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1..r�' �H1r1^. {��'� `:! <br /> e . • -- <br /> .,:�;.',;f; 1.�C 'ji,;c:• � <br /> s,..� �. �•�..1 �s ry,r�r.� � � ' .,�. �- <br /> r ._ <br /> _-- � ------------ <br /> ::� `— —`� <br /> � 93- �/'� <br /> T()(��7'HER W1TH all the lmpmvert�en�s now or lxrcafter erected on thc propeny,und KIl Cr�lRCdlt�nuuer. <br /> --- «nd t��iur�:aau on c�rGtftcr a gast of the�y Ap rcQlacements and addldons shall al�o be covercd by thi�S�tuity <br /> InNrumenG Atl of thc foregoing ls rofcrrcd ta in this Sccucity lnstn►ment as the"P�'oPocty." <br /> BORROWER COVENAIVTS thet Borrower is lrwfuUy selard of the eitate hercby wnveyed aad tu�a the d�ht to�ant <br /> and convey the Property nnd that the Property ix unencumbered.except for encumbrances of rocord. Harower warrant��ad <br /> � - wfll defend�enenlly the titl�to the Property against aU cl�im�and demands,eubject w�ny encumbranca of rocad. <br /> THIS SECURITY WSTRLTMF.IVT combines un�fam covenants fa nation�l use �nd non-unifam cova�nti with <br /> __ �--------=-�-== limitcd varladons by judsdtction to constituu a uniform security insuument covering neal property. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Boaower and I.ender covenant and ag�+a as followa: <br /> ` 1. P�y�aent ot PrinctpA!�nd latereat;Prepayment�nd[.pte C6ar�a. Horrower shall promptly pay when due the <br /> princi of and intenest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any p�+epayment and lAte charges due undar the Note. <br /> � �nds tor'lyxes and Insuran��e. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender.BoROwer shsll pay to <br /> l.e�tder on tho day monthly payments are due under the Notc,until the Notc is paid jn full.a sum("Plu�da")for:(+�)yearly <br /> -- taues and acsesaments whlch may attaln pdaiq�over this Secudty Insuument as a lien on the Property;fb)Yearly lexsehold <br /> -°-�"`�--�-^m paymemr at gcound reats on the Property� if any; (c) yearly hazard or property inswunce prcmiums: (d) yearly flooei <br /> in�urwue premiums. if any; (e) yearly mortgage insurancc premiums, if any;and (�nnY sums payAbic by &Krowcr ta <br /> �,Q,,� nccordance wlth the provisians of paragrapfi 8,in licu of the payment of mortgage lnsurance prcmiums. Thece <br /> - • -— it¢ms erc callal"E.ccrow Items." Lender may,at any tIme.callect and hold Funds in an amount not to excced thc maximum <br /> -- umount a lendcr for a fcdecally related martgage loan may myuire for Borrower�escrow account undcr the federul Resd <br /> - ----'�"°- - Estsue Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from dnie to time, 12 U.S.C.$2601 e�seq.("RFSPA"),unlexx urKKt�er <br />- law that upplfes to the Funde sets a lesser amount. If sa,Lender may,at any time,coitect and hold Funds in an amount rwt to <br /> cxcced thc Iccser amaunt. Lender may csdmate the amaunt of HLnds due on the basis nf cun+ent data and crasonabk <br /> eWimAtex of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance wlth applicable law. <br /> Thc Punds shall ba held in an institution whose deposits are Insured by Y federal agency, instrumenWity,or cntity <br /> •� (Including l.ender,if Lendor is such an insdtution)or in any Federel Home Loan Bank. Lendcr shall upply the Ponds to pxy <br /> ��'�����-�1' �`' the F.�crow ltems. L.ender may not charge Borrawer for haldi�g and applytng the Flmds,annually analyzing the e.ccrow <br /> acc�wnt,ar verifying the Escrow Items, unless I.ender pays Borrower intemst on the Flmds and applicabie IQw permits <br /> ' "� " Lcndcr to makc xuch a charge. However,L,ender muy requine Bonower to pay a one-dme charge for an lndependent rcal <br /> estute wx rcparting service used by Lender in connecdon with this loan,unlcss applicable law provides otherwjse. Untess an <br /> •'� ' uQnxment ic rosdc or applicublc law raquires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be mquired to pey Borrower any intercxt or <br /> , ' eArningx cx�the f�ndx. Borrower and I.endcr may agree in writing,however,that interest shull be paid on thc Funds. Lender <br /> tihull give to Barmwer,without cherge.An annuul accounting of the Fl►nds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />�� purpoxe for whirh euch debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged uc additionai security for nll sums securcd by <br /> ' thiK 5ecurity In�tNment. <br />_ - --- .��y 5,,,,_�;._,��,,,.�; (f slie F't:stdx tttld by Lcndcr e�tcee� th!' amountc permitted to be held by applicublc luw, Lender shall uccount to <br /> • _ �!:�.,,.,.,......: .;u•:., Borrower fi�r thc excesx Funds in uccordunce with thc requirements of applicable law. If thc amount of thc�nds hcld by <br /> •�'•� � I.endcr yt�ny iitnc ix ni�t�uPfcient to puy the Bscrow Items when due, Lender may so notify Borrowcr in writing,and,in <br /> ,,:;+':,.;.a�. ,.k:�;� -� i such cuxe Burn�wer xhull ps►y to Lender the amount necessury to make up the deGciency. Borrower rhvll make up the <br /> ' �,. . 1 deficicncy in nu nu�re thun twclve monthly puyments,at Lender s sale discretion. <br /> �"i� �'.,.�� . �, Upunpuymcnt in f'ull c�f ull �ums sccurcd by this Security insuument. Lender.hali promptly rcfund to Borcower uny <br /> ;�:�-��;�;%�; -•�, �; Flmd+t�cld My l.enJcr. If,undcr purugraph 21, I.ender shail acyuirc or scll thc Propeny,Lender,prior ta the ucquisitian ar <br /> � ' � ,�+ sule of the Propeny.xhull upply any Funds heid by Lender ut the time of acquisition or sule uti u cmdit against the sums <br /> � � securcd by this Sccurity In�trument. <br /> '��" "' ' '' 3. Applicatlnn o�PwymenRs. Unless applicahle law provides othcrwisc, all p•rymentr rccc�ved by l.cndcr undcr _ <br /> ;��;,,,:, _;, ���;:';;:�� parugruph� 1 und 2�hull tx upplied:first,to any prepayn�ent churges due under the Note;second,to um�wnts payable under <br />' '; } -: � parugruph 2;third,to intcn+t duc;fourth,to princip:�l due;And lust,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> `� � , . 4. Chpr�eo: l.lene, Born�wcr shal� puy all taxes, ussessments, churges. fines and imposltions uttribumbla ta thc <br /> � Property which muy uttuin priority over this Security lnstrument,and]eusehold payments or ground cents,if any. Bcxrower <br />_ q„�,.�„� shall pay thexc nhligutiom in the mrnner provided in paragraph 2,ar if not paid in that munner,Borrower shall puy them on <br /> ' � ~ time din:ctiy to thc�r.on uwcJ puyment. Burrowcr shali prompdy furnish to Lendcr all noticrs of umount,to be pnid under <br /> . .y,� . . <br /> ' ��4 a,,.,. , • . th;s panigruph. If Hom�wrr mukc.thcxe puyments directly.Honower sh�ll promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing <br /> `� the prymentr, <br /> #r�!'���� •� Rormwer�hull prampUy diuhurgc uny licn which has prioriry over thix Security Instrumcnt unlesti Borrowcr:(a)agrecx <br /> ,�;,y;r,,,,_.. _ in writing t��the paynxnt ol'thc ubligution zccun�d Ny the Nen in a munner ucceptahk to Lender:tb)contests in gewd faith the <br /> lien by,ur defendti uguimt rnf��rcemcnt of thc licn in,Iegal proc:eedings which in thc Lendcr;opinion operate to prcvent the <br /> � '• enforcemem of tlx lirn;ix Ic)x�un.Trum thc holdcr of the lien un agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinuting the lien <br /> ��:'� ; "s.• <br /> � • to this Sr:curity ln�trumrnt. If Lcnder determines thut uny pxrt of the Property is sut►ject to a licn which muy attat�prio�ily __ <br />_—. '-'``'�.,.�..�,.;'.., over thh Securlty Imtruonnt.LrnJer m•ry give Burruwer u notice identif'ying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or tnke � <br /> _.v__� "" one or mocc uf thc uctium.rt 1'�►rth uMrve within IU dnys of the giving of notice. <br /> ___ � �;,;�' � S. Hwwcd ur 1'rupeMy In.vurynce. Borrowcr shall kccp thc improvements now cxisting on c�rcaftcr crcctcd on the _ <br /> ;;,. Propccty MsumJ uy�uimt 1����hy 1'ire,haiurd.includcd within the tcrm"extendcd c<rver.�ge"and any other hoxards,including <br /> . :r�..�.� •_.:., Floais or fla�din�, tiK whirh l.rndcr myuirc� in�urancc. This insurancc shull bc maintained in thc amountF and for thc <br /> �a:;:- <br /> - - ,y�'' `';°• Eorm 3021i 9/9Y (PaBe 2 oj 6 pagex) ° <br /> �tfi <br /> — f <br /> _.— �i���l <br /> "�L�r•:��`• <br /> Y. ' <br /> .ns i, <br /> ._� <br /> "� - -- -- — ..r..�-.� � - .y;,,,,R� �'V. .� '�1� _; ., —•r— <br /> - -'�F �' '� � r�u 1�.. <br /> �f��A.w.• -. . _ . . ., . �� " �$((�i,}�.f YYY � i]., AncJ++.� a. �� �..: <br /> q�+�#t'-,./,��lr�.�4�u;.i� .�- . � . .- 6{... � . �j ti l. 1 JC�. 1 � ' ;�- <br /> —' • ��h:�' . ._ .. : . 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