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<br /> S. H�x*rd ar Property Ia�urancu. Bormwer eluU Iceep the improvemente now e�etin�or heroalter ereated on
<br /> ' the Property insurod a�in�c laM by fire�haza� inoluded�Ithln the term "eYtended wvera�e'and�ny othec haurd�,�
<br /> --_ - -
<br /> includir�flood�or ttoodin�{,t�r xhich Lenda�requira inwcanoe.Thi�inwrsnoe sh�il be maintained in tlu amount�
<br /> �rw ior ua pori�,�ir u�c i.o��:.r:�u3��. 'I'!;c isi:u�:z�w�,jo► �c��i�I� - t��� ;��;:r�: �t�!t t�,ct,c�s �-; �c; -
<br /> aubject to Lender'a approva!�htch�hall not be unra�on�bly withhold,If�rroMer idl�to mainutn oovera�e de�cdbad hi
<br /> � above,L'ender m�y,at I.ender'o option,obtain cova�e to proteot Lerider'�ci�i►u in the Propeety in aa�o�nve with
<br /> pea�rtph 7.
<br /> All lneunnce policies md renawale ahall be �ccoptablo to l.endor�nd sh�il Include a standard mort���e al�u�e.
<br /> __ _ Lander sh�ll have the right to hald tho policia md renewal�. Ii Londerrequiree. Horrower shill prompdy �ive to
<br /> "'=T-�--_� L.ender ail r�tpts afpaid premlums and renewil notices.In the event of loee,Bacro�er ehell�ive prompt nodce to the� �
<br /> ^:�: insunnce cacrier and Lender.Lander m�y make prooi ot iwe if not made prortptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unlees Lender snd Bortower othorwiso a�ree in wdtin�,imursnce proceede ehdl be ap{�tied to roeWatton or rop�ir
<br /> --° of tho Property damaQed,If the raetoration or ropair ia economiotlly fasible�nd Lender's eeourity ie not loeser►ad,Ii the
<br /> --�_.— rostoatian or rep�ir ie not xonomically te�stbte or L,onder's eeeurity would be laaeened,the tnsurance proceeds shdl be
<br /> =--- �pplied to the sums securod by thia Security Inatrument,whathor or not thon doe,wIth any aYCeas pid to Borrower.[i
<br />- .�
<br /> �._._
<br /> ____� _,__.______, Borrower abandone the groperty,or does not mawer withtn 30 daya�notice 4rom L.ender that the insurance carr�er �s
<br /> ofleced to oettle a alaim.then Lender may colteat the fttaunnoe proceeda.Lender mty uee the proceads to rep�ir or
<br /> reetore the Property or to psy sums eecured by this 3eourity Instrument,whether or aot then due.The 30-day period will
<br /> be�in when the natice is given.
<br /> — U»less Lender and Bonower otharwise a�ree in writtng,any application af proceeds to pcinclpel ahali not es�tend or
<br /> _ _ ____�,�� postpone the due data of the monthly psyments referred to in paragr�phe 1 and 2 or chan�e tho�mount ot thepaymente.
<br /> -- - Ii under pan�raph 21 the Property �s acquired by Lender, Borrower a right to�ny insurance policiea and proceeds
<br /> ", rcsulting from dama�o to the Praperty prior to the acquisition ehall p�ss to Lendcr to tho oxtent of the sums eecured by
<br /> ' � � this Socurity tnstrucr.:nt immedistely pnur tu tl��acquisition. -
<br /> ` b.Qecupancy.Preservatioa�Maintensnca�ad Protection of the Property;Borrower's Loan Applicstion;
<br /> �� Lwaeholde.Borrower shall occupy,astablish,�nd use the Property as Borrower's pdncip�l ibsidance within sixty dsys
<br /> ° �' r�''�...��' '�� after the execution of thia Secudty Instrument and shdl continuc to occupy tho Property es Borrower's princip�l
<br /> � ' '' residence for at last one year�ftec the dato of occup�ncy,ut►less Lender othorwise�graes in writing,ahich consent shall
<br /> %'i:,; ,,�' ',;� ', not be unreasonably withheld,or unless extanuttinQ circumstences exist which ate beyond Borrower's control.Borrawer
<br /> ' y� �• t shall not destroy,damage or impair the Property.�llow the Property to d�uriorate.or commit waste on the Property.
<br /> � '1'A� '.°• ' (
<br /> '� •�����" ;;;�: :��� Horrower ehall be in default if any for[eiture�etton or proceedtng,ahather civil or criminal. ie begun that in Lender's
<br /> � � ;.;.:�-��`'����:' good faith judgment could result in forteituroof the Property or otherwise mttecielly impsir the lien created by this
<br />'.,, . �#ti�;�,tii�w.,�- Security Instrument or Lender's security inutest. Borrower may cure such a deisult and reinsUte. �s provided in
<br />�-t.�. •a ,�;w..,:;i`;'�;.s, paragraph 18, by causing the action or procoedinE to be dismissed with a ruling that. in Lender s �ood fatth
<br /> ' -��'�'-'�'� -�� determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's intereat in the Property or other matarial impairment of the lien
<br /> :ina�:a.•_y,,�'��f
<br /> ;Y;.��,�•,�a;,;;. ..r created by this Securit'y lnstrum�ui ur I.C,idci'e s�curity intec�st.Borrau�r shal!alsa t� in datsult if�cmr�er�aurinr
<br /> ,..�.�..�
<br /> . • . � . •� the loan application pracess, gave materially false or inaccurate iniormation or statements to Lender (or failed to
<br /> � " provide Lender with any material iniormation)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including. but not
<br /> "{<;, �. limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If thia Security __
<br /> ' �'�' ' Instrumant ie on a leasehold,Horrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease.If Borrower acquires fee title to
<br /> .,:, ,,,
<br /> � .���:.;_ tho Ptoparty,the leasehold and tha fee title ahall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing,
<br /> � • 7. Protectioa of I.endor's R{ghts in the Property. If Horrower faila to perform the covenants and a$reements
<br /> , oonteined in thia Secudty Tnstrument,or there is a legal proceedtng that may si�nificantly affect Lender's ri�hts in the
<br /> ; • Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probete, for condemnation or forteiture or to en4orce laws or -
<br /> - regulations},than Lender may dn and pay for whetever ia nece.ssbry to protect the value oi the Property and Lender's � '
<br /> ,t,;; _ • .,
<br /> righte in the Property. LCnder's actiona mey include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this _
<br /> ,�; . Security Instrument,appeoring in court,paying reasonable attarneys fees and enteri ng on the Property to make repairs.
<br /> . � ' Although Lender may take action undEr this paragraph 7,Lender does not have to do so. �t ��
<br /> Any amounts disburseJ by Lendrr undcr this paragraph 7 shall become additional desbt of Borrowersecured by this �_
<br /> , _ ; ,�',.,4 Security Instrument.Unless Norrower and I.ender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest
<br /> ;�'�•� from tha date of disbursemrnt at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon notice from I.ender to Borcower
<br /> ,Fry..
<br /> - • requesting payment. ��
<br /> • 8. MortPaEe Insurance. If I.ender required mortgage insurance as a condition ot making the loan secured by this ,�.;
<br /> Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insur�nce in etfect,If.for any '�-
<br /> ' � -t . reason, the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses ar ceases to be in efiect,Borrower shell pay the 4z�
<br /> '!�`r' ` remiums r uired to obtain covera e substantiall uivalent to the mort a e insvrance reviousl in effect,at a cost ;.-:"
<br /> � �. .�;•,.f P e�'1 g Ye9 8 S P Y
<br /> �r;,;,�,:'; • ' .;., substantielly equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in etiext,trom an alternate �:�
<br /> *'' mortgage insurer epproveci by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance c�verage is not available,
<br /> .:: �' $ormwer shgll pay to Lender each month a sum equal to nne-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being �V'
<br /> ..•,-�.' � "� „' paid by Borrowor when the ins�rance coverage Iapsed or ceased to be in effec:t.I.ender will accept,use �nd retain these •
<br /> ;� •�~;=..-... „ r �.,�
<br /> paymCnts ss a loss rc�serve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required, ��
<br />-��,•,,, ' ' .+ •• -
<br /> fV- ` �
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