�.—,+i+��r.Y� y,� .n .. _—=_-
<br /> .._ _,.__. ---'..r� •
<br /> condemnatlon or cuher ulcin�of iu►y purt of tt�e�vpcny,or for convcyunce in lieu of cnndcmn�ion,1�he�rcbyA I�ned nr�d
<br /> _ -- .^.ha!!�p�ft!so l.�r.
<br /> in the event of �► tatal taking of the !'roperty, the proceeds shull be applied to the xums �ecured by this Secudty
<br /> in�trnment,whether or not then due,with any cxces�paid tu Bomower. 1n the event of a pxrtiul takin� of the Propeny in
<br /> which the fair market value uf thc Pra�erty lmmediately befo�the teking is equai to or g�Ater ths�n thc amount of the sums
<br /> -� � securcd by this Security Instrument immediutely before tha taking.unless Bortower and Lender othenvl�e agrce in wridng,
<br /> the sums securcd by this Secudty Instcument shall be r+educed by the amount of the proceedF multiplied by the following
<br /> �`�,_.. - fractlon: (x)the[ae!umount of the sums�:ecured lmmediutely beforc the tc+king,divided by(b)thc fuir market value of the
<br /> :}: � Property immediutely bcforc thc tnking. Any bulunce shall bc paid to Botrowe�. In the event of a purtial taking oC thc
<br /> r � Property in which the fulr market value of thc Propcny immediutely beforc tbe taking is Icss thun thc amount of the wms
<br /> -_, secur�ed immediutely before the tuking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwihe ugnee in writing or unlesc upplicable lnw
<br /> �_ - otherwir,e provldes,the proceeds shall bc applied to the sums sxured by this Securiry Insttument whether or not the sums urie
<br /> = then due.
<br /> — If the Property is abundoned by Borrowar.or if,uft��notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to muke
<br /> - _��,�_� an awerd or setde a cltiim for d�m�ges,Borrower fails to rcspcmd to Lender within 30 davs aftcr the dnic thc notice is given,
<br /> ___°'"'�+ Lender is authorized to collect and app{y the praceeds,ut its option,either to rc�toration or repuir of the Property ar to the
<br />— � sums�ecured by this Security ln�ttument,whether or not then due.
<br />- ,.�,�� Unless Lender and BcHrower othenvise:�grcc in writing,any upplirution of proceed.r•to principal shull ncx extend o:
<br /> �;.'��,� postpone thr due date of the mnnthly puym�nts refcrred to in puragraphs i und 2 or change the amount of ruch puyments.
<br /> — --- -- 1 L BcKrower Nut Rekased; Forbearynee By I.eode� Not a Waiver. Exte�sion of the time foc puyment or
<br />�_:���:�:-�..,
<br /> ;R;� —�—�--�°�a modification of amonization of thc sums secumd by this Security insirument granted by Lender to uny succe+sor in interrst
<br />-"�`�� of Bort�ower tihi+il nat operute ro releuse the lirability of the original Borrower cx Borrower's successon in intercst. L.ender
<br /> '`' ` "- s6u{I not Ue reyuired to commence prciceedings nguinst any successor in interest ar refase to extend tirne fcx�puyment or
<br /> t''«..1�Fi`��+�
<br />`�'::�r`� :, ,� aherwise modify amortiaation of the sums secured by thi�;Security Instrument by reason of any demund made by the originul
<br />::;:���: �.,�_�-��;�.,. ,�.:..., Borrower or Borcower:s succeswrs in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in eaercising any right or remedy shsl!not be a
<br /> ,�,���.... •Y ., ;; waiver of or preclude the exercitie of any right or remcdy.
<br /> ?•�.•:�t ..� r••;v> 12. Successors and As.signa Bound;Joint and Severat LiAbility;Casi�ners. The covenants and agreements af thi.
<br /> " '�`� ��'���:� Security lnstrument shall bind and benefit the tiuccessarn und ussigns of Lender und Borrower,subject to the provitiians of
<br /> ,����;�� . :
<br /> ' ���.,-•�•- �± ' parug�aph 17. Bo�TOwer's covenunts and ugrcementx shull 1�joint and several. Any Boaower who co-sigm this Security
<br /> ' :'f�?'✓::�•=,.="��;�: .. :'•� E S Y Y E'S •F' Y
<br /> ;-�••�•� Instrument but does not execute the Note: (u)iti rn-zi nin this Securit lnstrument onl to mort r e r int und conve that
<br /> '�����t��' ` "' *= Borrower's intere�t in the Praperty under the tenns of thiti Security Inxtrument; (b)iti not pcnonally obligated to pay the sumh
<br /> .•..; , . .
<br /> ��;.:�; �..• . ,.. , ticcumd by thiti Security In,trument;und(c)ugmes that Lender und uny ather Borrower muy ugrce to extcnd,modify,forbear
<br /> " '� or muke an accommodAtions with re,urd to the tertns of thi� Securit lntitrument or tlx Note without that Borrowerk
<br /> -- tir";!;.:..;.., ;�' y • F Y
<br />:��: .�,���,��':...• ' �t conscnt. -
<br />•A;_� . }�{,�y�'..p��r:.��� >>y 13. Lot�n Cherges. If the Innn ucured by this Security Inxtrument i� subject to a law which s�ts muximum loun
<br /> yi"� ," -•• � chu�geti,und that luw i�hnully mterprrted,a miu the intercst or other ioan charges cailecud or w br culircted in�vwieciiou
<br /> ' with the loan exceed the pennitted limits,then: (a)any xuch I��un churge xhall lx rcduced by the umount necesxary to mdure
<br /> �� � the char€e to the pennit[ed limit: and(b1 uny�umx ulnudy collected from B�+rn�wer which exceeded permitted limits will he
<br /> " rcfunded ta BoROwer. I.ender may chcx�.r ta mukr this refund hy redurin�thc prinripal��wrd under the Note or hy muking u
<br /> • din�ct payment to Borrowcr. If u rcfund rcduces principuL the mduction will tx treuted uti a punial prepuyment without any
<br /> ' ' pmp;iyment char�c undcr thc N�itc.
<br />� �:, � • - • 14. Notices. Any notice to Borri�wer pruvidrd tiir in thiti Securiry ln�trument rhull tx fiiven hy cklivcring lt or by
<br />_ ,u.;.,,-•t. .. .�,,., . mailing it by tint clu.�muil unlc..applic:iMc luw rcyuin�,u,e��f unuthrr mrQuxi.The notice tihall lx direrted to the Praperty
<br /> F ."-.�..°� • Add�tiz or:my i�tlicr addre.y F3�irm��cr dr,ign�►tc.hy noticr to Lendrr. Any notirc to LcnJrr shall tx givcn by ft�st clus�
<br /> , k..:. . muil to I.rndcr±addrex.tituted herrin ur any uthrr addrc„Lender de.ignatr�b} nutice t��Barcower. Any ��otice provided far
<br /> !� t K{;,..,<<,.•.�.�•-"*�- in this Sccurity hutrumrnt .hall fx dcemed a, huvr Ikcn �ivcn to Barrower ur Lcndrr whcn given as proviJed in this
<br /> -,,tix. ; �._ purugraph.
<br /> � � ,'•:,'-. �' I5. Governing l.aw; tieverability. Thiti Srrurity In+trument ,h:dl Ix govrrn�d by fcdcrul luw and thc taw of thc
<br /> ��� jurisdiction iti which the Pn�perty is Icxutrd. In thr event thut uny provi.ian or dau.r of'thi,Scrurity Intitrumrnt or the Notc
<br /> , �. - , conflicts with a�pplieuhle law.�unc�onflirt�hull not ufl'rct oth�r pruvi.iun.��f thi�Security In�trument or thr Note whirh ran
<br /> . ; � y� be givcn effrct without thc cuntlicling provi.rion. Tii thi.cnd thc provitiiom uf thi.Srruriry Ai�trument und thc Note ure
<br /> ,� . " dcrlured to lx��vcruhlc.
<br /> , • ' 16. $orrower's Cop��. Fiurrowrr,hidl�x givrn�mr cunti�m�rd copy of thr hutr anJ of thi�Sccurity Imtruntcnt.
<br /> ' � , . 17. 7Y�nsfer of the Prnperty or�Kenetiriul Intcretit in Borrow•cr. lf aU or:my purt�►f thr Pro�;ny or uny interest in
<br /> it iti u�ld�+r tr,m,fcrred I��r it'u txneticial intrrc.t in Burn��ecr iti .i�ld ur tran.terred and Burniw�r is nut a natural penon)
<br />� ar-c�- without Lcndcrti prior wrincn ccrosent.Lrndrr tnu}�.at it.uptiun. rcyuirr immcJititr p:i}•mcnt in tull of ull,umti,crured by
<br /> =Q.;�„?+ ,.,,,c : 'y:. this Security In�ttument. Howevrr.►hi�optiun,hull not tx rxerci�ed hy l.ender it'oxrrritir i.r pruhibitrd t�y fedcral law us oF
<br />-<: '"�'' • the d»te��f thi+Scrurity Imtrument.
<br /> - '''� 4" If Lrndcr exeiriu.thi,optiun.I.cndrr�hcdl giv�Burtu�vcr noticr i�f acrcicr:�tiun. Thc nutirr.h:�ll pr<widc a Exriud of
<br />��l :' � . _. .
<br /> not Icss thun 30 day+from thc datr thc notirc i�dclivrmd ur mailyd�sithin a•hich B�,rrow•cr mu�t pay all.um,tieeurcd hy thi.
<br /> ;y y.�:� .,,� ' Scruriry lnstrumcnt. If Borrowcr tail.ti� pay thr,r sum, prior ta thr rxpirui�m uf thi. �xricxi. Lrndrr mcry invukc uny
<br /> ■,:E . � .' , .' mmediex prrniiued by thi,Srcurity In.trmnent withow funher nutice or drm:md�m t3orruwer.
<br /> �,�. '':�1i:i�%:,�,a,: .: 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reinstatr. If Bi�rrc�wrr mcct+ rcrt:►in r�mditionw Burrowrr �hall havr thr right to huvc
<br />�� ` '�:.. • . • cnforccment of this Security In+trument di�continurd.►t any timr priur tu thr rarli�r ut: la)5 da�•�(c,r��xh otNcr Exriod u,
<br /> �...:f; x.'n;'•'{�':`.' `
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