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<br /> ' TpOE77�iFJt WITH dl the improvemenl�naw or heieaiter eroc�ed an the prnperty,a�xl all euemenn,appurtenutica.
<br /> �_ md ltztw�a now ar here�tter a p�ct ol the pr+ope�ty. Ali ropl�tcRtnenc:and�dciitions shsii dsu be wvc��ai�y th{c S�cr�-ity _ .
<br /> InWument All of the fi�ne�oinR i�refemed to in this Secudty Inxwment u the"Property."
<br /> 80RROWFR C'OVENANTS that Hamwer Is IawWily ref�ed of thc ecuue hercby conveyed and has the right to�nt
<br /> and convey the Pooperty uid th+u the Prop�AY ia wxixumberai,cxccpt for eneumbru�ccs of record. Borrowsr wurnuus md
<br /> will�ktaid ga�a�lly the titk W the Rropehy��dnst alt cl�ftru�nd demandc,subject to any encumbrancet of record.
<br /> -- —�----�-a-z----� 'fHIS SGCURITY 1NSTRUM�NT rnm6inex unifcxm covenant� fa national use and non-uniform cuvcnantc wlth �
<br /> Iimited v�ri�tiau by juri�dictlon to conWitute a uniform security inatrument cavedng resl property.
<br /> UNIPORM COVENAN7'S. Bonnwer�nd Lender coven�nt u�d ag�e as foilows:
<br /> 1. P�ya�t o�Priacipal snd Iaterost;Pnp�rment and Late Cba�a. Barower shall promply pay when due the
<br /> principal of�nd ietercst an the ckM evjdencod by the Note�nd�ny prcpayment and late chuges due under the Note.
<br /> 2, FY�uud�tor lbxa�ud Ipwra�ca SubJect to appIicaWe IAw or to a written waiver by Lender,Bc�rrower shall pay to
<br /> (.ende�on the diy monthly payments are duc under tho Note,until tt►c Note is paid in fuil.a sum("FLnds")for:(u)yearly
<br /> wces and�ssessments which rr�ay�ttain priorlty ovcr thi:Security Instrumcnt as n lien on the Property:(b)yearly leasehold —
<br /> payments or gcound cents an the Property. �P anY: (c) yearly hai.ard or property insurance prcmiums: (d) yearly tlood
<br /> insururcc q+emiums, if any; (e) ywrlY mort8agc insurancc prcmiums. if any; and(�any sums payablc by Borrower to
<br /> Lender.in accordance with the provisions of p�ragr�ph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. Thesc
<br /> items nre calted"Escrow Itema•." l.ender may.at any time,collect snd hold Funds in an amount not to excee�i tt�e maximum
<br /> amount a lender for a federally nelated mortBaS< <� �Y ro4uir+e for Borcower s escrow account under the fedecal R�1 L
<br /> ' Estate Settlement Pmcedures Act of 1974 as atnended from time to time. l2 U.S.C. $2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless�nother
<br /> _ . law that applies to the FUnds xts a lesser amounG If so.Lender may.at any time,collxt and hold Funds in an amount not ta _
<br /> exceod the lesser AnwunG Lender may esticnate the amount of Funds due cm the basi� of current data and reasonabie
<br /> � estimates of expenditums of future Escrow Items or otherwise in eccordance wlth opplicabk law.
<br /> - - i The Atnds sFwll be hcld in an institution whose deposits ure insurrd by a federal agency. iasuumentality, or entity
<br /> � -- (fncluding Lender,!f L.ender js such an institution)or in any�ederal Home Loan Bank. Lender shaU apply the Funds to pay
<br /> = — the Escrow Items. I.ender may not charge Borrowcr for holding and applying thc Funds.annually anatyzing the escrow
<br /> _ _ account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless l.ender pays Borrower interest an the Funds and appliraDle law permits
<br />- --__.�; Lender to make such a chuge. However,L.ender may rcquire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> __ i�� estate tax reporting servlce used by Lendcr in connection with this loan.unless applicable l�w provides otherwise. Unle�s an
<br />_-:� ���. agnxment is made or applicable law cequircs lnterest to bc paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Eoaower any interest or
<br /> eamings on the Funds. Bortower and I.endcr muy agree in wdpng,howevcr,that interest shail be paid on the Funds. Lendcr
<br /> •• __ ahall give to Bomower,without chuge,�►n annusl accounting of the Funds.showing crrdits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The FUnds are pledged as additional security for xl!sums secured by
<br /> - - -- �� thls S!r���ity lnstrument.
<br />:_-r:: � °
<br /> ,:,�rt � If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, l.ender shali account to _
<br /> �;f`-: I Borrower for the excess FLnds in accordance with the reyuirements nf applicuble law. If the amount of the Funds held by _-
<br /> �1:;�" Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow [tems when due,Lender may so notify Bonower in writing,and,in ��;;
<br /> ��`y� such case Bo�rower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Botrowe� shall malce up ihe
<br /> "1 I deficiency in no more thun twelve monthly payments,at Lender!s sole discretian.
<br /> � • ''fl'�.,r Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security I�strument. Lender shaU promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> '''�" � FLnds hcid L Lender. 11',under parrgruph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the PropeRy,Lender,prior to the acquisitiott or ---
<br /> - ���.•w,,,o,;�;;,,;�:,,,,r� Y
<br /> ,.�.. �,� t , ; sele of the Pr+opecty.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of ucquisition o�sale as a eredit against the sums
<br /> ,�:t�zc �r ---
<br /> ``a.�;.�;�j�,:� ' secured by this Security(nstrument.
<br /> �A�^•�`•�'�'����^'� 3. Application ot Paymenis. Unlesz ppplicuble law provideti otherwise, all payments received by Lender under G._�_
<br /> `-��� paragraphs 1 und 2 shall be applied:fin4 to any pt+epayment chargas due under the Note;second,to amounts payablc under —
<br /> ----���S�',t,�,��;;' "' - paragraph 2;third.to intercst duc;fourth,to principat due:and Inst,to uny Inte charges due under the Note. �`c;:
<br /> �' !�'n�''y�c�'•'�,������ 4. Cha�es; Lkns. Borrawer shall pay all taxes, :►sscssments.charges, fines and impositions amibutable to the •�•
<br /> °'`'�'''�°'"�'�`�' ''.i� , property which may attain priority over this Sccurity Intitrument,and Ieasehold payments ur�round rents.if any. Borrower =�-
<br /> �,.,.;...�.:,..?..,,,,�;•;.: . . �`°'
<br /> � •�,,y�f; shal!pay these obligations in the manncr provided in puragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Hucrower shall pay them on _
<br /> '�;�'r�" `� ' �.":r� �� time directly to thc person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lcndcr all notices of amounts to be paid undcr
<br /> ;"c't.;�:..,.., .,.;..:
<br />_ •1•,,. _ this paragraph. lf Borrower make�thexr paymcnts directly, Borrowcr shall prompdy fumish ro Lender receipts evidenring __
<br /> }i� .'�'�'':;.;::;.+,y!,c�v.,. . ttiepayments. _
<br /> ��• �. ,• •.•t;, Bortower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over thix Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees =__
<br /> ' ���'' '� " ����.''' ' In writing to the payment of the obligation serumd by the lien in u manner acceptable to Lender,(b)rontests in gooci faith the _ ._.
<br /> M i�. ' :".:..���. .
<br /> • R :�.;,:•;� lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal pruceedingti which in the Lender's opinion uperate to prevent the _
<br /> �•� � • ' enforcement of the lien;or(c)securcs from thc holder nf thc lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien =
<br /> ��*+ "�°` to this Securiry Instrument. lf Lendcr detertnine+that any part of the Propeny is subject to a Iten which may attai�priority ^�-
<br />-__ � over this Securiry Instrument,l.endcr may give Bormwer•r notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take �. .
<br />._ � , , one or morc of the actions set forth atx�ve within 10 days of thc giving of nutice.
<br /> w` 5. Hp��rd or Property Insurance. Bortower shall kecp thc improvements now existing or hercafter erected on the "
<br /> � �� �'"r Property insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the tertn"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including
<br /> �� : .._ �.'
<br /> • • floods or flooding.for which Lender reyuires insurance. This insurance xhuU be maintained in the umounts and for the
<br /> �'�''
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