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<br /> = � _.._ _ __��..,.,.,.� 9�•io�� .
<br /> Upoa reo�ipt ot p�yme�t ot tti� prla bid, Trwtee shall ddiver to t� �urc6u�r Trwta's dMd
<br /> aoov�yla�ti�Prop�rt�,Tbe recit+�b ia t6r Trwtw'�d�ed�hall be prirna iscle evideAOe ot tM trutr at tb
<br /> q�{�tn�qta�tlMCaiu.TrwtM�Wl�pply t�prooeeds ot tLe ak is the tollowins order: (a)tu�ll cata
<br /> and �:p�nMS at e:orstsi�t ehe pown' ut aM. �wd �ab. isctudi�= t�e payment ot t� TrwtM'a fMs
<br /> •ctwlly iwcucred,not to eiaaed 'aM P�IC'�Y' '�► ot t6e priscip�l�enouat ot tbe aote�t tl�e tim�ot
<br /> ths decl�ntioa ot d�hult,a�d rasa�bk attoraeya'fea u permitted by Isw;tb)to dl sums Neured by riis
<br /> -- S�oority I��trMmn�t;aaid(a)�Qr ea�se*.Q!be paaon or perwoi loplly eatitled to i� -
<br /> �. Recanvey�aca Upon pRYment o!vl sums�ecue�ed by this Security 1c�etrument,L�ada��halt request Trwtee
<br /> --'�'�.�-`._- —' to teoonvey the Pt�opertr and t�utll au�rmda this Sectuity IroRrument uul all notas evickncir►�debt eecw�ed by chiA -
<br /> Secudty Instrumeat to 71rt�atoe.'!'nr�ces ihall retonvey the Proporty�ithout Marru►ty and Mitlwut char�e to ths penoa
<br /> or penone le�ally entitlal ta it.3uch petan or persocn ah�11 py any r000crlation oosta.
<br /> — 13. Substituto Trustee. I.ender��t ita opdon, msy�rom Ume to time remove Truetx and appoint a euccemor
<br />_ trwteo to any Truetae arpduted hereunder by an irutrument reoorded in the oounty in Nhich this Security Instrument is
<br /> reoorded. Witt�out oa►wayxnoe at tha Prnperty�the aiccas�or tru�tee ehall :ucceed w a11 tLe title�Puwrx ud dutias
<br /> - - ����.� oonterred upan Truetee haoin and by applicaWe Iaw�.
<br /> 24. Request tor Natioes.Borroxa r�queeta thtt oopiee ot the noticas ot defat�lt and sale be aertt w Borro�er's
<br /> sddt+ea�s ahich is the Pa�rty Addnes.
<br /> ZS. Biden to tbis S�curity Ia,�trumen�.It ora or more riders are exxuted by Bornower and rec�rded to�ethar
<br /> �rith this Secucity Instrument,the covenants and a�rreemrnta ot aah such rider ahsll be tncorporated into and ehali
<br /> F amcnd md auppiemort tha oovenants aad a�roements of thia Security�aa�uma�t ae if the rid�(s)wero s p�rt oi tl►is
<br /> 9ocurity Inetrwnent.[Ct�ack appllcaWa bo:(es)] _
<br /> Adjustabie Rata Rider Condominium Rider 1'4 Fa�nily Rider
<br /> C,radwted Payment Rid�esst Planned Unit Development Rider BiMeekly Payment Rider
<br /> Balloon Ridor Rata Improvemeni Ridar Second Homo Rider
<br /> - v.�.x�a� oct�te)r�;cy�
<br /> -�
<br />-.�.
<br /> °�:
<br />�':;� BY SIOATIN(3 BBI.OW, BorroMer accepts snd a�+ees ta the terms and oove�wits oontainad in this Security
<br /> -- Instrument and in any ridor(s)e:ocutod by Borrowec u►d reootded Mith i�
<br /> -- �-.-- Witne�e� 9/ ,�t� 0 /
<br /> -- =�;sn,�,,: � tSeai;
<br /> �;°1,�'�:;: �$t� -Boerow�t
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<br />�_ -Bo�rn�r�r �T � -Bormr�t
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<br /> rAFr.- j�,',,'�S r�.
<br /> 'r•�' COYIIty SS:�Z
<br /> ,:�,ti,�f -� STATE OF NEBRASKA,
<br />-:t,�; ' �, The foc�oin�itutrument was acknowledged beiurc me this 5'�8 day of D�VA�t . 1993 .
<br /> .t. >:
<br />.;`��:'' �` bY l� I. �it)!t� AlD 1Q1i�f 1L �D. I�D 11rD WIZl: -
<br /> . ,,x••�` Wimeas my harx�l and notarisl eeal at in said County,tho dates ataa+�stid.
<br /> �
<br /> +w t:�
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<br />_ MyCommission&piros: �� _� ���iJ
<br /> �, Notary Publia �""—
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