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<br /> .a.i � .. 3 �Y� :-- '_
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<br /> at the option ot La►der� it mo�t�e imusnce covera�e (in the�mount u�d tor the pacjod that Lad�t+equFns)
<br /> provided by an imure��pprovad by Lender apin becoma+�v�1�We and i�obtained.&umra�dui11 pry the phm{ume
<br /> - r«ndnd to mJatain mo�t�e iasunnoe in atlect,or tu provide• lo�raarve,undl the requiroene�►t tor n►artNN
<br /> iru�tt�ance ends in�000rd�noe xtthany Mritten��roement bexMeon Aorra�rer and 1.aKfac oc appfic�oie ia�. �'
<br /> 9.lnspaction.l.ender or tu�Qa►t m�y malce re�n+ble enuia upon and it�peations a[the Frr�perty.L�aidw'tl�11
<br /> —_ �ve BorroMer nodce at the dme ot or prior to u�tnspect�on spxifyin�reMOOtWe awe for the impeation.
<br /> IQ.Condmm�ation.The procoeds ot atxy�wud or cl�im for d�ma�er,dlract or cawquentid�in ootu�otlon�vith
<br /> �;� - any oondemnatton or other takin�of amy part o!the Propaty�ar for oonveyanoe In lieu at oond�mn�t�on.us h�nhy
<br /> - acat�ned at►d shall be patd to Lendsr.
<br /> � �� � In the event ot�tout tal�nQ oi the Proparty�the proceecl�e1u�1 be aPP�ted to the�ums�euured by thi�Security
<br /> ;�;- IneRrument,whether or nat thon due,�ith any eioees pid to BorroMer.In the event of a p�rttsl t�kin�ot the Property in
<br /> — Mhich the i�ir m�rket valuo oi tho Propaty immodi�tely betoro the t�kinQ is equal to or�reater than tt�e�mount oi the
<br /> — '�— auma eecurod by thia 3ecudty Ituttument immed4�tdy betoro the Uking,unle�BorroMSr and i.ender othenvise ajroe
<br /> �--- in xritfn�.tha sums sxuraf 6y this Socurity Instn�mant shall be reduced by the amount ot the procaed�multlplied by
<br /> - tho iollowittE iraction:(�)tho toui amount ot tho sums exured immedivaly betoro the tskit�,dividod by (b� the idr
<br /> � ��== muket vsluo ot tho Property immadiately beton tho t�kin�.My balanoe atalt be paid to Horrowor.In tha evant ot�
<br /> _ psrtial takIn�oi tho Propa�ty in khich the fair muket v�luo ot ttw Propecty immedi�tely bedore the talcin�i�lees than
<br /> the amount oi the sums sociued immediuoly betaro the talcln�,unloea Bottoxer and Lendoc othenvise a�ree in Nritin�
<br /> ����� or w►less applicabla la�r other�lae providos, tho proceeds sh�11 be �pplied to the wrns secured by thir Security
<br /> "e"�"'"�'"""�� Instrument whether or not tho sums ire tl�en due.
<br /> ` �`—�_�;�,-,� If the Property is ab�ndot►ed by Bomower.or it,aiter nattoe by Londer w BonoMa that the oondomnor oKen w
<br />= f�'Y^' m�ke an aWUd or sattle a claim for dsms�ce, BorroNer tails w nspond to Lender xithin 30 d�ys after the�tc the
<br />- 4:/'b
<br /> ;,�;��„•:��.' notioe is�iven�Lcnder is authoriucl to ooltect uid apply the proceods,at its option,eitha to reswmtion or rep�i�otthe
<br /> ' .,��,�,�j�+'e Pruperty or to tt�e sums axwed by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> •'��•>"°•'�`� Unlesa Lender and Barroxer other�rise aeree in Nriting,any appltcatton oi proceeds ta prinoipal etu►11 not extend or
<br /> �....,.:, .•.:�1�•-�f,... •.
<br /> .•;�:, postpone the due dste of tho rnonthly payments referrod to in par��raphs 1 and 2 a' ctun�o the amount of aucb
<br /> �q'�'S:I:t2}a.'r� 111E11�.
<br /> F;�. ,
<br /> �<' ' -`��" �'"~~�° �y 11. Borrower Not Releaaed; Forbwance By Leader Not a Waiver. Extension ot the time for ptymem or
<br /> %�''';{��i•it��`�*;f�;�'� moditication oi amortiutton oi the sums aecured by this 3ectuity Inatrument granted by I.ander to any suax�sor in
<br /> • �;: e
<br /> • �,� '�� •��-�F°^' interoet oi Borrower ehall not opecite to nlease the litbility of the orig'm�l Bornower or Borcower s suocceoora in
<br /> :�:�r,.*,�"�"''�''' inut+est.Lender shall not be required to commenc�proceedin��painst any successor in interest or retuoe to extend
<br /> • r�.:.;;,_, ,,��
<br /> �•; ,'�t� �*-'�� time tor ment or otherwise modify�mortization oi th�sums axured by this Sociuiry Inatrumcnt by r�e�eon o any
<br />° ,;a•:a���i:�t�ts�._....;,r•�� PiY
<br />= .�,�y��w,,y��;��,;::• demand m�de by the oriQinal BornoNer or Borroaer's euoceseors in inureat.My forbearu�oe by Latider in e:erciane
<br /> . ,�.;�y y:,��±:� any rl�ht or remedy shall not be�waiver of or preclude the exerciae of any ri�t►t or remedy.
<br /> ,=�.. � •«` 12.Succesiors aad Auisas Bound: iaint and Saver�i Li�bitiiy;��-+dg�,ais.T1w ca�;�nas►ta�d a�emzsts°
<br /> ' ' oi this 3ecurity Instrument shall bind and benetit the succeseors and assigns ot Lender md Eorwwer,aubjoct to the
<br /> , provisions ot pirs�raph 17.Bonowor's coven�nts and agroements shall be joint and several.Any Borrowor wha co-signs
<br /> this Security Instrumant but does not executo the Noto: (a) is co'signing this Socurity In9ttument only to mottg�ge.
<br /> ,,: '. , . Qrant �nd oonvny that Borrowet's intecest in the Property under the terma ot this Security Instrument;(b) is not
<br /> ra
<br /> "� pereonslly obligatod to pay the surns axured by this Security Instrument;ind (c)agrees that Lendec and any other
<br /> S ���'` � BorrowCr msy agroe to extend, modity,forbar or m��e any eccommndAtions with te�ard to tha terms of this Secutity _
<br /> � � ""' ' Insuumantor th�Nou withaut thu Borrower's con�mt.
<br /> _ � '" 13. Loan C6artes. If tha loan socurod by this Security Instrument is subject to a lsw which sets maximum loan
<br /> u, • . .''.�s.r�,..ti..� char�es, and that law is tinslly intorpreted so thet the interest or other Iwn chargas oollected or m be oollxted in _
<br />= , � . ' ' , connection with the loan exueed tho permitted limits, then: (a) any such lou� ch�rg�ahall be roduced by the amount
<br /> neoes�ry to roduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) iny sums already collocted trom Borrower which �
<br /> • exceeded permittod limits will be refunded to Borrower. Ler►der may choose to ma��this rofund by reducing xhe �;
<br /> • principal owed under the Nou or by making a ditect payment to Borrower.lf a refund reduces principal,the reduction �
<br /> . ' •� ,�,�-_<< � ,: will be trated as a partid propayment without any prepaymant charge under the Note.
<br /> "' � �•'-�" ' 14. Notices.Any notice to Borrowec provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivedng it or by -
<br /> ' �~��;�j`Y��+�i� ' �� mailinQ it by tirst class mail unless�pplicablo laa requires ase of another mathod.The notice shall be directed to tha
<br /> '� ��' ' Property Address or any other addrese Borrower designates by notioo to Lrnder.Any notia to Lender shall be�iven by �
<br /> :�,t...,.-'. .. ' �
<br /> [irat class mail to Lender s address stated herein or any other address I.ender designates by notico to Borrower. Any ,
<br />- _ � �,,r,; . notice providod for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have bxn�iven to Borrower or La►der when given
<br />- •� :1� :;, .. as provided in this pata�raph.
<br /> . � " 15. Governin=La�v;Sevetability.This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law snd the law oi the
<br />__ .- F� " � jurisdiction in which the Property is loptod.ln the event that any provision or clause ot this Security Instrument or the
<br /> �' ; Nota oontlicts with appliaWe la+v,such conilict shall not affect other provisioris oi this Security Instrument or tha Noto
<br /> ' `�;;""�� �� which can be given effect�ithout tha conflictin�provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and _
<br /> �'• . �.., �
<br /> �r.,,•;- . the Note are declarod to be sevenble.
<br />� � ,,,,,,,r .::° ,� F.►w�Ott !I!� _
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