s�!'�^ .. . •
<br /> r ,,, ', -
<br /> -�-.- .:.._..�.......,:� � 'g3�ic�as
<br /> �pplicabie law mny�peclfy [or rcitauitanent)beforc We of the ProP�+�Y P�nuant to any power of We oontained in thl�
<br /> -- - , Socuriiy in.irw��ud�ur it.)u�tiy ut�JtFd�-at asta�htII dsls S�ssr3tp lttr�ssnent. 'Il�o�cc+nd4�Mn•r!�!tl�t��xn�: N)
<br /> p�Yi L.cnder alt wm� which then would be due urda thb Seeurlty Inswment �nd the lVae �u if no acceia�►tion h�d
<br /> occumod:(b)cunex�ny dctwit ot any other tx►ve�nq ar a�roemenl�:(c)pnYi dt expen�e�incu�red in a�fa+cin�thi�Secudry
<br /> � In�wmcnt. includins,but na Iimited to,reawxu�Me�twmeys'feer:u�d(d? ��tucli�ctlon u E.rnder may reasoiwbty
<br /> roquiro w iuwro Ih�t the Uen of thi�Secu�lty Imtnunent.Lendat daht�in the Pnope�ty u�d&xmwer!�obliQaticxi w py the
<br /> wm� exwod by this Saurity Inwurnau slwll continue unclw�sad. Upoo rcinuatement by Barmwer, thl� Securiry
<br /> - _'�""" -�� lnitrunw�u�ux!the obli�►tiaw raut�vl tu�cby d�ll n:mabt futly cifcctivc as if no�cccleradon had arcurrcd. Hm�ver.this
<br /> ryht to oeGwpte shall na opply in the c�ce of Acccicrattan under psra�raph 1T.
<br /> 1!, gd�u�(Voki�fu��!o!I,rw Strvicer. 'Ibe Note or a pirtial inurcst in the Note(togetl►er with this Secu�iry
<br /> In�trumeot)may bc sold one or mae tim�s�cid�ow prior notice to Bocrower. A s�lc may result in x ctwn�e In thc entity
<br /> (known u the"L.c�n Serviocr")that cdlens tnoathlY P�Yment�duc under ihe Nae u�d thi:Security Inxuutnent. Therc alsa
<br /> may be on�or morc clw�ges of the I.o�n Servioer unrel�ted ta�sak of the Note. If there ls�change of the Lom Savicer.
<br /> Bonower wjU be given wrltten nc�tice of tho change in acconl�nce with parngraph 14 xbove and applicabk law. The notia
<br /> � will xtate the nMnte And wddrexs of 1he new L.oan Servlcer wtd the addresc to which payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> atso contain any ott�a infarmKtian requited by�pplic�ble IYw.
<br /> 20, H�s�rdoua SuMtaaces. Barrower ch�ll not cause or pe�rnit the prcsence,use.dfspos�l.storage,or roka.0 of any
<br /> Har�rdous Substances on ar in the Propeny. Ba�rower shall not do,noc�Itow anyone else to do.anything affecting the
<br /> Propecty that is in violaUon of any Environmental I.Aw. The proceding two sentence��haU not appiy to the presence.use.or
<br /> _ _ storage on ihe Propetty of small qwntities of Hazardous Substu�ces that ur generally rxognized to be appropnatc to normal
<br /> nsidentiat uses�ad ta mpintenAnce of the Propeny.
<br />,;; Bormwer shall promptly give Let�der wdtten notice af any imestigation,clAim.demand,lawauit or other a►cdon by any
<br /> govemmental or rcgWAtory agency or private p:uty iavolving the 1'�operq�aixi any Nwurdous Subatnrtce or Environmental
<br /> Law of which Bortower has xtu�l knowledge. If Bornower leams, or is ncxified by uny govemmcntal or rcgulatory
<br /> authority.thut any rcmoval or dher rcmediation of any Hai.urdous Substance pffecting thc Properiy is neccssary,Borrower
<br /> • stwll promptly wke all necessary remedial xtionx in ucecxdunee wiih F�vironmental Law.
<br /> `:�;' As used in this puagraph 20."Hu�rdaus Substs�nces"are those subatances deGned as tozic or ha•rardous substarK�rs by
<br />= Environmental Law and the fallowing e�ubstances: gawline,kerosene,other flamrtwbie or toxic peuoleum products,toxic
<br /> � ; pesticides And herbicides,volatile solvents,materiuls cont�ining asbestos or fiimialdehycle,and radio�etive materials. As
<br /> - uced in this paragruph 20."Eavironmentol Law"meuns federol laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located
<br /> _ � tFwt rclate to health,safety or environmentai pratection.
<br /> : NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Botrowcr und l.endcr further covenant and agrce as followx:
<br /> "�,.' 21. Accekratlon; Remedks. Leader shall give notke to Rorrowcr prior to Accekratbn fdlowing Borrower's
<br /> bnsch of Any rnvenapt or agreement in tbts Security Instrume�t(but not prlor to Accekratton u�der pa�agraph 17
<br /> �° •�'- __ � �����ppliral�law!►rmideA otherwise►. The notice shatt specifr: lal the default;lb)the sctbn required to cure tbe
<br /> � ._�, F,.�. defnult;(c)a date,not{ess tbAn 30 dAys from the date the notke is given to Borrower.by whkh the def�ult must be
<br /> •�:. r!'�.;,r�,;g,r,;;' cured;and(d)ths�t fAilure to cure the default on or before the date specitied ia ihe�wtice may rcsuit in accekratlon ot
<br /> �����`�'�� ���"'� ' the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument and sale of the P��operty. TMe notice shall furthe�intorm Borrower ot
<br /> '.,, �.•,,._��..t.�;
<br /> ��tr��.�' the right to reinstate after acceleration�nd the rlght to bring a court actbn ta ass�rt fbe noa-existence of y defAUlt or
<br /> - %� �'"`�'-►����'?���'�?; any other defense of&►rrower to accele��Can Aod sate. If the defa411 Lv not cund a�or before the date specified i�
<br /> - : �,�rn�•�=_�:• �.-.
<br />- '° �. �:,���f:• ,...��;? the noti�e.Lender at it�option rnay require immediate ps►ymeat+�fuN ot s�ll sums secured by this Security Iastrument
<br /> �.s�= � without fuithe�demand and may im�oke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applkAble law.
<br /> r. „:.'�'•,;;�.rcr. '.: —
<br /> r Lender shAil be entitled to rnllect all expenses incurred in pu�uing the remedies provided in this pxragraph 21.
<br /> -1'� ' �;,�;�=7;�: ' , '� including,but not limited to.res�sona6le stttorneys'feex und costs of title evidena.
<br /> °��""`^""'"" ""�""`� ft the pawer ot s�le is invoked.Trustee shall record a nutice oP defautt in each cuunty in which any part of the
<br /> �`�'���'�� Pro rt is lac�ted and shall m�il co iec of such natice in the ms�nner rescribed b a licable law to Burrox•er and to
<br /> -•�;;; ;.:`f ..' Pe Y P • P Y PP
<br /> �'�" ;.��;:;., ' ':';�' the other persons presc�ibed by applicable law. After the time required by s�pplicable Is�w.7lrustee shall gtve public
<br />� �v�,�`,�;.;��;, ..�� notice oP s�le to the persons and in the m�nner prescribed bv applicybte law. 'I�ugtee.without dems�nd o�Barrower.
<br />_ ,,;,.;, , , shAll sell the Property at public auMion to the hi�hest bidder at the time and pluce and under the terms desigwated in
<br />�;.,� `,'%r.•" ° �' the notfce of sale in one or more parrels and in am•order'l�ustee detcrmine�. 71�ustee ms�c p►stponc�ic o/s►11 or any
<br /> '� • %";`•'' parcel of the Property by public announcement wt the tlme and place nt ym•previously Fchedukd sale. L.ender or its _
<br /> � " " designee mpy purch�.se the Propertv�t aay cale.
<br /> - . • Upon receipt of payment of the p�ice bid.7Yustee shall deli�rr lu the pu�chaser 7Yuctee's deed comeying the
<br /> Property. The recityls in the'lrush�e's dred shall be prima facie evidence��'the truth of tbe st�tements ms►de therein. _
<br /> _ "'"`"'', 7tustee shs�ll s�pply thr proceeds ot the sale in the fatlowin�order: la 1 to all rosts and expenscs of exercising the power =
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