in.�xrti�m�of the Proprrty. Lrndrr�hall '
<br /> �t� •,�
<br /> ,�.�,�;�:r,, give Borcower natice ut th�timc of or prior to;�n in+�xrtion,{kriCying rrawnahlr rau.e ti�r the imExrtion.
<br /> �.�r.=.�;-:b� 10. Condemnation. Thc procccd.uf any aa�urd��r rlaim tim Jamagcti.Jircrt or comryurntial,in cunnt�tion with;tny
<br /> ...�::: • �;.;. _.
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