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<br /> �� --� S. H�s�rd or Ptopetty Inturaace. Borrowor ehall keep the improvemante naM axistin�ar heraattar erocted on
<br /> • thb Proparty lruurod�Sitwt lor by tire,tuz�rdu inolud�d within the tarm 'eYtended coversQe' �nd�ny othu hazerds,
<br /> - ,— _ __ _ Incfudin?tloada or tlaodlnw tor which Lencier reQuire�insucatwe.l'hIs in�ursnoe�11 be m�intalned ln the�mount�
<br /> and for the pectod� th�t l.ender requira.The in�uranoe canter ptovidine the Imur�nve�hall be cho�en by BorroNOr
<br /> � — eubjnct w l.ende�'�approv�l Mhiah�h.lt noc be unra�onably�i:hhela.If Borrowor tdb to m�inuin coven�e dacrlbed
<br /> ���� above, I.ender m�y. �t Lender'�optioo.obtain oovea�e to protaot I�ender's ri�ha in the Propecty in accord�nce wlth
<br /> ; P�a�ph 7• _
<br /> � Ali in�unr�oe policta u�d roneNal��hall be sooeptaMe to La�der and rtull inctude a au�dtrd mortpQe cbure.
<br /> • • Lender shall have the right to hold the policiee and reneaals. !f l.ender requirw, &►rrower eh+tll pmmpdy �tve to .
<br /> ''� La►der�Il raxipte of p�id prom�ums and ceneWal notioea.Tn the event o�laee,Homower ehsll�ive pcompt notioe w the
<br /> ' insuneco carrle�md Lender.Lender may m�ke proot ot loss if not mtde promptly by Borrower.
<br /> .-'r�ti`�h'� Unlees Lender and HorruMer otherwise aQree I»Wrtttn�,ioaunnoe proceeds shail be�pplied w restoation or repir
<br /> �--_ 4� , , of¢he Pcoporty d�maped.if the testontion or t+ep�ir is evonomtcally teaaiblo u�d I.ender's eiecurity is not leaeened.If the
<br /> _Ss�.��'��a • >' raetontion or rep�ir ie not oconomieally fasible or Lender's eecurity Mould be ta�eened.the ineunnr,e pr�ceede ahall bn
<br /> _��-_ "�"`;�`.z:'�.�� appliud to thc eums eecured by thia Security lnstrument,Mhether or not thon due,with any excees paid to Barrower.It
<br /> _ --� ' ",'':.._' � °. Danower abendona the Property�or doas not ansaa within 30 dsys a notice irorn Lender that the insurancx carrier has -
<br /> -." r�..a.a�an.=._..s•�.i36:'�.M
<br /> -���•��-��- �t=i�� ottered to settle�claim. then l,ender msy collect the i�wunnce proceeds. Lender msy use the eeds to repir or
<br /> _._ w
<br /> � � ��`�'� '� roswro th�Propert�or to py sume exurod by thia Security It�sttument�whetl►er or not then due. 3Q'day period Mill
<br /> a ,.:�YF.�k..eri:`4'.w.'�
<br /> � .�_ beQi�whcn the noUce is gtven.
<br /> :.ry .���1,,�„�. Unlees Lender and BorroMer othet�vlse sQree in Ntitin�.�ny�ppNcation of procroeds w priacipl shall not extend or
<br /> �, ;„,,,:.� pos tpone the duo Eau ot the monthly payments referred to tn par+�caphs 1 and 2 or chan�o the amount oi the payments.
<br /> '`'' ;:_�;."�x..•.� It undec parigraph 21 the Property is aoquired by Lender. Bortow�a's ri�ht to any insunnce policies and praxais
<br /> , ".:`�' : �� � ... resultinq irom dimsEe to the ProportY Prlor to the aoqutsition s1u11 pase to Lenda�to the exunt oi the sums exurad by -- -
<br /> `'�' ` ' thia Security insuumcnt immodiauly pdor to the avquisltion.
<br /> ,.�`�'.� �� 6.Occupaocy. Preservation,Maintenancesnd Protectiaa at the Property;Borrower'�LoanApplic�tion;
<br /> �'' Lesseholds.&�rrower sh�l!occupy.establish,and use the Proparty as Borrower's principl nsidence within siYty days
<br />�� � � ' atter the exacutton ot this Security Instrument u►d shall continue to oocupy the Propecty as BorroMer's principl
<br /> � �� � � � tcsidence for�t last one year afur the dste of occupancy,unlees I.ender othenviso agroes in writin�,which oonsrnt shall
<br /> w not be unreasonably withheld.or unlese extenuttin�circumaunas exist which are bayond Borrower's control.Borrow�r
<br /> �" ' '��' shall not destroy,damige or impair the Property,allow the Pro�erty to deteriorate,or commit wsste on the Property.
<br /> "' • - . ' }3orrower sh�U be in default it any forfeituro action or proceedin�,ahethor civil or criminal,ie be�un that in Lender's
<br /> � ' `'' good faith judgment cauld result in for[e�ture oi the Propeny or otherwiso materi�lly imp�ir the lien crated by this
<br /> ' � . ' Security Instrument or Lender's axurity interest. Borroaer m�y curo such a detiult md reinstate. as provided in
<br />- ' ' ,,,•:,,. ,.,:,_,. , pengra�h 18, by causing tha action or pra�eedir� to be diemissed with a ruling that, in I.ender's �ood faith =
<br /> - __ :•+ ..•'•...-�-� :�:=:• determ�nati�,prochidea forteitureoi tho Borro�ra's intarst in tfie Ptoperty or other m�teriil impairment of th�lien
<br /> .--- ---=�- --:a
<br /> . � :;,; •:. created by this Security Instrument or Lender's aecurity interest.Harto�er shall tleo be in detault N Bort+owa,ducin�
<br /> ,,':;::i:` the loan appfication process, Qave rn:uri�lly ialse or inaccurate informstion or autements to Lender (or f�ileal to
<br /> provide Lender aith my material informition)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note.incltiding,but not
<br /> limited to, npresenutions concerning Borrower's accupmcy of the Proparty as a principsl residence. 1[this Security _
<br /> ':;. Inatrumettt is on e Ieasehold.Borrower shell comply with all the provisions ot the leas�.Ii Borrowcr acquires fee title to
<br />_ ' ' ;. �.''.,;; the Property,the lessehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender�gras to the merger in writing. __
<br /> '� .� -�� 7. Proteetion of Lender'a Rishts in t6e Property. If Bocrower f�ils to perform the covenanu and agreements =
<br />" ' �:`'��"�'� conuined in this Sxurity Instrument,or there is a legal praceeding that may siy�nificantly affect Lender's rights in the —
<br /> � ```%�%�;'� Proporty (auch as a proceedin� in bankrupuy, prabate. for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or ;�
<br /> �f � � �,�;;;i�;;�,,,;:j,, • regulations),then Lender may do md pny for ahatevrr is necess�ry to prouct the value of the Property and I.ender's
<br /> '. "•• ; rights in th�Property.Lender's actions mzy include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over ttis '-• ,
<br />�y.;' � ; � , Security Instrument.appearing in couM,payinY reasonable attorneys'ices and enterin�on the Property to make r+epairs, p`�:
<br /> • '�' � Although Lender may uke action under this paragraph 7.Lender daes not have to do eo. d, -;
<br />�• . �'�".� My amounts disbursed by I,ender under this par�gaph 7 shall becx�me additionel deht of Borrower axurod by this �
<br /> cx
<br /> j' . • �'�� Security Instrument.Unless Borrower and L.ender Agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest �'=
<br />?�. ._ j irom the date of disbursement at th�Nou rate and shaU be payable,with intercst.upon notice from Lendec to Borrower _
<br />,� � ,{,, .::�.:�; requesttn8 PsYment. K--.
<br /> - 8. Mortppe Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insuance as a condition of making the loan srcured by this � � •
<br /> � ."��` Security Instrument.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to m�iniain the mortYage insurance in eftect.If,[orany �- -
<br />-��� reason,the mort a e insurance covcra e r uired b L,ender la or ceases to be in effect, Bortower ahall Et`'°:
<br /> w ,, . . � . B� 8 e9 Y P� WY the �ti�.•
<br /> � , . ��..,,�. �,., � premiums required to obtain coveage substantiaUy equiv�lent to the mortgagr insutince previously in eftect,at a cost �"`''
<br /> '�4"+;,"" ���, aubstantiall uivalent to the cost to �3orrower of thc mort � e insursnce reviousl in cffect, from an alternate 4�
<br /> .,. : :., Y al 6 S P Y r --
<br /> ti:`�"'2;�.._ �., •i; .:' mortgage insurer approved by Lender. lf substantially equi��alent mortgage insurance wverege is not available, i .-
<br /> � ' '��•�'�' Borrower shall pay to Lender each month t sum equal to one`twelfth ot the yearly� mortgsge insuranco premium being ��„
<br /> ��:..�� " .'" � �.+ ''�'� p s i d b y B o r ro w e r w h e n t h e i n s u r a n e�c overa ge la p s e d or ceased to be in e[fect.Lender will acce pt,u s e a n d r e t a i n t h e e e �
<br /> � '��:•� - payments as a loss reserve in lieu oi mortRa�e �nsurance. I.oss ceserve payments may no longer bo required,
<br /> i�' s�=
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