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<br /> TooEfNER wtTH d�the tmpro+�an«�a iww or nere.6er erectea oo the p�opaty..nd�u auemeoh..ppu�t�aca�
<br /> _ �d itxcuna aow ar l�fM►a�!�t�f ttx ps�rep, �f!r-pl�neat�e�r!e�lb��he!!a!!o br coMe�r+►�y q*��!' —
<br /> lntrwneru. Ali of the taregoin�i�tetarocl w in tltia Sec�uity In�ttunlent a Ihe"Propert9.»
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS t!w Bar�wer is i�wfully reised ut�hr t�t�1e Ixrcby conveya!wKf har thc ri�ht to�s�nt
<br /> �nd canvey tha Property and th�t the Pro�xrty is wxixumtx nxi.except for encumbraixes of raonl. Borrower wurants aid
<br /> wW defend=areralty ihe dtk to the Propeny spin,u�ll ct�in��rd cknw�cL�,subJat to�ny encumMu�ce�af rocord.
<br /> _.�._ __._ - T�!!S SECURITY 1NSTRUMEN7'c�nnMncs unifixm wvrnant� tor nrtiaW u�e �ncl na�•uc�ifam covenuus with
<br /> �- �- � Wplted vuiadans by jurisdlctlan ta cautitute a unifcxm�aurity inrtnunent cova�inY rcal property.
<br /> UNIFORM C�OVENANTS. Borrower w�d Lende�covenant+�nd pgrce u fdlows:
<br /> 1. PMy�qewt of Pri�cip�l awd l�tecali Prep�y�ae�t�d Late C�ar�a. 8orrowcr stwll prompdY PaY whrn due the
<br /> p►incip�l of and intercst an the debt evidenced by the Note and�ny prepoyment w�d late charges due unckr the Note.
<br /> 2. Fti��or Tixa a�d I�sura�ca Sub�cet to applicxble Ixw or to�wr�tun w�ver by Lender,Borrower stwll pay to
<br /> l,ender on the d�y monthly{wymeot�are due under the Notc,until thc Nae is paid in full,u sum("F�dx"1 for:(1)yearly
<br /> _ �° "�°s� taxes rnd��easments which mxy att�in pricxiry ovcr this Secu:iry Inswment as a lien on the Property:(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> WYments or ground rents on the H�xrty. if Any: (c) yearly huard or propeny insur�e premiums: (d) yearly flood
<br /> insurAnce premiums. if any:(e)yeuly mortg�ge insurance premiums, il any: end (� any sums payabla by Barower a
<br /> Lender.in accordance with the provisions of puagrs►ph R, in lieu of the puyrr+ent of mortgage lnsu�ance premiums. These
<br /> -- items ue eaUed"Escrow items." Lender may.rt su►y time.collect�nd hold Fvndx in An umount not to exceed the msueimum
<br /> amount a lender [or a federAlly relatcd mongage loan may rcquire for Bormwerk cscmw Account under the foderxl Real
<br /> -- Fstate Settiement Prucedures Act of 1974 as amended frwr►lime tv tin�r, 12 U.S.C.§260!et sey.("RESPA"),unless anoihcr °
<br /> -'" law that Applies to the Funds sets a lesser amaunt. If ro.I.ender may.at any time,coUect and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> ---� exceed the lesser amount. Lender muy estimate the amount of Funds duc on thr brai� uf current datsr and reason�bk --
<br /> estlmates of expenditures of future�scrow Items or otherwise in acconf�nce with applicable luw.
<br /> - The Fu�ds shall bc held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal age�cy. inswmentaliry,or entity
<br /> - (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in uny Federal Home Lonn Banlc. Lender shall opply the Funds to p�y
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lencler muy not ch:uge Borrower for holding And applying the Funds, tu►nuaily anAlyting the escrow
<br /> � "`: account. or verifying tt►e Escrow ltems,unles� l.e�der pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applic�ble law permits
<br /> l.ender to malce such a chnrge. However,l.ender may cequire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> �state tux reporting servlce used by[.ender in connection with this loun,untess applicable law provicies otherwise. Unless an
<br /> _ ,.�,�� 4,: agreement is made or applicable luw requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be reyuireci to pay Barrower any interest or
<br /> caming$on the Funds. Borrower und l.ender may agrec in writing,however,th�t intcrest shalt be paid on thc Funds. Lendcr
<br /> ''' �� �� ehall give to Borrower.without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits a�d debits to the Funds and the
<br /> -• ;•�a � purpose for which euch debit to the�Lnds was made. The Funds are pledged as additia�wl r,ecurity for�tl sums securcd by
<br /> � ' . i` � thi�C�curity Inswment. ,
<br /> ` �>��'�`�%` ` " � lf thc Funds 1�eld by Lender excecd the umounts permitted to bc held by applicaWe law. Lender shull �+ccount to
<br /> ,:.;. . , .,:,r. .,,r, ,.
<br /> ��(:;:r};,,;: ,�;,.l•�, a Borrower for the excess Funds in uccord;u�ce with the requirements of applicable I:.w. If the amount of the Funds he d y
<br /> Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow ltems when due,I..ender may so notify Borrower in writing.and,in
<br /> ''"'t�"t"h'" `' ` such case Borrower shall pay to Lander the amaunt necexsury to mal:e up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up tha
<br /> - ' deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at l.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> �•,,... , .,.. Upon payment in full of all sums stcured by this Secudty Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Bocrower :uiy _
<br /> ELnds held by Lender. If,under paragruph 21,I.�nder shall ucq��ir�or,eit thc Property.Lender.Qriar to the acyuisition or �-�--_
<br /> � , sale of the Property, shall appty nny Funds hcld by Lender•rt the timc af ncquisitian or sule as a credit against thc sums �`•-
<br /> -' ` securcd by this Security Instrument.
<br /> �� ��' 3. Applieation of Paymenta. Unless applicable luw provides otherwise, rll payments receiv��d by Lender under �—�°,�-�
<br /> -�. •.hi.o�.�,:,s�r�.:.. , �
<br /> -- p�ragrnphs 1 and..shall be applied:first.to uny prepayment charges due under the Note;second,tu amou�ts payable under
<br /> ;� parpgcaph 2;third,to interest due:fourth,to principul duc:and latit,t�i any latc ch;uges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. ChArgr.s; Liens. Bocrowcr shall pay all taxc�, us�cstiments, rhurgeti, fincs and impositions attributab(e to thc s.:-
<br /> ' ' Property which muy uttain prinrity avcr this Sccurity ln,trument,und Ieaschold puymcnt,or ground rents, if�ny. Borcower =--
<br /> � shall pay these obligatians in the manncr pruvided in puragruph 2,or if not paid in thut manncr,Borrowcr shall pay them on �;i__
<br />' timc dicectly to thc person awed paymcnt. Borrower�hall promptly furni,h to Lrndcr•rll notices of amount.to be paid under 6,,;z
<br /> _ ;�., this paragruph. If Borrower m•rkes the.e payment�directly.Borrower shull p�omptly furnitih to Lender receipts evidencing =
<br /> . the payments.
<br /> Borrower shall pramptly dixcharge any lien which ha�priority ovcr thi,Scruritv In�trument unlcss Borrower.(u)ugreex -
<br /> - in writing to the payment of the obligation�erured by the lien in a munner uccrptabh to Lrnder;tb>contestx in good fuith the _=�
<br /> .,.;.,,;; licn by,or defcnds aguinst cnforrement af the lien in.Icgul pnxecdings a•hirh in the Lendcr's opinion operate ta prrvcnt thc �,,
<br /> enforcemcnt of the lirn;or(c)sccuns from the holdcr of thc licn an ugrccmrnt�atitiPactory to L.rnder wbordinatin�.the lien �n-_
<br /> � � �.,...
<br /> ,. to this Security Instrument. It'Lrnder detern�ines thut any part cif the Property i.suhject tn a lirn which muy uttain prioriry �r'.:
<br /> , , �` j over this Security Instrument,Lendcr m:�y givc Borrowcr a noticc identifying thr lirn. Borrower shall tiutisfy the lien or tuke h��
<br />_ . s,. � I one or morc of thc artions sct forth:►bovc within IU days of thc giving of notirr. �
<br /> 5. Ha�strd nr Property Insurynce. Borrowcr shall keep thc improv�mentc no�v existing ur hrreatter crcctcd on the � ^,
<br />�F� Property insurcd ug;+inst loxs by firr,harard,inrludcd within the trm�"exundrd coveru�:r"and any othcr hatard.,inrluding �
<br />�'_� :. � � floocis ar flooding,for which Lendcr rcyuin�inxurancr. This in+urunc� shull br muintuincd in thc umounts and for the �
<br /> �,
<br />��, �
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