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<br /> at the option of I,endar, if mort�age insunnoe covnra�e �in tho amount and tor the period that L�ender requiros)
<br /> provlded by an inaurer�pproved by l.ender�ain beooma available utid i�obtained.�rrow�r�hsll p�y th�pnmtum��
<br /> requlrod ta mdntain more�Qe inwrance in etfact,or w qovide a 1oN roierve, undi the raquiroment tor mort�p
<br /> -- itNUnnoa enda in avcordmoe Mtth any xritten aQroement bet!�een HorcoMer and Lender ar�ppti��o f:�.
<br /> 9.Inspection.Lender or its a�ent may make reaeonable entries upon and trNpectlone ot the Praperty.I.ender�hall �
<br /> �ive Borrower notice at the time ot or prior to sn inapoctton specifyin�ra�sonable cau�e for the intpxtion.
<br /> IQ. Coademnation.The proceede ui my awud or clatm for dama�eo,direct or comoquendal,In connectton Nith
<br /> any oondemnadon or other ulcln�ot�ny ptrt ot the Property.or tor vonvayu�oe in liau of wndertn�uon.�cv ba�eby
<br /> — aesi�ned and eh�ll be p�id tn L.ender. �
<br /> = - In the event oi n totsl ts�ine oi tho Property,the proeeecls ahall be appliad to tha sume exured by thia Sncurity -�_
<br /> lnstrument,whether or not then due,with any excesa paid to Horr�xer.In tlw event oi a p�rtial taldnQ of tM�Property in
<br /> which the f�ir matkot value of the Pro�xrty immediately be[oro the akin�Is eqwl to or�ter than the�mount of the
<br /> _ suma exured by this Security Instrument immedistely betora the takin�,unlese Borrower and L.endor ot1►onviw a�ree
<br /> in writing,the sums ae�eured by this Socurity Instrument stuil be reduoed by tho amount oi the proceoda multiplied by
<br /> -� the followinQ traetion:(a) the total amount oi the aums exured Immediately batore the tekin�,dlvided by (b)the fair
<br /> --- -- market vnlue of the Property immediauly b�fure the takin�. Any bal�ncc ehall be p�td to Borrower. In the ovont ot a
<br /> parttal uking of the Property in ahich the fair market value ot the Property immodiately betoro the takln�ie laes than
<br /> the amount of the sums secured immediately b�tore the taidn�,unlese Borrower�nd Lendec otherwise a�ree in arittn�
<br /> _ or unless applicable law othecwise pravides, tho procoeds shall be applied to the sums exured by thie Secutity
<br /> Instrument whethec or not tt�e sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,atter notice by Lender ta Borcower that the condemnor ofters to
<br /> make an sward oP settle a claim tor ckmages, Borrower fails to respond ta L.ender within 3U days atur the d�u the
<br /> .:r}:r notice ia given,I.ender ie authorizcd to collect and apply the procceds,st its aption,either w restontion or rapair of the _
<br /> , '�G;��;j� Property or to the sums seoured by this Seourity Instrument,whether or not than due.
<br /> ��;, . Unlesa Lender and Bon+nwer otherwise agrce in writing,any applicatia�af pcoceeds to principal shall not axtend or
<br /> �'•' '.�.:..;",' poatpone the due date of the mottthly payments reterred to in para�phs 1 md 2 or ahanQn the amount of auch
<br /> ,: •� !r
<br /> .'�' , .�,�7dx ��'"'r �y 11. Dorrower Not Released; Forboarance By Lender Not a Walver. E�ctension of the time tor pyrttent or
<br /> �� ,�
<br />.. 'r„-:.... : '.�?"�. ,
<br /> ''' �� :�'� madificatian of amoctizstion of the sums securcd by this Security Instrument gra�iud by Lender to any succ�ssor in
<br /> � *�'�, ^"n��wta,� +
<br /> 4��''" ,•. ; ��� intarest of Borrower shall not oparate to release the liability of the origin�l Bortower or Borrower a succeseore in
<br /> ��'.... •. �, , �,..
<br /> ,_. M n-,ti �,-,. .ri .
<br /> ,,r�l�,:.{��s°i��{;,��? ' (ntarest. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedinga againet any succeseor in inurest or refuse to extend
<br /> � �•��+�f'�•r'.;r���u time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the suma socured by thie Security Instrument by re�eon of any
<br /> � x`x<;�;r:f���'%-7'� demand m4de by the original Borrower or Borrower's auccessors in interest.Any forbeatance by Lendet in exercisin� -
<br /> , :' ,. • '" r �,r r•a �
<br /> �, "�* � M ,5�,. any ri�ht or remedy shall not be a waiver af or preclude the exeroise of any right or remedy.
<br /> ��,"� !3. S��r_.c*a$�rR wn�1 AEp��ns R�ood;Jo�nt snd Several Llability;Co-signers.The covenants and�greements
<br /> '�'S'r" '���� � of this Security Instrument shall bind and benetit the successora and sssigns of Lander and Barrower,subject w the
<br /> ." • , ����': , provisiona of paragraph 17.$orraaer's covanants and agreements shall b�joint snd savernl.Any Bonower who co-siPns
<br /> .,ti;,,.;,,.;• this Security Instrument but does not ezecute the Note: (a) is co-signing thie 5ecurity Instrument only to martga�e,
<br />-:,." � . • 1.,•.,�.;°:;,�..• grant and convey that Borrowera interest in the Property under the terma of thia Security Jnstrument; (b) is not
<br /> �;:: ::•�
<br /> , ..�. . , personally obligated to pay the sums secuced by this Security Instrument;and(c) agras that L,ender and any other
<br />'".,;. � �'�'r " Borrower may egree to eYtend,modify,[orbear or make sny accommodations with ro�ard to the tarms of this Security
<br /> • Insttumentor the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> ' . 13. Loaa Char�es. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> �� .... , charges, and that law is finally interpretecl so that the interest or other loan charges coliected or to be collected in -
<br /> _ ;; connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be ceduced by the amount -
<br /> ' necessary to reduce the chargc to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which __
<br /> , � exceeded permitted limits tivill be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the �:
<br />• ' principel awed under th�Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.It a refund reduoes principal,the roduction •
<br />' „ will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br />' � 14. Notices.Any nutice to$orrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by -
<br /> `'� " ' "' ' '� mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall bd directed to the '-
<br /> ' . Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> � � first class mail to l.ender's address stated herein or any other addres3 Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any �
<br /> • ,. notice provided for in this Security Instrument sha11 be deemed to have been gi��en to BorcoKer or Lender when�iv�n '
<br /> -;+h,' -� �.;�,•.�.'. ' as provided in this paragraph.
<br />,: � . l5. GoverninE l.�w;Severability.This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the 1.
<br /> ` jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrumentor the �
<br />�=�� �_°., ; Note conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not aPfect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> A ���•��,� - _ �efiich can be given ef4ect without the conflicting provision.To this end the ptovisions of thie Security Instrument and '•' -
<br /> f�"a�,.
<br /> �,�,.��•. � the Nots aro declared to be saverabte. .
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