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__-�..�;�F,._ :,� .. _ h� . <br /> 'r�� • .. � �' ' <br /> � n. . , ��' 'k�'�„_>q�^.. sy�;�.' � �;r7• •. _ .:-. <br /> -.rr __ ... _. <br /> _�.� , � '9��-so�� <br /> - - -- - 16.Norcower'�Copy.BorcoMer�t�ll be�ivesi a�e cor�tormad copy af the Note�nd ot this S�+curttY�Inuuument. <br /> ---- _�=_ • `17. Trao�ter of the Propert or a �aeNci�l Intero�t ia Borrowar. H�Il or my p�rt ot the Property or �oy <br /> - - interoet in It i�sold or tanderced�or it s bmetlai�l int�ro�st In HorroNer iA eald or uan�terred and Borrower i�not• <br /> : -_--- s�eture!�n?rrithoest!:n�er'% or�r�*_tea co�...-�t,L�cr�ao�,eiAn,r�equin immedi�te p�Yment tn tull ot <br /> — sll eums 6+ecurod by this Socudty Inat�ment. However, thi�opdon�hal[ nat be o�ceroi�ed by Lendx if exerciie ts <br /> prohi bited by tedersl l�w ae ot the d�te ot thls Sxurity InQtrument. <br /> �•, �'._�. � It Lender exerciees thie optlon,Lendor eluli pve Aorrower notIce of�coelnt�tion�'Che nodoe Ahall provide a period <br /> --._���s�h�� oi nat lees then 30 d�ys irom the date the�odce ia doliverod o�m�iled within wbioh Anrrowar muet p�y all sums�eourod <br /> by thi�Sec�uity Instrument.If BorroMer t�ile to p�y tha�etun+s prior to ttw oxplr�tipn af thia period,I.ender m�y invotce <br /> � '�'�`�''�""` eny remedics permitted by thie SecurIty Irtatn�ment Mithout turther notioe c►r�1esm�nd an Aormwer. <br /> ' �?����+ 18. Barrower'�Ri=bt to fteia�tate.It Borrower meete oert�in oonditiAna &�rrower ehdl h�ve the riQht to h�ve <br /> � enforcecnent oi this Securit�r Insuument discontinued�t�ny time pdor to tha ar�fer of:(a)S daya(or auch other penod <br /> _�=°��.�.��;,r'" ' �e•�1 icable Iaw may spec�fy tor reinatatement)betoro e�le ot the Property puretunt to any�o acr of rale contained in <br /> '"'',:':" � � thle-Securtt Inetrument;or (b) enuy of a 'ud�ment eniorcln�thie Seourity Inatrument.Thoae oonditione sro that <br /> •�����.: o <br /> �-•�:; ' �• Borcowm �i) p�ya Lender all sums whtch t�would be due under thie Sacurity lnatrument�nd tho Nou as if no <br /> �� • � � ' ' � accelaation had oocurred•(b)curca any detadt at any other covenants or�gt�eementa;(c)psys�Il expense�incurrod in <br /> .--�-�;'"'`x� enforcin�this Security Inetrument,includin�,but not l,imited to�rasonable attorneya'fas;snd(d)talces such actton�s <br /> ��•-_: �-,„� Lender may reuonably require to�seure tluit the lien ot this Security Instrument,Lender s riQhts in thc!'roperty and <br /> ��-;,�„ `;;k ,4 Botrower's obli�atioa to pp the sums secuced b�r�thia Security Inauument shall aondnue uncMaQed.Upon relnsutement <br /> ,� x' � by Borrowec�thisSecurity�Instruinentand the obli�ttionssecurod hereby ahall romain fully effective ss ii no a�xleration <br /> :J`"`�,,;,_~. ,1.,.:';.�° !�ad occunnd.However,this ri�t►t to reinstaushell nat spply in the c�se of aacelcration under p�ra�aph 17. <br /> � ~'�� . . 19.Sala of Noto;C6an=e oi La�n Servlcet.The Note or a prtid i�cara�st in the Note{to ether with this Saourity <br />- . ' �' ' " ' `" Instrument)may be sold one or more tlmes Nithout prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result�n a chmge in theentity <br /> �-`'�``"""""'`�'`'..: (knoan as the"Loan S�rvicor`)t1►�t oollects monthly paymenta due under tha Nota and thls Security Instrument.There <br /> z:'• � � ' also may be onc or more chanYes af the I.oan Servicer�mrrl�ted to a eal�of the N�tc.If there is a change of the Lwn <br /> Servicer.Borrowec will be�iven written notice of the ctuinee in accordanoe with p�ragraph� 14 above and appllcablc law. <br /> ��: . The notice will stnte the name md iddreas of the nev L,oen Servicer snd tihe addroes to whIch psymrnts should be made. <br /> The notica will aleo oontain sny othec information requi rod by�pplicable law. <br /> � " � 1A. Haxardous Substsaces.Boreower shall not cau�e orpetmit tho prcacnve,use,dispos+l.storaEe. or rele�se of <br /> any H�urdous Subetances on or in the Property.Borro�e�'slull not do�nor allow anyone else to do�anythinE attxting <br /> the Propersy that is in violation of any$nvironmental I..�w.'fhe preceding two aentencea ehall not apply to the presenoe, _ <br /> -'�,�,L�� use, or stoage on the Property of small quantities of H�z�rdous Su6stancav th�t aro �enenily reco�niud to ba <br /> ,;. .:.,: �ppropriate to narmal residential uses and to m�inunance ot the Property.. <br /> � ' '-� `•, Borrower shall promptly Yive I.erider written notice of any investigat�on,alaim.demend,lawsuit or other sction by <br /> ` •. • any governmental or ngulatory tgrncy or priv�te party involving the Property and en� Hezardous Subetance or <br /> Environmenttl Law of which Borrower has actuel luiowledge.If Borrower laarne,or is notified by any Qovernmental or <br /> . � t�egulatory authority, that any removal or othar remediation of any Hazar+dous Subetance atfxdna the Property is <br /> _ -_ _ y`,'-'"—=tz=R=: r.x�sr}.Barro�tr�Ms!!pramgt!�tak=aI!nect�ry ren�!Y!e31 artionP tn Accordance with Environmental Law. _ <br /> '.,;�;:��; , As used in this puagrAph Z0, Haurdoue Substances"are those substences defined as to�ic or haurdoua substances <br /> � ... � by Environment�l I.iw and the followine subscances:�asoline,ketosene,ath@r flammable or toxic petroleum products, _ <br /> ' toxic �esticides and herbicides. volatite solvents, maurials containing asbestos or Parmaldehyde, �nd ndioactive <br /> i ' matenals.As used in this paragraph 20�"Envitonmental Law'means fodaral leas and laws d the jurisdiction where the <br /> ,� Property is located th�t relau to health�saiety or environment�l protcction. <br /> :. . NON-IJNIFORM COVENANTS.Horroaer and L,ender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> ��r'.�:'� 21. Acceler�ttion; Remedies. I.ender s6a11 give notice to Borr��ver prior to acceleration following :: <br /> -='�� � Borroper's breach ot any covenant or a=reement in tbis Security Iaetrumeat (but not prior to accelention <br /> --�:,� . <br /> g,, ; under parasraph 17 ualess applicsble Isw provides ot6erwise).The n�tice shall apecify:(a)ttro default;(b) the <br /> �;�: ; , action required to aure tho default; (c) a date. not lesa th�n 30 d�ye from the data the aotice is sivea to <br /> �., � Donower, by which the detault muet be cured;and(d)t6st iailure to cure the default on or before the dite <br /> ; f: � specjfied ia the notice may result in�cceleration of the sums secured by tbis Securit�Inetrumeat�nd saIe o! <br /> t6e Property. The notica s6al1 further iniorm Borrower of tho right to reinstate after acceleratton and the <br /> '`� ri=6t to br�a;a court action to sssert the non-existena of a default ar any othcr detense ot Borroser to <br /> ' acc�leration aad sale. If the default ia aot cured oa or before the dato apecitiod in the noticc, Leader,at its _ <br />. :', optlon. msy require immediate payment ia tull ot ali sums secured by this Sccurlty Instrument withovt <br />�:�;,,,.' � ,.;��', turther demsnd aad may involce the po�ver o[ sale and any ot6cr resmadics permicted by applicablc law. <br /> Lender shall be entitled to collect�11 eYpenses incurred in pursuing tho remadies provided in this para�r�p6 <br /> � 21.includin�,but not limited to.ressonable ittorneys fees and costs of titie evidoncc. �_ <br />' �:,? It the power of sale is involced.Trustee eha11 record�notico of dafpult in each county in w6ich any part oi _ <br />°'- ' ibe Property is located and shall atsil copies oi such notice in the manner prescribed by appltcable law to <br /> �51::,;:t:. •"��'"� � Borrower snd ta the other personsprescnbed by �pplicable law. Aftor the ttme requirzd by applicable law. _ <br /> ��-.= `. .;;.; . Trostee�hsll give public aotice of sate to the�ersons and in the mannor prescribed by ap�licable liw.Trustee. _ <br />�'':'�'���,f� � �,. " wIthout demand on Barro�v�r.shall sell the Property at public auction to t6o highcst b�dd�r at the t�me and <br />: .; �'' �� place and under tDe terr»c desi=aated iu the noticc of sale in one or »�ore parcels and in any arder Trustee <br /> f� '.�, - determines.Trustee may postpon��sale of all or any p�rcel of the Property by public annouacemeat at the <br />-i»'tf?.� '� t�me�nd place of sny previously scheduled aale. Lender or its dosigaoo may purchese the Property at an3� <br /> _.�;_ ' sale. <br /> . <br /> -"'- F�r��021 !NO <br /> ..-r ' �"�{�(�10610t hp 6 N• (fllll\IR <br /> ri.i«.r..:..�'.- . <br /> � <br /> . ,�..,•.+':ti.��,..a.�;. i .,f._ , <br /> .•��:,�»+,,.- .�...._..__ _.__..._.._._. ,.,,,�,,,,,�_ --+....wwNr <br /> �. �. r,;.,wt'�!;1: _ ;:,. - '��'i� .,. . , ... <br /> .r�� - � �, ..�(., � ,,�r �i.�i .�i:-' -. <br /> .. �.. . <br /> . . , . <br /> .. �....,,�e ..- . � �1!•S`-_ <br /> :� .... _' ' "' ' i;i! . . .i �1R�l,�h;�a.G:• •- - <br /> . � .,, . ; i�, ,. .,.• <br /> •iY:�.at►aa^:_w;;. •*r � '! �,.y�. tr,y'` . ��y � <br /> � _ad''Y' ____ _ _ _____' _ —_' _— �..al6�Si�fiiml��i{Ci:.�F➢Jtl�.._'—�"'' '___' _'__ <br />. . -t=" —_ '_ ""_'—__ " " ' ___— .1��1���.i:r--r—_ —__—___ .� -_- <br /> ml� ��*i�*�•,• . . . 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