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� '� �.F' ` i� - - _...�.....--- <br /> - –------- � <br /> 16.$arrower's Cop Sorrower ehal be�iven one contnrmed�»py Qt tha Nou u►d of thL Securit In�trument. <br /> 4"� <br /> 17.Tnnd�r of the�opert or a Beaetici�!Intarest ia Ho�rQw}�e. If dl or iny p�rt ot the perty or�ny� <br /> irttetest in It is wld or uandenrad or ii a benetici�l interost in HormwRt i�,�old or uansferrod md Bocrower i�not� i� <br /> naturo!�st}~�!.�ti!!��!�r'e��+r weiann on�.snt�I,aadar may,wc�c�c►�t��.n�;n�m;��wl�.t,.�+.y.��E��R�dl at _ <br /> �11 eums securod by thi�Security In�trument. However, this optiac��1�1 e�nroi�ed by t,eed�r if��eoi�e b � <br /> prohibtted by tedor�l law u�ot thodate ot thie Security Instrument. <br /> If I.ender exercleoa this option�Lender sh�ll�lva Borrower nodca at+IwY:elar�tlon.The notioe ahaDl pcovids a period <br /> ' 01 not laee th��30 daya from the d�u the nottce ts delivered or m�Iled wttiv��r w ich Bocrower must p�y dl�ums�ecured <br /> _— - by this Sa;urlty Inetrument.lf Borrower faila to p�y theso eumspcto�tu th4,e: r�tfon ot thto period,I.aider may involce <br /> - any ramed�ae pormitted by this Security Inatrumant withaut f urthor nati�p or �na�►d on AarcoNer, <br /> �� !8. Bnrrower's Riaht to Rsjootate.If Borrnwer moetz artaln qa,.^ditiat�a,Barrower shell have the ri�ht to have _ . <br /> '�: e�niocvement oi thia Security Inewment diecont�nuod at any timo pria�r,tct the earlier of:(a)S d�ys(or euch other peria! <br /> - - as�pp�icabie law may epoc�fy for retnstaument)b e ioro e�le of tho P pqcty purswr►t to anypowa of e�le contatned in <br /> - --- thie Socudty ]natrumatt; or Sb) entry of a jud�ment entorcin�tl�s� oS cunty Inatrument. T haea conditiona aro that <br /> _ Borrower: (t) paYa Lender�11 suma which then would be due und,cr this Soc��r�ty Insuument and the Nou�e it no <br /> - — acceleration had occurrod: (b)cures any default of�ny other covoru►t�t�s or a�reemente;(c)�ye atl expensea incurrad in <br /> — _.—__.— entorcin�this Security Inatrument,including,but not limited W,raena�ble attornoys'fas;and (d)talcea such action as <br /> - -- _-- _--- Lende�may rea�o�ably rdquire to�sauro that tho lien of thia Soaucitp Inauument,Lender's ri�hta in the Proporty and <br /> -� Bomower's obli$ation to p�y the sums aecured hy thia Security Instruncaentsh�ll continue unchan�md.Upon reinststement <br /> by�a Security lnstrument and the obligations secured hwn+by shall remain fully efixtive ss ii no accoleratlon <br /> had occurred.However,thia right to reinstAtsahall not ipply i n th4 cn�s of accel�ration under puagnph 17. <br /> ���_-��,� 19.Ssle of Note;Chansc of Lwa Servicer.The Nota or s�rtia intocest in the Note(w�ether aith thia Security <br /> ' °°-- Instrumenty msy be sold one or more times without prior notice tq Borcower,A eale may result in a clunge in the entity <br /> ��:.�. . (known as the"Lan Servicer")th�t collocts monthly payments dua under tho Note and this Security Inatrument.There <br /> ' � ��`'" also ma be one ar more ctun es of tha l.oan Servicer unral�tRd tc�a s�le ot the Nou. It thero is a clunYe of the l.oan <br /> °e�:�:::•;x��,. . Y S <br /> � ,,;�.,,-:;.rt'.�• Servicer,Horcower will be given written�atice o[tha chan�e tn aGGas'tl�ace with p�raEra h 14 ibove and applicable la�r. -- <br /> .�'r' �hi!�Yr`�',�.0 <br /> -r t .:�.;,"r. � Tho notic�wtU state the n�me and address oi the new Loan S�:rviaRr and the addrese to w ch p�ymants should be made. <br /> w,:..�.... .r•r. � <br /> �� �--.� +-�,�k The nottce will also contain any other information required by appliSeble law, <br /> - 1 .::-, 20. Hazardous Subat�nces.&�rrower shall not cause orpsrmit the presence,uso.dispoeal,atonee,or release of <br /> ��• . . , �-, any Htz�rdoua Substances on or in the Pro�erty.Borrower eha11�n�t do,nor allow anyona else to do.anyth�n�aftectine <br /> r::,:,: ., ��,? ,.., <br /> . .�:.,._ the Property that is ii►violatian ot any Environmenta l L aw.The p t.a c�ding two santences shall not ap�y to e prosence, <br /> ' r��. use, or stom�e on the Property of small quantities oi Hezard�us Substances thtt aces �eneraily reco�r»�ed to b� <br /> f:i:::.::'c`::i�"'•:`�,.'�, appropriate to normal residential uses and to mainunance of tlu;Ptoperty. <br />: � _; ? Borrower shall promptly give I.onder written notice oi any investigatian,claim,demand,lav�suit or other action by <br /> � � ' any governmental or regulatory agency or private pxrty invc��'in� the Property and an� Haz�rdous Substance or <br /> •. Environmental Law of which 13oaower h�s actual knowledga.If�porrower learns,or�s notified by any�overnmental or <br /> - ... regulatory authority. that any removal ar othar remediatioa at 4ny Hszardous Subsunce�ffxting the Property is <br />_ _ ;;d;�.:µ;�;T^_i�. .r� necessary,Borrower shell promptl�r take all ne�essary remodial aataons�n accordance with Environmenu+l Law� <br /> . As used in this paragraph�0, Hazarduuy oubo�►nu��"ara tt�;sa sut4�nc�daiinr�a.toxic or ha�rdon....ubrsaas� <br /> � �'• :i by Environmental and the following substances:gasolina,lcerasene,other flammsble or toxic petroleum products, <br /> . toxic pesticides and herbicides, votatile solvents, meterial� conuimn asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive <br /> � matenals.As used in this paragraph 20,"Environmentel l.�w"means f�eral laws and laws oi the�urisdiction whero the <br /> Property is located that relate to health,safaty or environmen�.rl�'otection. <br /> ' � � NON-UNIFORMCOVENANTS.Borrowerand I.�ndor furthercovenantanda�ree asfollows <br /> , 21. Acceleration; Remedias. Lender shall �ive natica to Borrower prior to �ccelesatina followin� <br /> '" Borrower's breach of any covensnt or s�reement in th�s Sccurity Instrumeat (but aot prior to acccleratioa _ <br /> und�r paraEraph 17 unlcss ap{�licabk law provides othtrwisa).The aotice shall specify:(s)the default;(b)t6e = <br /> aczion requ�red to cure the default; (c) a dste. not leae than 30 dsys irom the dste tho notice is �iven to *° <br /> �;. � . Borrower,by which the default must be cured;snd (d)thst failura to cure the default on or before th�dite -._ <br /> specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the Fur�ns secured by this 5ecurityInstrument and sale of � <br />:: �• the Property. The notice shall further iutorm Burr�war of the rig6t to reinstate after acceleration and th� '- <br /> �, � • • ri�ht to brin� a court action to assert the non-existerrsa of a default or my other dctense of Borrower to �; <br /> accoleration and as�le.If tho dotault is not cured on or baf<�ro the date specified in the notice, Lender. at its . <br /> • F� option, msy require immediatc payment in full oi all sccured by this Security Instrument wit6out _ <br />. � •• y. turther demsnd aad may invoke the power of sale asad any other remedies permitted by �pplicable fsw. - <br />� ° ' Lender shall be entitled to collect all exp�nses incurrad In pursuing the remedies provided in this para�raph _�' <br /> � 21.includinY,but nat limited to,rcasonable attorneye' toas snd costs nf title evideace. <br /> If the powe�of sale is in voked,Trustee sh�ll record u notice of dcfault in each couaty ia w6ich any psrt of . <br /> � . the Property is located and shall msil copies of such natice in the mann�r Qrescribed by applicable Isw to <br /> ' � -.+'�=:;�,,;;:;:` �� Borrower and to the other persons prescnbed by �pplicnbk Isw. After the t�me required by applicable law. _ <br /> �- " � ` Trustee shall give ublic not ice of salo to tha porsons�nd in the manner prescribed by�p licable law.Trustee. = <br /> �``�':�� � without demand on Borrower,shall sell the Propertp at public auction to the hi�hest b�dder�t the time aad - <br /> �,' • .r• pLce snd undor the terms designated in tha notico of snle in one or more p�rcels and in auy order Trustee R,� <br /> - ����� dctermines.Trustee m4y postpone sale of all or sny�parcal of the Prop�rty by public snnouncemeat at the " <br /> ; timC aad place ot any previously scheduled sala Lender or its desi�nee msy purc6ue the Property�t any ___ <br /> , sale. �; <br /> �� . ` :_ <br /> � fw�n 302� 9N0 . <br /> y � . . ,)• ..� ��sRW�t9t05�01 ��p 6 ee 0 ,'-'�. <br /> . . laltlilf: *�-, <br /> �•:Ka. . . -- <br /> .-, .•��$�t���r� ••,•--�---� - --+.+++�arw.n,r...�..�...»_. ., ...,h,,..�,,,,�....... •-..+..�--r-�.--...+r.r.�A�� <br /> — ��.i �'�3 '.. � � , • • t � <br /> —_— .i�i�f�..P• - - . . -.:(^;•1S�b�.r���.;Jf'�s . . <br /> . 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