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. Mtr. <br /> �,,...�..._� . � . • .. -:�. <br /> ��•� �.,.�._. <br /> �.� �,•. i _ �."�"� _ • - =---- <br /> �'�� -_ � _.� <br /> 93•so��� <br /> pariode thut l.ender tequiros. The inrurwice c+uricr providing the lnsurAnce rh�li be cho�en by Barmwer�ut�lt+ct t�l.endrr5� <br /> r�ij.r3�wf�:nki���11 nui�unr•a:�atsly�.ithfiald. !f 8arroti:er fsils to tsiaitttsia crnrr�e��e°=rltw!et+�rc.!rn�rhpy:a <br /> ' l.ertdark o{»icxt,ubluin covera�e to protect l..enderk�ighh in tha Propeny in uccardence with parugmph 7. <br /> Alt inKUrynce�wliclex und rcnewalh nhull be acceptuble ti�l.ender�nd xhall include�►xtandud martgAga cl�ure. Lendcr <br /> Khull hNVC the right tu hold the p��Hcie+und renewrlr. If Leixkr rcyuircs,Barrowe�nhull pn►mptly give m Lendcr all nxripls� <br /> uf�id prrmiutn++u�iJ renewul nuticex. In ehe cvcnt of Inxs,Bumower.hall�ive prompc notice to tho inwranc�cwrior und <br />�fior. lxnder may mukc prcwf of losx if not made prcxnpNy by Born�wer. <br /> -��------_----� 1�nlr,�.I.endrr xixl Horrower n�herwir:e ugn�e in writing,in+urunce prc�ceeds shull be upplicd t�nesto�ution or ropuir of <br /> — th�.: F'n�perty demnged, if thr rc+tomtian or rc��ir iv ec�nnmicully feusiblc and Lcndcrk sc�uriry is not lesscnal. If thn <br /> s• rcr.tur��iun �K npuir ix nat ecanomicully feurible ar Lcnderti security would be le+r�ened.the in+�urnnce proreeds xhAll be <br /> �+�liad ta N►c �umx+w�cund My thiti Sccurity Instrument. whcther or not then due,with uny cxcess paid ta Buttawer. If <br /> H�xrowor aMunJ�x�n thc Pa►perty.�x dc�x not unswer within 3U duys a notice from I.ender thut the inxun►nce carrior hus <br /> uUered to xttiv u cluim,then Lender may coltect the insur:mce prcxeeds. l.ender muy use the praceeds ta repai�or rest�ra <br /> iF�:Nn�ry�rty or tu puy xumx tiecurcd by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day prriad wHl beBin whan <br /> — thu n�Htcr is Eivrn. <br /> U��Ie��I.c�Klcr und Borrower utherwitie agree in wriNng.uny upplication of procceds ta principul xhall nat extend ar <br /> �r,l�x►nr tFc duo dute nf tix:monthly p:►ymrnts refemed ca in purasruphy I und 2 or change ti�amcwnt of tho paymentF. lf <br /> umkr purugruph :1 thc F'n�p:rty iti acyuired by Lender, Boreowerk right to uny insurancc policies and proceeds resulting <br /> - fr<�nt dumuge tu thr F'�t�ny pric�r to the acyui.r•ition.r•hull puns to Lender ro the extent of the sums secured by this Security <br /> Inxirw���nt immediutcly priur tu thr ucyuisit ian. <br /> - 6, lkcuprncy. I'reservutlun, Mointen�nce And Protectbn oP the Praperty; Hurrowcr's Loan Applicntion; <br />`°' Ixw�rlw►Id+r� &xruwer+hull�xcupy,r,tuhlitih,und use thr Proprrty as Borrower;principul mtiidenre within sixry duys aftpr <br /> tiK:rxrruti��n uf thi.r S��:uriiy In,irun�ut und shuii continue to excupy she Praperty us Borrower's principi�l mr�idence fnr at <br /> Icu�t �w�c y�ur uper thc dutr .►f �xcu�nc�r. unless Lendrr othcrwise aFrees in writin�!. which conxent sha11 nat be <br /> unrca��Hmhly withhetd,ar unlexs extenuuting circum+tnnceti rxitit which ure beyond Bormwer's ca�trol. Borro�ver tiht�U nol <br /> - d��truy,dumngc��r impair ihe H�nprrty,allow the Prnperty t<�dctcriorutr,�rr cammit wa+te an the Property. Borrower shull <br /> ix tn Jcl'�ult if uny ti�rtciwn�ictiun or pr��ceeding, whethrr civil or criminul,ix brgun thut in Lender's good fuith judgment <br /> . ., r�wld n*ult in ti�rl'oiture i►f'the R��}xny or othcrwisc mutcrially impuir the lic�cmuted by this Security Inrtrumant or <br /> I.v�xlur�.rrurity intcrr�t. B�►rc��wcr muy rurc+uch u d�fault und reintit•rtc,a�providcd in parugruph cuuxing tht action <br /> j or �tt�kerdin�t tu I+e Ji+:mis.ed with u ruling th�it,in L.enJer+gcxxi faith determinution,prccludeti forfeiture of iho Bnrr�werk <br /> intcrc.i in Uk 11•o�xrty ur ath�r nwterial nnpnirnunt of tlw: lirn creuted by this Security In,trument or Lender's security <br /> inlrrc�t. liorri�wcr �hnll ul+u Ix in dcfault if Rorrow�r. during ihe loan uppliratian prcxc��, gavc mutcrially fulr.�: a� <br /> ,.• fn�icrurat�intiamnd�Ni ur�tuteu�cnt+to I.cnder li�r fuiled to pmvidr Lendcr with uny matcriul infortnution)in connection wfth <br /> th�.: I�►nn rvidrnced hy t!ir Nat�, including, hut nat IimiteJ to, repretienintians conerrning BniTOwer's acupuncy of thc: <br /> NY�xny u,n prinri�d,m�idcncc. If thi,S�:ruriry Instrument i,un u Icasehold.Borrowcr shull c��mply with all thc provi�i�n� <br /> - t'r"°-';:�'-�'* '� : ' at�tlu:Icn+r, If Ii��rrnWrr:wyuin�fee tiUe to Inr H•a�xrty,the icuschoid nnd thc tec titic rhuff uut mdi�r uttiess Le�dor agrc:.s <br /> , .. w�Ixt nwrgcr in w�iting. <br /> 7. ProtectWm of I.rnder'� Riuhts In the Prupertw If Burrawcr fuil+ to perform the covenunt� and agrcementh <br /> r�aua�ined In thi, tircurit� In+trument. �K theR i. u Ieg:d prcxeeding th•rt muy tiigniticumly affect Lender's rights: in thF <br /> � I�r.qx�ny(rach a+;�pr�xccding in han{.ru�t�y.�r�,nz�c�,for con�cmnuticm or ti�rtciwR or to cnfonc luws or regulinian�).then• <br /> � !.�nder mny d�►and p��y li,r whntrv�r i�nucr,.t�r�� ti�prutect the value of thr R•��}xrty nnd Lenderz right�in the Prc►peny. <br /> L�ikkr',uctiun�muy inrlude puyin�: ;my•um•xecumd by a lien wliirh hu.priority c,ver this Security Imeniment.appearing <br /> in roun.�Nlyltlj!R+IWNltlhli:utornryti'tec. :md rnt�ring on thr F'ro{xrty ta make rcp:+irs. Although Lender muy uike actinn <br /> . . utakr Ilnn���w�tr.iph 7.I.endrl'J�k+nnt ha�c lu da,u. <br /> , :.�:_� ..:,� Any ,umK�nt,ditihuncd hy L.nJ�r unJrr thiti piu�gr;�ph 7 ,hall bccom�aidditiunul JcM of Burro�rcr urured b�� thi� <br /> lrcwit� In+,lrumG•ut. l�ntr�.liurmurr:nxl I.rn�lrr a�:rec tuuAi�r trrni,uf paymrnt,thr,r umnunts ch��ll txar imvma fit�m thc <br /> d:�tc nl dr.Mu..•uirnt .0 tlk N�We ratr a��l .h��ll ixr payuhle.with interc�t.upan rn�tice from Lcnder to Borro�ver reyurtiting - <br /> puyuk nt. <br /> �..�•.�•, 8. �1�KIUuK�� latiurut�ce. U IxnJcr r�yuir�d mnrtga�e imur:mr�a. u c�mJitiun�it'mukin� the loan secured by this - <br />, . *. 5�cu�ity lu.t�um��nt. li�►rn,u�r ,hsd! pa} thr prrmiutn. reyuir�d tu maintain the morig�g�in>urunre in rf'fect. !f. for any <br /> � •� �ra,�a�. thr mnrtKnp�� intiurance �•u��•rage rryuiird hy l.rndrr la���e� or c�a.e. �o lx in�ffert. Borrrnver tinall puy the <br /> ' • ` �nrnnum� icq�n��d tu�►hwin c�nrr.�Fr �ulni:imi;dl} cyui�alrnt h+ thr ►nrnygawr insuranrc pre�• in rffcrt. ut a cost <br /> ,u1�,t,ui11u11� ripu�uli�nt w thr r��.t���liurr��wrr�,I'thr nwn�age in.uranre prcviou�ly in rt'I'o�t.frc�m :m alt�mate nmrtgugr <br /> n�,m��� u�qn��«�d M I.rnder If.ul,�tunti,il l�c��aivalrnt m�ntga�;r in+ur:�nce roecragr i.nuI uvailaMe.Borr�»rer shull p�►y tu <br /> • . I �•nd���r:�ch nwnth�+,mn��ynul a�„rn�•tKUltili��t tli��yrarly m��rtg:►ge in,ur:mre premium Ixing.puid N�•Burm�verwhen the _ <br /> ," r in.w��n�.•.nvri.�p�•I��px•d�n c�•u+.•d tu Ix��n rlle��. I.rnJrr N ill arrrpt.uu and trtiain the,r puymcnt.u,a Iu.,rr.�rvc in licu = <br />--- -��r al �unuF���:r mhoi.�n�r. L�,•.�c,cn.• puy�i�.•nt.msn• nu lun�rr Ix �•equired. at the urtiun af L�ndrr. if m��rtgnge imurcmre <br /> _• .t. <br /> . c.��ri.��.• I a�Ih���unn►nu�nd I��r�hr �x•n�Kl Ih�u Lrnd�•r rrquire.�pru�•ru�d h��nn in�unr:ippn�vc;l h�•Lcndcr uguin Fxromc� _ <br /> � u�r�lablr.�ad i.nh��unril.liurn�w•�•r,hull p:p thr p��m�um.rcyu�r�d to maint:iin mungagr in.ta�uir�in et'fer4 ur W pnwiJe u <br /> ;;_'� a.. " ln..t�•w•�u•.unUl Ihi��r�ptn�m��nt lur�nuttgugc in.rurrncc rnd�in ucrurdnncr�vith en� N•riucn ugrormrnt t►ct�cccn Bormwrr <br />..� /- :• -..�w AIMI I�'IN�'1�N .I���IIIi'11I1��1 I:HV =-� <br /> �: � � V. Ih►�vtWm. I..•odri ��r u, :�µrut m+rv nr,��.e ieu.��nuhle rntri�� u�x.n und in�Fxrtium ��f thc 1'rorrrty. Lrndrr.hull - <br /> . .•""��= y��r({nnua�•i �N� Ihr Inn�•ul����mui a�nn inti�x•cu��n��x•rd'yin�:rc:i,unahlr rau.r tiir the i�np.�tion. <br /> .`"� '��.,:r:Ya.. IY. /'��n1��utMrtl. I h���q�K'�'CIIy I�I .�n� awind u� claun li�i doma��..dirrct or cunncrtion with uny - <br /> ' •..,�t. ,��. � 1m;6 I.mnh F�wnM•\1w M'rrddk•�tw t\1FtIK\t l\S'1'RCMt?\1'•-Vnihrm Cm�•n;uun Vi411 r�r.r�r+„/n�rr�e.0 <br /> Y �in11aRe+&rucsPa�.lnc ■ - <br />�.-- _ . _ <br /> . ;+�eq a,'y Tu•�EOU:i;1PA'1!13�7 NAk R167Y1•��5� __. <br />—i -- <br /> � ---- - r- ....�r IICil�:a '��.. ..�...,ii . . ...... _ .° �' <br /> _ � _ .1. -..h•..�ci.r.Y.`��—��• '�•�,L;izit.� ;. '.. _ ,, <br />�t�,L. .�l'�ry.... �.h...r. i�: ...1�•:S. - - --�`L�itiii(hja�'7dG��S.. v�oi,J���' <br /> - - --," -�_'- ------- --- ---- -- <br /> .�. <br /> _ --- -- -� ---_ __....-_._ . . __ .. . _._ _ .._ _ ._._---- --- - - -- ._....-- - __ .. _. .. . __. _ .. _ <br /> --}:°. . .._ ..:. , . .. ' <br /> - ;. '� .- . • . - a$ xptKy`. > _-. .. . . <br /> - . . . ` . .,. .. <br /> . . .. . . 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