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<br /> oondaru�tlon or other Wcinj d'wy pet of the PtopeKy.ar fa ooaveyaaoe in Iku ot 000deme�tfa�,aro haelq'a�ti�ed+ad
<br /> ipWl bc p�d to I.end�r.
<br /> - in die �eras oi°.tui:i t�L`� d L'ki . . .tt� �ss!!be ap�p2kd!o�eer� eecened b�r tl�i�s �aKMy
<br /> wnumaK.whether or aa then due.with�ny exceu to Bamwer. In the eveat M R p�rtlai t�icin=af t6e Prnpaty in
<br /> wbicb tbe tair roa�icet v�lue of tEx Ptnpaty immediataly betarc the takin�ia eqwl to ar prater d�n the unoune d ehe aarn
<br /> �ecwed by thlrc Securiry Lunurnent immedi�tely before the Wcln�.uedw Bocrower�nd L.ender otherwise a�roe in writln�.
<br /> d�e wmr�ecowed by tfiis Seauity Inurumare sh�ll ba reducod by the mx�au�t of tlx proceeda multiplled by the folk►win�
<br /> fr�ctioa: (�)A�e total�unount of the wms�ecurod lmmedi�tely befae tha Wcir�,divlded by(b)the falr rtwricet v�lue ot the
<br /> Propeety Lrr�ri�ediately befon:�he t�cinY. My bal�u�cc: ch�!!be pald to Borrowe�. In the event ot a pattial taklnr ot tbe ,
<br /> PropectY in which the Gir nwicet value ot the Propetty itn�ttediately befoe+c the Wcln=is!as dwt the�rt�ouM oP the wms
<br /> iecwod immedlately befere the uking. unlesi Bun+ower�nd l.ender dhetwisG�ra in w�itinQ or u�{as applicable uw
<br /> atiiawix poovlde��the p+x�ecls�11 be appiied w the wm�iecuted by�his Securiry Lutrua�ent whaher at not tbe swns�rc
<br /> then due. —
<br /> If the FropeAy!s�duKloned by Bor[uwer.or if,afta notice by l.endet to�lomower thu the condemnor ot�ea ta make
<br /> �n aw�u+d a�cttk a claim for danu�ees.Bartower fails to cespand to l.ender within 30 days after the date the nake is�ivrn.
<br /> Leeder is�wborizai co cw11a.K anJ appty�he proceecis.at its optian.eiUKr a restoratia►or rcpair of the PropeRy or w the
<br /> wou cecured by this Security Insdumrnt,whetlKr cx not tt�m duc.
<br /> Uniess I.ander and Barower aherwise ayroe in writing.Any sppiication of pracoed�to principal ahrll na exten�I a
<br /> postpa�e ihe due ds►te of the monthlY paymeots refert�ed to in p�raYn�phs 1 And 2 or change the+�riwun[of such payments.
<br /> I1. 1�«rower Nd Rdes�ed; Forban■oe By l.ender Na a Wstrer. Exta�sion of the time for pay�nent or
<br /> modification of anwrtizotion of ihe sums sxurod by this Securiry Instrumen�gr�nted by I.endec to uiy wccessor in ineemc
<br /> -- of Bormwe�ahall not opente to teleasa the liobiliry of the arigin�J Bartower or Barower'�successors in inteoat. �r
<br /> shall not be toquitod to c�otnmence pcaceedin�s agdnst any suceessor in iaterest or nfuse to oxtend time for paymeM or
<br /> otlknviso modify amo�tization of the sums sccurod by this Secu�ity instnunent by reason of my dem�nd made by thr origin�l
<br /> Barower or Borrower�s cuccessors in inures� Any forbe�rance by I.ender in exercuing any ri�ht ar oat�dy slWl na be a
<br /> waiver of or proclude the excrcix of�►y right or rcmedy.
<br /> 12. Successors aad Assigrs Bound=Joint aad Several LlabWty;Ca�slgaers. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and beoefit the successors�nd usigns of L.ender u�d Bornow�er.subJect to the prnvisiaos ot'
<br /> paragraph 17.Barower's coven3nts and agcremenu shall be joint nnd severrl. My E3ors�ower who co-signs this Secudry
<br /> Instruinent 6ut dces na execute tbe Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instn►mrnt only to mortgage,grant sinnd canvey that
<br /> Borrower's inurcst in thc Property under the terms of�his Security[nstrumrnr, (b)is noi pe►sonally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> xcured by this Security inswment;�nd(c)agrces that L.ender and�iy dlxr Bomower may agrce to extend,modify.fabear
<br /> or make�ny xcommods�tio�s with regard to the krtns of this Securiry Insirument or the Note without tt�at Bormwec's
<br /> cunsent.
<br /> 13. L.aan Chsrges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximwn loau
<br /> . � rhargeg,e.►x�thAr law:ic finalty iruerprcted so that the interest or other lo�n chan¢es collectod or to be colkcted in connecpon .
<br /> with the loan excad the permltted limits.then: (u)any such loan charge shall be roduced by the anwunt necessazy to rcduce
<br /> the charge to the pernutted limit:�nd(b}any sums alrcady collected from Borrow•er which exceeded pem�itted limit�Wilt be
<br /> refunded to 8amwer. Lender may choose to make this�rfund by reducing the principal owed under th�Note or by making a
<br /> = direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be urated u a patti�l p�payment widwut aay
<br /> p�+epaymcnt charge undcr the Note.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any natice to Barrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br />_- — mailing it Ly Grst ciass mail unlcss appticable!aw requircs u�e of anotl�er mtthod.The notice shall be directed to the Properry ..
<br /> — Addrcss or any dt.er nddrcss Horrower desisnates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by Crst class
<br /> mait to Lender Y addresx stated herein or uny other address Lender designates by notice to Bomower. Any notice provided for
<br /> in this Security lnstrument shall be decmcd ta hnve been given to Borrower or Lender when givcn u provided in this
<br /> -- P�B�P�•
<br />--.�� 15. Governing Gaw; Severability. 'It�is Security Instrument shall be govemed by federnl law and the law of the
<br /> -.-T:� jurisdiction in which the Property is la:ated. ln the event that any provision or clause uf this Securiry inxtrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with applicable law,such conflirt�hall not affect otber provisicxis of this Security Insnument or the Note which cun
<br />:;°;�.;,,;�� be given effect without the wntticting provision. To thiv end tha provisians of thic Security Instrument and the Note are
<br /> °�a,�,:.•. declared to be severable.
<br /> '°�u:•,, 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall t�c given onc rnnfarmed copy of thc Notc and of this Securiry Instrumcnt.
<br /> �K��:"` 17. 'llransfer of the Pruperty or a lienefici�l lnterest in Borrower. If all ur�ny part of the Property or any intercst in
<br /> ,.:
<br /> � it is sold or uansferred tor if a beneficial intrre.t in Borrower is sold or transferred�nd Bortower is not a natur�l person)
<br />:�.�:;=� without Lender's prior written consent.Lendcr may,at its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by
<br /> �...� this Sccurity Inxtrument. However,this option shall not be exerciscd by Lender if exercise is prohibited by feder�l luw a.a of -
<br /> ti�' ' thr dute of thi,Security Instrument.
<br />-'��' If Lender exercik.thix aption.L.ender,hull give Borcowcr ndice of acceleration. The notice shall provide u period of
<br />-'•O • , na Iess thun�duys fmm tfx�date the notice i.clrtivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay•rll sums a:ecurcd by this
<br />:, ' Security In,trument. If Borrower fails to pay these sumti prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any
<br /> remedics permittcd by thiti Securiry In.trument withoW furthcr noticc or demand on Bortnwer.
<br /> 18. Borrower's RiRht to Reinst�te. If Borrowrr mcetr certain ronJition., Bom�Mer shall have the right to have
<br />'''' • enfor�ement of this Security Instrument diuontinued at any ti►rk prior to the carlirr of: lal 5 days ior tiuch other pc:riod�.,
<br /> ---T SmElc F�md�•-Fawk:Nse�Y:ddk Mac CY1�RN Iti57'Rl'�tENT••l�mform Covenantc 9/90 ry,uxaa.ynp,Res►
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