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<br /> � .. � .
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<br /> peciod�dut Lender requirx. The insurupe carrier provldin�the 1nwr�n�x�h�ll be chaen by Bonrower subject to Lenderw
<br /> _ � ��!r.�f!i��1+!!I!»nt ha u�na�nn�idy wbhlrld. If Barowar 6ila ta m+�intain ix�w�w�u du.c�iMrti�hcsw,t.�ndw may.at
<br /> LaiJerl�option.obt�in covera�e w protect l..et�derk dRhts in�he P�+operty in�crordancc wi�h puag�ph 7.
<br /> All Iaaur+uKx policks ancl ronewals shall be ac�ceptabla ta Lender�nd xh�ll include p st�uvJ�rd monQe�e clauu. L.ender
<br /> ' fhall tu�ve the ri�ht to hoW tho policies wxi anewWa�. If Lender rcquirt�,Barrower shall pcomptly give ro Lender a!I rceeiptx
<br /> ot p�id prcmium�md rcncwal noticcs. In the event of lax,Bcxrower rhxil�ive prompt noticc to the in�ur�ue c�trkr�nd
<br /> Lerder. Lender nuy m�ice}�ruof oF loar if not m�de promptly by Bomower.
<br /> — Unks�:L�:adcr��d Boaowcr othcrwisc agrcc in writing,lnsut�tcc procecds sha11 be applied to mstaratfon or rcpair of
<br /> theprop�ty dam�god, if the resu�rrtian ar rcQair is ecaaomic�lly feuibk w�d I.ander`socurity is not kssened. If the
<br /> rcst ion or rcpair is not ecaaomicAlly fe+�sibk or Lenderk sxurity would be le►senod,the in�u�wice proceais ahall be
<br /> �pplied w tt�e sums socured by this Sectuity Instrument,whether or ncx then due,with �ny excess p�jd to Borrower. If
<br /> Botrower�b�ndcxi:the Pro�xrty.or does not anawer within 30 dxys u natk� from l.ender that the Insunnce c�rtier h�.v
<br /> - offered to settle�claim.then I.ender may collect the insurence proceods. Lender may use the proceedc to rcpair or restorc
<br /> the Property ar to pay sums secur+ed by this Sxurity Insuwnent.whether or not then duc. The 30�day period will bc�{in wt�en -
<br /> - the notice ls given.
<br /> Unksa Lender and Bocrower otherwise agrce!n wdting,any applicatlon of proceeds to principal stiall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments rcferred to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or change the amount af thc paymenta. lf
<br /> under p�agraph 21 the Property is acquircd by Lender,Borrower?s right ta any insurance policies and procecds resulting
<br /> from damage to the PropeRy prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lcndcr to the cxtent of the sum� secured by Ihix Security
<br /> Inswment immediately prior to the acquisttion.
<br /> � 6. Occupw�cy. Preservation. MAintenwnce And Protectbn oP the Property; BoROwer's Lan Applkptiun:
<br /> Lweholds. Borrower shal!occupy.establish.and use the Propeny us Borruwec�principal rcsidence within sixty days after
<br /> the ezexution of this Security Inswment and�atl continue to acupy the Property as l3arrowerk principal residence for ut
<br /> least one year after the data of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> unreasonably withheld.or unless extenuating circumstsnces exist which are beyond Horrower?s controi. Barowcr shall not
<br />= destroy,damage or impair the Pruperty,ultow the Property to deteriors.tc,or commit wustc on the Property. Borrower shull
<br />-- be In defoult if eny forfeitur+e action ar proceeding,whether civil or c�iminal,is begun that in Lenderi good faith judgment
<br /> -,��°� could r+esult in forfeiturc of the Property or aherwise mAterially impair the lien crented by ihis iecurity Instrument or
<br /> �-- Lender�security interest. Borrower muy cure such a default and reinstate,us provided in paragrnph 1 R,by causing the action
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling thAt,in Lendert good faith determinution,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower s
<br /> intercst in the Pivperty or other material impaionent of the lien created by this Security Imtrument or Lenderk security
<br /> intcrcst. Borrawer rhall ulso be in Jefault if Borrower, during the lo;►n applicution process. guvc rnaterially false or
<br /> �",,,,� inxcurate informudon or statements to Lender(or fniled to provide Lender with any material infom�ation) in connecti�x►with
<br /> ..
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Nate, includin�, but not limited to, representations cancerning Borrowerk accupancy of the
<br /> _-=° Property as n principal residence. If this Securitv Inctrument is on u leasehold.Borrower shall comply with all the proviqions
<br />— --
<br />__'� of the leasc. If Borrower acquires fee title to thc Property,the leaschold and ihe fce titk shall not merge unlecti l.cnder agrces
<br /> to the merser in writing.
<br /> 7. Protectton of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrowcr fail. to perfann thc covenantti and ugrcements
<br /> contained in this Securiry Insuument, or them is a tegal proceedin� thut muy tiignificuntly affect Lender's rightc in the
<br /> Property(such us a proceeding in Bankruptcy,probute,for condemnution or forfeiture or w enforce laws or regulatians),then
<br /> Lendcr may da and pay for whatcver is necessury to protect thc valur of thc Property und Lcndc�:riglits in tha Property.
<br /> I.endert actionx may include p:�ying any sum.ureurd hy n lirn whi!•h h;t�priority aver thiy 5ecurity Instrument,uppearin�e
<br /> �#���ti'`��t in court,paying rcawnable uttomeys'fees und entrrin�on the Pmpeny to muke repuir.. Althuush Lendcr may take action
<br /> '^ M`• ` �tx`•� undcr thi�purugruph 7,Lendcr dcxs not huvr to do so.
<br /> %''-:`.
<br /> �` •;�µ��:•r.�:o« '� Any umount�disbuned by Lender undrr this parugr:►ph 7 xhall herome udditional JeMt of F3orn�wer secured by this
<br /> ".y.. .,;,,�"': _ Sccurity Imtn�ment. Unlcss Bnrrowcr und LrnJcr ugrre to other ternn of payment,thesc i►muunt+�hall Ix�ar interetit tiom thc
<br /> �4 �is ��•.: dute of disburcement ut the Note rate und tihull t►e puyuhlc,with interest. upon noticc from Lcnder to Bortowcr rcyue.r•ting
<br /> r, �::..�.
<br /> �ti,�:• p•ryment.
<br /> �:1'�- : • 8. MoM�aAe lnsurance. If Lrndcr rryuircd mortguge imurancc ati a conJition of mnking the loun sccured by thiti
<br /> ' �= °�+• Sccurity Instrumcnt. BoROwcr shull puy thc prcmiumti nquircd to muintain thc mortg:�gr imuruncc in cffcrt. If, for uny
<br /> ' �.'.'-N`�'�,: -"~� ` mawn, thc mortgagc in.urunrc ruvrrrgr rcyuirrd by Lcnder lap.c� or rcnsrs t�+ lx in cft'cct, Borrowcr +hall pay thc
<br /> . �%:�x:�;'`?'. � ._,�p,: premiumx rcyuircd to obtuin covcragc tiub�tantiully ryuiv:�lcnt tu tlu mortgugc insur:mcc pmviuu>ly in ct'tect. at a rmt
<br /> "�'""."'°'"�'° �"' ' substantiully eyuivulcnt t��the ro.t tu Bonuwcr of thc mongag�in.urt�nrr pitvi��usl�• in cffert.G<�m an aliernate mi�rtgagr
<br /> � � �_
<br /> :�:�x�.. � insurcr approved by Lender. If wb.[anti:illy ryuiv:dent murtgagr in+uranrr covrragr i.not uvaiL•iblc.Bormw�r,h:�ll pay to
<br /> .. .�+�� . �:�e:::...,
<br /> ��,,;...: Lender each month u tium cyual tu on�-twcltth ot the ycarly m�irtgagr in�urancr pmmium tking paid by E3ixrowrr whrn the -
<br /> �'�Ao;' ''.,,�„�:,„=�� inxurunce covrrugc lapxd or cra,rd tu tx in rttcrt. Lrndcr�vill urrrpt.u.c:md rrtain thr,r paymcnt�a,a lo.,rc+rrvc in liru
<br />_ ` .,,s'�y s' ot'mortgnge insuamcc. Losx rrticrvc paymrnt�may no longrr tk rcyuirrd.m thc apticm i�t LrnJ�r.il nuKtgugr in�uranrc
<br /> ;.�.. covcrt�ge(in thc untount and fiu thc�ricxl thcit LrnJrr rcyuirc�l pruvidrd hy an in.urcr approvcd hy l.cndcr aguin lxcomc+ -
<br /> ,�. „•�.:.. . . avuiluMe und i.nbtaincd.Ra•ruwcr.hull pay thc premium.req«irrd tu m�iintain murtgage in,uranc�in cftcct.or to pnrvidc u _
<br /> • " �.. loss msern,until the rryuirement tiir mortgugr insuruucr rnd.in uccu�dance��•iIh:mp a•ritten i►grcemcnt hetwren Bnrrowrr
<br /> �;-�.. • t�nd Lendcr or upplicuhlr luw. -
<br /> � 9. Inspection. Lendrr or it�:tgrnt ma� mak.rrau,nuhlc rntric.u�u,n:ind in+�krti�m.�,f thr Pn���rn�•. l.rndcr.ht�ll
<br /> , give Bom�wrr noticc at thr timc of or prior to mi ins�xctiix�ti�xcilying rca.�maMr cau,r t'��r the imEki tiat. -
<br /> ., : ., 10. Cundemnutiun. Thc pnxerd.ut'uny•r��ard ur rlaim tiir dunui�.r,.dirrrt��r cun.cyurnii;tl.in rimnrrtion u ith any _
<br /> ' ' '� tiinl:k hanuly ..Fu�mfc�fue�troddic�1nc l\IFf)R�l l\ti7'RI'11F:X'1'..l'ndann c'u�runnn 4,9p �p,i�r t„�n p,r�rv
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