-,� �•-� x". . -
<br /> _,.�
<br /> ; ,
<br /> -_., � �__� _ _.,_..r 93: io��s
<br /> candcmnuion or aher takin�of'�ny p�ut of the Property.ur fcx cunvcy�x in Iku of ca�demwk�n.are he�by wi�ned�d
<br /> .h.11 be�id w L on�kr. –
<br /> - In the event of a total ukinQ of the Propeny.tt►e proceedx Rh�n be �pp►ied w �fie w,ma�ecurod by �hir So�urizr
<br /> In�trument,whetber ar not thon due,with Any excexs p�id to&xmwer. In the event of A parti�l takin�of the Property in
<br /> whicfi thc fair mu0cet valw.of the Property immedintely befcxr the takinY is cywl to ar�[re�ter�iw�the omaunt of the�umx
<br /> �ecurcd by this Sccurfty Inxuumcnt immediately before the t�king,unkxs Surtnwer w�d Lendcr dherwi+c�grce in wdtin�,
<br /> the xumx iecurcd by this 5�curiry Instnrment xhal! bc rcduced by the Amaunt of�.he pvicetds multiplfed by�he tollowins
<br /> ------ fract{on� ta)thc tcx�l nm�wnt ofi the r�umR wocurcd immodiately bcforc the tuking,dfvidcd by(b)the frir rtwdcet vrlue of thc
<br /> a ` � propeny immodtately bctcxc the taking. Any bulw�cc shuil be pafd to Bcxrower. In the event of a purti�l trking uf the
<br /> _- 1'roperly in which the fuir mrrkct vulua of thc Prapeny immediately bcCare the tuking is kcx than tht amount af tht ru�ti►s
<br /> ururcd immediute{y bcfore tho taking, unlex� Born►wer uncl[.endcr cxturwl�+e agree �n writing or unlc�;s applkxble law _
<br /> athenvise pruvidez.ihe procceds shAll ba applied to the sum�:socurcd by thir Security laatrument whcthcr or na the sums arc
<br /> then due.
<br /> --• If�he Propeny is ahzndoned by Barmwcr,or if,after notice by Lcnder to Borrower th•rt thc condemnor offers ta makc
<br /> an award ar settie•r cluim for damages,E3orn�wer tnils to mspaid to 4ender within 30 day�aRrr ihe date the noticc ix given,
<br /> — Lender is authoriud to collect and appty the proceeds.ot its option.either to rcstoration a rcpuir af the l'roperty or to the
<br /> ° sums securcd by this Security lnstrument,whethcr or not then duc.
<br /> Unles� I.ender and Bortawer otherwise agree in writing, uny upplicution of proceeds to princ:ipul shall not extend or
<br /> posipone�hc duc du[e of the monthly puyments referrcd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chw�gc the umount ot ruch payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Reles►sed; �orbearauce By Lender Not a Wstiver. Extension of thc timc for payment ar
<br /> -=-y�„ mudificatiuu uf,u►w�ti�utiuu of the sums secured by this 5ecuriry Instn�ment grnnt�d My lxnder ta any successor in intercst
<br /> ` of Porrnwe�shail not operute to releuse thc liability of lhe original Barrower or Barower's successors in interest. Lender
<br /> xhuU noi he req�.�red to commeuce proceedings against any surcexsor in intercst or refuse to eztend time for payment or
<br /> otherwtse modify:unortixution of the sums securrd by this Securiry Inw►ument by�+eason of uny demand mude by the original
<br />_ . ; �_, �.�,,,.+.y� Barrower or Borrawer z successon in interest. Any forbearance by Lencier in ezercising ony right or rcmedy shall not be A
<br /> iiJ .�,:_ �..,�f+;�,. wuiver of or preclude the exercise of Any right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successors and Assi�n�Bound:Joint and Several l.inbility;Co-signers. The covenants and;�.neementti of this
<br /> '.s �r',•�s' ` Security intitrument shAll bind and l�nefit the succes�o�s and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisioas of
<br /> ti;� }� M i.�:�+'� v' paragraph 17,Borrawer;covenants and ugreements shaU he joint and severul. Any Borrower who co-�igns this Security
<br /> �`a� �"'�'' �`�� Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (a)is co-xigning this Securitp lnstrument nnly to mortguge,grant and convey that
<br /> ..+;=':�.:::.,� -
<br />_ �.',rl��;��•'��`'�= Boaower+interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is not per.umally oblig�ted to pay the,ums
<br /> '� .'j�"�• • - • + � secured by thiti Security ln�trument;and(c)ngrees that l.ender und:u►y other Borcower muy agrce to extend.modify,forbear
<br /> : nrx�+,r�..a,;�;-,
<br /> •s•. or make nny acrommodutions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Nute without that Borrower c
<br /> _Yz�a��=;�.. .::,�.„
<br /> - �wx, •_.,i.`•�i;'.:�i�- :•; consent.
<br /> 'w�r:�,.�:s. � 13. Goan Cfwry�ex. If the loan secured by Ihi� Security Intitrument is�ubject to u luw which �ets muximum loan
<br /> ' ' ' chatgev,und that law is finally interpretcd so that the�nterest or other toan ciiarge,witr�te.i or ta bc coP�cted in consteclion
<br /> with thc loun excced the permitted limits,then: (ul any+urh loan charge shali lr�cdur.ed by the um�wnt necessary to reduce _
<br /> the charge[o tlk permitted limit:and(h>uny tiums already calircted fram Horrower whirh excecded permitted limus will be
<br /> " refunded io Borrower. l.endcr may chcxne to make thiz mfund by mducing the principxl owcd under the Note ar by making u
<br /> " . L: dinct puyment to Bormwer. If u refund reduce+principal,th�:reduction will be treuted ax u parti�l prepayment without any
<br /> • prcpaymem churgc undcr thc Natc.
<br /> �• t4. NMkes. Any n�tice to Bc�rcower pmvided fi�r in thi� Security Instniment tihall he givrn by delivering it or by
<br /> Q • muiling it by fint class mail unle..applicahlr law reyuircs use uf unothrr mrthcxi.7'he notice tihiHi be directed to�he Prapeny
<br /> � Addres.or any othrr addres�8ortowc�dc+ignaur.by notirc to l.cndcr. Any nuticr to Lender tihuU Nc given by fint clusx
<br /> -'– mail tn Lendcr:adJrc.�statcd hrrcin or any uther addrc+.L�ndcr drsignut�s by notire t��OoROwer. Any notire provided for
<br /> ;'�- in this Sc�urity Imtrum�nt yhall hc decmcd to have hcen givcn to Burrowcr or Lender whrn given uti provided in this
<br /> � puragruph.
<br /> ��` ' 15. Guvernin� I.At►'; ticverabNit��. Thi. Scrurity In+crument +hall tx guvcrneJ hy fedcral luw and thr l:►w of thc
<br /> juri�dirtion in which thc Pru�xny i�I�xatcd. In thr evcnt that c�ny provi,ion or rl:+utic of thi.Srcurity In+trument or thc Notc �
<br /> . ronflictr witli appliruhlr luH•.�uch runtlir►.h:dl not aflcct uthcr pn,vi.ii,n+af thi,Security In,trunt�nt or the Notc which can
<br /> • lk given rt�fert without thr cuntlictin�:pruvi�ion. Tii thi,rnd 1he provisiom of thi+Sccurity 6»trum�nt und the Note urc
<br /> � ,. Jeclamd k�hc�rvcrablr. _
<br /> • . 16. BorruH•er'�Cop��. Borrowrr�h:dl Ix givcn unr cunti,mird copy uf thr Nut�un�l uf tlii.Scrurity Instruntcnt.
<br /> '"�: 17. 'll�ansPer of the Nrnperty ur u Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If nll ur any rart of'thc Pro�rty or any intrrest in
<br /> ',;,: it i.�uld ur tr:msf�rrcJ lor il a lxnrliri:�l intrrc.t in F3urru�►cr i.�uld ut tr:m+frrred;md B��rr��wrr is not a nutural person)
<br /> � with��ut LcnJ�r'.prior writtrn runxnt.I.rndcr mar.at it.�,ptiun.rryuirc immcdiulc paynunt in full��f alt smn.scrured by
<br /> ,.. thi,Srrurity imtrumrnt. Howrver.thi,��ptinn.hall nut Ix r�erri,rd by Lendrr it'cxcrrisc i�proliibitcd by fedcrul law u.of
<br /> ' thr datr of thiy Sccurit�•lmtrumcnt.
<br /> ,.,r;�; � ��' '' If Lrndcr cx�rci+r,thiti uptinn.Lrndcr,hall givr[�urrowrl'nulirc uf arrclrrati�,n. Thc n�,ticc.hall providr•r pericxl of
<br />' not Irtiti thun i0 da�.frum thr d.uc thr naticr i.dclivrnd or mailed�aithin w�hirh t3orru��•cr miut pay atl tiwn+,rcurcJ by this
<br /> , Scrurity In�trument. If Hurru��•rr fail�tu pu�� thr.r tir���,priur to thr r�pir;�tiun uf thi, �xri�xl. L.cndcr ntuy invoke any
<br /> rrmcdic+txmiittcd h��tbi.Srcurit} In,trumcnt N ithuut tiirthcr nutirr ur dcm:md�,n Hurr��wcr.
<br /> 18. Borru��•cr's Ri�;ht to Rcinstutc. U BuRUwrr mcrt. rrnain runditi�,m. B�mo�vcr •hall havr thc right a� havr
<br /> � � ' • enforcement ut'thi,5rrurit� In,trumrnt di�runtinued at any time priur to thr�arlirr of: �a1 S d:+y�lor�uch�xher pe:ricxi�s
<br /> � �.:
<br /> timFk•Fanul� �-F'unnie�tue�t'rnddk�facC\IFt1N�tl�til'RI�1F:�T..1 ndunuC.ncnan�. 9�9U ipueed.�)n���e���i
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